def _spherical_to_cartesian(self, lon, lat, i, j): """Takes latitude, longitude arrays and returns cartesian unit vector. Latitude and longitude must be in degrees and must have already been shifted .5 pixels as calculated from corners keyword of heliographic function. i and j represent the shift and thus corner. i, j 0, 0: top-left 1, 0: bottom-left 1, 1: bottom-right 0, 1: top-right """ coslat = M.cos(lat) coslon = M.cos(lon) sinlat = M.sin(lat) sinlon = M.sin(lon) l = len(lat) Xar = coslat[i:l - 1 + i, j:l - 1 + j]*coslon[i:l - 1 + i, j:l - 1 + j] Yar = coslat[i:l - 1 + i, j:l - 1 + j]*sinlon[i:l - 1 + i, j:l - 1 + j] Zar = sinlat[i:l - 1 + i, j:l - 1 + j] r = np.ndarray(shape=(3,), dtype=np.object) r[0] = Xar r[1] = Yar r[2] = Zar return r
def indices(m, pole, dlim=75.0): print ("Determining polar cap pixels.") if pole == 'north': p = np.where((m.lath > dlim) & (m.rg < m.rsun*np.sin(75.0*np.pi/180))) vp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath > dlim) & M.isfinite(m.im_corr)) posp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath > dlim) & (m.im_corr > 0.0)) negp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath > dlim) & (m.im_corr < 0.0)) else: p = np.where((m.lath < -dlim) & (m.rg < m.rsun*np.sin(75.0*np.pi/180))) vp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath < -dlim) & M.isfinite(m.im_corr)) posp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath < -dlim) & (m.im_corr > 0.0)) negp = np.where((m.rg < m.rsun) & (m.lath < -dlim) & (m.im_corr < 0.0)) return p, vp, posp, negp
def _grid(self, corners=False): """Create an xy grid of coordinates for heliographic array. Uses meshgrid. If corners is selected, this function will shift the array by half a pixel in both directions so that the corners of the normal array can be accessed easily. """ # Retrieve integer dimensions and create arrays holding # x and y coordinates of each pixel xDim =[0].value)) yDim =[1].value)) if corners: xRow = (np.arange(0, xDim + 1) - self.X0 - 0.5)*self.xScale yRow = (np.arange(0, yDim + 1) - self.Y0 - 0.5)*self.yScale xg, yg = M.meshgrid(xRow, yRow) rg = M.sqrt(xg**2 + yg**2) self.Rg = rg else: xRow = (np.arange(0, xDim) - self.X0)*self.xScale yRow = (np.arange(0, yDim) - self.Y0)*self.yScale xg, yg = M.meshgrid(xRow, yRow) rg = M.sqrt(xg**2 + yg**2) self.xg = xg self.yg = yg self.rg = rg return xg, yg
def __init__(self, data=None, metadata=None, q=None, qx=None, qy=None, theta=None): = Measurement(data, data) self.metadata = metadata self.q = q # There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx = qx self.qy = qy self.theta = theta
def __init__(self, data=None, metadata=None, q=None, qx=None, qy=None, theta=None, Tsam=None, Temp=None): = Measurement(data, data) self.metadata = metadata self.q = q #There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx = qx self.qy = qy self.theta = theta self.Tsam = None #Tsam and Temp are used to store the transmissions for later use self.Temp = None
def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.div(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(data=Measurement( / other, / other**2).x, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta))
def __init__(self,data=None,metadata=None,q=None,qx=None,qy=None,theta=None,Tsam=None,Temp=None):,data) self.metadata=metadata self.q=q #There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx=qx self.qy=qy self.theta=theta self.Tsam = None #Tsam and Temp are used to store the transmissions for later use self.Temp = None
def _hcc_hg(self, x, y, z): """Converts hcc coordinates to Stonyhurst heliographic. x - x coordinate in meters y - y coordinate in meters z - z coordinate in meters Calculations taken and shortened from sunpy.wcs. """ cosb = M.cos(M.deg2rad(self.B0)) sinb = M.sin(M.deg2rad(self.B0)) hecr = M.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) hgln = M.arctan2(x, z*cosb - y*sinb) \ + M.deg2rad(self.L0) hglt = M.arcsin((y * cosb + z * sinb)/hecr) return hgln*180/np.pi, hglt*180/np.pi
def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.mul(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta))
def _hpc_hcc(self, x, y): """Converts hpc coordinates to hcc coordinates. x -- x coordinate in arcseconds y -- y coordinate in arcseconds Calculations taken and shortened from sunpy.wcs. """ x *= np.deg2rad(1)/3600.0 y *= np.deg2rad(1)/3600.0 q = self.dsun * M.cos(y) * M.cos(x) distance = q**2 - self.dsun**2 + self.RSUN_METERS**2 distance = q - M.sqrt(distance) rx = distance * M.cos(y) * M.sin(x) ry = distance * M.sin(y) rz = M.sqrt(self.RSUN_METERS**2 - rx**2 - ry**2) return rx, ry, rz
def eoa(self, *args, array=True): """Takes in coordinates and returns the area of pixels on sun. Each pixel is projected onto the sun, and therefore pixels close to the limbs have vastly greater areas. This function uses a closed form solution to a spherical area integral to calulate the area based on the heliographic coordinate unit vectors of each corner of the pixel. We use these to calculate a solid angle of a pyramid with its apex at the center of the sun. """ print ("Calculating element of area.") # Assume coordinate is in center of pixel. # Information on pixel standard is in this article. # if array: lon, lat = self.heliographic(corners=True) lon = lon*np.pi/180 lat = lat*np.pi/180 # Calculating unit vectors of pixel corners for solid angle. r1 = self._spherical_to_cartesian(lon, lat, 0, 0) r2 = self._spherical_to_cartesian(lon, lat, 1, 0) r3 = self._spherical_to_cartesian(lon, lat, 1, 1) r4 = self._spherical_to_cartesian(lon, lat, 0, 1) else: x = args[0] y = args[1] lonUL, latUL = self.heliographic(x - .5, y - .5) lonLL, latLL = self.heliographic(x + .5, y - .5) lonLR, latLR = self.heliographic(x + .5, y + .5) lonUR, latUR = self.heliographic(x - .5, y + .5) # Calculating unit vectors of pixel corners for solid angle. r1 = np.array([np.cos(np.deg2rad(latUL))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(lonUL)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(latUL))*np.sin(np.deg2rad(lonUL)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(latUL))]) r2 = np.array([np.cos(np.deg2rad(latLL))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(lonLL)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(latLL))*np.sin(np.deg2rad(lonLL)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(latLL))]) r3 = np.array([np.cos(np.deg2rad(latLR))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(lonLR)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(latLR))*np.sin(np.deg2rad(lonLR)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(latLR))]) r4 = np.array([np.cos(np.deg2rad(latUR))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(lonUR)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(latUR))*np.sin(np.deg2rad(lonUR)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(latUR))]) # Calculate solid angle of pixel based on a pyrimid shaped polygon. # See cross1 = M.cross(r1, r2, axis=0) cross2 = M.cross(r3, r4, axis=0) numerator1 =, r3) numerator2 =, r1) solid_angle1 = 2*M.arctan2(numerator1, (, r2) +, r3) +, r1) + 1)) solid_angle2 = 2*M.arctan2(numerator2, (, r4) +, r1) +, r1) + 1)) solid_angle = solid_angle1 + solid_angle2 r = self.RSUN_METERS*100 # Convert to centimeters if array: self.area = abs((r**2)*solid_angle) ind = np.where(self.Rg[1:len(self.Rg)-1, 1:len(self.Rg)-1] > self.rsun) del self.Rg self.area[ind] = np.nan return else: if self.rg > self.rsun: return np.nan else: return np.abs((r**2)*solid_angle)
def los_corr(self, *args, array=True): """Takes in coordinates and returns corrected magnetic field. Applies the dot product between the observers unit vector and the heliographic radial vector to get the true magnitude of the magnetic field vector. See geometric projection for calulations. """ print("Correcting line of sight magnetic field.") if array: try: lonh, lath = M.deg2rad(self.lonh), M.deg2rad(self.lath) except AttributeError: self.heliographic() lonh, lath = M.deg2rad(self.lonh), M.deg2rad(self.lath) else: lonh, lath = M.deg2rad(self.heliographic(args[0], args[1])) B0 = M.deg2rad(self.B0) L0 = M.deg2rad(self.L0) Xobs = M.cos(B0)*M.cos(L0) Yobs = M.cos(B0)*M.sin(L0) Zobs = M.sin(B0) corr_factor = (M.cos(lath)*M.cos(lonh)*Xobs + M.cos(lath)*M.sin(lonh)*Yobs + M.sin(lath)*Zobs) if array: self.im_corr = self.im_raw_u/corr_factor bad_ind = np.where(self.rg > self.rsun*np.sin(75.0*np.pi/180)) self.im_corr[bad_ind] = np.nan return else: return[args[0], args[1]]/corr_factor
class SansData(object): """SansData object used for storing values from a sample file (not div/mask). Stores the array of data as a Measurement object (detailed in Stores all metadata q,qx,qy,theta all get updated with values throughout the reduction process Tsam and Temp are just used for storage across modules (in wireit) """ def __init__(self, data=None, metadata=None, q=None, qx=None, qy=None, theta=None, Tsam=None, Temp=None): = Measurement(data, data) self.metadata = metadata self.q = q #There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx = qx self.qy = qy self.theta = theta self.Tsam = None #Tsam and Temp are used to store the transmissions for later use self.Temp = None # Note that I have not defined an inplace subtraction def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( -, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData( - other, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) #Actual subtraction def __sub1__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( -, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData( -, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( +, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData( +, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) def __rsub__(self, other): return SansData(data=other -, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.div(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(data=Measurement( / other, / other**2).x, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.mul(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.q), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta)) #def __str__(self): #return #def __repr__(self): #return self.__str__() def get_plottable(self): data = if not (np.abs( > 1e-10).any(): zmin = 0.0 zmax = 1.0 else: zmin =[ > 1e-10].min() if IGNORE_CORNER_PIXELS == True: mask = np.ones(, dtype='bool') mask[0, 0] = mask[-1, 0] = mask[-1, -1] = mask[0, -1] = 0.0 zmax =[mask].max() else: zmax = plottable_data = { 'type': '2d', 'z': [data], 'title': self.metadata['run.filename'] + ': ' + self.metadata['sample.labl'], 'metadata': self.metadata, 'options': { 'fixedAspect': { 'fixAspect': True, 'aspectRatio': 1.0 } }, 'dims': { 'xmax': 128, 'xmin': 0.0, 'ymin': 0.0, 'ymax': 128, 'xdim': 128, 'ydim': 128, 'zmin': zmin, 'zmax': zmax, }, 'xlabel': 'X', 'ylabel': 'Y', 'zlabel': 'Intensity (I)', } out = simplejson.dumps(plottable_data, sort_keys=True) return out def dumps(self): return pickle.dumps(self) @classmethod def loads(cls, str): return pickle.loads(str)
class SansData(object): """SansData object used for storing values from a sample file (not div/mask). Stores the array of data as a Measurement object (detailed in Stores all metadata q,qx,qy,theta all get updated with values throughout the reduction process Tsam and Temp are just used for storage across modules (in wireit) """ def __init__(self,data=None,metadata=None,q=None,qx=None,qy=None,theta=None,Tsam=None,Temp=None):,data) self.metadata=metadata self.q=q #There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx=qx self.qy=qy self.theta=theta self.Tsam = None #Tsam and Temp are used to store the transmissions for later use self.Temp = None # Note that I have not defined an inplace subtraction def __sub__(self,other): if isinstance(other,SansData): return SansData(,deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(,metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) #Actual subtraction def __sub1__(self,other): if isinstance(other,SansData): return SansData(,deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(,metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) def __add__(self,other): if isinstance(other,SansData): return SansData(,deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(,metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) def __rsub__(self, other): return SansData(, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) def __truediv__(self,other): if isinstance(other,SansData): return SansData(Measurement(*err1d.div(,,,,deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(data=Measurement(,**2).x,metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) def __mul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,SansData): return SansData(Measurement(*err1d.mul(,,,,deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) else: return SansData(data =,metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata),q=copy(self.q),qx=copy(self.qx),qy=copy(self.qy),theta=copy(self.theta)) #def __str__(self): #return #def __repr__(self): #return self.__str__() def get_plottable(self): data ="float") xdim = data.shape[0] ydim = data.shape[1] if not (np.abs(data) > 1e-10).any(): zmin = 0.0 zmax = 1.0 else: zmin = data[data > 1e-10].min() if IGNORE_CORNER_PIXELS == True: mask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype='bool') mask[0,0] = mask[-1,0] = mask[-1,-1] = mask[0,-1] = 0.0 zmax = data[mask].max() else: zmax = data.max() if self.qx is None or self.qy is None: xmin = 0 xmax = 128 ymin = 0 ymax = 128 xlabel = "X" ylabel = "Y" else: xmin = self.qx.min() xmax = self.qx.max() ymin = self.qy.min() ymax = self.qy.max() xlabel = "Qx (inv. Angstroms)" ylabel = "Qy (inv. Angstroms)" plottable_data = { 'type': '2d', 'z': [data.T.tolist()], 'title': self.metadata['run.filename']+': ' + self.metadata['sample.labl'], #'metadata': self.metadata, 'options': { 'fixedAspect': { 'fixAspect': True, 'aspectRatio': 1.0 } }, 'dims': { 'xmax': xmax, 'xmin': xmin, 'ymin': ymin, 'ymax': ymax, 'xdim': xdim, 'ydim': ydim, 'zmin': zmin, 'zmax': zmax, }, 'xlabel': xlabel, 'ylabel': ylabel, 'zlabel': 'Intensity (I)', }; return plottable_data def get_metadata(self): metadata = {} metadata.update(self.metadata) metadata['plottable'] = self.get_plottable() return metadata def dumps(self): return pickle.dumps(self) @classmethod def loads(cls, str): return pickle.loads(str)
class SansData(object): def __init__(self, data=None, metadata=None, q=None, qx=None, qy=None, theta=None): = Measurement(data, data) self.metadata = metadata self.q = q # There are many places where q was not set, i think i fixed most, but there might be more; be wary self.qx = qx self.qy = qy self.theta = theta # Note that I have not defined an inplace subtraction def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( -, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) else: return SansData( - other, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) # Actual subtraction def __sub1__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( -, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) else: return SansData( -, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( +, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) else: return SansData( +, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) def __rsub__(self, other): return SansData( data=other -, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.div(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) else: return SansData( data=Measurement( / other, / other ** 2).x, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SansData): return SansData( Measurement(*err1d.mul(,,,, deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) else: return SansData(, metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), q=copy(self.qx), qx=copy(self.qx), qy=copy(self.qy), theta=copy(self.theta), ) def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
def calc_parameters(mgnt, p, vp, posp, negp): """Calculates certain parameters based on passed pixel groups. p: pixels defined by the polar crown vp: finite pixels in the polar crown posp: positive flux pixels in the polar crown negp: negative flux pixels in the polar crown """ swt = 0 meanf = M.nanmean(mgnt.im_raw_u[vp]) meanfc = M.nanmean(mgnt.im_corr[vp]) sumf = M.nansum(mgnt.im_raw_u[vp]) sumfc = M.nansum(mgnt.im_corr[vp]) unsflux = M.nansum(abs(mgnt.mflux_raw[vp])) unsfluxc = M.nansum(abs(mgnt.mflux_corr[vp])) sflux = M.nansum(mgnt.mflux_raw[vp]) sfluxc = M.nansum(mgnt.mflux_corr[vp]) posfluxc = M.nansum(mgnt.mflux_corr[posp]) negfluxc = M.nansum(mgnt.mflux_corr[negp]) visarea = M.nansum(mgnt.area[vp]) max_pxflux = M.nanmax(abs(mgnt.mflux_corr[vp])) max_pxf = M.nanmax([vp]) max_pxfc = M.nanmax(mgnt.im_corr[vp]) # Corrected field might be zero. Replace entries with NaNs. if unsfluxc == 0.0: unsfluxc = M(np.nan, np.nan) sfluxc = M(np.nan, np.nan) posfluxc = M(np.nan, np.nan) negfluxc = M(np.nan, np.nan) max_pxflux = np.nan swt = 4 var = {'meanf': meanf, 'meanfc': meanfc, 'sumf': sumf, 'sumfc': sumfc, 'unsflux': unsflux, 'unsfluxc': unsfluxc, 'sflux': sflux, 'sfluxc': sfluxc, 'posfluxc': posfluxc, 'negfluxc': negfluxc, 'nvp_px': np.size(vp), 'p_ratio': np.size(vp)/np.size(p), 'visarea': visarea, 'max_pxflux': max_pxflux, 'max_pxf': max_pxf, 'max_pxfc': max_pxfc, 'swt': swt} return var