Esempio n. 1
def band_psd(t, e, cfrq, equi=True, frqosamp=1):
    Band-averaged power spectral density in vicinity of tidal constituents

    t : ndarray
        time [days] relative to an arbitrary origin
    e : ndarray
        residual from tidal fit, complex/real
    cfrq : ndarray
        frequencies of NR & R constituents [CPH]
    equi : boolean
        True (default) if sample times are uniformly spaced
    frqosamp : integer
        Lomb-Scargle frequency oversampling factor, if equi = False

    P : Bunch

        - P.fbnd : edges of freq bands [CPH]
        - P.Puu : 1-sided auto-sp dens of u err (=real(e)) [units^2/CPH]
        - P.Pvv : (complex case only)= as P.Puu but for v err (=imag(e))
        - P.Puv (complex case only)= cross-sp dens between u and v

    This is the only function in this module that is called from
    other modules.


    P = Bunch(fbnd=freq_bands)

    nt = len(e)
    if nt % 2:
        e = e[:-1]
        t = t[:-1]
        nt -= 1

    hn = signal.hanning(nt, sym=False)

    # on real component
    if equi:  # If even sampling, FFT.
        # sample interval in hours; t is in days
        dt = 24 * (t[1] - t[0])

        fs = 1/dt  # sampling frequency: cycles (samples) per hour
        Puu1s = _psd(np.real(e), hn, fs)
        allfrq = np.arange(nt//2 + 1) / (nt * dt)

    else:  # If uneven, Lomb-scargle.
        # time in hours, for output in CPH and x^2 per CPH
        lfreq = _lomb_freqs(t * 24, fbands=freq_bands, ofac=frqosamp)
        ls_spec = _psd_lomb(t * 24, e, window=hn, freq=lfreq)
        Puu1s = ls_spec.Pxx
        allfrq = ls_spec.F

    P.Puu = fbndavg(Puu1s, allfrq, cfrq)

    # If e is complex, handle imaginary part.
    if e.dtype.kind == 'c':

        if equi:  # If even sampling, Welch.
            Pvv1s = _psd(e.imag, hn, fs)
            Puv1s = _psd(e, hn, fs)       # complex cross-periodogram

        else:  # If uneven, lomscargle.
            Pvv1s = ls_spec.Pyy
            Puv1s = ls_spec.Pxy

        P.Pvv = fbndavg(Pvv1s, allfrq, cfrq)

        # Take co-spectrum only; ignore the quadrature (imag) part.
        P.Puv = fbndavg(Puv1s, allfrq, cfrq).real

        # I don't think we want to throw away the sign of the
        # co-spectrum, which determines the quadrant in which the
        # semi-major variance ellipse lies.
        # If it does matter, we need to check the sign convention.
        # P.Puv = np.abs(P.Puv)

    return P
Esempio n. 2
epoch = '1700-01-01'

solve_kw = dict(epoch=epoch, lat=21, constit='auto', method='ols',

coef_all = utide.solve(t, h, **solve_kw)

sl_month = slice(24 * 31)
coef_month = utide.solve(t[sl_month], h[sl_month], **solve_kw)

sl_week = slice(24*7)
coef_week = utide.solve(t[sl_week], h[sl_week], **solve_kw)

month_index_dict = dict({(name.strip(), i)
                         for i, name in enumerate(})
infer = Bunch()
infer.inferred_names = 'S2', 'N2', 'O1'
infer.reference_names = 'M2', 'M2', 'K1'
infer.amp_ratios, infer.phase_offsets = [], []
for ref, inf in zip(infer.reference_names, infer.inferred_names):
    iref = month_index_dict[ref]
    iinf = month_index_dict[inf]
    infer.amp_ratios.append(coef_month.A[iinf] / coef_month.A[iref])
    infer.phase_offsets.append(coef_month.g[iref] - coef_month.g[iinf])

coef_week_inf = utide.solve(t[sl_week], h[sl_week], infer=infer, **solve_kw)

runs = [(coef_all, 'HNL2010.mat'),
        (coef_month, 'HNL2010_Jan.mat'),
        (coef_week, 'HNL2010_Jan_week1.mat'),
        (coef_week_inf, 'HNL2010_Jan_week1_infer_S2.mat'),
Esempio n. 3
def _psd_lomb(t, x, window=None, freq=None, ofac=1):
    Periodogram estimate for irregular sampling, Lomb-Scargle method

    t : ndarray, (n,)
        time, monotonic but possibly irregularly spaced
    x : ndarray, (n,)
        signal, real or complex
    window : None or ndarray, (n,)
        if not None, a uniformly-sampled data window
    freq : ndarray (nfreq,)
        evaluation frequencies in cycles per unit time
    ofac : integer
        oversampling factor; defaults to 1

    P : Bunch

        - P.F: Frequencies (units: cycles per time unit) of the Pxx estimates.
        - P.Pxx: One-sided auto-spectral density estimate for real(`x`).

        if `x` is complex:

        - P.Pyy: as above, for imag(`x`)
        - P.Pxy: complex cross-spectrum between real(`x`) and imag(`x`)

    If `freq` is None, `P.F` is calculated to coincide with the
    Fourier frequencies for a series of n uniformly distributed
    times from min(`t`) to max(`t`). The mean and Nyquist are omitted
    because they are irrelevant in this context.

    PSD units are [`x`-units^2 per cycle per unit time]

    out = Bunch()

    # copy inputs
    x = np.array(x)
    t = np.array(t, dtype=float)

    # remove mean
    x -= x.mean()

    n = len(x)

    if window is None:
        w = np.ones(t.shape, dtype=float)
        # interpolate window from uniform grid to nonuniform t
        t_uniform = np.linspace(np.min(t), np.max(t), n)
        w = np.interp(t, t_uniform, window)

        x *= w

    # Estimated record length as n delta-t, where delta-t
    # is the *average* time per sample.
    delta_t = (t[-1] - t[0]) / (n-1)
    reclen = n * delta_t

    if freq is None:
        ofac = int(round(ofac))
        nf = n * ofac  # number of "Fourier frequencies" based on oversampling
        # Simplify by ignoring the 0 and Nyquist frequencies.
        # Divide by reclen to convert cycles/record to cycles/time unit.
        freq = np.arange(1, nf//2) / reclen

    out.F = freq

    xr = np.real(x)

    # signal.lombscargle returns "(A**2) * N/4 for a harmonic signal
    # with amplitude A for sufficiently large N."
    # It takes *angular* frequencies as 3rd argument.
    freq_radian = freq * 2 * np.pi
    psdnorm = 2 * delta_t * n / (w**2).sum()
    out.Pxx = psdnorm * signal.lombscargle(t, xr, freq_radian)

    if x.dtype.kind == 'f':
        return out

    out.Pyy = psdnorm * signal.lombscargle(t, x.imag, freq_radian)

    # If we need to limit memory usage and don't want to use
    # Cython, we can segment the frequencies and loop over the
    # segments.  The speed penalty will be minimal.
    out.Pxy = psdnorm * _ls_cross(t, x, freq_radian)

    return out
Esempio n. 4
def robustfit(X, y, weight_function='bisquare', tune=None,
              rcond=1, tol=0.001, maxit=50):
    Multiple linear regression via iteratively reweighted least squares.

    X : ndarray (n, p)
        MLR model with `p` parameters (independent variables) at `n` times
    y : ndarray (n,)
        dependent variable
    weight_function : string, optional
        name of weighting function
    tune : None or float, optional
        Tuning parameter for normalizing residuals in weight calculation;
        larger numbers *decrease* the sensitivity to outliers. If `None`,
        a default will be provided based on the `weight_function`.
    rcond : float, optional
        minimum condition number parameter for `np.linalg.lstsq`
    tol : float, optional
        When the fractional reduction in mean squared weighted residuals
        is less than `tol`, the iteration stops.
    maxit : integer, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.

    rf : `utide.utilities.Bunch`

        - rf.b: model coefficients of the solution
        - rf.w: weights used for the solution
        - rf.s: singular values for each model component
        - rf.rms_resid: rms residuals (unweighted) from the fit
        - rf.leverage: sensitivity of the OLS estimate to each point in `y`
        - rf.ols_b: OLS model coefficients
        - rf.ols_rms_resid: rms residuals from the OLS fit
        - rf.iterations: number of iterations completed


    if tune is None:
        tune = tune_defaults[weight_function]

    _wfunc = wfuncdict[weight_function]

    if X.ndim == 1:
        X = X.reshape((x.size, 1))
    n, p = X.shape

    lev = leverage(X)

    out = Bunch(weight_function=weight_function,

    # LJ2009 has an incorrect expression for leverage in the
    # appendix, and an incorrect version of the following
    # multiplicative factor for scaling the residuals.

    rfac = 1 / (tune * np.sqrt(1 - lev))

    # We probably only need to keep track of the rmeansq, but
    # it's cheap to carry along rsumsq until we are positive.
    oldrsumsq = None
    oldrmeansq = None
    oldlstsq = None
    oldw = None
    iterations = 0  # 1-based iteration exit number
    w = np.ones(y.shape)

    for i in range(maxit):
        wX = w[:, np.newaxis] * X
        wy = w * y
        b, rsumsq, rank, sing = np.linalg.lstsq(wX, wy, rcond)
        rsumsq = rsumsq[0]
        if i == 0:
            rms_resid = np.sqrt(rsumsq / n)

        # Weighted mean of squared weighted residuals:
        rmeansq = rsumsq / w.sum()

        if oldrsumsq is not None:
            # improvement = (oldrsumsq - rsumsq) / oldrsumsq
            improvement = (oldrmeansq - rmeansq) / oldrmeansq
            # print("improvement:", improvement)

            if improvement < 0:
                b, rsumsq, rank, sing = oldlstsq
                w = oldw
                iterations = i

            if improvement < tol:
                iterations = i + 1

        # Save these values in case the next iteration
        # makes things worse.
        oldlstsq = b, rsumsq, rank, sing
        oldw = w
        oldrsumsq = rsumsq
        oldrmeansq = rmeansq

        # Residuals (unweighted) from latest fit:
        resid = y -, b)

        # Update weights based on these residuals.
        w = _wfunc(r_normed(resid, rfac))

    if iterations == 0:
        iterations = maxit  # Did not converge.

    rms_resid = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(resid)**2))


    return out
Esempio n. 5

coef_all = utide.solve(t, h, **solve_kw)

sl_month = slice(24 * 31)
coef_month = utide.solve(t[sl_month], h[sl_month], **solve_kw)

sl_week = slice(24 * 7)
coef_week = utide.solve(t[sl_week], h[sl_week], **solve_kw)

month_index_dict = dict({(name.strip(), i)
                         for i, name in enumerate(})
infer = Bunch()
infer.inferred_names = 'S2', 'N2', 'O1'
infer.reference_names = 'M2', 'M2', 'K1'
infer.amp_ratios, infer.phase_offsets = [], []
for ref, inf in zip(infer.reference_names, infer.inferred_names):
    iref = month_index_dict[ref]
    iinf = month_index_dict[inf]
    infer.amp_ratios.append(coef_month.A[iinf] / coef_month.A[iref])
    infer.phase_offsets.append(coef_month.g[iref] - coef_month.g[iinf])

coef_week_inf = utide.solve(t[sl_week], h[sl_week], infer=infer, **solve_kw)

runs = [
    (coef_all, 'HNL2010.mat'),
    (coef_month, 'HNL2010_Jan.mat'),
    (coef_week, 'HNL2010_Jan_week1.mat'),
Esempio n. 6
def band_psd(t, e, cfrq, equi=True, frqosamp=1):
    Band-averaged power spectral density in vicinity of tidal constituents

    t : ndarray
        time [days] relative to an arbitrary origin
    e : ndarray
        residual from tidal fit, complex/real
    cfrq : ndarray
        frequencies of NR & R constituents [CPH]
    equi : boolean
        True (default) if sample times are uniformly spaced
    frqosamp : integer
        Lomb-Scargle frequency oversampling factor, if equi = False

    P : Bunch

        - P.fbnd : edges of freq bands [CPH]
        - P.Puu : 1-sided auto-sp dens of u err (=real(e)) [units^2/CPH]
        - P.Pvv : (complex case only)= as P.Puu but for v err (=imag(e))
        - P.Puv (complex case only)= cross-sp dens between u and v

    This is the only function in this module that is called from
    other modules.


    P = Bunch(fbnd=freq_bands)

    nt = len(e)
    if nt % 2:
        e = e[:-1]
        t = t[:-1]
        nt -= 1

    hn =, sym=False)

    # on real component
    if equi:  # If even sampling, FFT.
        # sample interval in hours; t is in days
        dt = 24 * (t[1] - t[0])

        fs = 1/dt  # sampling frequency: cycles (samples) per hour
        Puu1s = _psd(np.real(e), hn, fs)
        allfrq = np.arange(nt//2 + 1) / (nt * dt)

    else:  # If uneven, Lomb-scargle.
        # time in hours, for output in CPH and x^2 per CPH
        lfreq = _lomb_freqs(t * 24, fbands=freq_bands, ofac=frqosamp)
        ls_spec = _psd_lomb(t * 24, e, window=hn, freq=lfreq)
        Puu1s = ls_spec.Pxx
        allfrq = ls_spec.F

    P.Puu = fbndavg(Puu1s, allfrq, cfrq)

    # If e is complex, handle imaginary part.
    if e.dtype.kind == 'c':

        if equi:  # If even sampling, Welch.
            Pvv1s = _psd(e.imag, hn, fs)
            Puv1s = _psd(e, hn, fs)       # complex cross-periodogram

        else:  # If uneven, lomscargle.
            Pvv1s = ls_spec.Pyy
            Puv1s = ls_spec.Pxy

        P.Pvv = fbndavg(Pvv1s, allfrq, cfrq)

        # Take co-spectrum only; ignore the quadrature (imag) part.
        P.Puv = fbndavg(Puv1s, allfrq, cfrq).real

        # I don't think we want to throw away the sign of the
        # co-spectrum, which determines the quadrant in which the
        # semi-major variance ellipse lies.
        # If it does matter, we need to check the sign convention.
        # P.Puv = np.abs(P.Puv)

    return P
Esempio n. 7
def _psd_lomb(t, x, window=None, freq=None, ofac=1):
    Periodogram estimate for irregular sampling, Lomb-Scargle method

    t : ndarray, (n,)
        time, monotonic but possibly irregularly spaced
    x : ndarray, (n,)
        signal, real or complex
    window : None or ndarray, (n,)
        if not None, a uniformly-sampled data window
    freq : ndarray (nfreq,)
        evaluation frequencies in cycles per unit time
    ofac : integer
        oversampling factor; defaults to 1

    P : Bunch

        - P.F: Frequencies (units: cycles per time unit) of the Pxx estimates.
        - P.Pxx: One-sided auto-spectral density estimate for real(`x`).

        if `x` is complex:

        - P.Pyy: as above, for imag(`x`)
        - P.Pxy: complex cross-spectrum between real(`x`) and imag(`x`)

    If `freq` is None, `P.F` is calculated to coincide with the
    Fourier frequencies for a series of n uniformly distributed
    times from min(`t`) to max(`t`). The mean and Nyquist are omitted
    because they are irrelevant in this context.

    PSD units are [`x`-units^2 per cycle per unit time]

    out = Bunch()

    # copy inputs
    x = np.array(x)
    t = np.array(t, dtype=float)

    # remove mean
    x -= x.mean()

    n = len(x)

    if window is None:
        w = np.ones(t.shape, dtype=float)
        # interpolate window from uniform grid to nonuniform t
        t_uniform = np.linspace(np.min(t), np.max(t), n)
        w = np.interp(t, t_uniform, window)

        x *= w

    # Estimated record length as n delta-t, where delta-t
    # is the *average* time per sample.
    delta_t = (t[-1] - t[0]) / (n-1)
    reclen = n * delta_t

    if freq is None:
        ofac = int(round(ofac))
        nf = n * ofac  # number of "Fourier frequencies" based on oversampling
        # Simplify by ignoring the 0 and Nyquist frequencies.
        # Divide by reclen to convert cycles/record to cycles/time unit.
        freq = np.arange(1, nf//2) / reclen

    out.F = freq

    xr = np.real(x)

    # signal.lombscargle returns "(A**2) * N/4 for a harmonic signal
    # with amplitude A for sufficiently large N."
    # It takes *angular* frequencies as 3rd argument.
    freq_radian = freq * 2 * np.pi
    psdnorm = 2 * delta_t * n / (w**2).sum()
    out.Pxx = psdnorm * signal.lombscargle(t, xr, freq_radian)

    if x.dtype.kind == 'f':
        return out

    out.Pyy = psdnorm * signal.lombscargle(t, x.imag, freq_radian)

    # If we need to limit memory usage and don't want to use
    # Cython, we can segment the frequencies and loop over the
    # segments.  The speed penalty will be minimal.
    out.Pxy = psdnorm * _ls_cross(t, x, freq_radian)

    return out