def run_sarg_command(self, cmdSARG, cmdArgs={}): """ Wrapper function to convert CLI commands to the rest API. Args: :cmdSARG: Command to use (eg. reportsnaps, reportapps... etc.) :cmdArgs: Dictionary with arguments to the command Return: return a dictionary of the SARG command, mapping to the same JSON response from the API. Example: reportapps -a 1234 -x self.run_sarg_command("reportapps", { 'a': 1234, 'x': None }) """ _URI = self._sargURI # append the command to URI _URI += cmdSARG + '?' # append the argument for key in cmdArgs: if type(cmdArgs[key]) == dict: # Actifio API expects this to be urlencoded _URI += key + '=' + urlencode_str('&'.join([ filter_key + '=' + cmdArgs[key][filter_key] for filter_key in cmdArgs[key] ])) + '&' elif cmdArgs[key] == None: _URI += urlencode_str(key) + '&' else: _URI += urlencode_str(key) + '=' + urlencode_str( str(cmdArgs[key])) + '&' _URI += 'sessionid=' + Actifio._sessionid[self.appliance][ self.username]["sessionid"] try: sargout = self._httppool.request('GET', _URI) if self._verbose: print(_URI) except urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: raise ActConnectError("Unable to make connection to the appliance") else: response = json.loads( if sargout.status != 200: self._lastout = '' raise ActAPIError(response['errormessage'], response['errorcode']) else: self._lastout = response return self._lastout
def __init__(self, appliance, username='', password='', token='', cert_validation=False, verbose=True): """ Actifio instance: :appliance: IP or FQDN of the appliance :username: Username to login to the appliance :password: Password """ # vendor key is fixed vendorkey = "195B-4370-2506-0A60-1F41-5829-067B-603C-6737-1244-0A11-6742-0745-4023-1A" # functools need a __name__ for the wraps self.__name__ = "Actifio" # compose the URI for the API self._apiBase = "/actifio/api" if token == '' and username == '': raise ActUserError ("Either 'username' or 'token' required for authentication.") if token != '': try: token_json = json.loads (base64.decodebytes(token)) except: raise ActUserError ("Incorrect token format. Use 'act_gentoken' command to generate a authentication token") self.username = token_json["username"] self.password = token_json["password"] else: self.username = username self.password = password self.appliance = appliance self.version = 'not_known' #sessionid is unique per user in an appliance, and this is global if Actifio._sessionid.get(appliance) == None: Actifio._sessionid.update({appliance: {}}) if Actifio._sessionid[appliance].get(self.username) == None: Actifio._sessionid[appliance].update({ self.username: {}}) Actifio._sessionid[appliance][self.username].update({ "sessionid": "" }) # Actifio._sessionid[appliance][self.username].update({ "password": self.password}) # compose the login params self._loginParams = "/login?name=" + urlencode_str(self.username) self._loginParams += "&password="******"&vendorkey=" + vendorkey self._loginURI = self._apiBase + self._loginParams self._infoURI = self._apiBase + "/info/" self._taskURI = self._apiBase + "/task/" self._sargURI = self._apiBase + "/report/" # create the https poolmanager cert_str = 'CERT_REQUIRED' if cert_validation else 'CERT_NONE' timeout = urllib3.util.timeout.Timeout(connect=5.0) self._httppool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool(host=appliance, port=443, cert_reqs=cert_str, timeout=timeout) self._verbose = verbose
def __init__(self, appliance, username, password, cert_validation=False, verbose=True): """ Actifio instance: :appliance: IP or FQDN of the appliance :username: Username to login to the appliance :password: Password """ # vendor key is fixed vendorkey = "195B-4370-2506-0A60-1F41-5829-067B-603C-6737-1244-0A11-6742-0745-4023-1A" # functools need a __name__ for the wraps self.__name__ = "Actifio" # compose the URI for the API self._apiBase = "/actifio/api" self.appliance = appliance self.username = username self.version = 'not_known' #sessionid is unique per user in an appliance Actifio._sessionid.update({appliance: {}}) Actifio._sessionid[appliance].update({ username: ''}) # compose the login params self._loginParams = "/login?name=" + urlencode_str(username) self._loginParams += "&password="******"&vendorkey=" + vendorkey self._loginURI = self._apiBase + self._loginParams self._infoURI = self._apiBase + "/info/" self._taskURI = self._apiBase + "/task/" self._sargURI = self._apiBase + "/report/" # create the https poolmanager cert_str = 'CERT_REQUIRED' if cert_validation else 'CERT_NONE' timeout = urllib3.util.timeout.Timeout(connect=5.0) self._httppool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool(host=appliance, port=443, cert_reqs=cert_str, timeout=timeout) self._verbose = verbose
def run_uds_command(self, cmdType, cmdUDS, cmdArgs={}): """ Wrapper function to convert CLI commands to the rest API. Args: :cmdType: info / task :cmdUDS: Command to use (eg. lsuser, lshost, mkapplication... etc.) :cmdArgs: Dictionary with arguments to the command Returns: Returns a dictionary of API response. Example: vmdiscovery -discovercluster -host 1234 { 'discovercluster': None, 'host': 1234 } lsapplication -filtervalues "appname=mydb&hostname=myhost" { 'filtervalues': { 'appname': 'mydb', 'hostname': 'myhost' } } lshost 123 { 'argument': 123 } .. note:: RESTfulAPI_*.pdf would be good referecne point for the __SIMILARITY__ and __PATTERN__ of the cmdArgs. """ _URI = self._infoURI if cmdType == "info" else self._taskURI # append the command to URI _URI += cmdUDS + '?' # provision for the non-equal opprations def __regex_args(key, value): import re not_equal = re.compile(r'^not\s+(.*)') greater_than = re.compile(r'^\>\s*(.*)') smaler_than = re.compile(r'^\<\s*(.*)') ne_match = gt_match = st_match = if ne_match is not None: return key + "!=" + if st_match is not None: if key != "provisioningoptions": return key + "<" + if gt_match is not None: return key + ">" + else: return key + "=" + value # append the argument for key in cmdArgs: if type(cmdArgs[key]) == dict: # Actifio API expects this to be urlencoded _URI += key + '=' + urlencode_str('&'.join([ __regex_args(filter_key, cmdArgs[key][filter_key]) for filter_key in cmdArgs[key] ])) + '&' elif cmdArgs[key] == None: _URI += urlencode_str(key) + '&' else: _URI += urlencode_str(key) + '=' + urlencode_str( str(cmdArgs[key])) + '&' _URI += 'sessionid=' + Actifio._sessionid[self.appliance][ self.username]["sessionid"] try: udsout = self._httppool.request( 'GET' if cmdType == 'info' else 'POST', _URI) if self._verbose: print(_URI) except Exception as e: # print (e) raise ActConnectError("Failed to connect the appliance") else: response = json.loads( if udsout.status != 200: self._lastout = '' raise ActAPIError(response['errormessage'], response['errorcode']) else: self._lastout = response return self._lastout