Esempio n. 1
    def get_info(self, requester, path, state=""):

        :param requester: requester
        resp = self.rs_query(requester, path)
        self.trace.append(trace("rs_query", "C<--RS", response=resp))

        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return Response(resp.text)

        if resp.status_code == 401:  # No RPT
            as_uri = resp.headers["as_uri"]
            if as_uri == self.baseurl:
                # It's me as it should be, means get a RPT from myself

                return self.get_info(requester, path, state)

                return R2C[500]("Wrong AS")

        if resp.status_code == 403:  # Permission registered, got ticket
            prr = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.text)
            kwargs = self.client.create_authorization_data_request(
                requester, prr["ticket"])
            resp = self.authorization_request_endpoint(
                kwargs["data"], kwargs["headers"]["Authorization"])
                trace("*authorization_request", "C<--AS", response=resp))
            if resp.status == "200 OK":
                return self.get_info(requester, path)

        raise UMAError()
Esempio n. 2
    def register_permission(self, resp, requester):
        prr = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.text)
        kwargs = self.client.create_authorization_data_request(
            requester, prr["ticket"])
        pre_trace("C-->AS", "authorization_request", **kwargs)

        resp = self.srv.authorization_request_endpoint(
            kwargs["data"], authn=kwargs["headers"]["Authorization"])

        post_trace("C<--AS", **repack_response(resp))

        return resp
Esempio n. 3
    def do_permission_request(self, prrs):
        pat = self.rs_handler.token['PAT']

        kwargs = {
            "headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % pat},
            "body": prrs}

        url = self.client.provider_info["rpt_endpoint"]
        resp = self.client.send(url, "POST", **kwargs)

        assert resp.status == "201 Created"
        return PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.message)[
Esempio n. 4
    def permission_registration_endpoint_(self, entity, **kwargs):
        The endpoint URI at which the resource server registers a
        client-requested permission with the authorization server.
        This is a proposed permission waiting for the user to accept it.
        request = kwargs["request"]
        _ticket = rndstr(24)
        logging.debug("Registering permission request: %s" % request)
        resp = PermissionRegistrationResponse(ticket=_ticket)
        self.permission_requests.add_request(_ticket, request)

        return Created(resp.to_json(), content="application/json")
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: rohe/pyuma
    def operation(self, resource, requestor, oper="GET", **kwargs):

        :param owner: user identifier
        :param requestor: The entity_id of the SP that requests the information
        :param attrs: which attributes to return
        param kwargs: extra keyword arguments
            state = kwargs["state"]
        except KeyError:
            state = rndstr()
            self.client.state[requestor] = state

            authn_method = kwargs["authn_method"]
            authn_method = ""

        resp = self.rs_query(resource, requestor, oper, **kwargs)

        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return Response(resp.text)

        if resp.status_code == 401:  # No RPT
            as_uri = resp.headers["as_uri"]
            resp = self.client.acquire_grant(as_uri, "RPT", requestor, state,
                                             self.acr, authn_method)
            return resp
            # elif resp.status_code == 302:  # which it should be
            #     # redirect that are part of the grant code flow
            #     headers = [(a, b) for a, b in resp.headers.items()
            #                if a != "location"]
            #     return Redirect(resp.headers["location"], headers=headers)
            # elif resp.status_code == 200:  # ???
            #     return Response(resp.text)
            # else:
            #     return R2C[resp.status_code](resp.text)

        if resp.status_code == 403:  # Permission registered, got ticket
            if state == "403":  # loop ?
                return {}
            prr = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.text)
            resp = self.client.authorization_data_request(requestor,
            if resp.status_code in (200, 201):
                return self.operation(resource, requestor, oper, **kwargs)

        raise UMAError()
Esempio n. 6
    def get_info(self, user, requestor, attrs=None, state="", **kwargs):

        :param user: user identifier
        :param requestor: The entity_id of the SP that requests the information
        :param attrs: which attributes to return
        :param state: Where in the process am I

        # The real requestor is <user>@<sp_entity_id>
        user_and_sp = "%s@%s" % (user, requestor)
        resp = self.rs_query(user_and_sp, user, attrs)

        args = {}
        for attr in ["authn_method", "password"]:
                args[attr] = kwargs[attr]
            except KeyError:
                args[attr] = ""

        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return Response(resp.text)

        if resp.status_code == 401:  # No RPT
            as_uri = resp.headers["as_uri"]
            return self.client.acquire_grant(as_uri, "RPT", user_and_sp, state,
                                             self.acr, **args)
            #if isinstance(resp, Redirect):  # which it should be
            # redirect that are part of the grant code flow
            #    return resp
            # elif resp.status_code == 200:  # ???
            #     return Response(resp.text)
            # else:
            #     return R2C[resp.status_code](resp.text)

        if resp.status_code == 403:  # Permission registered, got ticket
            if state == "403":  # loop ?
                return {}
            prr = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.text)
            resp = self.client.authorization_data_request(
                user_and_sp, prr["ticket"])
            if resp.status_code in (200, 201):
                return self.get_info(user, requestor, attrs, "403")

        raise UMAError()
Esempio n. 7
    def permission_registration_endpoint_(self, request, **kwargs):
        The endpoint URI at which the resource server registers a
        client-requested permission with the authorization server.
        This is a proposed permission waiting for the user to accept it.

        :param request: The permission registration request
        :return: HTTP Response

        adb = self.get_adb(kwargs['client_id'])
        prr = self.to_prr(request, kwargs['client_id'])
        if prr:
            _ticket = adb.ticket_factory.pack(aud=[kwargs['client_id']],
            logging.debug("Registering permission request: %s" % request)
            adb.permission_requests[_ticket] = prr
            resp = PermissionRegistrationResponse(ticket=_ticket)

            return Created(resp.to_json(), content="application/json")
            return BadRequest("Can't register permission for unknown resource")
Esempio n. 8
# The RS on the other hand registers the necessary permission at the AS

prrs = []
for rsid, scopes in pre_rpp:

pat = ressrv.rs_handler.token['PAT']
resp = authzsrv.permission_registration_endpoint(json.dumps(prrs),
                                                 'Bearer {}'.format(pat))

assert resp.status == "201 Created"

ticket = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(resp.message)["ticket"]

# ============================== 4 ===========================================
# Crank up the client such that the relationship with the AS can be
# settled.
CLI_PORT = 8090
CLI_BASE = "https://localhost:%s" % CLI_PORT

UMA_CLIENT = UMAUserInfo(CLI_BASE, ["%s/authz_cb" % CLI_BASE],

_uma_client = UMA_CLIENT.client

# uma_pcr same as in (1)
_uma_client.handle_provider_config(uma_pcr, authzsrv.baseurl, False, True)
Esempio n. 9
ir = IntrospectionResponse().from_json(resp.message)

assert ir["active"] is True
assert "permissions" not in ir

# The RS registers an Authorization request
prr = PermissionRegistrationRequest(resource_set_id=_rsid, scopes=REQ_SCOPES)

client, url, ht_args = ressrv.register_init(
    RESOURCE_OWNER, "permission_registration_endpoint", prr, _rsid)

authninfo = ht_args["headers"]["Authorization"]
permresp = authzsrv.permission_registration_endpoint(prr.to_json(), authninfo)
created = PermissionRegistrationResponse().from_json(permresp.message)
_, kwargs = _uma_client.create_authorization_data_request(
    USER, created["ticket"])

request = kwargs["data"]
authn_info = kwargs["headers"]["Authorization"]
res = authzsrv.authorization_request_endpoint(request, authn_info)

assert res.status == "200 OK"

# Now everything should be ready for accessing the resource

# The resource server will do an introspection of the RPT
_rpt = _uma_client.token[USER]["RPT"]

pat = ressrv.permreg.get(RESOURCE_OWNER, "pat")["access_token"]