def test_is_tmp_user_unauthenticated(self):
        Ensure unauthenticated users return False
        user1 = User.objects.create(username="")
        user2 = AnonymousUser()
        users = [user1, user2]

        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=True):
            for user in users:
        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=False):
            for user in users:
    def test_is_tmp_user_temporary_user(self):
        Ensure users with temporary usernames return True
        user1 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        user2 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        users = [user1, user2]

        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=True):
            for user in users:
        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=False):
            for user in users:
    def test_is_tmp_user_profile(self):
        Ensure users with verified Uniauth profiles return False
        user1 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        user2 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        users = [user1, user2]

        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=True):
            for user in users:
        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=False):
            for user in users:
    def test_is_tmp_user_institution_account(self):
        Ensure users logged in via an Insitution Account return
        True if standalone accounts aren't allowed, False otherwise
        user1 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        user2 = User.objects.create(username="******")
        users = [user1, user2]

        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=True):
            for user in users:
        with self.settings(UNIAUTH_ALLOW_STANDALONE_ACCOUNTS=False):
            for user in users:
Esempio n. 5
def signup(request):
    Creates a new Uniauth profile with the provided
    primary email address and password.

    Prompts user to verify the email address before
    profile is fully created.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    context = _get_global_context(request)

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request)

    # If the user is already authenticated + has a Uniauth
    # profile, proceed to next page
    if request.user.is_authenticated and not is_tmp_user(request.user) \
            and not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

    # If it's a POST request, attempt to validate the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = SignupForm(request.POST)

        # Validation successful: setup temporary user
        if form.is_valid():
            form_email = form.cleaned_data['email']
            user = request.user

            # If the user is not already authenticated, create a User
            if not user or not user.is_authenticated:
                tmp_username = get_random_username()
                user_model = get_user_model()
                user = user_model.objects.create(username=tmp_username)

            # Set user's password + create linked email
            email, _ = LinkedEmail.objects.get_or_create(

            # Send verification email + render waiting template
            _send_verification_email(request, email.address, email)
            return render(request, 'uniauth/verification-waiting.html', {
                'email': email.address,
                'is_signup': True

        # Validation failed: render form errors
            context['form'] = form
            return render(request, 'uniauth/signup.html', context)

    # Otherwise, render a blank Signup form
        form = SignupForm()
        context['form'] = form
        return render(request, 'uniauth/signup.html', context)
Esempio n. 6
def link_to_profile(request):
    If the user is a temporary one who was logged in via
    an institution (not through a Uniauth profile), offers
    them the choice between logging to an existing Uniauth
    account or creating a new one.

    The institution account is (eventually) linked to the
    Uniauth profile the user logged into / created.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    context = _get_global_context(request)

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request)

    params = urlencode({'next': next_url})
    context['next_url'] = next_url

    # If the user is not authenticated at all, redirect to login page
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uniauth:login') + '?' + params)

    # If the user is already authenticated + verified, proceed to next page
    if not is_tmp_user(request.user) and not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

    # If the user is temporary, but was not logged in via an institution
    # (e.g. created through Uniauth, but not verified), redirect to signup
    if not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uniauth:signup') + '?' + params)

    # At this point, we've ensured the user is temporary and was
    # logged in via an institution. We just need to handle the
    # Login Form, if the user chooses to link to an existing account.

    # If it's a POST request, attempt to validate the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = LoginForm(request, request.POST)

        # Authentication successful
        if form.is_valid():
            unlinked_user = request.user
            username_split = get_account_username_split(request.user.username)

            # Log in as the authenticated Uniauth user
            user = form.get_user()
            auth_login(request, user)

            # Merge the unlinked account into the logged in profile,
            # then add the institution account described by the username
            merge_model_instances(user, [unlinked_user])
            _add_institution_account(user.profile, username_split[1],

            slug = username_split[1]
            context['institution'] = Institution.objects.get(slug=slug)
            return render(request, 'uniauth/link-success.html', context)

        # Authentication failed: render form errors
            context['form'] = form
            return render(request, 'uniauth/link-to-profile.html', context)

    # Otherwise, render a blank Login form
        form = LoginForm(request)
        context['form'] = form
        return render(request, 'uniauth/link-to-profile.html', context)