class GitHubDao(): """ This class handles the persistence and retrieval of GitHub issue tracker data """ def __init__(self, config, logger): """ :type config: dict :param config: the DB configuration file :type logger: Object :param logger: logger """ try: self._config = config self._logger = logger self._db_util = DbUtil() self._cnx = self._db_util.get_connection(self._config) except: self._logger.error("GitHubDao init failed", exc_info=True) raise def select_issue_tracker_id(self, repo_id, issue_tracker_name): """ gets DB issue tracker id by its name :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository associated to the issue tracker :type issue_tracker_name: str :param issue_tracker_name: issue tracker name """ return self._db_util.select_issue_tracker_id(self._cnx, issue_tracker_name, self._logger) def insert_issue_comment(self, own_id, position, type, issue_id, body, votes, author_id, created_at): """ inserts issue comment :type own_id: id :param own_id: data source message id :type position: int :param position: position of the comment :type type: str :param type: type of the message :type issue_id: id :param issue_id: DB issue id :type body: str :param body: body of the comment :type votes: int :param votes: votes of the comment :type author_id: int :param author_id: id of the author :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the comment """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO message " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, own_id, position, type, issue_id, 0, 0, 0, body, votes, author_id, created_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_proposed_commit_id(self, sha, repo_id): """ selects id of a proposed commit by its SHA :type sha: str :param sha: SHA of the commit :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM proposed_commit " \ "WHERE sha = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [sha, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def insert_proposed_commit(self, repo_id, sha, message, author_id, committer_id, authored_date, committed_date): """ inserts a proposed commit to DB :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository :type sha: str :param sha: SHA of the commit :type message: str :param message: message of the commit :type author_id: int :param author_id: author id of the commit :type committer_id: int :param committer_id: committer id of the commit :type authored_date: str :param authored_date: authored date of the commit :type committed_date: str :param committed_date: committed date of the commit """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO proposed_commit " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, repo_id, sha, message.strip(), author_id, committer_id, authored_date, committed_date ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_pull_request_commit(self, pull_request_id, commit_id, proposed_commit_id): """ inserts matched pull request commit to DB :type pull_request_id: int :param pull_request_id: pull request DB id :type commit_id: int :param commit_id: id of the commit stored in Gitana :type proposed_commit_id: int :param proposed_commit_id: id of the commit that was proposed for merge """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO pull_request_commit " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" arguments = [pull_request_id, commit_id, proposed_commit_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_pull_request_review(self, comment_id, pr_id, file_id, proposed_file_id): """ inserts dependency between pull request comment and a file id :type comment_id: int :param comment_id: id of the comment :type pr_id: int :param pr_id: id of the pull request :type file_id: id :param file_id: DB file id :type proposed_file_id: id :param proposed_file_id: DB proposed file id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO pull_request_review " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [comment_id, pr_id, file_id, proposed_file_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_pull_request_comment_id(self, own_id, pr_id): """ gets pull request comment id :type own_id: id :param own_id: data source message id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM message WHERE own_id = %s AND pull_request_id = %s" arguments = [str(own_id), pr_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def insert_pull_request_comment(self, own_id, position, type, pr_id, body, votes, author_id, created_at): """ inserts pull request comment :type own_id: id :param own_id: data source message id :type position: int :param position: position of the comment :type type: str :param type: type of the message :type pr_id: id :param pr_id: DB pull request id :type body: str :param body: body of the comment :type votes: int :param votes: votes of the comment :type author_id: int :param author_id: id of the author :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the comment """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO message " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, own_id, position, type, 0, 0, 0, pr_id, body, votes, author_id, created_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_event_type(self, name): """ selects event type id by its name :type name: str :param name: name of the event """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM issue_event_type WHERE name = %s" arguments = [name] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def insert_issue_event(self, issue_id, event_type_id, detail, creator_id, created_at, target_user_id): """ inserts issue event :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type event_type_id: int :param event_type_id: event type id :type detail: str :param detail: detail of the event :type creator_id: int :param creator_id: id of the creator :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the event :type target_user_id: int :param target_user_id: target user id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_event " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, issue_id, event_type_id, detail, creator_id, created_at, target_user_id ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue_commit_dependency(self, issue_id, commit_id): """ inserts dependency between commit and issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type commit_id: int :param commit_id: DB commit id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_commit_dependency " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, commit_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_event_type(self, name): """ inserts event type :type name: str :param name: event type name """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_event_type " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [None, name] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue_tracker(self, repo_id, issue_tracker_name, type): """ inserts issue tracker :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: DB repo id :type issue_tracker_name: str :param issue_tracker_name: issue tracker name :type type: str :param type: issue tracker type (github, bugzilla, etc.) """ return self._db_util.insert_issue_tracker(self._cnx, repo_id, issue_tracker_name, type, self._logger) def get_already_imported_issue_ids(self, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ gets issues already stored in DB :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: DB issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: DB repo id """ issue_ids = [] cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.own_id FROM issue i " \ "JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s " \ "ORDER BY ASC;" arguments = [issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: own_id = int(row[0]) issue_ids.append(own_id) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return issue_ids def get_pull_request_file_id_by_name(self, file_name, repo_id): """ gets the file id linked to a pull request by name :type file_name: str :param file_name: name of the file commented :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository """ found = (None, None) cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT, 'codebase' AS type " \ "FROM file f " \ "WHERE = %s AND f.repo_id = %s " \ "UNION " \ "SELECT, 'proposed' AS type " \ "FROM proposed_file f " \ "WHERE = %s AND f.repo_id = %s" arguments = [file_name, repo_id, file_name, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = (row[0], row[1]) cursor.close() return found def get_already_imported_pull_request_ids(self, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ gets pull requests already stored in DB :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: DB issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: DB repo id """ pr_ids = [] cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.own_id FROM pull_request pr " \ "JOIN issue i ON = pr.issue_id " \ "JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE = %s AND it.repo_id = %s " \ "ORDER BY ASC;" arguments = [issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: own_id = row[0] pr_ids.append(own_id) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return pr_ids def get_message_type_id(self, message_type): """ gets message type id :type message_type: str :param message_type: message type """ return self._db_util.get_message_type_id(self._cnx, message_type) def insert_issue_dependency(self, issue_source_id, issue_target_id, created_at, type): """ inserts dependency between issues :type issue_source_id: int :param issue_source_id: issue source id :type issue_target_id: int :param issue_target_id: issue target id :type created_at: str :param created_at: date of the dependency creation :type type: str :param type: type of dependency """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_dependency " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [issue_source_id, issue_target_id, created_at, type] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_project_id(self, project_name): """ selects project id by its name :type project_name: str :param project_name: name of a project """ return self._db_util.select_project_id(self._cnx, project_name, self._logger) def select_issue_own_id(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ selects data source issue id :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.own_id " \ "FROM issue i JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = int(row[0]) cursor.close() return found def get_issue_dependency_type_id(self, name): """ get id of the issue dependency type :type name: str :param name: name of the dependency type """ return self._db_util.get_issue_dependency_type_id(self._cnx, name) def select_commit(self, sha, repo_id): """ gets commit by its SHA :type sha: str :param sha: SHA of the commit :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM commit " \ "WHERE sha = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [sha, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_issue_id(self, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ gets issue id :type issue_own_id: int :param issue_own_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT FROM issue i " \ "JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_pull_request_id(self, pr_own_id, issue_tracker_id): """ gets pull request id :type pr_own_id: int :param pr_own_id: data source pull request id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT FROM pull_request pr JOIN issue i ON pr.issue_id = " \ "WHERE i.own_id = %s AND i.issue_tracker_id = %s" arguments = [pr_own_id, issue_tracker_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def update_issue(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, last_change_at): """ updates an issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type summary: str :param summary: new issue description :type component: str :param component: component where the issue was found :type version: str :param version: version where the issue was found :type hardware: str :param hardware: hardware where the issue was found :type priority: str :param priority: priority of the issue :type severity: str :param severity: severity of the issue :type reference_id: int :param reference_id: id of the Git reference where the issue was found :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "UPDATE issue SET last_change_at = %s, summary = %s, component = %s, version = %s, hardware = %s, priority = %s, severity = %s, reference_id = %s WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s" arguments = [ last_change_at, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, issue_id, issue_tracker_id ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def update_pull_request(self, pr_own_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, status, merged, last_change_at): """ updates a pull request :type pr_own_id: int :param pr_own_id: data source pr id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type summary: str :param summary: new pull request description :type status: str :param status: new pull request status :type merged: bool :param merged: new pull request merged status :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "UPDATE pull_request SET last_change_at = %s, summary = %s, status = %s, merged = %s WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s" arguments = [ last_change_at, summary, status, merged, pr_own_id, issue_tracker_id ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue(self, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, user_id, created_at, last_change_at): """ inserts an issue :type issue_own_id: int :param issue_own_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type summary: str :param summary: new issue description :type component: str :param component: component where the issue was found :type version: str :param version: version where the issue was found :type hardware: str :param hardware: hardware where the issue was found :type priority: str :param priority: priority of the issue :type severity: str :param severity: severity of the issue :type reference_id: int :param reference_id: id of the Git reference where the issue was found :type user_id: int :param user_id: issue creator id :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the issue :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, user_id, created_at, last_change_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_pull_request(self, pr_own_id, author_id, state, target_ref_id, merged_at, merged_by, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ inserts a pull request (note that the pull request id is equal to the issue id, since that in GitHub every pull request is an issue :type pr_own_id: int :param pr_own_id: data source pull request id :type author_id: int :param author_id: author id :type state: str :param state: pull request state :type target_ref_id: int :param target_ref_id: target reference :type merged_at: timestamp :param merged_at: pull request merged time :type merged_by: int :param merged_by: merger id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() issue_id = self.select_issue_id(pr_own_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id) query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO pull_request " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, issue_id, author_id, state, target_ref_id, merged_at, merged_by ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_proposed_file_id(self, repo_id, name): """ selects id of the proposed file :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository :type name: str :param name: name of the file (full path) """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM proposed_file " \ "WHERE name = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [name, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) try: id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: id = None cursor.close() return id def insert_proposed_file(self, repo_id, filename, ext): """ inserts file not part of the codebase proposed in a pull request :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository :type filename: str :param filename: name of the file :type ext: str :param ext: extension of the file """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO proposed_file " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [None, repo_id, filename, ext] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_proposed_file_modification(self, proposed_commit_id, file_id, proposed_file_id, status, additions, deletions, changes, patch_content): """ inserts a proposed file modification to DB :type proposed_commit_id: int :param proposed_commit_id: id of the proposed commit :type file_id: int :param file_id: id of the file :type proposed_file_id: int :param proposed_file_id: id of the proposed file :type status: str :param status: type of the modification :type additions: int :param additions: number of additions :type deletions: int :param deletions: number of deletions :type changes: int :param changes: number of changes :type patch_content: str :param patch_content: content of the patch """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO proposed_file_modification " \ "VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ proposed_commit_id, file_id, proposed_file_id, status, additions, deletions, changes, patch_content ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_label(self, name): """ inserts a label :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ self._db_util.insert_label(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def select_label_id(self, name): """ selects the label id by its name :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ return self._db_util.select_label_id(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def select_issue_comment_id(self, own_id, issue_id, created_at): """ selects the id of an issue comment :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source comment id :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM message WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_id = %s AND created_at = %s" arguments = [own_id, issue_id, created_at] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def get_user_id(self, user_name, user_email): """ selects the id of a user :type user_name: str :param user_name: name of the user :type user_email: str :param user_email: email of the user """ if user_email == None and user_name == None: user_name = "unknown_user" user_email = "unknown_user" if user_name: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name( self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) else: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_email( self._cnx, user_email, self._logger) if not user_id: self._db_util.insert_user(self._cnx, user_name, user_email, self._logger) if user_email: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_email( self._cnx, user_email, self._logger) else: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name( self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) return user_id def insert_subscriber(self, issue_id, subscriber_id): """ inserts issue subscriber :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type subscriber_id: int :param subscriber_id: subscriber id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_subscriber " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, subscriber_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_assignee(self, issue_id, assignee_id): """ inserts issue assignee :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type assignee_id: int :param assignee_id: assignee id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_assignee " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, assignee_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_attachment(self, attachment_id, issue_comment_id, name, url): """ inserts attachment :type attachment_id: int :param attachment_id: db attachment id :type issue_comment_id: int :param issue_comment_id: issue comment id :type name: str :param name: name of the attachment :type url: str :param url: url of the attachment """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO attachment " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, attachment_id, issue_comment_id, name, None, None, url ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def assign_label_to_issue(self, issue_id, label_id): """ links label to issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type label_id: int :param label_id: label id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_labelled " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, label_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def find_reference_id(self, version, issue_id, repo_id): """ retrieves reference id :type version: str :param version: name of the reference :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None if version: try: cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM reference WHERE name = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [version, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] else: #sometimes the version is followed by extra information such as alpha, beta, RC, M. query = "SELECT id FROM reference WHERE name LIKE '" + str( version) + "%' AND repo_id = " + str(repo_id) cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() except Exception: self._logger.warning("version (" + str(version) + ") not inserted for issue id: " + str(issue_id), exc_info=True) return found def select_last_change_issue(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ retrieves last change date of an issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.last_change_at " \ "FROM issue i JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_last_change_pull_request(self, pr_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ retrieves last change date of a pull request :type pr_id: int :param pr_id: db pull request id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT pr.last_change_at " \ "FROM pull_request pr JOIN issue_tracker it ON pr.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [pr_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_repo_id(self, project_id, repo_name): """ selects repository id :type project_id: int :param project_id: project id :type repo_name: int :param repo_name: repository name """ return self._db_util.select_repo_id(self._cnx, repo_name, self._logger) def get_cursor(self): return self._cnx.cursor() def close_cursor(self, cursor): return cursor.close() def fetchone(self, cursor): return cursor.fetchone() def execute(self, cursor, query, arguments): cursor.execute(query, arguments) def close_connection(self): if self._cnx: self._db_util.close_connection(self._cnx) def restart_connection(self): self._cnx = self._db_util.restart_connection(self._config, self._logger)
class GitHubDao(): """ This class handles the persistence and retrieval of GitHub issue tracker data """ def __init__(self, config, logger): """ :type config: dict :param config: the DB configuration file :type logger: Object :param logger: logger """ try: self._config = config self._logger = logger self._db_util = DbUtil() self._cnx = self._db_util.get_connection(self._config) except: self._logger.error("GitHubDao init failed", exc_info=True) raise def select_issue_tracker_id(self, repo_id, issue_tracker_name): """ gets DB issue tracker id by its name :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: id of the repository associated to the issue tracker :type issue_tracker_name: str :param issue_tracker_name: issue tracker name """ return self._db_util.select_issue_tracker_id(self._cnx, issue_tracker_name, self._logger) def insert_issue_comment(self, own_id, position, type, issue_id, body, votes, author_id, created_at): """ inserts issue comment :type own_id: id :param own_id: data source message id :type position: int :param position: position of the comment :type type: str :param type: type of the message :type issue_id: id :param issue_id: DB issue id :type body: str :param body: body of the comment :type votes: int :param votes: votes of the comment :type author_id: int :param author_id: id of the author :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the comment """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO message " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, own_id, position, type, issue_id, 0, 0, body, votes, author_id, created_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_event_type(self, name): """ selects event type id by its name :type name: str :param name: name of the event """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM issue_event_type WHERE name = %s" arguments = [name] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def insert_issue_event(self, issue_id, event_type_id, detail, creator_id, created_at, target_user_id): """ inserts issue event :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type event_type_id: int :param event_type_id: event type id :type detail: str :param detail: detail of the event :type creator_id: int :param creator_id: id of the creator :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the event :type target_user_id: int :param target_user_id: target user id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_event " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, issue_id, event_type_id, detail, creator_id, created_at, target_user_id ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue_commit_dependency(self, issue_id, commit_id): """ inserts dependency between commit and issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type commit_id: int :param commit_id: DB commit id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_commit_dependency " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, commit_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_event_type(self, name): """ inserts event type :type name: str :param name: event type name """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_event_type " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [None, name] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue_tracker(self, repo_id, issue_tracker_name, type): """ inserts issue tracker :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: DB repo id :type issue_tracker_name: str :param issue_tracker_name: issue tracker name :type type: str :param type: issue tracker type (github, bugzilla, etc.) """ return self._db_util.insert_issue_tracker(self._cnx, repo_id, issue_tracker_name, type, self._logger) def get_already_imported_issue_ids(self, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ gets issues already stored in DB :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: DB issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: DB repo id """ issue_ids = [] cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.own_id FROM issue i " \ "JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s " \ "ORDER BY ASC;" arguments = [issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: own_id = int(row[0]) issue_ids.append(own_id) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return issue_ids def get_message_type_id(self, message_type): """ gets message type id :type message_type: str :param message_type: message type """ return self._db_util.get_message_type_id(self._cnx, message_type) def insert_issue_dependency(self, issue_source_id, issue_target_id, type): """ inserts dependency between issues :type issue_source_id: int :param issue_source_id: issue source id :type issue_target_id: int :param issue_target_id: issue target id :type type: str :param type: type of dependency """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_dependency " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" arguments = [issue_source_id, issue_target_id, type] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_project_id(self, project_name): """ selects project id by its name :type project_name: str :param project_name: name of a project """ return self._db_util.select_project_id(self._cnx, project_name, self._logger) def select_issue_own_id(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ selects data source issue id :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.own_id " \ "FROM issue i JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = int(row[0]) cursor.close() return found def get_issue_dependency_type_id(self, name): """ get id of the issue dependency type :type name: str :param name: name of the dependency type """ return self._db_util.get_issue_dependency_type_id(self._cnx, name) def select_commit(self, sha, repo_id): """ gets commit by its SHA :type sha: str :param sha: SHA of the commit :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM commit " \ "WHERE sha = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [sha, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_issue_id(self, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ gets issue id :type issue_own_id: int :param issue_own_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT FROM issue i " \ "JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def update_issue(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, last_change_at): """ updates an issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type summary: str :param summary: new issue description :type component: str :param component: component where the issue was found :type version: str :param version: version where the issue was found :type hardware: str :param hardware: hardware where the issue was found :type priority: str :param priority: priority of the issue :type severity: str :param severity: severity of the issue :type reference_id: int :param reference_id: id of the Git reference where the issue was found :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "UPDATE issue " \ "SET last_change_at = %s, summary = %s, component = %s, version = %s, hardware = %s, " \ "priority = %s, severity = %s, reference_id = %s " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s" arguments = [ last_change_at, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, issue_id, issue_tracker_id ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_issue(self, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, user_id, created_at, last_change_at): """ inserts an issue :type issue_own_id: int :param issue_own_id: data source issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type summary: str :param summary: new issue description :type component: str :param component: component where the issue was found :type version: str :param version: version where the issue was found :type hardware: str :param hardware: hardware where the issue was found :type priority: str :param priority: priority of the issue :type severity: str :param severity: severity of the issue :type reference_id: int :param reference_id: id of the Git reference where the issue was found :type user_id: int :param user_id: issue creator id :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the issue :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, issue_own_id, issue_tracker_id, summary, component, version, hardware, priority, severity, reference_id, user_id, created_at, last_change_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_label(self, name): """ inserts a label :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ self._db_util.insert_label(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def select_label_id(self, name): """ selects the label id by its name :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ return self._db_util.select_label_id(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def select_issue_comment_id(self, own_id, issue_id, created_at): """ selects the id of an issue comment :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source comment id :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: DB issue id :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date of the issue """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM message WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_id = %s AND created_at = %s" arguments = [own_id, issue_id, created_at] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def get_user_id(self, user_name, user_email): """ selects the id of a user :type user_name: str :param user_name: name of the user :type user_email: str :param user_email: email of the user """ if not user_email and not user_name: user_name = "uknonwn_user" user_email = "uknonwn_user" if user_name: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name( self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) else: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_email( self._cnx, user_email, self._logger) if not user_id: self._db_util.insert_user(self._cnx, user_name, user_email, self._logger) if user_email: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_email( self._cnx, user_email, self._logger) else: user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name( self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) return user_id def insert_subscriber(self, issue_id, subscriber_id): """ inserts issue subscriber :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type subscriber_id: int :param subscriber_id: subscriber id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_subscriber " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, subscriber_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_assignee(self, issue_id, assignee_id): """ inserts issue assignee :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type assignee_id: int :param assignee_id: assignee id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_assignee " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, assignee_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def insert_attachment(self, attachment_id, issue_comment_id, name, url): """ inserts attachment :type attachment_id: int :param attachment_id: db attachment id :type issue_comment_id: int :param issue_comment_id: issue comment id :type name: str :param name: name of the attachment :type url: str :param url: url of the attachment """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO attachment " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, attachment_id, issue_comment_id, name, None, None, url ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def assign_label_to_issue(self, issue_id, label_id): """ links label to issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type label_id: int :param label_id: label id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO issue_labelled " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [issue_id, label_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def find_reference_id(self, version, issue_id, repo_id): """ retrieves reference id :type version: str :param version: name of the reference :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None if version: try: cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM reference WHERE name = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [version, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] else: # sometimes the version is followed by extra information such as alpha, beta, RC, M. query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM reference " \ "WHERE name LIKE '" + str(version) + "%' AND repo_id = " + str(repo_id) cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() except Exception: self._logger.warning("version (" + str(version) + ") not inserted for issue id: " + str(issue_id), exc_info=True) return found def select_last_change_issue(self, issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id): """ retrieves last change date of an issue :type issue_id: int :param issue_id: db issue id :type issue_tracker_id: int :param issue_tracker_id: issue tracker id :type repo_id: int :param repo_id: repository id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT i.last_change_at " \ "FROM issue i JOIN issue_tracker it ON i.issue_tracker_id = " \ "WHERE own_id = %s AND issue_tracker_id = %s AND repo_id = %s" arguments = [issue_id, issue_tracker_id, repo_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def select_repo_id(self, project_id, repo_name): """ selects repository id :type project_id: int :param project_id: project id :type repo_name: int :param repo_name: repository name """ return self._db_util.select_repo_id(self._cnx, repo_name, self._logger) def get_cursor(self): return self._cnx.cursor() def close_cursor(self, cursor): return cursor.close() def fetchone(self, cursor): return cursor.fetchone() def execute(self, cursor, query, arguments): cursor.execute(query, arguments) def close_connection(self): if self._cnx: self._db_util.close_connection(self._cnx) def restart_connection(self): self._cnx = self._db_util.restart_connection(self._config, self._logger)
class StackOverflowDao(): """ This class handles the persistence and retrieval of Stackoverflow data """ def __init__(self, config, logger): """ :type config: dict :param config: the DB configuration file :type logger: Object :param logger: logger """ try: self._config = config self._logger = logger self._db_util = DbUtil() self._cnx = self._db_util.get_connection(self._config) except: self._logger.error("StackOverflowDao failed") raise def close_connection(self): """ closes DB connection """ self._db_util.close_connection(self._cnx) def get_message_type_id(self, message_type): """ gets the id associated to a given type of message :type message_type: str :param message_type: message type """ return self._db_util.get_message_type_id(self._cnx, message_type) def get_user_id(self, user_name): """ gets the id associated to a user name :type user_name: str :param user_name: user name """ if user_name == None: user_name = "unknown_user" user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name(self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) if not user_id: self._db_util.insert_user(self._cnx, user_name, None, self._logger) user_id = self._db_util.select_user_id_by_name( self._cnx, user_name, self._logger) return user_id def select_project_id(self, project_name): """ gets project id by its name :type project_name: str :param project_name: project name """ return self._db_util.select_project_id(self._cnx, project_name, self._logger) def select_forum_id(self, forum_name, project_id): """ gets DB forum id by its name :type forum_name: str :param forum_name: forum name :type project_id: int :param project_id: project id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM forum " \ "WHERE name = %s AND project_id = %s" arguments = [forum_name, project_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] else: self._logger.warning("no forum with this name " + str(forum_name)) cursor.close() return found def insert_forum(self, project_id, forum_name, type): """ inserts forum to DB :type project_id: int :param project_id: project id :type forum_name: str :param forum_name: forum name :type type: str :param type: forum type (Eclipse forum, Bugzilla) """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO forum " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [None, project_id, forum_name, type] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() query = "SELECT id " \ "FROM forum " \ "WHERE name = %s" arguments = [forum_name] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() found = None if row: found = row[0] else: self._logger.warning("no forum with name " + str(forum_name)) cursor.close() return found def update_topic_created_at(self, topic_id, created_at, forum_id): """ updates created_at column of a topic :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB topic id :type created_at: str :param created_at: new created_at value :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB forum id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "UPDATE topic SET created_at = %s WHERE id = %s AND forum_id = %s" arguments = [created_at, topic_id, forum_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def update_message(self, own_id, topic_id, body, votes): """ updates message data :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source message id :type topic_id: int :param topic_id: DB topic id :type body: str :param body: new message body :type votes: int :param votes: new message votes """ try: cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "UPDATE message " \ "SET body = %s, votes = %s WHERE own_id = %s AND topic_id = %s" arguments = [body, votes, own_id, topic_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() except: self._logger.warning("message " + str(own_id) + ") for topic id: " + str(topic_id) + " not inserted", exc_info=True) def insert_message(self, own_id, pos, type, topic_id, body, votes, author_id, created_at): """ inserts message to DB :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source message id :type pos: int :param pos: position of the message in the topic :type type: str :param type: type of the message (question, reply) :type topic_id: int :param topic_id: DB topic id :type body: str :param body: message body :type votes: int :param votes: number of votes received :type author_id: int :param author_id: id of the author :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation time of the message """ try: cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO message " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, own_id, pos, type, 0, topic_id, 0, 0, body, votes, author_id, created_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() except: self._logger.warning("message " + str(own_id) + ") for topic id: " + str(topic_id) + " not inserted", exc_info=True) def insert_topic(self, own_id, forum_id, name, votes, views, created_at, last_change_at): """ inserts topic to DB :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source topic id :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: forum id :type name: str :param name: title of the topic :type views: int :param views: number of views of the topic :type created_at: str :param created_at: creation date :type last_change_at: str :param last_change_at: last change date """ try: cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO topic " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [ None, own_id, forum_id, name, votes, views, created_at, last_change_at ] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() query = "SELECT id FROM topic WHERE own_id = %s AND forum_id = %s" arguments = [own_id, forum_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) found = None row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found except Exception: self._logger.warning("topic " + str(own_id) + ") for forum id: " + str(forum_id) + " not inserted", exc_info=True) def insert_message_dependency(self, source_message_id, target_message_id): """ inserts dependency between two messages :type source_message_id: int :param source_message_id: DB source message id :type target_message_id: int :param target_message_id: DB target message id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO message_dependency " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [source_message_id, target_message_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def get_topic_own_id(self, forum_id, topic_id): """ gets data source topic id :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB forum id :type topic_id: int :param topic_id: DB topic id """ found = None cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT own_id FROM topic WHERE forum_id = %s AND id = %s" arguments = [forum_id, topic_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def assign_label_to_topic(self, topic_id, label_id): """ links label to topic :type topic_id: int :param topic_id: db topic id :type label_id: int :param label_id: label id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO topic_labelled " \ "VALUES (%s, %s)" arguments = [topic_id, label_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_label_id(self, name): """ selects the label id by its name :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ return self._db_util.select_label_id(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def insert_label(self, name): """ inserts a label :type name: str :param name: the name of the label """ self._db_util.insert_label(self._cnx, name, self._logger) def get_topic_own_ids(self, forum_id): """ gets list of data source topic ids :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB forum id """ topic_own_ids = [] cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT own_id FROM topic WHERE forum_id = %s" arguments = [forum_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: topic_own_id = row[0] topic_own_ids.append(topic_own_id) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return topic_own_ids def get_topic_ids(self, forum_id): """ gets list of topic ids in a given forum :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB forum id """ topic_ids = [] cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM topic WHERE forum_id = %s" arguments = [forum_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: topic_id = row[0] topic_ids.append(topic_id) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return topic_ids def get_topic_last_change_at(self, own_id, forum_id): """ gets last change date of a topic :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source topic id :type forum_id: int :param forum_id: DB forum id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT last_change_at FROM topic WHERE own_id = %s AND forum_id = %s" arguments = [own_id, forum_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) found = None row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found def insert_attachment(self, own_id, message_id, name, url): """ insert attachment of a message :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source message id :type message_id: int :param message_id: DB message id :type name: str :param name: attachment name :type url: str :param url: attachment url """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO attachment " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" arguments = [None, own_id, message_id, name, None, None, url] cursor.execute(query, arguments) self._cnx.commit() cursor.close() def select_message_id(self, own_id, topic_id): """ gets message id :type own_id: int :param own_id: data source message id :type topic_id: int :param topic_id: DB topic id """ cursor = self._cnx.cursor() query = "SELECT id FROM message WHERE own_id = %s AND topic_id = %s" arguments = [own_id, topic_id] cursor.execute(query, arguments) found = None row = cursor.fetchone() if row: found = row[0] cursor.close() return found