Esempio n. 1
	def Process_Search(self, queries):
		# Fetch List of Entries
		url = "" % plugin.urlencode(queries)
		with urlhandler.urlopen(url, 14400) as sourceObj: feed = load(sourceObj)
		# Fetch list of video ID from feed
		return (video[u"id"][u"videoId"] for video in feed["items"])
Esempio n. 2
	def Channels(self, **kargs):
		# Set Defautl parameters
		queries = self.set_default_queries(kargs)
		queries["fields"] = u"items(id,contentDetails/relatedPlaylists/uploads)"
		queries["part"] = u"contentDetails"
		# Fetch List of Entries
		url = "" % plugin.urlencode(queries)
		with urlhandler.urlopen(url, -1) as sourceObj:
			feed = load(sourceObj)[u"items"][0]
			return (feed[u"id"], feed[u"contentDetails"][u"relatedPlaylists"][u"uploads"])
Esempio n. 3
	def Playlists(self, channelID, loop=False, **kargs):
		# Set Default parameters
		queries = self.set_default_queries(kargs)
		queries["fields"] = u"nextPageToken,items(id,contentDetails/itemCount,snippet(publishedAt,title,description,thumbnails/medium/url))"
		queries["part"] = u"snippet,contentDetails"
		queries["channelId"] = channelID
		# Add pageToken if needed
		if "pagetoken" in plugin: queries["pageToken"] = plugin["pagetoken"]
		localListItem = listitem.ListItem
		while True:
			# Fetch List of Entries
			url = "" % plugin.urlencode(queries)
			with urlhandler.urlopen(url, 14400) as sourceObj: feed = load(sourceObj)
			# Loop Entries
			for playlist in feed[u"items"]:
				# Create listitem object
				item = localListItem()
				item.setParamDict("action", "system.videohosts.YTPlaylistVideos")
				# Fetch Video ID
				item.setParamDict("playlistid", playlist[u"id"])
				# Fetch video snippet
				snippet = playlist[u"snippet"]
				# Fetch Title and Video Cound for combining Title
				item.setLabel(u"%s (%s)" % (snippet[u"title"], playlist[u"contentDetails"][u"itemCount"]))
				# Fetch Image Url
				# Fetch Possible Plot and Check if Available
				# Fetch Possible Date and Check if Available
				date = snippet[u"publishedAt"]
				item.setDate(date[:date.find("T")], "%Y-%m-%d")
				# Add InfoLabels and Data to Processed List
				yield item.getListitemTuple(False)
			# Fetch next Page Token if available
			if u"nextPageToken" in feed:
				if loop is True:
					queries["pageToken"] = feed[u"nextPageToken"]
Esempio n. 4
	def Process_PlaylistItems(self, queries):
		# Fetch List of Entries
		url = "" % plugin.urlencode(queries)
		with urlhandler.urlopen(url, 14400) as sourceObj: feed = load(sourceObj)
		# Fetch next Page Token if exists
		if u"nextPageToken" in feed: queries["pageToken"] = feed[u"nextPageToken"]
		elif "pageToken" in queries: del queries["pageToken"]
		# Fetch list of video ID from feed
		return (video[u"contentDetails"][u"videoId"] for video in feed["items"])
Esempio n. 5
	def category_api(self):
		# Create new Queries
		newQueries = self.set_default_queries({})
		newQueries["fields"] = u"items(id,snippet/title)"
		newQueries["part"] = u"snippet"
		newQueries["id"] = u",".join(self.unmapedCats)
		# Fetch video Information
		url = u"" % plugin.urlencode(newQueries)
		with urlhandler.urlopen(url, -1) as sourceObj: items = load(sourceObj)[u"items"]
		for node in items: self.categorysMap[node[u"id"]] = node[u"snippet"][u"title"]
Esempio n. 6
	def parse(self, arg, maxAge=57600):
		Takes in a url to a online resource or the HTML to that online resource and
		Passes it into the Custom Parsers to Find Embeded Sources
		# Check if arg is a URL Then Fetch HTML Source
		if arg.startswith(u"http://") or arg.startswith(u"https://"):
			sourceObj = urlhandler.urlopen(arg, maxAge)
			htmlSource ="utf8")
			htmlSource = arg
		# Feed the HTML into the HTMLParser and acquire the source urls
		sourceUrls = self.htmlparser(htmlSource)
		if not sourceUrls: raise plugin.ParserError(plugin.getstr(32827), "No Video Sources ware found")
		else: self.setUrls(sourceUrls)
Esempio n. 7
	def _videoItems(self, queries, processObj, loop=False):
		# Setup Optimizations
		localListItem = listitem.ListItem
		reFind = __import__("re").findall
		_plugin = plugin
		localInt = int
		# Check if Displaying related Videos
		isRelated = u"YTRelatedVideos" in _plugin["action"]
		_youTubeStr = _plugin.getuni(19103)
		# Fetch Youtube Video Quality Setting
		try: isHD = not _plugin.getAddonSetting("", "hd_videos") == "1"
		except: isHD = True
		# Fetch categorys ID Maps
		self.categorysMap = categorysMap = CategoryFile()
		self.videoData = videoData = VideoFile("%s.json" % queries["playlistId"] if "playlistId" in queries else "video-data.json")
		self.unmapedCats = []
		channelIDs = []
		# Set Default parameters for second request
		newQueries = self.set_default_queries({})
		newQueries["fields"] = u"items(id,snippet(publishedAt,channelId,title,description,thumbnails/medium/url,channelTitle,categoryId),contentDetails(duration,definition),statistics/viewCount)"
		newQueries["part"] = u"contentDetails,statistics,snippet"
		while True:
			# Fetch video Ids
			selectedVids = []
			selectedVidsAppend = selectedVids.append
			fetchVids = []
			fetchVidsAppend = fetchVids.append
			for videoId in processObj(queries):
				if videoId in videoData: selectedVidsAppend(videoData[videoId])
				else: fetchVidsAppend(videoId)
			if fetchVids:
				# Fetch video Information
				newQueries["id"] = u",".join(fetchVids)
				url = u"" % _plugin.urlencode(newQueries)
				with urlhandler.urlopen(url, -1) as sourceObj:
					for video in load(sourceObj)[u"items"]:
						videoData[video[u"id"]] = video
				# Sync videoData to file
			# Loop Entries
			for video in selectedVids:
				# Create listitem object
				item = localListItem()
				item.setParamDict("action", "system.source.youtube_com")
				# Fetch Video ID
				item.setParamDict("url", video[u"id"])
				# Fetch video snippet & contentDetails
				snippet = video[u"snippet"]
				contentDetails = video[u"contentDetails"]
				# Fetch Channel ID
				channelID = snippet[u"channelId"]
				if not channelID in channelIDs: channelIDs.append(channelID)
				# Fetch video Image url
				# Fetch Title
				# Fetch Studio
				# Fetch Description
				# Fetch Possible Date
				date = snippet[u"publishedAt"]
				item.setDate(date[:date.find("T")], "%Y-%m-%d")
				# Fetch Viewcount
				# Fetch Category
				category = snippet[u"categoryId"]
				if category in categorysMap: item.setGenre(categorysMap[category])
				elif not category in self.unmapedCats: self.unmapedCats.append(category)
				# Set Quality and Audio Overlays
				if isHD and contentDetails[u"definition"] == u"hd": item.setVideoFlags(True, "h264")
				else: item.setVideoFlags(False, "h264")
				item.setAudioFlags("aac", "en", 2)
				# Fetch Duration
				durationStr = contentDetails[u"duration"]
				durationStr = reFind("(\d+)(\w)", durationStr)
				if durationStr:
					duration = 0
					for time, timeType in durationStr:
						if   timeType == "H": duration += (localInt(time) * 3600)
						elif timeType == "M": duration += (localInt(time) * 60)
						elif timeType == "S": duration += (localInt(time))
					# Set duration
				# Add Context item to link to related videos
				item.addRelatedContext(action="system.videohosts.YTRelatedVideos", videoid=video[u"id"], channelid=channelID)
				if isRelated: item.addContextMenuItem(_youTubeStr, "XBMC.Container.Update", action="system.videohosts.YTPlaylistVideos", channelid=channelID)
				# Add InfoLabels and Data to Processed List
				yield item.getListitemTuple(True)
			# Break from loop if needed
			if not (loop is True and "pageToken" in queries): break
		# Add Next Page, Playlists and fetch categorys if needed
		if "pageToken" in queries: self.display_next_page(queries["pageToken"])
		if len(channelIDs) == 1 and not "pagetoken" in _plugin and _plugin.get("hasplaylists",u"false") == u"true" : self.display_Playlists(channelIDs[0])
		setattr(listitem.VirtualFS, "finalize", self.finalize)