def get(self): # 检查用户权限 role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") print(role) if role != b"teacher": # self.clear_cookie("role") self.redirect("/") return classid = self.get_argument("classid") # print(classid) print("进入了查看学生信息页面") cursor = con.cursor() mysqlsen = ( "select,student.number,student.ismale,student.birth,,student.class,student.enroll_year,,student.address,registration.grade from registration join student join academy where registration.classid='" + classid + "' and registration.studentid=student.studentid and student.academyid=academy.academyid" ) print(mysqlsen) cursor.execute(mysqlsen) students = list(cursor) cursor.close() self.render( "teacher_student.html", students=students, l_names=self.l_names, classid=classid, role=role, )
def post(self, action): role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") if role != b"admin": dump_err(self, "无权访问此接口") if action == "list": cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute("select * from {}".format(self.table_name)) print("list:", cursor.statement) records = [] for data in cursor: data = list(data) data[3] = "软件学院" data_dict = {} for ind in range(len(self.col_names)): data_dict[self.col_names[ind]] = str(data[ind]) records.append(data_dict) cursor.close() print("list records", records) result = {} result["Result"] = "OK" result["Records"] = records print(json.dumps(result)) self.write(json.dumps(result)) return
def post(self): scores = [] classid = self.get_argument("classid") studentnum = self.get_argument("studentnum") # print("学生个数: "+studentnum) for i in range(int(studentnum)): score = self.get_argument("score" + str(i)) registrationid = self.get_argument("registrationid" + str(i)) print("registrationid=" + str(registrationid)) if score is not "": score = int(score) else: score = -1 scores.append(score) print("第" + str(i) + "个: " + str(scores[i])) if score >= 0 and score <= 100: cursor = con.cursor() mysqlsen = ("update registration set grade='" + str(score) + "' where registrationid='" + registrationid + "'") print(mysqlsen) cursor.execute(mysqlsen) con.commit() print(("第" + str(i) + "个Yes!")) cursor.close() print(scores) print("提交") self.redirect("\enter_grade?classid=" + classid)
def get(self): # 检查用户权限 role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") print(role) if role != b"admin": self.render("error.html", title="您没有权限访问此页面", message="只有教务主任可以查看所有选课计划") # 重定向,如果不是管理员,就跳转了 return cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute( "select, start_time, end_time, grade,, planid, public from plan join academy where plan.academyid = academy.academyid order by start_time asc" ) plans = list(cursor) print(plans) self.render("plans.html", plans=plans, role=role, l_names=self.l_names)
def post(self): classid = self.get_argument("classid") # print("学生个数: "+studentnum) role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") print(role) if role != b"teacher": # self.clear_cookie("role") self.redirect("/") return cursor = con.cursor() mysqlsen = "update class set teacherid=null where classid='" + classid + "'" print(mysqlsen) cursor.execute(mysqlsen) con.commit() cursor.close() self.redirect("/teacher_class")
def get(self): # Enter检查用户权限 role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") print(role) if role != b"teacher": # self.clear_cookie("role") self.redirect("/") return userid = self.get_secure_cookie("userid") userid = str(userid)[2:-1] print(userid) teacherid = userid cursor = con.cursor() mysqlsen = ( "select course.number,,,,class.time,,class.classid,plan.public from course join class join teacher join academy join plan where class.teacherid='" + teacherid + "' and teacher.teacherid=class.teacherid and class.courseid=course.courseid and academy.academyid=course.academyid and plan.planid=class.planid" ) print(mysqlsen) cursor.execute(mysqlsen) classes = list(cursor) print(classes) cursor.close() # zjp添加,时间json字符串转成课表时间信息list for ind in range(len(classes)): classes[ind] = list(classes[ind]) print(classes[ind][4]) classes[ind][4] = map_class_time(classes[ind][4]) print(classes) self.render( "check_out_teach_classes.html", classes=classes, l_names=self.l_names, role=role, )
def get(self): # 检查用户权限 role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") print(role) if role != b"teacher": # self.clear_cookie("role") self.redirect("/") return classid = self.get_argument("classid") print(classid) print("进入了登记成绩页面") cursor = con.cursor() mysqlsen = ( "select,student.number,,student.class,registration.grade,registration.registrationid from registration join student join academy where registration.classid='" + classid + "' and registration.studentid=student.studentid and student.academyid=academy.academyid" ) print(mysqlsen) cursor.execute(mysqlsen) students = list(cursor) for ind in range(len(students)): students[ind] = list(students[ind]) cursor.close() # BUG: 这个地方tuple不能修改有错误 for ind in range(len(students)): if students[ind][4] is None: students[ind][4] = "" self.render( "enter_grade.html", students=students, classid=classid, role=role, l_names=self.l_names, )
async def charge(self): cursor = con.cursor() # 尝试扣费finance chargequery = "select * from charge_queue" cursor.execute(chargequery) chargelist = list(cursor) index = 0 # print("hhhhhheheheheheh") while len(chargelist) > 0 and index < len(chargelist): # # 获取该学生当前余额 # getbalance = ("select balance from finance where studentid = {}").format(chargelist[index][1]) # cursor.execute(getbalance) # balance = list(cursor) # # 尝试插入finance # insfinance = ("update finance set balance={},frozen=0)").format(balance-chargelist[index][2]) # cursor.execute(insfinance) # 尝试插入finance url = util.base_url + "/finance/tuition" data = { "studentid": chargelist[index][1], "amount": chargelist[index][2], "message": chargelist[index][3], } body = urllib.parse.urlencode(data) try: # 发起一个post请求去请财务的接口 print("发起一个post请求去请财务的接口") req = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, "POST", body=body) res = await tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(req) res = json.loads(res.body) # print("res: ",res) except: # 网络链接错误 dump_err(self, "网络连接错误") else: if res["status"] != "success": # 成功 return delcharge = ("delete from charge_queue where chargeid = {}").format( chargelist[index][0] ) cursor.execute(delcharge) index += -1 print(cursor.statement) # 判断扣费是否成功,如果成功,则在charge_queue删除记录 index += 1 # 更新一下chargelist chargequery = "select * from charge_queue" cursor.execute(chargequery) chargelist = list(cursor) print("index:", index, " new chargelist: ", chargelist) # 这里未完成需要有个重置index # url = util.base_url + "/finance/tuition" # # 获取异步客户端,fetch(url, callback回调) # clicent = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() # print('异步请求开始') # clicent.fetch(url, callback="POST") # self.write('请求成功') con.commit() cursor.close()
async def modify_db(self): planid = int(self.get_argument("planid")) cls_to_del = json.loads(self.get_argument("cls_to_del")) registration_temp = json.loads(self.get_argument("registration_temp")) choicelist = json.loads(self.get_argument("choicelist")) cursor = con.cursor() if len(choicelist) > 0: print(planid) for eachchoice in choicelist: # print("wowowowow",eachchoice[4]) if eachchoice[4] == planid: # print("hhh") # 将实际生效的选课信息写入registration数据库 print(eachchoice[2], " ", eachchoice[1]) toregquery = ( "insert into registration (classid,studentid,grade,semester) values ({},{},NULL,1)" ).format(eachchoice[2], eachchoice[1]) cursor.execute(toregquery) # print(cursor.statement) # 从choice_temp中删除planid所有的选课记录 delchoice = ("delete from choice_temp where planid = {}").format(planid) cursor.execute(delchoice) print(cursor.statement) con.commit() if len(cls_to_del) > 0: # 删除不够人数的教学班 for eachclass in cls_to_del: delclass = ("delete from class where planid = {} and classid = {}").format( planid, eachclass ) cursor.execute(delclass) print(cursor.statement) con.commit() # 先计算每个学生需要扣多少钱,添加扣费记录 # cursor = con.cursor() for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key = studentid print("+_+_+", registration_temp[key]) amount = 0 sql = "select courseid from class where classid in (" + "%s, " * len( registration_temp[key] ) sql = sql[:-2] + ")" cursor.execute(sql, registration_temp[key]) print("_____", cursor.statement) courseids = list(cursor) print("courseids", courseids) courseids = [x[0] for x in courseids] print("the courses chose are", courseids) sql = "select price from course where courseid in (" + "%s, " * len(courseids) sql = sql[:-2] + ")" cursor.execute(sql, courseids) print(cursor.statement) prices = list(cursor) print(prices) prices = [x[0] for x in prices] print(prices) theamount = Decimal(0) for price in prices: theamount += Decimal(price) print(theamount) print("last:", theamount) sql = "insert into charge_queue (studentid, amount, comment) values (%s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql, (key, theamount, "选" + str(len(registration_temp[key])) + "门课的费用")) con.commit() cursor.close()
def end_registration(self): planid = self.get_argument("planid") # 需要删除的课程列表: cls_to_del = set() choicelist = [] registration_temp = {} # 选课情况dict # 检查选课计划是不是已经结束 cursor = con.cursor() sql = "select end_time from plan where planid = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (planid,)) end_time = list(cursor)[0][0].isoformat().replace("T", " ") print("选课计划结束时间", end_time) if util.curr_time() < end_time: dump_err(self, "未到选课结束时间不能结束选课") return # 从choice_temp中选出结束的planid里所有的选课记录 choicequery = "select * from choice_temp where planid = " + planid cursor.execute(choicequery) choicelist = list(cursor) print("1 ", choicelist) if len(choicelist) > 0: # 对所有选课记录进行投票统计,如果一个班级首选加备选人数都不超过3个人,这个教学班删除。写入一个set cls_to_del clsidsquery = "select distinct classid from choice_temp where planid = " + str(planid) cursor.execute(clsidsquery) clsids = list(cursor) print("2 ", clsids) remainnum_per_class = {} # 初始化remainnum_perclass for i in range(0, len(clsids)): remainnum_per_class[clsids[i][0]] = max_student_per_class print("3 ", remainnum_per_class) for eachchoice in choicelist: theclassid = eachchoice[2] if remainnum_per_class[theclassid] > 0: remainnum_per_class[theclassid] += -1 print("4 ", remainnum_per_class) for key in remainnum_per_class.keys(): # key=classid if remainnum_per_class[key] > max_student_per_class - 3: cls_to_del.add(key) print("5 ", cls_to_del) # choicelist按照cls_to_del删除记录 # 第一轮筛选之后的choicelist: index = 0 while index < len(choicelist) and index >= 0: # print(index," " ,choicelist) if choicelist[index][2] in cls_to_del: # print("hhh",choicelist[index][2]) choicelist.remove(choicelist[index]) index -= 1 index += 1 print("6 ", choicelist) if len(choicelist) > 0: # 按照首选给每个人选课,生成一个选课情况dict。 # registration_temp = {} # 选课情况dict # 初始化选课情况字典 for eachchoice in choicelist: registration_temp[eachchoice[1]] = [] print("7 ", registration_temp) # 重新初始化remainnum_per_class (重复) for key in remainnum_per_class.keys(): remainnum_per_class[key] = max_student_per_class # 按照首选课选到选课情况字典registration_temp里 for eachchoice in choicelist: if eachchoice[-1] == 1: # 是首选课 this_stu_id = eachchoice[1] this_cls_id = eachchoice[2] registration_temp[this_stu_id].append(this_cls_id) remainnum_per_class[this_cls_id] += -1 print("8 ", registration_temp) print("9 ", remainnum_per_class) # #在dict中统计所有班级的人数,如果不够3个人这个班级删除,dict中的记录删除 # for key in remainnum_per_class.keys():# key=classid # if remainnum_per_class[key] > max_student_per_class-3: # cls_to_del.add(key) # 增加要删除的课id,更新了cls_to_del!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # print("10 ",cls_to_del) # # # 在registration_temp里学生的课程列表中,删掉更新后的cls_to_del里面的课id # for key in registration_temp.keys():# key=studentid # clsids = registration_temp[key] # 每个学生选的一堆课id 的list # index = 0 # while index <len(clsids) and index >= 0 :# 每个学生选的一堆课id中的一个 # if clsids[index] in cls_to_del: # print("clsids[index]:",clsids[index]) # clsids.remove(clsids[index]) # index-=1 # index+=1 # # # 上一步操作后registration_temp里学生的课程列表可能是空的了(学生的至多四个首选课全都没选上),需要删除他 # for key in list(registration_temp.keys()):# key=studentid # if len(registration_temp[key]) == 0: # 这个学生没有选上课,一堆课id删减到为空了(太惨了) # registration_temp.pop(key) # print("11 ",registration_temp) # # # # choicelist按照cls_to_del删除记录 # # 第二轮筛选之后的choicelist: # while index < len(choicelist) and index >= 0: # # print(index," " ,choicelist) # if choicelist[index][2] in cls_to_del: # # print("hhh",choicelist[index][2]) # choicelist.remove(choicelist[index]) # index-=1 # index+=1 # print("12 ",choicelist) # 用第一备选给学生补齐选课 if len(choicelist) > 0: # 找dict中不满4门课的学生。给他选上第一备选。 for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key = studentid if len(registration_temp[key]) < 4: # 找到dict中不满4门课的学生id: key for eachchoice in choicelist: if ( eachchoice[1] == key and eachchoice[-3] == 5 ): # 找到这个学生的第一备选课id:eachchoice[2] registration_temp[key].append(eachchoice[2]) # 给他选上第一备选 remainnum_per_class[eachchoice[2]] += -1 print("_+_+_+_+_+_+", eachchoice[2]) print("$$$$$$$$", registration_temp, "$$$$$$$$$$", remainnum_per_class) # 找dict中还是不满4门课的学生。给他选上第二备选。 for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key = studentid if len(registration_temp[key]) < 4: # 找到dict中不满4门课的学生id: key for eachchoice in choicelist: if ( eachchoice[1] == key and eachchoice[-3] == 6 ): # 找到这个学生的第二备选课id:eachchoice[2] registration_temp[key].append(eachchoice[2]) # 给他选上第二备选 remainnum_per_class[eachchoice[2]] += -1 # 在dict中统计所有班级的人数,如果不够3个人这个班级删除,dict中的记录删除 for key in remainnum_per_class.keys(): # key=classid if remainnum_per_class[key] > max_student_per_class - 3: cls_to_del.add(key) # 增加要删除的课id,更新了cls_to_del!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! print("10 ", cls_to_del) # 在registration_temp里学生的课程列表中,删掉更新后的cls_to_del里面的课id for key in registration_temp.keys(): # key=studentid clsids = registration_temp[key] # 每个学生选的一堆课id 的list index = 0 while index < len(clsids) and index >= 0: # 每个学生选的一堆课id中的一个 if clsids[index] in cls_to_del: print("clsids[index]:", clsids[index]) clsids.remove(clsids[index]) index -= 1 index += 1 # 上一步操作后registration_temp里学生的课程列表可能是空的了(学生的至多四个首选课全都没选上),需要删除他 for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key=studentid if len(registration_temp[key]) == 0: # 这个学生没有选上课,一堆课id删减到为空了(太惨了) registration_temp.pop(key) print("11 ", registration_temp) # choicelist按照cls_to_del删除记录 # 第三轮筛选之后的choicelist: while index < len(choicelist) and index >= 0: # print(index," " ,choicelist) if choicelist[index][2] in cls_to_del: # print("hhh",choicelist[index][2]) choicelist.remove(choicelist[index]) index -= 1 index += 1 print("12 ", choicelist) # # 用第二备选给学生补齐选课(重复) # if len(choicelist) > 0: # # 找dict中不满4门课的学生。给他选上第二备选。 # for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key = studentid # if len(registration_temp[key]) < 4: # 找到dict中不满4门课的学生id: key # for eachchoice in choicelist: # if ( # eachchoice[1] == key and eachchoice[-3] == 6 # ): # 找到这个学生的第二备选课id:eachchoice[2] # registration_temp[key].append(eachchoice[2]) # 给他选上第二备选 # remainnum_per_class[eachchoice[2]] += -1 # # # 在dict中统计所有班级的人数,如果不够3个人这个班级删除,dict中的记录删除 # for key in remainnum_per_class.keys(): # key=classid # if remainnum_per_class[key] > max_student_per_class - 3: # cls_to_del.add(key) # 增加要删除的课id,更新了cls_to_del!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # print("13 ", cls_to_del) # # # 在registration_temp里学生的课程列表中,删掉更新后的cls_to_del里面的课id # for key in registration_temp.keys(): # key=studentid # clsids = registration_temp[key] # 每个学生选的一堆课id 的list # index = 0 # while index < len(clsids) and index >= 0: # 每个学生选的一堆课id中的一个 # if clsids[index] in cls_to_del: # print("clsids[index]:", clsids[index]) # clsids.remove(clsids[index]) # index -= 1 # index += 1 # # # 上一步操作后registration_temp里学生的课程列表可能是空的了(学生的至多四个首选课全都没选上),需要删除他 # for key in list(registration_temp.keys()): # key=studentid # if len(registration_temp[key]) == 0: # 这个学生没有选上课,一堆课id删减到为空了(太惨了) # registration_temp.pop(key) # print("14 ", registration_temp) # # # choicelist按照cls_to_del删除记录 # # 第四轮筛选之后的choicelist: # while index < len(choicelist) and index >= 0: # # print(index," " ,choicelist) # if choicelist[index][2] in cls_to_del: # # print("hhh",choicelist[index][2]) # choicelist.remove(choicelist[index]) # index -= 1 # index += 1 # print("15 ", choicelist) # 给主任显示要删除的教学班:需要render现在的cls_to_del print("set", cls_to_del) cursor.close() self.write( json.dumps( { "status": "success", "planid": planid, "cls_to_del": list(cls_to_del), "choicelist": choicelist, "registration_temp": registration_temp, }, ensure_ascii=False, ), )
def get(self): role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") if role != b"student": self.render("error.html", title="您无权查看本页面", message="请使用正确的账户登录") return userid = self.get_secure_cookie("userid") userid = str(userid)[2:-1] cursor = con.cursor() classidquery = "select classid from registration where studentid = " + userid cursor.execute(classidquery) print(cursor.statement) theclasses = list(cursor) print("theclasses", theclasses) gradeinfo = [] gradeinfoquery = ( "select semester, grade " "from registration as r where r.studentid = " + userid ) cursor.execute(gradeinfoquery) print(cursor.statement) gradeinfo = list(cursor) print("gradeinfo", gradeinfo) if len(theclasses) != 0: for i in range(len(theclasses)): classid = theclasses[i][0] baseinfoquery = ( "select course.courseid,, course.academyid, credit, classid, from course join class join teacher on course.courseid = class.courseid and class.teacherid = teacher.teacherid " "where class.classid = " + str(classid) ) cursor.execute(baseinfoquery) print(cursor.statement) baseinfo = list(cursor) print("baseinfo: ", baseinfo) if len(baseinfo) != 0: tmp1 = list(baseinfo[0]) tmp2 = list(gradeinfo[i]) tmp1 += tmp2 gradeinfo[i] = tuple(tmp1) # print(gradeinfo) grade_names = [ "大一上", "大一下", "大二上", "大二下", "大三上", "大三下", "大四上", "大四下", "研一上", "研一下", "研二上", "研二下", ] print("gradeinfo", gradeinfo) for ind in range(len(gradeinfo)): gradeinfo[ind] = list(gradeinfo[ind]) cursor.execute("select name from academy where academyid = %s", (gradeinfo[ind][2],)) res = list(cursor)[0][0] gradeinfo[ind][1] = res gradeinfo[ind][6] = grade_names[gradeinfo[ind][6]] if gradeinfo[ind][7] == None: gradeinfo[ind][7] = "未上分" namequery = "select name from student where studentid = " + userid cursor.execute(namequery) nameinfo = list(cursor) print(nameinfo[0][0]) cursor.close() self.render( "sGrades.html", disp_names=self.disp_names, gradeinfo=gradeinfo, nameinfo=nameinfo[0][0], role=role, )
def post(self, action): role = self.get_secure_cookie("role") if role != b"admin": dump_err(self, "无权访问此接口") if action == "list": cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute("select * from {}".format(self.table_name)) print("list:", cursor.statement) records = [] for data in cursor: data_dict = {} for ind in range(len(self.col_names)): data_dict[self.col_names[ind]] = str(data[ind]) records.append(data_dict) cursor.close() print("list records", records) result = {} result["Result"] = "OK" result["Records"] = records print(json.dumps(result)) self.write(json.dumps(result)) return if action == "create": data = [self.get_argument(col_name) for col_name in self.col_names[1:]] print("create paramaters", data) cursor = con.cursor() names = "" for name in self.col_names[1:-1]: names += name + "," names += self.col_names[-1] query = ( "insert into {} (" + names + ") values (" + "%s," * (len(self.col_names) - 2) + "%s" + ")" ).format(self.table_name) cursor.execute(query, data) print(cursor.statement) new_id = cursor.lastrowid """ 添加一个默认密码 """ sql = "insert into passwd values (%s, %s, %s, %s)" if self.table_name == "teacher": username = util.get_pinyin(data[0]) + data[9].split("-")[0][-2:] else: username = util.get_pinyin(data[0]) + data[6].split("-")[0][-2:] cursor.execute( sql, (username, util.get_md5(util.default_password), self.user_type, new_id), ) print("insert passwd:", cursor.statement) con.commit() """ 如果学生,添加财务记录 """ if self.user_type == 2: sql = "insert into finance values (%s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql, (new_id, 10000, 0)) con.commit() print(list(cursor)) cursor.close() result = {} result["Result"] = "OK" data.insert(0, new_id) temp = {} for ind in range(len(self.col_names)): temp[self.col_names[ind]] = data[ind] result["Record"] = temp print(json.dumps(result)) self.write(json.dumps(result)) if action == "update": data = [self.get_argument(col_name) for col_name in self.col_names] print("update paramaters", data) cursor = con.cursor() query = "update {} set ".format(self.table_name) for ind, col in enumerate(self.col_names[1:-1]): query += col + "= %s," query += self.col_names[-1] + "= %s" query += " where " + self.col_names[0] + "= '{}'".format(data[0]) cursor.execute(query, data[1:]) print("update: ", cursor.statement) con.commit() cursor.close() result = {} result["Result"] = "OK" self.write(json.dumps(result)) if action == "delete": key_value = self.get_argument(self.col_names[0]) print("delete param", key_value) cursor = con.cursor() # 从密码表中删除记录 sql = "delete from passwd where userid = %s and user_type = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (key_value, self.user_type)) print(cursor.statement) # 从财务表中删除记录 if self.user_type == 2: sql = "delete from finance where studentid = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (key_value,)) print(cursor.statement) # 删除学生记录 query = ("delete from {} where " + self.col_names[0] + " = %s").format(self.table_name) cursor.execute(query, [key_value]) print(cursor.statement) con.commit() cursor.close() result = {} result["Result"] = "OK" self.write(json.dumps(result))