async def split_(message: Message) -> None: """ split files """ split_size = int(message.matches[0].group(1)) file_path = str(message.matches[0].group(2)) if not file_path: await message.err("missing file path!") return if not isfile(file_path): await message.err("file path not exists!") return await message.edit("`processing...`") start_t = s_obj = SCLib(file_path) s_obj.split(split_size) tmp = \ "__Splitting file path...__\n" + \ "```{}({}%)```\n" + \ "**File Path** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Dest** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}/s`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed Files** : `{}/{}`" count = 0 while not s_obj.finished: if message.process_is_canceled: s_obj.cancel() count += 1 if count >= Config.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT: count = 0 await message.try_to_edit( tmp.format(s_obj.progress, s_obj.percentage, file_path, s_obj.final_file_path, humanbytes(s_obj.completed), humanbytes(, humanbytes(s_obj.speed), s_obj.eta, s_obj.completed_files, s_obj.total_files)) await sleep(1) if s_obj.output: await message.err(s_obj.output) else: end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit( f"**split** `{file_path}` into `{s_obj.final_file_path}` " f"in `{m_s}` seconds.", log=__name__)
async def audio_upload(message: Message, path, del_path: bool = False, extra: str = '', with_thumb: bool = True): title = None artist = None thumb = None duration = 0 str_path = str(path) file_size = humanbytes(os.stat(str_path).st_size) if with_thumb: try: album_art = stagger.read_tag(str_path) if album_art.picture and not os.path.lexists(Config.THUMB_PATH): bytes_pic_data = album_art[stagger.id3.APIC][0].data bytes_io = io.BytesIO(bytes_pic_data) image_file ="album_cover.jpg", "JPEG") thumb = "album_cover.jpg" except stagger.errors.NoTagError: pass if not thumb: thumb = await get_thumb(str_path) metadata = extractMetadata(createParser(str_path)) if metadata and metadata.has("title"): title = metadata.get("title") if metadata and metadata.has("artist"): artist = metadata.get("artist") if metadata and metadata.has("duration"): duration = metadata.get("duration").seconds sent: Message = await message.client.send_message(, f"`Uploading {str_path} as audio ... {extra}`") start_t = await message.client.send_chat_action(, "upload_audio") try: msg = await message.client.send_audio(, audio=str_path, thumb=thumb, caption=f"<code>{} [ {file_size} ]</code>", title=title, performer=artist, duration=duration, parse_mode="html", disable_notification=True, progress=progress, progress_args=(message, f"uploading {extra}", str_path) ) except ValueError as e_e: await sent.edit(f"Skipping `{str_path}` due to {e_e}") except Exception as u_e: await sent.edit(str(u_e)) raise u_e else: await sent.delete() await finalize(message, msg, start_t) if os.path.exists(str_path) and del_path: os.remove(str_path) finally: if os.path.lexists("album_cover.jpg"): os.remove("album_cover.jpg")
def _search( self, search_query: str, flags: list, parent_id: str = "", list_root: bool = False, ) -> str: force = "-f" in flags pid = parent_id or self._parent_id if pid and not force: query = f"'{pid}' in parents and (name contains '{search_query}')" else: query = f"name contains '{search_query}'" page_token = None limit = int(flags.get("-l", 20)) page_size = limit if limit < 50 else 50 fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, size)" results = [] msg = "" while True: response = (self._service.files().list( supportsTeamDrives=True, includeTeamDriveItems=True, q=query, spaces="drive", corpora="allDrives", fields=fields, pageSize=page_size, orderBy="modifiedTime desc", pageToken=page_token, ).execute()) for file_ in response.get("files", []): if len(results) >= limit: break if file_.get("mimeType") == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: msg += G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_.get("id"), file_.get("name")) else: msg += G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format( file_.get("id"), file_.get("name"), humanbytes(int(file_.get("size", 0))), ) msg += "\n" results.append(file_) if len(results) >= limit: break page_token = response.get("nextPageToken", None) if page_token is None: break if not msg: return "`Not Found!`" if parent_id and not force: out = f"**List GDrive Folder** : `{parent_id}`\n" elif list_root and not force: out = f"**List GDrive Root Folder** : `{self._parent_id}`\n" else: out = f"**GDrive Search Query** : `{search_query}`\n" return out + f"**Limit** : `{limit}`\n\n__Results__ : \n\n" + msg
def _download_file(self, path: str, name: str, **kwargs) -> None: request = self._service.files().get_media(fileId=kwargs['id'], supportsTeamDrives=True) with io.FileIO(os.path.join(path, name), 'wb') as d_f: d_file_obj = MediaIoBaseDownload(d_f, request, chunksize=50 * 1024 * 1024) c_time = time.time() done = False while done is False: status, done = d_file_obj.next_chunk() if self._is_canceled: raise ProcessCanceled if status: f_size = status.total_size diff = time.time() - c_time downloaded = status.resumable_progress percentage = downloaded / f_size * 100 speed = round(downloaded / diff, 2) eta = round((f_size - downloaded) / speed) tmp = \ "__Downloading From GDrive...__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]({}%)```\n" + \ "**File Name** : `{}`\n" + \ "**File Size** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Downloaded** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}/{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}/s`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" self._progress = tmp.format( "".join([Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR \ for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5))]), "".join([Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR \ for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5))]), round(percentage, 2), name, humanbytes(f_size), humanbytes(downloaded), self._completed, self._list, humanbytes(speed), time_formatter(eta)) self._completed += 1"Downloaded Google-Drive File => Name: %s ID: %s", name, kwargs['id'])
async def url_download(message: Message, url: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ download from link """ await message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") start_t = custom_file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in url: url, c_file_name = url.split("|", maxsplit=1) url = url.strip() if c_file_name: custom_file_name = c_file_name.strip() dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, custom_file_name) downloader = SmartDL(url, dl_loc, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) with message.cancel_callback(downloader.stop): while not downloader.isFinished(): total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join( (Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), ''.join( (Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, custom_file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) await message.edit(progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(Config.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT) if message.process_is_canceled: raise ProcessCanceled return dl_loc, ( - start_t).seconds
async def audio_upload(message: Message, path, del_path: bool): title = None artist = None thumb = None duration = 0 strpath = str(path) file_size = humanbytes(os.stat(strpath).st_size) try: album_art = stagger.read_tag(strpath) if (album_art.picture and not os.path.lexists(THUMB_PATH)): bytes_pic_data = album_art[stagger.id3.APIC][0].data bytes_io = io.BytesIO(bytes_pic_data) image_file ="album_cover.jpg", "JPEG") thumb = "album_cover.jpg" except stagger.errors.NoTagError: pass metadata = extractMetadata(createParser(strpath)) if metadata and metadata.has("title"): title = metadata.get("title") if metadata and metadata.has("artist"): artist = metadata.get("artist") if metadata and metadata.has("duration"): duration = metadata.get("duration").seconds sent: Message = await message.client.send_message(, f"`Uploading {} as audio ...`") start_t = c_time = time.time() await message.client.send_chat_action(, "upload_audio") try: msg = await message.client.send_audio(, audio=strpath, thumb=thumb, caption=f"{} [ {file_size} ]", title=title, performer=artist, duration=duration, parse_mode="html", disable_notification=True, progress=progress, progress_args=( "uploading", userge, message, c_time, str( ) ) except Exception as u_e: await sent.edit(u_e) raise u_e else: await sent.delete() await finalize(message, msg, start_t) finally: if os.path.lexists("album_cover.jpg"): os.remove("album_cover.jpg") if os.path.exists(str(path)) and del_path: os.remove(str(path))
async def media_h(message: Message): reply = message.reply_to_message if not reply: return await message.err("reply to a User") start = time.time() await message.edit( 'This process takes soo much F*ing Time ๐ so here\'s a quote ๐โโ๏ธ\n\n`"All you gotta do is chill out... Let go of control and chill out... Let it be, Trust."`\n- **Esther Hicks**' ) x = PrettyTable() media_dict = {} # Generate json for m in TYPES: media_dict[m] = {} media_dict[m]["file_size"] = 0 media_dict[m]["count"] = 0 media_dict[m]["max_size"] = 0 media_dict[m]["max_file_link"] = "" # Count msg_count = 0 x.title = "File Summary:" x.field_names = ["Media", "Count", "File size"] largest = " <b>Largest Size</b>\n" u_mention = mention_html(, reply.from_user.first_name) async for msg in userge.search_messages(, "", ): msg_count += 1 for media in TYPES: if msg[media]: media_dict[media]["file_size"] += msg[media].file_size media_dict[media]["count"] += 1 if msg[media].file_size > media_dict[media]["max_size"]: media_dict[media]["max_size"] = msg[media].file_size media_dict[media]["max_file_link"] = for mediax in TYPES: x.add_row( [ mediax, media_dict[mediax]["count"], humanbytes(media_dict[mediax]["file_size"]), ] ) if media_dict[mediax]["count"] != 0: largest += f"โข [{mediax}]({media_dict[mediax]['max_file_link']}) : <code>{humanbytes(media_dict[mediax]['max_size'])}</code>\n" result = f"<b>{}</b>\n" result += f"๐ค <b>User</b> : {u_mention}\n" result += f"<code>Total Messages: {msg_count}</code>\n" result += f"```{str(x)}```\n" result += f"{largest}\n" end = time.time() result += f"โณ <code>Process took: {time_formatter(end - start)}</code>." await message.edit(result, disable_web_page_preview=True)
def onedrive(link: str) -> str: link_without_query = urlparse(link)._replace(query=None).geturl() direct_link_encoded = str(standard_b64encode(bytes(link_without_query, "utf-8")), "utf-8") direct_link1 = f"!{direct_link_encoded}/root/content" resp = requests.head(direct_link1) if resp.status_code != 302: return "`Error: Unauthorized link, the link may be private`" dl_link = file_name = dl_link.rsplit("/", 1)[1] resp2 = requests.head(dl_link) dl_size = humanbytes(int(resp2.headers["Content-Length"])) return f"[{file_name} ({dl_size})]({dl_link})"
def _set_perms(self, file_id: str) -> str: self._set_permission(file_id) drive_file = self._service.files().get(fileId=file_id, supportsTeamDrives=True, fields="id, name, mimeType, size").execute() "Set Permission : for Google-Drive File : %s\n%s", file_id, drive_file) mime_type = drive_file['mimeType'] file_name = drive_file['name'] file_id = drive_file['id'] if mime_type == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: return G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_id, file_name) file_size = humanbytes(int(drive_file.get('size', 0))) return G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format(file_id, file_name, file_size)
def _search(self, search_query: str, flags: list, parent_id: str = "", list_root: bool = False) -> str: force = '-f' in flags pid = parent_id or self._parent_id if pid and not force: query = f"'{pid}' in parents and (name contains '{search_query}')" else: query = f"name contains '{search_query}'" page_token = None limit = int(flags.get('-l', 20)) page_size = limit if limit < 50 else 50 fields = 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, size)' results = [] msg = "" while True: response = self._service.files().list(supportsTeamDrives=True, includeTeamDriveItems=True, q=query, spaces='drive', corpora='allDrives', fields=fields, pageSize=page_size, orderBy='modifiedTime desc', pageToken=page_token).execute() for file_ in response.get('files', []): if len(results) >= limit: break if file_.get('mimeType') == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: msg += G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_.get('id'), file_.get('name')) else: msg += G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format( file_.get('id'), file_.get('name'), humanbytes(int(file_.get('size', 0)))) msg += '\n' results.append(file_) if len(results) >= limit: break page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None) if page_token is None: break del results if not msg: return "`Not Found!,Maybe You Can Search By Yourself`\n\n๐ Index Link: [Click here](" if parent_id and not force: out = f"**List GDrive Folder** : `{parent_id}`\n" elif list_root and not force: out = f"**List GDrive Root Folder** : `{self._parent_id}`\n" else: out = f"**GDrive Search Query** : `{search_query}`\n" return out + f"**Limit** : `{limit}`\n\n__Results__ : \n\n" + msg
def __progress(data: dict): if ((time() - startTime) % 4) > 3.9: if data['status'] == "downloading": eta = data.get('eta') speed = data.get('speed') if not (eta and speed): return out = "**Speed** >> {}/s\n**ETA** >> {}\n".format(humanbytes(speed), time_formatter(eta)) out += f'**File Name** >> `{data["filename"]}`\n\n' current = data.get('downloaded_bytes') total = data.get("total_bytes") if current and total: percentage = int(current) * 100 / int(total) out += f"Progress >> {int(percentage)}%\n" out += "[{}{}]".format(''.join(["โ" for _ in range(floor(percentage / 5))]), ''.join(["โ" for _ in range(20 - floor(percentage / 5))])) if message.text != out: asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(message.edit(out))
def _move(self, file_id: str) -> str: previous_parents = ",".join(self._service.files().get( fileId=file_id, fields='parents', supportsTeamDrives=True).execute()['parents']) drive_file = self._service.files().update(fileId=file_id, addParents=self._parent_id, removeParents=previous_parents, fields="id, name, mimeType, size, parents", supportsTeamDrives=True).execute()"Moved file : %s => " "from : %s to : {drive_file['parents']} in Google-Drive", file_id, previous_parents) mime_type = drive_file['mimeType'] file_name = drive_file['name'] file_id = drive_file['id'] if mime_type == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: return G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_id, file_name) file_size = humanbytes(int(drive_file.get('size', 0))) return G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format(file_id, file_name, file_size)
def _get_output(self, file_id: str) -> str: file_ = self._service.files().get( fileId=file_id, fields="id, name, size, mimeType", supportsTeamDrives=True).execute() file_id = file_.get('id') file_name = file_.get('name') file_size = humanbytes(int(file_.get('size', 0))) mime_type = file_.get('mimeType') if mime_type == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: out = G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_id, file_name) else: out = G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format(file_id, file_name, file_size) if Config.G_DRIVE_INDEX_LINK: link = os.path.join( Config.G_DRIVE_INDEX_LINK.rstrip('/'), quote(self._get_file_path(file_id, file_name))) if mime_type == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: link += '/' out += f"\n๐ฅ __[Shareable Link]({link})__" return out
def _copy(self, file_id: str) -> None: try: drive_file = self.__service.files().get( fileId=file_id, fields="id, name, mimeType", supportsTeamDrives=True).execute() if drive_file['mimeType'] == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: dir_id = self.__create_drive_dir(drive_file['name'], self._parent_id) self.__copy_dir(file_id, dir_id) ret_id = dir_id else: ret_id = self.__copy_file(file_id, self._parent_id) drive_file = self.__service.files().get( fileId=ret_id, fields="id, name, mimeType, size", supportsTeamDrives=True).execute() mime_type = drive_file['mimeType'] file_name = drive_file['name'] file_id = drive_file['id'] if mime_type == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: self.__output = G_DRIVE_FOLDER_LINK.format(file_id, file_name) else: file_size = humanbytes(int(drive_file.get('size', 0))) self.__output = G_DRIVE_FILE_LINK.format( file_id, file_name, file_size) except HttpError as h_e: LOG.exception(h_e) self.__output = h_e except ProcessCanceled: self.__output = "`Process Canceled!`" finally: self.__finish()
def cm_ru(url: str) -> str: """ direct links generator Using""" reply = '' try: link = re.findall(r'\bhttps?://.*cloud\.mail\.ru\S+', url)[0] except IndexError: reply = "`No links found`\n" return reply command = f'bin/cmrudl -s {link}' result = popen(command).read() # nosec result = result.splitlines()[-1] try: data = json.loads(result) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: reply += "`Error: Can't extract the link`\n" return reply dl_url = data['download'] name = data['file_name'] size = humanbytes(int(data['file_size'])) reply += f'[{name} ({size})]({dl_url})\n' return reply
def __progress(data: dict): nonlocal edited, c_time diff = time() - c_time if data["status"] == "downloading" and ( not edited or diff >= Config.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT ): c_time = time() edited = True eta = data.get("eta") speed = data.get("speed") if not (eta and speed): return out = "**Speed** >> {}/s\n**ETA** : {}\n".format( humanbytes(speed), time_formatter(eta) ) out += f'**File Name** : `{data["filename"]}`\n\n' current = data.get("downloaded_bytes") total = data.get("total_bytes") if current and total: percentage = int(current) * 100 / int(total) out += f"Progress : {int(percentage)}%\n" out += "[{}{}]".format( "".join( ( Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(floor(percentage / 5)) ) ), "".join( ( Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(20 - floor(percentage / 5)) ) ), ) userge.loop.create_task(message.edit(out))
def _upload_file(self, file_path: str, parent_id: str) -> str: if self._is_canceled: raise ProcessCanceled mime_type = guess_type(file_path)[0] or "text/plain" file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) body = {"name": file_name, "mimeType": mime_type, "description": "Uploaded using Userge"} if parent_id: body["parents"] = [parent_id] if file_size == 0: media_body = MediaFileUpload(file_path, mimetype=mime_type, resumable=False) u_file_obj = self._service.files().create(body=body, media_body=media_body, supportsTeamDrives=True).execute() file_id = u_file_obj.get("id") else: media_body = MediaFileUpload(file_path, mimetype=mime_type, chunksize=50*1024*1024, resumable=True) u_file_obj = self._service.files().create(body=body, media_body=media_body, supportsTeamDrives=True) c_time = time.time() response = None while response is None: status, response = u_file_obj.next_chunk(num_retries=5) if self._is_canceled: raise ProcessCanceled if status: f_size = status.total_size diff = time.time() - c_time uploaded = status.resumable_progress percentage = uploaded / f_size * 100 speed = round(uploaded / diff, 2) eta = round((f_size - uploaded) / speed) tmp = \ "__Uploading to GDrive...__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]({}%)```\n" + \ "**File Name** : `{}`\n" + \ "**File Size** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Uploaded** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}/{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}/s`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" self._progress = tmp.format( "".join((Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), "".join((Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), file_name, humanbytes(f_size), humanbytes(uploaded), self._completed, self._list, humanbytes(speed), time_formatter(eta)) file_id = response.get("id") if not Config.G_DRIVE_IS_TD: self._set_permission(file_id) self._completed += 1 "Created Google-Drive File => Name: %s ID: %s Size: %s", file_name, file_id, file_size) return file_id
async def uploadtotg(message: Message): """ upload to telegram """ path_ = message.filtered_input_str if not path_: await message.edit("invalid input!, check `.help .upload`", del_in=5) return is_url ="(?:https?|ftp)://[^|\s]+\.[^|\s]+", path_) del_path = False if is_url: del_path = True await message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") url = is_url[0] file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in path_: file_name = path_.split("|")[1].strip() path_ = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name) try: downloader = SmartDL(url, path_, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) count = 0 while not downloader.isFinished(): if message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception('Process Canceled!') total_length = downloader.filesize or 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join((Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), ''.join((Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) count += 1 if count >= Config.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT: count = 0 await message.try_to_edit(progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception as d_e: # pylint: disable=broad-except await message.err(d_e) return if "|" in path_: path_, file_name = path_.split("|") path_ = path_.strip() if os.path.isfile(path_): new_path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name.strip()) os.rename(path_, new_path) path_ = new_path try: string = Path(path_) except IndexError: await message.edit("wrong syntax\n`.upload [path]`") else: await message.delete() await upload_path(message, string, del_path)
async def combine_(message: Message) -> None: """combine""" file_path = message.input_str if not file_path: await message.err("missing file path!") return if not isfile(file_path): await message.err("file path not exists!") return _, ext = splitext(basename(file_path)) if not ext.lstrip('.').isdigit(): await message.err("unsupported file!") return await message.edit("`processing...`") start_t = c_obj = SCLib(file_path) c_obj.combine() tmp = \ "__Combining file path...__\n" + \ "```{}({}%)```\n" + \ "**File Path** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Dest** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}/s`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed Files** : `{}/{}`" while not c_obj.finished: if message.process_is_canceled: c_obj.cancel() await message.try_to_edit(tmp.format(c_obj.progress, c_obj.percentage, file_path, c_obj.final_file_path, humanbytes(c_obj.completed), humanbytes(, humanbytes(c_obj.speed), c_obj.eta, c_obj.completed_files, c_obj.total_files)) await sleep(3) if c_obj.output: await message.err(c_obj.output) else: end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit( f"**combined** `{file_path}` into `{c_obj.final_file_path}` " f"in `{m_s}` seconds.", log=True)
async def down_load_media(message: Message): await message.edit("`Trying to Download...`") if message.reply_to_message and start_t = dl_loc = await message.client.download_media( message=message.reply_to_message, file_name=Config.DOWN_PATH, progress=progress, progress_args=(message, "trying to download")) if message.process_is_canceled: await message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) else: dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, os.path.basename(dl_loc)) end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit(f"Downloaded to `{dl_loc}` in {m_s} seconds") elif message.input_str: start_t = url = message.input_str custom_file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in url: url, custom_file_name = url.split("|") url = url.strip() custom_file_name = custom_file_name.strip() download_file_path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, custom_file_name) try: downloader = SmartDL(url, download_file_path, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) count = 0 while not downloader.isFinished(): if message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception('Process Canceled!') total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join( (Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), ''.join((Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, custom_file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) count += 1 if count >= Config.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT: count = 0 await message.try_to_edit(progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception as e: await message.err(e) else: end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit( f"Downloaded to `{download_file_path}` in {m_s} seconds") else: await message.edit("Please read `.help download`", del_in=5)
async def see_info(message: Message): cmd_str = message.input_str if not cmd_str: return await message.err("Provide a Valid Command to Search", del_in=5) word = None if ";" in cmd_str: cmd_str, word = cmd_str.split(";", 1) cmd_str = cmd_str.strip() other_trigger = [".", Config.SUDO_TRIGGER] cmd_list = list(userge.manager.commands) found = True if not (cmd_str.startswith(Config.CMD_TRIGGER) and (cmd_str in cmd_list)): found = False for character in other_trigger: if cmd_str.startswith(character) and ( cmd_str.replace(character, Config.CMD_TRIGGER) in cmd_list ): cmd_str = cmd_str.replace(character, Config.CMD_TRIGGER) found = True break if cmd_str.isalpha() and (Config.CMD_TRIGGER + cmd_str) in cmd_list: found = True cmd_str = Config.CMD_TRIGGER + cmd_str if not found: return await message.err("provide a valid command name", del_in=5) repo = Repo() branch = if branch == "master": branch = "alpha" plugin_name = userge.manager.commands[cmd_str].plugin_name plugin_loc = ("/" + userge.manager.plugins[plugin_name].parent).replace( "/plugins", "" ) if plugin_loc == "/unofficial": unofficial_repo = ( "" ) plugin_link = f"{unofficial_repo}/{plugin_name}.py" elif plugin_loc == "/temp": plugin_link = False else: plugin_link = "{}/blob/{}/userge/plugins{}/{}.py".format( Config.UPSTREAM_REPO, branch, plugin_loc, plugin_name ) local_path = f"userge/plugins{plugin_loc}/{plugin_name}.py" f_size = humanbytes(os.stat(local_path).st_size) search_path = count_lines(local_path, word) result = f""" <b>โข> CMD:</b> <code>{cmd_str}</code> ๐ <b>Path :</b> <code>{local_path}</code><pre> - Size on Disk: {f_size} - No. of lines: {search_path[0]}</pre> """ if plugin_link: result += f"\n๐ป <b>[View Code on Github]({plugin_link})</b>" if word: result += f"\n\n๐ <b>Matches for:</b> {word}\n" s_result = "" if len(search_path[1]) == 0: s_result += " โ Not Found !" else: line_c = 0 for line in search_path[1]: line_c += 1 s_result += f"[#L{line}]({plugin_link}#L{line}) " if line_c >= 8: break result += " <b>{}</b>".format(s_result) await message.edit(result, disable_web_page_preview=True)
async def labstack(message: Message): await message.edit("Initiating...") if not os.path.isdir(Config.DOWN_PATH): os.mkdir(Config.DOWN_PATH) path_ = message.filtered_input_str dl_loc = "" if path_: is_url ="(?:https?|ftp)://[^|\s]+\.[^|\s]+", path_) if is_url: await message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") if not os.path.isdir(Config.DOWN_PATH): os.mkdir(Config.DOWN_PATH) url = is_url[0] file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in path_: file_name = path_.split("|")[1].strip() path_ = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name) dl_loc = path_ try: downloader = SmartDL(url, path_, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) count = 0 while not downloader.isFinished(): if message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception("Process Cancelled!") total_length = downloader.filesize or 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = ("__{}__\n" + "```[{}{}]```\n" + "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + "**URL** : `{}`\n" + "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + "**Total** : `{}`\n" + "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + "**ETA** : `{}`") progress_str = progress_str.format( "Downloading", "".join((Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), "".join( (Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time, ) count += 1 if count >= 5: count = 0 await message.try_to_edit( progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception as d_e: await message.err(d_e) return if "|" in path_: path_, file_name = path_.split("|") path_ = path_.strip() if os.path.isfile(path_): new_path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name.strip()) os.rename(path_, new_path) dl_loc = new_path if message.reply_to_message and dl_loc = await message.client.download_media( message=message.reply_to_message, file_name=Config.DOWN_PATH, progress=progress, progress_args=(message, "Downloading"), ) filesize = os.path.getsize(dl_loc) filename = os.path.basename(dl_loc) file = {"name": filename, "type": "", "size": int(filesize)} user_id = "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) data = {"ttl": 604800, "files": [file]} headers = { "up-user-id": user_id, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)" "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36", } r ="", json=data, headers=headers).json() files = { "files": (filename, open(dl_loc, "rb")), } send_url = "{}/send".format(r["code"]) response =, headers=headers, files=files) if (response.status_code) == 200: link = "{}/receive".format( r["code"]) await message.edit(f"**Filename**: `{filename}`\n**Size**: " f"`{humanbytes(filesize)}`\n\n" f"**Link**: {link}\n`Expires in 7 Days`") else: await message.edit("Request Failed!", del_in=5)
async def upload(self) -> None: """ Upload from file/folder/link/tg file to GDrive. """ if not os.path.isdir(Config.DOWN_PATH): os.mkdir(Config.DOWN_PATH) replied = self.__message.reply_to_message is_url ="(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\w/\-?=%.]+\.[\w/\-?=%.]+", self.__message.input_str) dl_loc = None if replied and await self.__message.edit("`Downloading From TG...`") c_time = time.time() dl_loc = await userge.download_media( message=replied, file_name=Config.DOWN_PATH, progress=progress, progress_args=("trying to download", userge, self.__message, c_time)) if self.__message.process_is_canceled: await self.__message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) return else: dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, os.path.basename(dl_loc)) elif is_url: await self.__message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") is_url = is_url[0] file_name = os.path.basename(is_url) dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name) try: downloader = SmartDL(is_url, dl_loc, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) while not downloader.isFinished(): if self.__message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception('Process Canceled!') total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join([ "โ" for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)) ]), ''.join([ "โ" for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)) ]), round(percentage, 2), is_url, file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) await self.__message.try_to_edit( text=progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(3) except Exception as d_e: await self.__message.err(d_e) return upload_file_name = dl_loc if dl_loc else self.__message.input_str if not os.path.exists(upload_file_name): await self.__message.err("invalid file path provided?") return await self.__message.edit("`Loading GDrive Upload...`") Thread(target=self._upload, args=(upload_file_name, )).start() start_t = while not self._is_finished: if self.__message.process_is_canceled: self._cancel() if self._progress is not None: await self.__message.try_to_edit(self._progress) await asyncio.sleep(3) if dl_loc and os.path.exists(dl_loc): os.remove(dl_loc) end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds if isinstance(self._output, HttpError): out = f"**ERROR** : `{self._output._get_reason()}`" elif self._output is not None and not self._is_canceled: out = f"**Uploaded Successfully** __in {m_s} seconds__\n\n{self._output}" elif self._output is not None and self._is_canceled: out = self._output else: out = "`failed to upload.. check logs?`" await self.__message.edit(out, disable_web_page_preview=True, log=True)
async def url_download(message: Message, url: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ download from link """ pattern = r"^(?:(?:https|tg):\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:t\.me\/|openmessage\?)(?:(?:c\/(\d+))|(\w+)|(?:user_id\=(\d+)))(?:\/|&message_id\=)(\d+)(\?single)?$" # noqa # group 1: private supergroup id, group 2: chat username, # group 3: private group/chat id, group 4: message id # group 5: check for download single media from media group match =, url.split('|', 1)[0].strip()) if match: chat_id = None msg_id = int( if chat_id = int("-100" + elif chat_id = elif chat_id = int( if chat_id and msg_id: resource = await message.client.get_messages(chat_id, msg_id) if resource.media_group_id and not bool( output = await handle_download(message, resource, True) elif output = await tg_download(message, resource, True) else: raise Exception("given tg link doesn't have any media") return output raise Exception("invalid telegram message link!") await message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") start_t = custom_file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in url: url, c_file_name = url.split("|", maxsplit=1) url = url.strip() if c_file_name: custom_file_name = c_file_name.strip() dl_loc = os.path.join(config.Dynamic.DOWN_PATH, custom_file_name) downloader = SmartDL(url, dl_loc, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) with message.cancel_callback(downloader.stop): while not downloader.isFinished(): total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join( (config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), ''.join( (config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for _ in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, custom_file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) await message.edit(progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(config.Dynamic.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT) if message.process_is_canceled: raise ProcessCanceled return dl_loc, ( - start_t).seconds
def download_button(vid: str, body: bool = False): try: vid_data = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({ "no-playlist": True }).extract_info(BASE_YT_URL + vid, download=False) except ExtractorError: vid_data = {"formats": []} buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("โญ๏ธ BEST - ๐น MKV", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mkv_v"), InlineKeyboardButton( "โญ๏ธ BEST - ๐น WebM/MP4", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mp4_v", ), ]] # ------------------------------------------------ # qual_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) qual_list = ["144p", "240p", "360p", "480p", "720p", "1080p", "1440p"] audio_dict = {} # ------------------------------------------------ # for video in vid_data["formats"]: fr_note = video.get("format_note") fr_id = int(video.get("format_id")) fr_size = video.get("filesize") if video.get("ext") == "mp4": for frmt_ in qual_list: if fr_note in (frmt_, frmt_ + "60"): qual_dict[frmt_][fr_id] = fr_size if video.get("acodec") != "none": bitrrate = int(video.get("abr", 0)) if bitrrate != 0: audio_dict[ bitrrate] = f"๐ต {bitrrate}Kbps ({humanbytes(fr_size) or 'N/A'})" video_btns = [] for frmt in qual_list: frmt_dict = qual_dict[frmt] if len(frmt_dict) != 0: frmt_id = sorted(list(frmt_dict))[-1] frmt_size = humanbytes(frmt_dict.get(frmt_id)) or "N/A" video_btns.append( InlineKeyboardButton( f"๐น {frmt} ({frmt_size})", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_{frmt_id}_v", )) buttons += sublists(video_btns, width=2) buttons += [[ InlineKeyboardButton("โญ๏ธ BEST - ๐ต 320Kbps - MP3", callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_mp3_a") ]] buttons += sublists( [ InlineKeyboardButton(audio_dict.get(key_), callback_data=f"ytdl_download_{vid}_{key_}_a") for key_ in sorted(audio_dict.keys()) ], width=2, ) if body: vid_body = f"<b>[{vid_data.get('title')}]({vid_data.get('webpage_url')})</b>" return vid_body, InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) return InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)
async def see_info(message: Message): cmd_str = message.input_str if not cmd_str: return await message.err("Provide a Valid Command to Search", del_in=5) word = None if "|" in cmd_str: cmd_str, word = cmd_str.split("|", 1) cmd_str = cmd_str.strip() other_trigger = [".", Config.SUDO_TRIGGER] cmd_list = list(userge.manager.commands) found = True if not (cmd_str.startswith(Config.CMD_TRIGGER) and (cmd_str in cmd_list)): found = False for character in other_trigger: if cmd_str.startswith(character) and (cmd_str.replace( character, Config.CMD_TRIGGER) in cmd_list): cmd_str = cmd_str.replace(character, Config.CMD_TRIGGER) found = True break if cmd_str.isalpha() and (Config.CMD_TRIGGER + cmd_str) in cmd_list: found = True cmd_str = Config.CMD_TRIGGER + cmd_str if not found: return await message.err("provide a valid command name", del_in=5) repo = Repo() try: branch = except Exception: with open(".git/HEAD", "r") as gitfile: branch ="/")[-1].strip() if branch == "master": branch = "alpha" plugin_name = userge.manager.commands[cmd_str].plugin_name plugin_loc = ("/" + userge.manager.plugins[plugin_name].parent).replace( "/plugins", "") if plugin_loc == "/xtra": extra_plugins = ( "") plugin_link = f"{extra_plugins}/{plugin_name}.py" elif plugin_loc == "/custom": custom_plugins = (os.environ.get("CUSTOM_PLUGINS_REPO") or "" + "/blob/main/plugins") plugin_link = f"{custom_plugins}/{plugin_name}.py" elif plugin_loc == "/temp": plugin_link = False else: plugin_link = "{}/blob/{}/userge/plugins{}/{}.py".format( Config.UPSTREAM_REPO, branch, plugin_loc, plugin_name) local_path = f"userge/plugins{plugin_loc}/{plugin_name}.py" f_size = humanbytes(os.stat(local_path).st_size) search_path = count_lines(local_path, word) result = f""" <b>โข> CMD:</b> <code>{cmd_str}</code> ๐ <b>Path :</b> <code>{local_path}</code><pre> - Size on Disk: {f_size} - No. of lines: {search_path[0]}</pre> """ if plugin_link: result += f"\n๐ป <b>[View Code on Github]({plugin_link})</b>" if word: result += f"\n\n๐ <b>Matches for:</b> {word}\n" s_result = "" if len(search_path[1]) == 0: s_result += " โ Not Found !" else: for line_c, line in enumerate(search_path[1], start=1): s_result += f"[#L{line}]({plugin_link}#L{line}) " if line_c >= 8: break result += " <b>{}</b>".format(s_result) await message.edit(result, disable_web_page_preview=True)
async def upload(self) -> None: """ Upload from file/folder/link/tg file to GDrive """ replied = self._message.reply_to_message is_url = r"(?:https?|ftp)://[^\|\s]+\.[^\|\s]+", self._message.input_str) dl_loc = None if replied and await self._message.edit("`Downloading From TG...`") file_name = Config.DOWN_PATH if self._message.input_str: file_name = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, self._message.input_str) dl_loc = await self._message.client.download_media( message=replied, file_name=file_name, progress=progress, progress_args=(self._message, "trying to download") ) if self._message.process_is_canceled: await self._message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) return dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, os.path.basename(dl_loc)) elif is_url: await self._message.edit("`Downloading From URL...`") url = is_url[0] file_name = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(url)) if "|" in self._message.input_str: file_name = self._message.input_str.split("|")[1].strip() dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name) try: downloader = SmartDL(url, dl_loc, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) count = 0 while not downloader.isFinished(): if self._message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception('Process Canceled!') total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join((Config.FINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5)))), ''.join((Config.UNFINISHED_PROGRESS_STR for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5)))), round(percentage, 2), url, file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) count += 1 if count >= 5: count = 0 await self._message.try_to_edit( progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception as d_e: await self._message.err(d_e) return file_path = dl_loc if dl_loc else self._message.input_str if not os.path.exists(file_path): await self._message.err("invalid file path provided?") return if "|" in file_path: file_path, file_name = file_path.split("|") new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path.strip()), file_name.strip()) os.rename(file_path.strip(), new_path) file_path = new_path await self._message.edit("`Loading GDrive Upload...`") pool.submit_thread(self._upload, file_path) start_t = count = 0 while not self._is_finished: count += 1 if self._message.process_is_canceled: self._cancel() if self._progress is not None and count >= 5: count = 0 await self._message.try_to_edit(self._progress) await asyncio.sleep(1) if dl_loc and os.path.exists(dl_loc): os.remove(dl_loc) end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds if isinstance(self._output, HttpError): out = f"**ERROR** : `{self._output._get_reason()}`" # pylint: disable=protected-access elif self._output is not None and not self._is_canceled: out = f"**Uploaded Successfully** __in {m_s} seconds__\n\n{self._output}" elif self._output is not None and self._is_canceled: out = self._output else: out = "`failed to upload.. check logs?`" await self._message.edit(out, disable_web_page_preview=True, log=__name__)
async def down_load_media(message: Message): await message.edit("Trying to Download...") if not os.path.isdir(Config.DOWN_PATH): os.mkdir(Config.DOWN_PATH) if message.reply_to_message is not None: start_t = c_time = time.time() dl_loc = await userge.download_media( message=message.reply_to_message, file_name=Config.DOWN_PATH, progress=progress, progress_args=( "trying to download", userge, message, c_time ) ) # await userge.send_chat_action(, "cancel") if message.process_is_canceled: await message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) else: dl_loc = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, os.path.basename(dl_loc)) end_t = ms = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit( f"Downloaded to `{dl_loc}` in {ms} seconds") elif message.input_str: start_t = url = message.input_str custom_file_name = os.path.basename(url) if "|" in url: url, custom_file_name = url.split("|") url = url.strip() custom_file_name = custom_file_name.strip() download_file_path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, custom_file_name) try: downloader = SmartDL(url, download_file_path, progress_bar=False) downloader.start(blocking=False) while not downloader.isFinished(): if message.process_is_canceled: downloader.stop() raise Exception('Process Canceled!') total_length = downloader.filesize if downloader.filesize else 0 downloaded = downloader.get_dl_size() percentage = downloader.get_progress() * 100 speed = downloader.get_speed(human=True) estimated_total_time = downloader.get_eta(human=True) progress_str = \ "__{}__\n" + \ "```[{}{}]```\n" + \ "**Progress** : `{}%`\n" + \ "**URL** : `{}`\n" + \ "**FILENAME** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Completed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Total** : `{}`\n" + \ "**Speed** : `{}`\n" + \ "**ETA** : `{}`" progress_str = progress_str.format( "trying to download", ''.join(["โ" for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5))]), ''.join(["โ" for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5))]), round(percentage, 2), url, custom_file_name, humanbytes(downloaded), humanbytes(total_length), speed, estimated_total_time) await message.try_to_edit( text=progress_str, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(3) except Exception as e: await message.err(e) else: end_t = ms = (end_t - start_t).seconds await message.edit(f"Downloaded to `{download_file_path}` in {ms} seconds") else: await message.edit( "Reply to a Telegram Media, to download it to local server.", del_in=3)