Esempio n. 1
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = uncertainties.ufloat((-1.5, 0.1))

    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):

        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = uncertainties.ufloat((-1.5, 0.1))
    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as 
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though 
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties 
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for 
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3
Esempio n. 3
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)
    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as 
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though 
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties 
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for 
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
Esempio n. 4
def getCocktailSum(e0, e1, eCocktail, uCocktail):
  """get the cocktail sum for a given data bin range"""
  # get mask and according indices
  mask = (eCocktail >= e0) & (eCocktail <= e1)
  # data bin range wider than single cocktail bin
  if np.any(mask):
    idx = getMaskIndices(mask)
    # determine coinciding flags
    eCl, eCu = eCocktail[idx[0]], eCocktail[idx[1]]
    not_coinc_low, not_coinc_upp = (eCl != e0), (eCu != e1)
    # get cocktail sum in data bin (always w/o last bin)
    uCocktailSum = fsum(uCocktail[mask[:-1]][:-1])
    logging.debug('    sum: {}'.format(uCocktailSum))
    # get correction for non-coinciding edges
    if not_coinc_low:
      eCl_bw = eCl - eCocktail[idx[0]-1]
      corr_low = (eCl - e0) / eCl_bw
      abs_corr_low = float(corr_low) * uCocktail[idx[0]-1]
      uCocktailSum += abs_corr_low
      logging.debug(('    low: %g == %g -> %g (%g) -> %g -> {} -> {}' % (
        e0, eCl, eCl - e0, eCl_bw, corr_low
      )).format(abs_corr_low, uCocktailSum))
    if not_coinc_upp:
      if idx[1]+1 < len(eCocktail):
        eCu_bw = eCocktail[idx[1]+1] - eCu
        corr_upp = (e1 - eCu) / eCu_bw
        abs_corr_upp = float(corr_upp) * uCocktail[idx[1]]
      else:# catch last index (quick fix!)
        abs_corr_upp = eCu_bw = corr_upp = 0
      uCocktailSum += abs_corr_upp
      logging.debug(('    upp: %g == %g -> %g (%g) -> %g -> {} -> {}' % (
        e1, eCu, e1 - eCu, eCu_bw, corr_upp
      )).format(abs_corr_upp, uCocktailSum))
    mask = (eCocktail >= e0)
    idx = getMaskIndices(mask) # only use first index
    # catch if already at last index
    if idx[0] == idx[1] and idx[0] == len(eCocktail)-1:
      corr = (e1 - e0) / (eCocktail[idx[0]] - eCocktail[idx[0]-1])
      uCocktailSum = float(corr) * uCocktail[idx[0]-1]
    else: # default case
      corr = (e1 - e0) / (eCocktail[idx[0]+1] - eCocktail[idx[0]])
      uCocktailSum = float(corr) * uCocktail[idx[0]]
    logging.debug('    sum: {}'.format(uCocktailSum))
  return uCocktailSum
Esempio n. 5
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)

    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):

        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # Functions that give locally constant results are tested: they
    # should give the same result as their float equivalent:
    for name in umath.locally_cst_funcs:

            func = getattr(umath, name)
        except AttributeError:
            continue  # Not in the math module, so not in umath either

        assert func(x) == func(x.nominal_value)
        # The type should be left untouched. For example, isnan()
        # should always give a boolean:
        assert type(func(x)) == type(func(x.nominal_value))

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):

        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
Esempio n. 6
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)
    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as 
    # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though 
    # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties 
    # because it is restricted to integers, as for 
    # math.factorial()):
    assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

    # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
    # variables:
    assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # Functions that give locally constant results are tested: they
    # should give the same result as their float equivalent:
    for name in umath.locally_cst_funcs:

            func = getattr(umath, name)
        except AttributeError:
            continue  # Not in the math module, so not in umath either
        assert func(x) == func(x.nominal_value)
        # The type should be left untouched. For example, isnan()
        # should always give a boolean:
        assert type(func(x)) == type(func(x.nominal_value))

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    except ValueError as err_math:
        # Python 3 does not make exceptions local variables: they are
        # restricted to their except block:
        err_math_args = err_math.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')

    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(ufloat(0, 0))
    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(ufloat(0, 1))
    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
Esempio n. 7
def gp_ptspec():
  """example for a 2D-panel plot etc."""
  fenergies = ['19', '27', '39', '62', ]# '200']
  nen = len(fenergies)
  mee_keys = ['pi0', 'LMR', 'omega', 'phi', 'IMR', 'jpsi']
  #mee_keys = ['LMR', ]
  mee_dict = OrderedDict((k,'') for k in mee_keys)
  yscale = { '200': '300', '62': '5000', '39': '50', '27': '0.3', '19': '0.001' }
  inDir, outDir = getWorkDirs()
  data, data_avpt, dpt_dict = {}, {}, {}
  yvals, yvalsPt = [], []
  scale = {
      '19': 1.3410566491548412, '200': 1.0, '39': 1.2719203877292842,
      '27': 1.350873678084769, '62': 1.2664666321635087
  lmr_label = None
  for filename in os.listdir(inDir):
    # import data
    file_url = os.path.join(inDir, filename)
    filebase = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # unique
    energy, mee_name, mee_range, data_type = splitFileName(filebase)
    if mee_name == 'LMR':
        mee_range_split = map(float, mee_range.split('-'))
        lmr_label = 'LMR: %g < M_{ee} < %g GeV/c^{2}' % (
          mee_range_split[0], mee_range_split[1]
    if energy == '200': continue
    if mee_name not in mee_keys: continue
    mee_dict[mee_name] = mee_range
    data[filebase] = np.loadtxt(open(file_url, 'rb'))
    if data_type == 'data':
        #print data[filebase]
        data[filebase] = data[filebase][:-1] # skip mT<0.4 point
    if energy == '200': data[filebase][:,(1,3,4)] /= 0.5
    # calculate average pT first
    mask = (data[filebase][:,0] > 0.4) & (data[filebase][:,0] < 2.2)
    avpt_data = data[filebase][mask]
    pTs = avpt_data[:,0]
    wghts = avpt_data[:,1]
    probs = unp.uarray(avpt_data[:,1], avpt_data[:,3]) # dN/pT
    probs /= umath.fsum(probs) # probabilities
    avpt = umath.fsum(pTs*probs)'%s: {} %g' % (
        filebase, np.average(pTs, weights = wghts)
    )).format(avpt)) # TODO: syst. uncertainties
    # save datapoint for average pT and append to yvalsPt for yaxis range
    dp = [ float(getEnergy4Key(energy)), avpt.nominal_value, 0., avpt.std_dev, 0. ]
    avpt_key = mee_name
    if data_type == 'cocktail': avpt_key += '_c'
    if data_type == 'medium': avpt_key += '_m'
    if data_type == 'mediumMedOnly': avpt_key += '_mMed'
    if data_type == 'mediumQgpOnly': avpt_key += '_mQgp'
    if avpt_key in data_avpt: data_avpt[avpt_key].append(dp)
    else: data_avpt[avpt_key] = [ dp ]
    # now adjust data for panel plot and append to yvals
    if data_type != 'data':
      data[filebase][:,(1,3,4)] /= scale[energy]
    data[filebase][:,(1,3,4)] *= float(yscale[energy])
    if data_type == 'cocktail' or fnmatch(data_type, '*medium*'):
        data[filebase][:,2:] = 0.
    yvals += [v for v in data[filebase][:,1] if v > 0]
    # prepare dict for panel plot
    dpt_dict_key = getSubplotTitle(mee_name, mee_range)
    if dpt_dict_key not in dpt_dict:
        ndsets = nen*2
        # TODO: currently only 19/39/62 medium avail. w/ med/qgp/tot for each
        # July14: all energies available; TODO: fix dsidx
        if mee_name == 'LMR': ndsets += 4*3
        dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key] = [ [None]*ndsets, [None]*ndsets, [None]*ndsets ]
    enidx = fenergies.index(energy)
    dsidx = enidx
    if fnmatch(data_type, '*medium*'):
      # 19: 0-2, 27: 3-5, 39: 6-8, 62: 9-11
      dsidx = (energy=='19')*0 + (energy=='27')*3 + (energy=='39')*6 + (energy=='62')*9
      dsidx += (data_type=='mediumQgpOnly')*0 + (data_type=='mediumMedOnly')*1
      dsidx += (data_type=='medium')*2
      dsidx += int(mee_name == 'LMR') * 4 * 3 # number of medium calc avail.
    dsidx += int(data_type == 'data') * len(fenergies)
    dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key][0][dsidx] = data[filebase] # data
    if data_type == 'data': # properties
      dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key][1][dsidx] = 'lt 1 lw 4 ps 1.5 lc %s pt 18' % default_colors[enidx]
    elif data_type == 'medium':
      dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key][1][dsidx] = 'with lines lt 1 lw 5 lc %s' % default_colors[enidx]
      dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key][1][dsidx] = 'with lines lt %d lw 5 lc %s' % (
          2+(data_type=='mediumMedOnly')+(data_type=='mediumQgpOnly')*2, default_colors[enidx]
    dpt_dict[dpt_dict_key][2][dsidx] = ' '.join([ # legend titles
        getEnergy4Key(energy), 'GeV', '{/Symbol \264} %g' % (
      ]) if data_type == 'data' else ''
  # use mass range in dict key to sort dpt_dict with increasing mass
  plot_key_order = dpt_dict.keys()
  plot_key_order.sort(key=lambda x: float(x.split(':')[1].split('-')[0]))
  # sort data_avpt by energy and apply x-shift for better visibility
  for k in data_avpt: data_avpt[k].sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
  energies = [ dp[0] for dp in data_avpt[mee_keys[0]] ]
  energies.append(215.) # TODO: think of better upper limit
  linsp = {}
  for start,stop in zip(energies[:-1],energies[1:]):
    linsp[start] = np.linspace(start, stop, num = 4*len(mee_keys))
  for k in data_avpt:
    key = k.split('_')[0]
    for i in xrange(len(data_avpt[k])):
      data_avpt[k][i][0] = linsp[energies[i]][mee_keys.index(key)]
  # make panel plot
  yMin, yMax = 0.5*min(yvals), 3*max(yvals)
    dpt_dict = OrderedDict((k,dpt_dict[k]) for k in plot_key_order),
    name = os.path.join(outDir, 'ptspec'),
    ylabel = '1/N@_{mb}^{evt} d^{2}N@_{ee}^{acc.}/dp_{T}dM_{ee} (c^3/GeV^2)',
    xlabel = 'dielectron transverse momentum, p_{T} (GeV/c)',
    ylog = True, xr = [0, 2.2], yr = [1e-9, 1e4],
    #lmargin = 0.12, bmargin = 0.10, tmargin = 1., rmargin = 1.,
    key = ['bottom left', 'samplen 0.5', 'width -2', 'opaque'],
    arrow_bar = 0.002, layout = '3x2', size = '8in,8in'
  #make plot for LMR spectra only
  #lmr_key = getSubplotTitle('LMR', '0.4-0.76')
  #if energy == '200':
  #    lmr_key = getSubplotTitle('LMR', '0.3-0.76')
  #pseudo_point = np.array([[-1,0,0,0,0]])
  #model_titles = ['Cocktail + Model', 'Cocktail', 'in-Medium', 'QGP']
  #model_props = [
  #  'with lines lc %s lw 5 lt %d' % (default_colors[-2], i+1)
  #  for i in xrange(len(model_titles))
  #  data = dpt_dict[lmr_key][0] + [ pseudo_point ] * len(model_titles),
  #  properties = dpt_dict[lmr_key][1] + model_props,
  #  titles = dpt_dict[lmr_key][2] + model_titles,
  #  name = os.path.join(outDir, 'ptspecLMR'),
  #  ylabel = '1/N@_{mb}^{evt} d^{2}N@_{ee}^{acc.}/dp_{T}dM_{ee} (c^3/GeV^2)',
  #  xlabel = 'dielectron transverse momentum, p_{T} (GeV/c)',
  #  ylog = True, xr = [0, 2.0], yr = [1e-8, 100],
  #  lmargin = 0.15, bmargin = 0.08, rmargin = 0.98, tmargin = 0.84,
  #  key = ['maxrows 4', 'samplen 0.7', 'width -2', 'at graph 1.,1.2'],
  #  arrow_bar = 0.005, size = '10in,13in',
  #  labels = {
  #    'stat. errors only': [0.7,0.95,False], lmr_label: [0.05,0.03,False],
  #    'STAR Preliminary': [0.05,0.07,False],
  #  }
  # make mean pt plot
  #yMinPt, yMaxPt = 0.95*min(yvalsPt), 1.05*max(yvalsPt)
  #  data = [ # cocktail
  #    np.array(data_avpt[k+'_c']) for k in mee_keys
  #  ] + [ # medium
  #    np.array(data_avpt['LMR_m'])
  #  ] + [ # data
  #    np.array(data_avpt[k]) for k in mee_keys
  #  ],
  #  properties = [
  #   'with lines lt 1 lw 4 lc %s' % default_colors[i if i < 5 else i+1]
  #    for i in xrange(len(mee_keys))
  #  ] + [
  #   'with lines lt 2 lw 4 lc %s' % default_colors[mee_keys.index('LMR')]
  #  ] + [
  #   'lt 1 lw 4 ps 1.5 lc %s pt 18' % default_colors[i if i < 5 else i+1]
  #    for i in xrange(len(mee_keys))
  #  ],
  #  titles = [ getMeeLabel(k) for k in mee_keys ] + ['']*(len(mee_keys)+1),
  #  name = os.path.join(outDir, 'meanPt'),
  #  xlabel = '{/Symbol \326}s_{NN} (GeV)',
  #  ylabel = '{/Symbol \341}p_{T}{/Symbol \361} in STAR Acceptance (GeV/c)',
  #  xlog = True, xr = [17,220], yr = [yMinPt, yMaxPt], size = '11in,9in',
  #  key = [ 'maxrows 1', 'at graph 1, 1.1' ],
  #  lmargin = 0.11, bmargin = 0.11, tmargin = 1., rmargin = 1.,
  #  gpcalls = [
  #    'format x "%g"',
  #    'xtics (20,"" 30, 40,"" 50, 60,"" 70,"" 80,"" 90, 100, 200)',
  #  ]
  ## make mean pt plot for LMR only
  #  data = [
  #    np.array(data_avpt['LMR_c']),
  #    np.array(data_avpt['LMR_m']),
  #    np.array(data_avpt['LMR'])
  #  ],
  #  properties = [
  #   'with lines lt 2 lw 4 lc %s' % default_colors[0],
  #   'with lines lt 1 lw 4 lc %s' % default_colors[0],
  #   'lt 1 lw 4 ps 1.5 lc %s pt 18' % default_colors[0]
  #  ],
  #  titles = [
  #      'cocktail', 'HMBT', getMeeLabel('data')
  #  ],
  #  name = os.path.join(outDir, 'meanPtLMR'),
  #  xlabel = '{/Symbol \326}s_{NN} (GeV)',
  #  ylabel = 'LMR {/Symbol \341}p_{T}{/Symbol \361} in STAR Acceptance (GeV/c)',
  #  lmargin = 0.17, bmargin = 0.15, tmargin = 0.95, xlog = True, xr = [17,80],
  #  yr = [0.65,1.05], #yr = [yMinPt, yMaxPt],
  #  key = [ 'bottom right' ],
  #  gpcalls = [
  #    'format x "%g"',
  #    'xtics (20, 30, 40,"" 50, 60,"" 70,"" 80,"" 90, 100, 200)',
  #  ],
  #  labels = {
  #      'stat. errors only': [0.7,0.95,False], lmr_label: [0.05,0.07,False],
  #      '0.4 < p_{T} < 2.2 GeV/c': [0.05,0.14,False]
  #  }
  return 'done'
Esempio n. 8
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = uncertainties.ufloat((-1.5, 0.1))

    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):

        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):

        except OverflowError(err_math):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError(err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 0)))
        except OverflowError( err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 1)))
        except OverflowError( err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')

    elif sys.version_info < (3,):

        except ValueError( err_math):
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 0)))
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 1)))
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')

    else:  # Python 3+

        # !!! The tests should be made to work with Python 3 too!