def click(self, control, x, y, sleep_time=0): if x < 0 or y < 0: raise RuntimeError('坐标错误:(%d, %d)' % (x, y)) try: if not control: result = self.send_command(EnumCommand.CmdClick, X=x, Y=y, SleepTime=int(sleep_time * 1000)) else: result = self.send_command(EnumCommand.CmdClick, Control=control, X=x, Y=y, SleepTime=int(sleep_time * 1000)) # print result['Result'] return result['Result'] except AndroidSpyError, e: if str(e).find('java.lang.SecurityException') >= 0: # 有时操作过快会出现该问题 return False elif 'ErrControlNotShown' in str(e): return False elif str(e) == '控件已失效': # 认为点击成功了 pic_name = '%s.png' % int(time.time()) logger.warn('%s %s' % (e, pic_name)) self._device.take_screen_shot(pic_name) return True else: raise e
def kill_process(self, package_name): '''杀死进程 ''' try: self.run_driver_cmd('killProcess', package_name, root=self.adb.is_rooted()) except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('killProcess error: %r' % e)
def handle_part(data, match, client, channels): """ Someone is leaving a channel. Let's tell everyone about it and remove them from the channel's user listing (and the channel from the client's). '^PART (?P<channel>[^\s]+)( :(?P<message>.*))' :type data: str :type match: dict :type client: Client :type channels: list """ channame = match['channel'] logger.debug("{nick} leaves channel {channame}", nick=client.nick, channame=channame) if not channame in channels: logger.warn("no channel named {channame}", channame=channame) return channel = channels[channame] client.channels.remove(channel) channels[channame].clients.remove(client) announce = Protocol.part(client, channel, match['message'] or 'leaving') channel.send(announce)
def reboot(self, wait_cpu_low=True, usage=20, duration=10, timeout=120): '''重启手机 :param wait_cpu_low: 是否等待CPU使用率降低 :type wait_cpu_low: bool :param usage: cpu使用率阈值 :type usage: int :param duration: 持续时间(秒) :type duration: int :param timeout: 超时时间,超市时间到后,无论当前CPU使用率是多少,都会返回 :type timeout: int ''' pattern = re.compile(r'^.+:\d+$') try: ret = self.run_driver_cmd('reboot', True, retry_count=1, timeout=30) if ret == 'false': return except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('reboot: %r' % e) if pattern.match(self.device_id): try: self.adb.reboot(60) except RuntimeError: logger.warn('reboot: %s' % e) # 虚拟机会出现明明重启成功却一直不返回的情况 else: self.adb.reboot(0) # 不能使用reboot shell命令,有些手机需要root权限才能执行
def _run_server(self, server_name): '''运行系统测试桩 ''' if not self.adb.is_rooted(): try: self.adb.start_service('%s/.service.HelperService' % server_name, {'serviceName': server_name}) except RuntimeError: logger.warn('start helper server failed') self.adb.start_activity('%s/.activity.StartServiceActivity' % server_name, extra={'serviceName': 'HelperService'}, wait=False) time.sleep(1) return self._server_opend() timeout = 10 time0 = time.time() while time.time() - time0 < timeout: try: ret = self.run_driver_cmd('runServer', server_name, root=self.adb.is_rooted(), retry_count=1, timeout=10) logger.debug('Run server %s' % ret) if 'service run success' in ret: # wait for parent process exit time.sleep(0.5) elif 'service is running' in ret: pass elif 'java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError' in ret: raise RuntimeError('启动系统测试桩进程失败:\n%s' % ret) except TimeoutError, e: logger.warn('Run server timeout: %s' % e) if self._server_opend(): return True time.sleep(1)
def get_current_activity(self): '''获取当前窗口 ''' # 突然发现目前的2.3设备都可以修改系统属性了,暂时改为全部使用ViewServer获取当前窗口 # if self.sdk_version <= 10 and not self.debuggable: # 使用GetCurrentActivity延时较大,改用logcat方式 # import time # if not hasattr(self, '_activity_logcat'): # self._start_activity_logcat_thread() # # timeout = 10 # time0 = time.time() # while time.time() - time0 < timeout: # if self._current_activity: return self._current_activity # time.sleep(1) # return self._send_command('GetCurrentActivity') if not self._use_socket: return self.adb.run_shell_cmd('sh %s/ getCurrentWindow' % (qt4a_path), True) else: from androiddriver import SocketError timeout = 5 time0 = time.time() while time.time() - time0 < timeout: try: result = self._send_command('GetCurrentWindow') if not result: time.sleep(0.5) continue return result except SocketError, e: raise e except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('GetCurrentWindow error: %s' % e)
def kill_process(self, package_name): '''杀死进程 ''' try: self.adb.run_shell_cmd('sh %s/ killProcess %s' % (qt4a_path, package_name), True) except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('killProcess error: %r' % e)
def install_package(self, pkg_path, pkg_name='', overwrite=False): '''安装应用 ''' from util import InstallPackageFailedError from adb import TimeoutError if not os.path.exists(pkg_path): raise RuntimeError('安装包:%r 不存在' % pkg_path) for _ in range(3): self.adb.install_apk(pkg_path, overwrite) try: boot_time = self.get_system_boot_time() except TimeoutError: logger.exception('get_system_boot_time failed') return True if boot_time >= 60 * 5: return True'System Boot Time: %s S' % boot_time) time0 = time.time() if not pkg_name: pkg_name = self.adb._get_package_name(pkg_path) install_success = True while time.time() - time0 < 60: # 酷派大神F2和中兴红牛V5上发现重启后安装应用容易失败 dir_root_list = ['/data/data/%s' % pkg_name, '/sdcard/Android/data/%s' % pkg_name] for i in range(len(dir_root_list)): try: self.adb.list_dir(dir_root_list[i]) if len(dir_root_list) > 1: dir_root_list = [dir_root_list[i]] # 只保留正确的位置 break except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn(u'install app error: %r' % e) if i >= len(dir_root_list) - 1: install_success = False break if not install_success: break time.sleep(1) if install_success: return True
def main(): """ Main entry to arrows. """ logger.warn("arrows started.") time.sleep(1) rt_arrow() minute_arrow() day_arrow() while True: try: # schedule crash guard. importlib.reload(schedule) schedule.every(10) schedule.every(20) schedule.every(120) while True: try: time.sleep(1) schedule.run_pending() except Exception as ex: logger.exception( ex, "Arrows schedule.run_pending exception handler:") time.sleep(2) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex, "Root arrows exception handler:") time.sleep(2)
def main(): """ Main ts entry point. """ logger.warn("ts started.") time.sleep(1) ts_rt() ts_minutely() ts_hourly() ts_daily() while True: try: # schedule crash guard: importlib.reload(schedule) schedule.every(11) schedule.every(21) schedule.every(701) schedule.every(1701) while True: try: time.sleep(2) schedule.run_pending() except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) time.sleep(2) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) time.sleep(2)
def main(): """ Main rsync entry point. """ logger.warn("leprechaun rsync started.") time.sleep(1) ts_rsync() sqlite_rsync() while True: try: # schedule crash guard: importlib.reload(schedule) schedule.every(1301) schedule.every(300) while True: try: time.sleep(2) schedule.run_pending() except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) time.sleep(2) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) time.sleep(2)
def pull(self, device_id, src_file, dst_file): '''adb pull ''' time0 = time.time() self._transport(device_id) self._send_command('sync:') mode, fsize, ftime = self._sync_read_mode(src_file) if mode == 0: self._sock.close() self._sock = None raise AdbError('remote object %r does not exist' % src_file) data = 'RECV' + struct.pack('I', len(src_file)) + src_file self._sock.send(data) f = open(dst_file, 'wb') data_size = 0 last_data = '' while True: result = self._sock.recv(8) if len(result) != 8: logger.warn('返回数据错误:%r' % result) last_data += result if len(last_data) < 8: continue else: result = last_data[:8] last_data = last_data[8:] psize = struct.unpack('I', result[4:])[0] # 每个分包大小 # print psize if result[:4] == 'DONE': break elif result[:4] == 'FAIL': raise AdbError(self._sock.recv(psize)) elif result[:4] != 'DATA': raise AdbError('pull_file error') # print fsize result = self._recv(psize - len(last_data)) result = last_data + result if len(result) >= psize: last_data = result[psize:] result = result[:psize] else: raise ValueError('数据长度不一致,期望值:%d 实际值:%d' % (psize, len(result))) f.write(result) data_size += len(result) f.close() self._sock.send('QUIT' + struct.pack('I', 0)) time_cost = time.time() - time0 self._sock.close() self._sock = None if data_size > 0: return '%d KB/s (%d bytes in %fs)' % (int( data_size / 1000 / time_cost) if time_cost > 0 else 65535, data_size, time_cost) else: return ''
def close_activity(self, activity): '''关闭Activity ''' try: return self._close_activity(activity) except ProcessExitError: logger.warn('close_activity error: process %s not exist' % self._process_name) return -3 # 进程退出
def reset(self): if self.waiting_step: logger.warn( 'Called reset() while waiting for the step to complete') self.step_wait() for pipe in self.parent_pipes: pipe.send(('reset', None)) return self._decode_obses([pipe.recv() for pipe in self.parent_pipes])
def get_device_imei(self): '''获取设备imei号 ''' try: return self.adb.get_device_imei() except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('获取设备imei失败: %s' % e) return self.adb.run_shell_cmd('sh %s/ getDeviceImei' % (qt4a_path), True)
def get_system_boot_time(self): '''获取系统启动时间,单位为秒 ''' for _ in range(3): ret = self.run_driver_cmd('getSystemBootTime', root=self.adb.is_rooted()) if ret and ret.isdigit(): return int(ret) / 1000 logger.warn('getSystemBootTime return %r' % ret) time.sleep(2) return 0
def _take_screen_shot(self, path, _format='png', quality=90): '''使用命令截图 ''' result = self.adb.run_shell_cmd('sh %s/ takeScreenshot %s %s %s' % (qt4a_path, path, _format, quality), True) if not 'true' in result: logger.warn('take_screen_shot failed: %s' % result) self.adb.run_shell_cmd('screencap %s' % path, True) self.adb.run_shell_cmd('chmod 444 %s' % path, True) return True
def get_system_boot_time(self): '''获取系统启动时间,单位为秒 ''' for _ in range(3): ret = self.adb.run_shell_cmd('sh %s/ getSystemBootTime' % qt4a_path, True) if ret != '' and ret.isdigit(): return int(ret) / 1000 logger.warn('getSystemBootTime return %r' % ret) time.sleep(2) return 0
def _init_driver(self): '''初始化测试桩 ''' if AndroidSpyClient.server_opened(self._port): # 字段赋值'port %d opened' % self._port) self._process['name'] = self._process_name self._process['id'] = self._device.adb.get_pid(self._process_name) if self.hello() != None: return timeout = 20 time0 = time.time() proc_exist = False while time.time() - time0 < timeout: if not proc_exist: pid = self._device.adb.get_pid(self._process_name) if pid > 0: proc_exist = True self._process['name'] = self._process_name self._process['id'] = pid break time.sleep(1) if not proc_exist: raise RuntimeError('进程:%s 在%d秒内没有出现' % (self._process_name, timeout)) timeout = 30 try: if self._device.is_art(): # Android 5.0上发现注入容易导致进程退出 self._wait_for_cpu_low(20, 10) time0 = time.time() while time.time() - time0 < timeout: ret = self._device.adb.run_shell_cmd('.%s/inject %s' % (AndroidDriver.qt4a_path, self._process_name), True, timeout=120, retry_count=1) logger.debug('inject result: %s' % ret) if 'Inject Success' in ret: break elif 'Operation not permitted' in ret: # 可能是进程处于Trace状态 pid = self._device.adb.get_pid(self._process_name) status = self._device.adb.get_process_status(pid) tracer_pid = int(status['TracerPid']) if tracer_pid > 0: if int(status['PPid']) == tracer_pid: # 使用TRACEME方式防注入 raise Exception('应用使用了防注入逻辑,注入失败') logger.warn('TracerPid is %d' % tracer_pid) self._device.adb.kill_process(tracer_pid) time.sleep(1) except RuntimeError, e: logger.error('%s\n%s' % (e, self._device.adb.run_shell_cmd('ps'))) raise e
def take_screen_shot(self, path, quality=90): '''截屏 ''' result = self.adb.run_shell_cmd('%s/screenshot capture -q %s' % (qt4a_path, quality)) # 为避免pull文件耗时,直接写到stdout if len(result) < 256: logger.warn('Take screenshot failed: %s' % result) return False with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(result) return True
def wake_screen(self, wake=True): '''唤醒屏幕 ''' try: ret = self._send_command('WakeScreen', Wake=wake) except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('wake_screen error: %s' % e) if 'NullPointerException' in str(e): # 重启下系统测试桩 self._restart_server() return self.wake_screen(wake)
def pull_file(self, src_path, dst_path): '''将手机中的文件拷贝到PC中 ''' fuse_path = '/storage/emulated/0' # 4.2中对sdcard的引用 if src_path.startswith(fuse_path): src_path = src_path.replace(fuse_path, '/sdcard') try: ret = self.adb.pull_file(src_path, dst_path) if ret.find('does not exist') < 0: return except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('pull file failed: %s' % e) if src_path.startswith('/data/local/tmp/'): raise e
def connect(self): self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # socket.setdefaulttimeout(120) for i in range(3): try: self._sock.connect((self._addr, self._port)) self._connect = True return True except Exception, e: logger.warn('connect (%s, %s) error: %s' % (self._addr, self._port, e)) if i == 2: return False # 连接失败 time.sleep(1)
def _wait_for_event(self, thread_id, timeout): '''等待事件 ''' if self._get_lock(thread_id).is_set(): return time0 = time.time() ret = self._get_lock(thread_id).wait(timeout) if ret: cost_time = time.time() - time0 logger.debug('thread %s wait %s S' % (thread_id, cost_time)) else: # 超时 logger.warn('thread %s wait for sync event timeout' % thread_id) self.resume_thread(thread_id) # 防止出错后一直等待 return ret
def day_arrow(): """ External day level wrapper. """"<day_arrow>") for key in keys: if "timestamp" in key: continue fn = f"/data/tsdb/daily/{key}.parq" if os.path.exists(fn): df = pd.read_parquet(fn) racoon.to_csv(df, f"/data/adbcsv/{key}_daily.csv") else: logger.warn(f"/data/tsdb/daily/{key}.parq files are missing.")"</day_arrow>")
def get_current_activity(self): '''获取当前窗口 ''' timeout = 10 time0 = time.time() result = None while time.time() - time0 < timeout: if not self.adb.is_rooted(): result = self._get_current_window() else: try: result = self._send_command('GetCurrentWindow') except SocketError, e: raise e except RuntimeError, e: logger.warn('GetCurrentWindow error: %s' % e)
def lock_keyguard(self): '''锁屏 ''' if not self.is_screen_lock_enabled(): # 先设置为有屏幕锁 self.set_screen_lock_enable(True) self._last_activity_before_lock = self._get_current_activity(True) # 保存锁屏前的Activity logger.debug('锁屏前Activity为:%r' % self._last_activity_before_lock) ret = self._lock_keyguard() if not ret: logger.warn('lock keyguard failed') self.wake_screen(False) time.sleep(1) self.wake_screen(True) return self.is_keyguard_locked() return True
def read_temp(self, addr): try: tx_frame = [addr, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02] c16 = _crc16(tx_frame) h = c16 >> 8 l = c16 & 0xff tx_frame += [l, h] self.ser.write(tx_frame) rsp = b"" n = 0 while 1: if n > self.timeout: logger.warn("Temp meter No resp,port %s ID%s" % (self.ser.port, addr)) break rsp += if len(rsp) >= 9: break else: time.sleep(1 / 1000) n += 1 if len(rsp) < 9: return None, None rsp_c16 = _crc16(rsp[:7]) h = rsp_c16 >> 8 l = rsp_c16 & 0xff if not (rsp[7] == l and rsp[8] == h): logger.warn("CRC16 check fail, not %s should be %s" % (rsp[7:], [l, h])) temp = rsp[5] * 256 + rsp[6] if temp >= 32768: temp -= 65536 humi = rsp[3] * 256 + rsp[4] temp = round(temp / 10, 2) humi = round(humi / 10, 2) return temp, humi except: traceback.print_exc() return None, None
def parse(self, nodeTree, physicalInterfaces=[]): host_name = get_hostname(ElementParser(nodeTree)) interfaceNodes = [ interface for i in ElementParser(nodeTree).all("interfaces") if i.parent().tag() in ['configuration'] for interface in i.all("interface") ] interface_map = {} for node in interfaceNodes: iname = node.first("name").text() if iname is None: continue interface = interface_map.get(iname, self.new_interface(iname)) if physicalInterfaces and iname not in physicalInterfaces: logger.warn( "Interface {0} is configured but not found in {1}".format( iname, host_name)) continue # Update interface self._interface(interface, node) interface_map[] = interface # Add remaining physical interfaces if any for iface in physicalInterfaces: if iface not in interface_map: interface_map[iface] = self.new_interface(iface) # Handle logical systems logicalNodes = [ iface for i in ElementParser(nodeTree).all("interfaces") if i.parent().tag() in ['logical-systems'] for iface in i.all("interface") ] for node in logicalNodes: iname = node.first("name").text() interface = interface_map.get(iname, self.new_interface(iname)) # Only update unitdict for logical systems interface.unitdict += [self._unit(u) for u in node.all("unit")] interface_map[] = interface return sorted(interface_map.values(), key=lambda i:
def load_from_folder(self, resample, use_default_labels): os.chdir(self.folder_path) training_files = [] if use_default_labels: for filename in [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]: label = filename.replace('_', ' ').replace('.mp3', '').title() training_files.append((label, filename)) logger.log("Using %s with label %s" % (filename, label)) else: resample_prefix = 'resample_' for filename in [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]: print " enter label for '" + filename + "' >" label = raw_input() if len(label) == 0: label = filename target = filename if resample: target = resample_prefix + filename try:['/usr/local/bin/lame', '-V5', '--vbr-new', '--resample', '16', filename, target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) generated_name = label.strip().replace(" ", "_").lower() + '.mp3'['rm', filename])['mv', target, generated_name]) training_files.append((label, generated_name)) except: logger.warn(" could not resample file '%s'!" % filename) else: training_files.append((label, target)) print 'finished resampling!' = audio.train(training_files, self.folder_path, self.train_set.config,, conn_str) self.train_set.s3_links = [] self.train_set.status = "trained" return self.train_set._id
def main(): """ Main rt entry point. """ logger.warn("rt started") started = int(time.time()) while True: try: elapsed = int(time.time()) time.sleep(1) if int(time.time()) - started > 600:"heartbeat") started = int(time.time())"<write_rt>") write_rt()"</write_rt>") elapsed = int(time.time()) - elapsed time.sleep(max(0, PERIOD - elapsed)) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex)
def handle_privmsg(data, match, client, channels): """ This happens when someone sends something. If the targeted channel exists, send it to everyone in it. TODO: Users can be privmsg'd too, so we should be able to handle that. '^PRIVMSG (?P<channel>[^\s]+) :(?P<message>.*)' :type data: str :type match: dict :type client: Client :type channels: list """ logger.debug('{nick} says "{message}" to {channel}', nick=client.nick, **match) channame = match['channel'] if channame in channels: channels[channame].say(client, match['message']) else: logger.warn('channel {channame} does not exist', channame=channame)
def parse(self, nodeTree, physicalInterfaces=[]): host_name = get_hostname(ElementParser(nodeTree)) interfaceNodes = [ interface for i in ElementParser(nodeTree).all("interfaces") if i.parent().tag() in ['configuration'] for interface in i.all("interface") ] interfaces = [] for node in interfaceNodes: interface = Interface() = node.first("name").text() if physicalInterfaces: if not in physicalInterfaces: logger.warn("Interface {0} is configured but not found in {1}".format(, host_name)) continue else: physicalInterfaces.remove( interface.vlantagging = len(node.all("vlan-tagging")) > 0 interface.bundle = node.first("bundle").text() interface.description = node.first("description").text() #TODO: tunnel dict..? Does it make sense when source/dest is empty? interface.tunneldict.append({ 'source': node.first("source").text(), 'destination': node.first("destination").text(), }) #Units interface.unitdict = [ self._unit(u) for u in node.all("unit") ] interfaces.append(interface) for iface in physicalInterfaces: interface = Interface() = iface interfaces.append(interface) return interfaces
def train(tracks, training_audio_path, conf, set_name, conn_str): logger.log('begin training sequence on %s ' % training_audio_path) # set up all model parameters num_components = conf['num_components'] em_epsilon = conf['em_epsilon'] em_iter = conf['em_iter'] cv_type = conf['cv_type'] audio_freq = conf['audio_freq'] mfcc_step_size = conf['mfcc_step_size'] mfcc_block_size = conf['mfcc_block_size'] frames_per_second = audio_freq / mfcc_step_size audio_block_size = frames_per_second * conf['sample_length'] audio_step_size = frames_per_second * conf['sample_step_size'] # set up Yaafe afp, engine = get_engine(audio_freq, mfcc_block_size, mfcc_step_size) connection = conn.get() connection.register([TrackData]) result = [] for label, filename in tracks: logger.log('begin processing %s.' % filename) afp.processFile(engine, training_audio_path + '/' + filename) output = engine.readAllOutputs()['mfcc'] mfcc = output num_samples = mfcc.shape[0] track_gmms = [] track = connection.TrackData() track.label = label track.set = set_name for index in range(0, (num_samples - audio_block_size), audio_step_size): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: mfcc_data = mfcc[index:index + audio_block_size] classifier = GMM(n_components = num_components, cvtype = cv_type), thresh = em_epsilon, n_iter = em_iter) means = classifier._get_means().tolist() if cv_type == 'diag': covars = [np.diag(diag).tolist() for diag in classifier._get_covars()] else: covars = classifier._get_covars().tolist() weights = classifier._get_weights().tolist() for weight in weights: if math.isnan(weight): logger.warn("Warning: invalid GMM entry, skipping at label: %s, index %s" % (label, str(index))) break else: track_gmms.append([means, covars, weights]) = track_gmms result.append(track._id) return result