Esempio n. 1
    def _DoCalcVectorOutput(self, context, double_pend_state, unused, torque):
        # Extract manipulator dynamics.
        q = double_pend_state[:2]
        v = double_pend_state[-2:]
        (M, Cv, tauG, B) = ManipulatorDynamics(self.tree, q, v)

        # Desired pendulum parameters.
        l = 2.
        b = .1

        # Control gains for stabilizing the second joint.
        kp = 1
        kd = .1

        # Cancel double pend dynamics and inject single pend dynamics.
        torque[:] = Cv - tauG + \
          [-self.g/l*sin(q[0]) - b*v[0], -kp*q[1]+kd*v[1] ])
Esempio n. 2
 def DoCalcVectorOutput(
         controller_input, # state of base + pendulum, pendulum torque
         controller_state, # unused input (static controller)
         controller_output # force on base + torque on pendulum
     # unpack state
     q = controller_input[:2] # base position + pendulum angle
     q_dot = controller_input[2:4] # time derivative of q
     # extract manipulator equations: M*a + Cv = tauG + B*u + tauExt
     # (for this system B is the identity and the external forces tauExt are zero
     # hence, for simplicity, we will just drop them from the code)
     M, Cv, tauG, B, tauExt = ManipulatorDynamics(self.vibrating_pendulum, q, q_dot)
     Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
     tau = tauG - Cv
     # desired acceleration of the base
     # note that this depends on time
     t = context.get_time()
     a_base = - omega**2 * h * np.sin(omega * t)
     # cancel out the dynamics of the pendulum
     # and enforce harmonic motion to the base
     # (to fully explain these lines we would need a small math derivation,
     # since this is not the goal of the exercise we skip it,
     # if you want, you can try your own, it is not hard)
     torque = controller_input[-1]
     force = - tau[0] # cancel gravity, centrifugal, and Coriolis
     force += - (tau[1] + torque) * Minv[0,1] / Minv[0,0] # cancel pendulum effects on the base
     force += a_base / Minv[0,0] # enforce desired acceleration
     # control signal
     controller_output[:] = [force, torque]
Esempio n. 3
from pydrake.all import (FloatingBaseType, RigidBodyTree)
from underactuated import (FindResource, ManipulatorDynamics)

tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResource("double_pendulum/double_pendulum.urdf"),

q = (1., 1.)
v = (0.1, 0.1)
(M, Cv, tauG, B) = ManipulatorDynamics(tree, q, v)
print("M = " + str(M))
print("Cv = " + str(Cv))
print("tauG = " + str(tauG))
print("B = " + str(B))
Esempio n. 4
from pydrake.all import MultibodyPlant, Parser, UniformGravityFieldElement
from underactuated import FindResource, ManipulatorDynamics

plant = MultibodyPlant()
parser = Parser(plant)

q = [0.1, 0.1]
v = [1, 1]
(M, Cv, tauG, B, tauExt) = ManipulatorDynamics(plant, q, v)

print("M = \n" + str(M))
print("Cv = " + str(Cv))
print("tau_G = " + str(tauG))
print("B = " + str(B))
print("tau_ext = " + str(tauExt))

# TODO(russt): add symbolic version pending resolution of drake #11240