def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("** Usage: python3 " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Model Directory>> <<Test Set>>") sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) model_dir = sys.argv[1] config = Config.load( ['./default.conf', os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.conf')]) model = create_model(config) test_data = load_data(sys.argv[2], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) print("unknown", unknown_tokens) with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(1234) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): test_eval = Seq2SeqEvaluator(model, config.grammar, test_data, 'test', config.reverse_dictionary, beam_size=config.beam_size, batch_size=config.batch_size) loader = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: loader.restore(sess, os.path.join(model_dir, 'best')) test_eval.eval(sess, save_to_file=True)
def predict_whole_sequences(model, X, config_step, until=40): n = X.shape[0] true_steps = X.shape[1] d = X.shape[2] final_step = until + 1 if config_step else until XX = np.zeros((n, final_step, d)) XX[:, :true_steps, :] = X for j in range(true_steps, final_step): pred = model.predict(XX[:, :j, :]) XX[:, j, -1] = pred[:, -1, 0] """if repeat_config: XX[:, j, :-1] = XX[:, j-1, :-1]""" return pred[:, (true_steps - 1):, 0] configs, learning_curves = load_data(source_dir='./data') until = 40 for n_steps in [-1, 5, 10, 20]: randomize_length = n_steps == -1 config_step = True if randomize_length or n_steps == 10 else False n_folds = 3 k_fold = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=42) fold = 0 fold_test_errors = [] y_e40 = [] y_hat_e40 = {5: [], 10: [], 20: [], 30: []}
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 5: print("** Usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Input Vocab>> <<Word Embeddings>> <<Train Set> <<Test Set>>") sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) words, reverse = load_dictionary(sys.argv[1], 'tt') print("%d words in dictionary" % (len(words), )) embeddings_matrix = load_embeddings(sys.argv[2], words, embed_size=300) max_length = 60 grammar = ThingtalkGrammar() train_data = load_data(sys.argv[3], words, grammar.dictionary, reverse, grammar.tokens, max_length) test_data = load_data(sys.argv[4], words, grammar.dictionary, reverse, grammar.tokens, max_length) print("unknown", unknown_tokens) # Tell TensorFlow that the model will be built into the default Graph. # (not required but good practice) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Create a session for running Ops in the Graph with tf.Session() as sess: input_embed_matrix = tf.constant(embeddings_matrix) train_inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([input_embed_matrix], np.array(train_data[0])) train_encoded = tf.reduce_sum(train_inputs, axis=1) #print train_encoded.eval() train_norm = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(train_encoded * train_encoded, axis=1)) test_inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([input_embed_matrix], np.array(test_data[0])) test_encoded = tf.reduce_sum(test_inputs, axis=1) test_norm = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(test_encoded * test_encoded, axis=1)) #print test_encoded.eval() #print (train_encoded - test_encoded).eval() distances = tf.matmul(test_encoded, tf.transpose(train_encoded)) distances /= tf.reshape(train_norm, (1, -1)) distances /= tf.reshape(test_norm, (-1, 1)) #print distances.eval() indices = tf.argmax(distances, axis=1) #print indices.eval() ok_0 = 0 ok_ch = 0 ok_fn = 0 ok_full = 0 correct_programs = set() gold_programs = set() for gold in test_data[2]: try: gold = gold[:list(gold).index(grammar.end)] except ValueError: pass gold_programs.add(tuple(gold)) indices = indices.eval(session=sess) print(indices.shape) for test_i, train_i in enumerate(indices): gold = list(test_data[2][test_i]) decoded = list(train_data[2][train_i]) try: decoded = decoded[:decoded.index(grammar.end)] except ValueError: pass decoded_tuple = tuple(decoded) try: gold = gold[:gold.index(grammar.end)] except ValueError: pass #print "GOLD:", ' '.join(grammar.tokens[l] for l in gold) #print "DECODED:", ' '.join(grammar.tokens[l] for l in decoded) if len(decoded) > 0 and len( gold) > 0 and decoded[0] == gold[0]: ok_0 += 1 def get_functions(seq): return set([ x for x in [grammar.tokens[x] for x in seq] if x.startswith('tt:') and not x.startswith('tt:param.') ]) gold_functions = get_functions(gold) decoded_functions = get_functions(decoded) gold_channels = set( [x[x.index('.') + 1:] for x in gold_functions]) decoded_channels = set( [x[x.index('.') + 1:] for x in decoded_functions]) if len(decoded) > 0 and len(gold) > 0 and decoded[0] == gold[ 0] and gold_functions == decoded_functions: ok_fn += 1 if gold_channels == decoded_channels: ok_ch += 1 if, decoded): correct_programs.add(decoded_tuple) ok_full += 1 print("ok 0:", float(ok_0) / len(test_data[0])) print("ok channel:", float(ok_ch) / len(test_data[0])) print("ok function:", float(ok_fn) / len(test_data[0])) print("ok full:", float(ok_full) / len(test_data[0])) print("recall:", float(len(correct_programs)) / len(gold_programs))
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 6: print( "** Usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Benchmark: tt/geo>> <<Model: bagofwords/seq2seq>> <<Input Vocab>> <<Word Embeddings>> <<Model Directory>> <<Train Set>> <<PCA Set>>" ) sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) benchmark = sys.argv[1] config, words, reverse, model = initialize(benchmark=benchmark, model_type=sys.argv[2], input_words=sys.argv[3], embedding_file=sys.argv[4]) model_dir = sys.argv[5] train_data = load_data(sys.argv[6], words, config.grammar.dictionary, reverse, config.grammar.tokens, config.max_length) pca_data = load_data(sys.argv[7], words, config.grammar.dictionary, reverse, config.grammar.tokens, config.max_length) config.apply_cmdline(sys.argv[8:]) print("unknown", unknown_tokens) # Tell TensorFlow that the model will be built into the default Graph. # (not required but good practice) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Build the model and add the variable initializer Op model.capture_final_encoder_state = True loader = tf.train.Saver() # Create a session for running Ops in the Graph with tf.Session() as sess: loader.restore(sess, os.path.join(model_dir, 'best')) inputs, input_lengths, _, _ = train_data final_encoder_state = None final_encoder_size = None if config.rnn_cell_type == 'lstm': final_encoder_state = tf.concat([ model.final_encoder_state[-1].c, model.final_encoder_state[-1].h ], 1) final_encoder_size = 2 * config.hidden_size else: final_encoder_state = model.final_encoder_state[-1] final_encoder_size = config.hidden_size final_states_arrays = [] # capture all the final encoder states for input_batch, input_length_batch in get_minibatches( [inputs, input_lengths], config.batch_size): feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(input_batch, input_length_batch) state_array =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print state_array.shape final_states_arrays.append(state_array) X = np.concatenate(final_states_arrays, axis=0) assert X.shape == (len(inputs), final_encoder_size) X = tf.constant(X) mean = tf.reduce_mean(X, axis=0) centered_X = X - mean S, U, V = tf.svd(centered_X) # take only the top 2 components V = V[:2] V_array, mean_array =[V, mean]) inputs, input_lengths, _, _ = pca_data X = final_encoder_state centered_X = X - tf.constant(mean_array) transformed_X = tf.matmul(centered_X, tf.constant(V_array.T)) feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(inputs, input_lengths) X_pca =, feed_dict=feed_dict) sentences = reconstruct_sentences(inputs, words['<<EOS>>'], reverse) show_pca(X_pca, sentences)
layer = tf.matmul(layer, w1) layer = tf.nn.relu(layer) layer = tf.matmul(layer, w2) layer = tf.nn.softmax(layer) return layer image_width = 28 class_num = 10 fashion_mnist = keras.datasets.fashion_mnist class_names = [ 'T-shirt/top', 'Trouser', 'Pullover', 'Dress', 'Coat', 'Sandal', 'Shirt', 'Sneaker', 'Bag', 'Ankle boot' ] (train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = loader.load_data() train_images = (train_images / 255.0 - 0.5) * 2 test_images = (test_images / 255.0 - 0.5) * 2 dataset_size = len(train_images) batch_size = 10 check_interval = 1000 steps = dataset_size // batch_size steps = steps if dataset_size % batch_size == 0 else steps + 1 # t train_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 10), name='x-input') # x train_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 28, 28), name='y-input')
def task3(return_dict, config, randomize_length, n_steps, epochs, log_dir="logs"): from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from keras.models import clone_model import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from util.loader import load_data from util.time_series_data import get_time_series, reshape_X, reshape_y from models.lstm import lstm from util.common import loss from util.tensorboard import tensorboard_log_values from preprocessing.standard_scaler import StandardScaler from preprocessing.augmentation import add_nontraining_time_series, add_perturbed_time_series n_steps_valid = n_steps n_steps_test = n_steps use_configs = True config_step = config["config_step"] repeat_config = config["repeat_config"] scale_configs = True validation_split = 0.3 evaluate_each = 1 lr = config["lr"] batchsize = config["batchsize"] lr_decay = config["lr_decay"] decay = 0 if not lr_decay else config["decay"] regularize = config["weight_decay"] alpha = 0 if not regularize else config["alpha"] remove_nonlearning = False augment = config["augment"] add_perturbed = 0 if not augment else config["add_perturbed"] add_nontraining = 0 if not augment else config["add_nontraining"] # title of current run run_name = current_time_str() if not randomize_length: run_name += "_%is" % n_steps else: run_name += "_rnd" run_name += "_lr%f" % lr run_name += "_bs%i" % batchsize if lr_decay: run_name += "_dc%f" % decay if regularize: run_name += "_a%f" % alpha run_name += "_cstp" if config_step else "" run_name += "_rptcnfg" if repeat_config else "" if augment: run_name += "_augm_%i_%i" % (add_perturbed, add_nontraining) print(run_name) # functions def plot_predicted_curves(model, X_test, test_indices, filename=None): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) n_plots = 20 pred = predict_whole_sequences(model, X_test[:n_plots, :n_steps_test, :]) for i in range(n_plots): plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) plt.plot(learning_curves[test_indices[i]], "g") if config_step: plt.plot(range(40), pred[i, :, :], "r") else: plt.plot(range(1, 40), pred[i, :, :], "r") if filename != None: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() def predict_whole_sequences(model, X): n = X.shape[0] true_steps = X.shape[1] d = X.shape[2] final_step = 41 if config_step else 40 XX = np.zeros((n, final_step, d)) XX[:, :true_steps, :] = X for j in range(true_steps, final_step): pred = model.predict(XX[:, :j, :]) XX[:, j, -1] = pred[:, -1, 0] if repeat_config: XX[:, j, :-1] = XX[:, j - 1, :-1] return pred def evaluate_step40_loss(model, X_test, test_indices, n_steps_test): if config_step: n_steps_test += 1 final_y = [learning_curves[index][-1] for index in test_indices] pred = predict_whole_sequences(model, X_test[:, :n_steps_test, :]) final_y_hat = pred[:, -1, 0] return loss(np.array(final_y), final_y_hat) # file name for plots tmp_file_name = "tmp/model_%s" % run_name if config_step: n_steps_train = n_steps n_steps_valid += 1 n_steps_test += 1 else: n_steps_train = n_steps - 1 # read data configs, learning_curves = load_data(source_dir='./data') if remove_nonlearning: keep_indices = [ i for i in range(len(learning_curves)) if learning_curves[i][-1] < 0.8 ] configs = [configs[i] for i in keep_indices] learning_curves = [learning_curves[i] for i in keep_indices] n_params = len(configs[0]) if use_configs else 0 d = n_params + 1 # 3 fold CV: n_folds = 3 k_fold = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=42) fold = 0 fold_test_errors = [] for training_indices, test_indices in k_fold.split(learning_curves): fold = fold + 1 # split into training and validation training_indices = np.random.permutation(training_indices) valid_split_index = int(validation_split * len(training_indices)) validation_indices = training_indices[:valid_split_index] training_indices = training_indices[valid_split_index:] # prepare training data: configs_train = [configs[index] for index in training_indices] learning_curves_train = [ learning_curves[index] for index in training_indices ] if scale_configs: scaler = StandardScaler() configs_train = scaler.fit_transform(configs_train) if add_perturbed > 0: configs_train, learning_curves_train = add_perturbed_time_series( configs_train, learning_curves_train, add_perturbed) if add_nontraining > 0: configs_train, learning_curves_train = add_nontraining_time_series( configs_train, learning_curves_train, add_nontraining) n_train = len(configs_train) X_train = get_time_series(configs_train, learning_curves_train, use_configs=use_configs, repeat_config=repeat_config, config_step=config_step) X_train = reshape_X(X_train) Y_train = learning_curves_train # prepare validation data: configs_valid = [configs[index] for index in validation_indices] learning_curves_valid = [ learning_curves[index] for index in validation_indices ] if scale_configs: configs_valid = scaler.transform(configs_valid) X_valid = get_time_series(configs_valid, learning_curves_valid, use_configs=use_configs, repeat_config=repeat_config, config_step=config_step) X_valid = reshape_X(X_valid) # prepare test data: configs_test = [configs[index] for index in test_indices] learning_curves_test = [ learning_curves[index] for index in test_indices ] if scale_configs: configs_test = scaler.transform(configs_test) X_test = get_time_series(configs_test, learning_curves_test, use_configs=use_configs, repeat_config=repeat_config, config_step=config_step) X_test = reshape_X(X_test) n_valid = len(validation_indices) n_test = len(test_indices) Y_train = reshape_y(Y_train) Y_valid = [ learning_curves_valid[i][1:(n_steps_valid + 1)] for i in range(n_valid) ] Y_test = [ learning_curves_test[i][1:(n_steps_test + 1)] for i in range(n_test) ] n_batches = int(np.ceil(n_train / batchsize)) model = lstm(d, lr, decay=decay, many2many=True, regularize=regularize, alpha=alpha, batchsize=None) best_valid_e40 = {} for k in [5, 10, 20, 30]: best_valid_e40[k] = float("inf") best_mean_valid_e40 = float("inf") best_valid_e40_epoch = -1 for epoch in range(epochs): print("epoch = %i" % epoch) # random permutation of training data permutation = np.random.permutation(range(n_train)) X_train_permuted = X_train[permutation, :, :] Y_train_permuted = Y_train[permutation, :, :] training_losses = [] for batch in range(n_batches): if randomize_length: n_steps_train = int(np.random.uniform(5, 21)) if config_step: n_steps_train += 1 batch_begin = batch * batchsize batch_end = batch_begin + batchsize x = X_train_permuted[batch_begin:batch_end, :n_steps_train, :] y = Y_train_permuted[batch_begin:batch_end, 1:(n_steps_train + 1)] y_hat = model.predict(x) model.train_on_batch(x, y) training_losses.append(loss(y, y_hat)) training_loss = np.mean(training_losses) print("training loss = %f" % training_loss) # validation if (epoch + 1) % 1 == 0: y_hat = model.predict(X_valid[:, :n_steps_valid, :])[:, :, 0] validation_loss = np.mean(loss(Y_valid, y_hat)) print("validation loss = %f" % validation_loss) if (epoch + 1) % evaluate_each == 0: print(lr, decay, batchsize) print("best[:5] = %f @ %i" % (best_valid_e40[5], best_valid_e40_epoch)) print("best[:10] = %f @ %i" % (best_valid_e40[10], best_valid_e40_epoch)) print("best[:20] = %f @ %i" % (best_valid_e40[20], best_valid_e40_epoch)) print("best[:30] = %f @ %i" % (best_valid_e40[30], best_valid_e40_epoch)) valid_e40_5 = evaluate_step40_loss(model, X_valid, validation_indices, 5) print("validation MSE[:5]@40 = %f" % valid_e40_5) valid_e40_10 = evaluate_step40_loss(model, X_valid, validation_indices, 10) print("validation MSE[:10]@40 = %f" % valid_e40_10) valid_e40_20 = evaluate_step40_loss(model, X_valid, validation_indices, 20) print("validation MSE[:20]@40 = %f" % valid_e40_20) valid_e40_30 = evaluate_step40_loss(model, X_valid, validation_indices, 30) print("validation MSE[:30]@40 = %f" % valid_e40_30) mean_valid_e40 = np.mean( [valid_e40_5, valid_e40_10, valid_e40_20, valid_e40_30]) prefix = "losses_f%i/" % fold tensorboard_log_values( log_dir, run_name, epoch, { prefix + "training": training_loss, prefix + "validation": validation_loss, prefix + "validation_E40_5": valid_e40_5, prefix + "validation_E40_10": valid_e40_10, prefix + "validation_E40_20": valid_e40_20, prefix + "validation_E40_30": valid_e40_30, prefix + "validation_E40_mean": mean_valid_e40 }) if mean_valid_e40 < best_mean_valid_e40: print("* new best model *") best_valid_e40_epoch = epoch best_valid_e40[5] = valid_e40_5 best_valid_e40[10] = valid_e40_10 best_valid_e40[20] = valid_e40_20 best_valid_e40[30] = valid_e40_30 best_mean_valid_e40 = mean_valid_e40 best_model = clone_model(model) best_model.set_weights(model.get_weights()) """if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: filename = tmp_file_name + "_f%i_e%i.png" % (fold, epoch) print(filename) plot_predicted_curves(model, X_test, test_indices, filename = filename)""" # evaluation on test data test_e40 = {} test_e40[5] = evaluate_step40_loss(best_model, X_test, test_indices, 5) test_e40[10] = evaluate_step40_loss(best_model, X_test, test_indices, 10) test_e40[20] = evaluate_step40_loss(best_model, X_test, test_indices, 20) test_e40[30] = evaluate_step40_loss(best_model, X_test, test_indices, 30) fold_test_errors.append(test_e40) print(test_e40) #filename = tmp_file_name + "_f%i_best.png" % fold #print(filename) #plot_predicted_curves(best_model, X_test, test_indices, filename = filename) means_e40 = {} for steps in [5, 10, 20, 30]: print("MSE@40 for %i input steps:" % steps) e40_folds = [fold_res[steps] for fold_res in fold_test_errors] print(e40_folds) mean_e40 = np.mean(e40_folds) print("mean = %f" % mean_e40) means_e40[steps] = mean_e40 return_dict["results"] = means_e40
def main(estimators, n_folds=3): # read data and transform it to numpy arrays configs, learning_curves = load_data(source_dir='../data') configs = np.array(list(map(lambda x: list(x.values()), configs))) learning_curves = np.array(learning_curves) # initialise CV k_fold = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=1) # store predicted and true y y_y_hat = np.zeros((len(estimators), 2, learning_curves.shape[0])) performances = np.zeros((len(estimators), 6)) for m_idx, model_desc in enumerate(estimators): current_fold = 0 print(model_desc) for preprocessing in [False, True]: # CV folds for train_indices, test_indices in k_fold.split(configs): # split into training and test data train_configs = configs[train_indices] train_curves = learning_curves[train_indices] test_configs = configs[test_indices] test_curves = learning_curves[test_indices] # preprocessing if preprocessing: scaler = StandardScaler() train_configs = scaler.fit_transform(train_configs) test_configs = scaler.transform(test_configs) # train model model = eval(model_desc), train_curves[:, -1]) # evaluate model y = test_curves[:, -1] y_hat = model.predict(test_configs) test_loss = loss(y_hat, y) performances[m_idx, current_fold] = test_loss print("fold test loss = %f" % test_loss) # store prediction if preprocessing: y_y_hat[m_idx, 0, test_indices] = y y_y_hat[m_idx, 1, test_indices] = y_hat current_fold += 1 print("mean CV loss w/o prep = {0:.5f}, w prep = {1:.5f}".format( np.mean(performances[m_idx, :3]), np.mean(performances[m_idx, 3:6]))) data = { 'no prep': np.mean(performances[:, :3], axis=1), 'prep': np.mean(performances[:, 3:6], axis=1) } frame = pd.DataFrame(data, index=estimators) print(frame) return performances, y_y_hat
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("** Usage: python3 " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Model Directory>> <<Test Set>>") sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) model_dir = sys.argv[1] config = Config.load( ['./default.conf', os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.conf')]) model = create_model(config) test_data = load_data(sys.argv[2], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(1234) loader = tf.train.Saver() inputs, input_lengths, parses, labels, label_lengths = test_data final_encoder_state = tf.concat(nest.flatten( model.final_encoder_state), axis=1) final_encoder_size = final_encoder_state.get_shape()[1] final_states = OrderedDict() with tf.Session() as sess: loader.restore(sess, os.path.join(model_dir, 'best')) # capture all the final encoder states for input_batch, input_length_batch, parse_batch, label_batch, label_length_batch in get_minibatches( [inputs, input_lengths, parses, labels, label_lengths], config.batch_size): feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(input_batch, input_length_batch, parse_batch) state_array =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print state_array.shape for state, input, input_length, label, length in zip( state_array, input_batch, input_length_batch, label_batch, label_length_batch): label = label[:length] program = ' '.join( config.grammar.tokens[x] for x in label) # if is_function(config.grammar.tokens[x])) if not program in final_states: final_states[program] = [(state, input[:input_length])] else: final_states[program].append( (state, input[:input_length])) prog_array = [prog for prog in final_states ] #if len(final_states[prog]) > 1] prog_index = dict() num_programs = len(prog_array) print('num programs', num_programs) centers = np.zeros((num_programs, final_encoder_size), dtype=np.float32) for i, program in enumerate(prog_array): prog_index[program] = i centers[i] = np.mean([x[0] for x in final_states[program]], axis=0) eval_data = [] with open(sys.argv[3]) as fp: for line in fp: sentence, gold, predicted, _ = line.strip().split('\t') if gold == predicted: continue gold += ' <<EOS>>' predicted += ' <<EOS>>' if gold in prog_index and predicted in prog_index: sentence_vector, sentence_length = vectorize( sentence, config.dictionary, config.max_length) gold_index = prog_index[gold] gold_center = centers[gold_index] predicted_index = prog_index[predicted] predicted_center = centers[predicted_index] eval_data.append( (gold, predicted, gold_center, predicted_center, sentence_vector, sentence_length)) #print(np.linalg.norm(gold_center-predicted_center), gold, predicted, sentence, sep='\t') elif gold not in prog_index: #print('no gold', gold, file=sys.stderr) pass elif predicted not in prog_index: #print('no predicted', file=sys.stderr) pass with tf.Session() as sess: loader.restore(sess, os.path.join(model_dir, 'best')) def flip(list_of_tuples): inner_length = len(list_of_tuples[0]) tuple_of_lists = [[x[i] for x in list_of_tuples] for i in range(inner_length)] return tuple_of_lists with open('./eval.tsv', 'w') as out: for gold_batch, predicted_batch, gold_center_batch, predicted_center_batch, input_batch, input_length_batch in get_minibatches( flip(eval_data), config.batch_size): parse_batch = np.zeros( (len(input_batch), 2 * config.max_length - 1), dtype=np.bool) feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(input_batch, input_length_batch, parse_batch) state_array =, feed_dict=feed_dict) assert len(state_array) == len(gold_batch) for state, input, input_length, gold, predicted, gold_center, predicted_center in zip( state_array, input_batch, input_length_batch, gold_batch, predicted_batch, gold_center_batch, predicted_center_batch): gold_predicted_dist = np.linalg.norm(gold_center - predicted_center) sentence_gold_dist = np.linalg.norm(state - gold_center) sentence_predicted_dist = np.linalg.norm( state - predicted_center) sentence = ' '.join(config.reverse_dictionary[x] for x in input[:input_length]) print(gold_predicted_dist, sentence_gold_dist, sentence_predicted_dist, gold, predicted, sentence, sep='\t', file=out) print('written eval.tsv') num_good_sentences = np.zeros((num_programs, ), dtype=np.int32) sum_good_distance = np.zeros((num_programs, ), dtype=np.float32) num_bad_sentences = np.zeros((num_programs, ), dtype=np.int32) sum_bad_distance = np.zeros((num_programs, ), dtype=np.float32) for i, program in enumerate(prog_array): num_good_sentences[i] = len(final_states[program]) for encoding, sentence in final_states[program]: dist = np.linalg.norm(encoding - centers[i]) sum_good_distance[i] += dist # negative examples for negative in np.random.choice(prog_array, size=(10, ), replace=False): if negative == program: continue num_bad_sentences[i] += len(final_states[negative]) for negative_enc, negative_sentence in final_states[negative]: dist = np.linalg.norm(negative_enc - centers[i]) sum_bad_distance[i] += dist avg_good_distance = sum_good_distance / num_good_sentences avg_bad_distance = sum_bad_distance / num_bad_sentences with open('./encoded.csv', 'w') as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp) writer.writerows( zip(num_good_sentences, num_bad_sentences, avg_good_distance, avg_bad_distance, sum_good_distance, sum_bad_distance))
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print("** Usage: python3 " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Model Directory>> <<Train Set>> <<Test Set>>") sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) model_dir = sys.argv[1] config = Config.load( ['./default.conf', os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.conf')]) model = create_model(config) train_data = load_data(sys.argv[2], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) pca_data = load_data(sys.argv[3], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) print("unknown", unknown_tokens) with tf.Graph().as_default(): loader = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: loader.restore(sess, os.path.join(model_dir, 'best')) inputs, input_lengths, parses, _, _ = train_data final_encoder_state = tf.concat(nest.flatten( model.final_encoder_state), axis=1) final_encoder_size = final_encoder_state.get_shape()[1] final_states_arrays = [] # capture all the final encoder states for input_batch, input_length_batch, parse_batch in get_minibatches( [inputs, input_lengths, parses], config.batch_size): feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(input_batch, input_length_batch, parse_batch) state_array =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print state_array.shape final_states_arrays.append(state_array) X = np.concatenate(final_states_arrays, axis=0) assert X.shape == (len(inputs), final_encoder_size) X = tf.constant(X) mean = tf.reduce_mean(X, axis=0) centered_X = X - mean S, U, V = tf.svd(centered_X) # take only the top 2 components V = V[:2] V_array, mean_array =[V, mean]) inputs, input_lengths, parses, labels, label_lengths = pca_data X = final_encoder_state centered_X = X - tf.constant(mean_array) transformed_X = tf.matmul(centered_X, tf.constant(V_array.T)) feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(inputs, input_lengths, parses) X_pca =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if False: sentences = reconstruct_sentences(inputs, input_lengths, config.reverse_dictionary) else: sentences = reconstruct_sentences(labels, label_lengths, config.grammar.tokens) show_pca(X_pca, sentences)
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("** Usage: python3 " + sys.argv[0] + " <<Model Directory>> <<Train Set>> [<<Dev Set>>]") sys.exit(1) np.random.seed(42) model_dir = sys.argv[1] model_conf = os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.conf') config = Config.load(['./default.conf', model_conf]) model = create_model(config) train_data = load_data(sys.argv[2], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) if len(sys.argv) > 3: dev_data = load_data(sys.argv[3], config.dictionary, config.grammar, config.max_length) else: dev_data = None print("unknown", unknown_tokens) try: os.mkdir(model_dir) except OSError: pass if not os.path.exists(model_conf): with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(1234) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=config.n_epochs) train_eval = Seq2SeqEvaluator(model, config.grammar, train_data, 'train', config.reverse_dictionary, beam_size=config.beam_size, batch_size=config.batch_size) dev_eval = Seq2SeqEvaluator(model, config.grammar, dev_data, 'dev', config.reverse_dictionary, beam_size=config.beam_size, batch_size=config.batch_size) trainer = Trainer(model, train_data, train_eval, dev_eval, saver, model_dir=model_dir, max_length=config.max_length, batch_size=config.batch_size, n_epochs=config.n_epochs, dropout=config.dropout) with tf.Session() as sess: # Run the Op to initialize the variables. #sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess) #sess.add_tensor_filter("has_inf_or_nan", tf_debug.has_inf_or_nan) # Fit the model best_dev, best_train = print("best train", best_train) print("best dev", best_dev)
def main(n_steps=10, epochs=200): """ Trains and evaluates the MSE of a LSTM model in a 3-fold CV. n_steps: how many steps of the learning curve are used for training and predicting epochs: number of training epochs repeat_config: if True the configuration is fed into the network in each time step, otherwise only in the first time step """ configs, learning_curves = load_data(source_dir='./data') Y = [curve[-1] for curve in learning_curves] n_params = len(configs[0]) d = n_params + 1 # 3 fold CV: n_folds = 3 k_fold = KFold(n_splits=n_folds) fold_mses = [] fold = 0 for training_indices, test_indices in k_fold.split(Y): fold = fold + 1 print("***** FOLD %i *****" % fold) # prepare training data: configs_train = [configs[index] for index in training_indices] learning_curves_train = [ learning_curves[index][:n_steps] for index in training_indices ] if scale_configs: scaler = StandardScaler() configs_train = scaler.fit_transform(configs_train) X_train = get_time_series(configs_train, learning_curves_train, repeat_config=repeat_config) Y_train = [Y[index] for index in training_indices] # prepare test data: configs_test = [configs[index] for index in test_indices] learning_curves_test = [ learning_curves[index][:n_steps] for index in test_indices ] if scale_configs: configs_test = scaler.transform(configs_test) X_test = get_time_series(configs_test, learning_curves_test, repeat_config=repeat_config) Y_test = [Y[index] for index in test_indices] n_train = len(training_indices) model = lstm(d, lr, regularize=regularize, alpha=alpha) # training: for epoch in range(epochs): print("epoch = %i" % epoch) for i in range(n_train): x = X_train[i].reshape(1, -1, d) y = Y_train[i] model.train_on_batch(x, np.array([[y]])) model.reset_states() # validation output: mse_train = evaluate(model, X_train, Y_train) mse_test = evaluate(model, X_test, Y_test) print("training mse = %f" % mse_train) print("test mse = %f" % mse_test) #if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: # predictions = predict(model, X_test) # print("y_hat", "y") # for y_hat, y in zip(predictions, Y_test): # print(y_hat, y) # evaluation: fold_mses.append(evaluate(model, X_test, Y_test)) print("\nmse per fold:") print(fold_mses) print("mean mse:") print(np.mean(fold_mses))