def get_rate(): if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(current_work.value['best_share_hash']) att_s = p2pool_data.get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height - 1, 720)) fracs = [share.stale_frac for share in tracker.get_chain(current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(120, height)) if share.stale_frac is not None] return json.dumps(int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))) return json.dumps(None)
def status_thread(): last_str = None last_time = 0 while True: yield deferral.sleep(3) try: if time.time() > current_work2.value['last_update'] + 60: print '''---> LOST CONTACT WITH BITCOIND for 60 seconds, check that it isn't frozen or dead <---''' if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last(current_work.value['best_share_hash']) if height > 2: att_s = p2pool_data.get_pool_attempts_per_second(tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height - 1, 720)) weights, total_weight, donation_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights(current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height, 720), 65535*2**256) shares, stale_doa_shares, stale_not_doa_shares = get_share_counts(True) stale_shares = stale_doa_shares + stale_not_doa_shares fracs = [share.stale_frac for share in tracker.get_chain(current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(120, height)) if share.stale_frac is not None] this_str = 'Pool: %sH/s in %i shares (%i/%i verified) Recent: %.02f%% >%sH/s Shares: %i (%i orphan, %i dead) Peers: %i' % ( math.format(int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))), height, len(tracker.verified.shares), len(tracker.shares), weights.get(my_script, 0)/total_weight*100, math.format(int(weights.get(my_script, 0)*att_s//total_weight / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))), shares, stale_not_doa_shares, stale_doa_shares, len(p2p_node.peers), ) + (' FDs: %i R/%i W' % (len(reactor.getReaders()), len(reactor.getWriters())) if p2pool.DEBUG else '') if fracs: med = math.median(fracs) this_str += '\nPool stales: %i%%' % (int(100*med+.5),) conf = 0.95 if shares: this_str += u' Own: %i±%i%%' % tuple(int(100*x+.5) for x in math.interval_to_center_radius(math.binomial_conf_interval(stale_shares, shares, conf))) if med < .99: this_str += u' Own efficiency: %i±%i%%' % tuple(int(100*x+.5) for x in math.interval_to_center_radius((1 - y)/(1 - med) for y in math.binomial_conf_interval(stale_shares, shares, conf)[::-1])) if this_str != last_str or time.time() > last_time + 15: print this_str last_str = this_str last_time = time.time() except: log.err()
def get_rate(): if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last( current_work.value['best_share_hash']) att_s = p2pool_data.get_pool_attempts_per_second( tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height - 1, 720)) fracs = [ share.stale_frac for share in tracker.get_chain( current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min( 120, height)) if share.stale_frac is not None ] return json.dumps( int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0)))) return json.dumps(None)
def compute(state, payout_script): if payout_script is None: payout_script = my_script if state['best_share_hash'] is None and raise jsonrpc.Error(-12345, u'p2pool is downloading shares') pre_extra_txs = [tx for tx in tx_pool.itervalues() if tx.is_good()] pre_extra_txs = pre_extra_txs[:2**16 - 1] # merkle_branch limit extra_txs = [] size = 0 for tx in pre_extra_txs: this_size = len( if size + this_size > 500000: break extra_txs.append(tx) size += this_size # XXX check sigops! # XXX assuming generate_tx is smallish here.. generate_tx = p2pool.generate_transaction( tracker=tracker, previous_share_hash=state['best_share_hash'], new_script=payout_script, subsidy=(50*100000000 >> (state['height'] + 1)//210000) + sum(tx.value_in - tx.value_out for tx in extra_txs), nonce=run_identifier + struct.pack('<Q', random.randrange(2**64)), block_target=state['target'],, ) print 'Generating! Difficulty: %.06f Payout if block: %.6f BTC' % (0xffff*2**208/p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'], generate_tx['tx_outs'][-1]['value']*1e-8) #print 'Target: %x' % (p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'],) #, have', shares.count(my_script) - 2, 'share(s) in the current chain. Fee:', sum(tx.value_in - tx.value_out for tx in extra_txs)/100000000 transactions = [generate_tx] + [tx.tx for tx in extra_txs] merkle_root = merkle_root_to_transactions[merkle_root] = transactions # will stay for 1000 seconds timestamp = int(time.time() - current_work2.value['clock_offset']) if state['best_share_hash'] is not None: timestamp2 = math.median((s.timestamp for s in itertools.islice(tracker.get_chain_to_root(state['best_share_hash']), 11)), use_float=False) + 1 if timestamp2 > timestamp: print 'Toff', timestamp2 - timestamp timestamp = timestamp2 target2 = p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'] times[p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['nonce']] = time.time() #print 'SENT', 2**256//p2pool.coinbase_type.unpack(generate_tx['tx_ins'][0]['script'])['share_data']['target'] return bitcoin.getwork.BlockAttempt(state['version'], state['previous_block'], merkle_root, timestamp, state['target'], target2)
def status_thread(): last_str = None last_time = 0 while True: yield deferral.sleep(3) try: if time.time() > current_work2.value['last_update'] + 60: print '''---> LOST CONTACT WITH BITCOIND for 60 seconds, check that it isn't frozen or dead <---''' if current_work.value['best_share_hash'] is not None: height, last = tracker.get_height_and_last( current_work.value['best_share_hash']) if height > 2: att_s = p2pool_data.get_pool_attempts_per_second( tracker, current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height - 1, 720)) weights, total_weight, donation_weight = tracker.get_cumulative_weights( current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(height, 720), 65535 * 2**256) shares, stale_doa_shares, stale_not_doa_shares = get_share_counts( True) stale_shares = stale_doa_shares + stale_not_doa_shares fracs = [ share.stale_frac for share in tracker.get_chain( current_work.value['best_share_hash'], min(120, height)) if share.stale_frac is not None ] this_str = 'Pool: %sH/s in %i shares (%i/%i verified) Recent: %.02f%% >%sH/s Shares: %i (%i orphan, %i dead) Peers: %i' % ( math.format( int(att_s / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0))) ), height, len(tracker.verified.shares), len(tracker.shares), weights.get(my_script, 0) / total_weight * 100, math.format( int( weights.get(my_script, 0) * att_s // total_weight / (1. - (math.median(fracs) if fracs else 0))) ), shares, stale_not_doa_shares, stale_doa_shares, len(p2p_node.peers), ) + (' FDs: %i R/%i W' % (len(reactor.getReaders()), len(reactor.getWriters())) if p2pool.DEBUG else '') if fracs: med = math.median(fracs) this_str += '\nPool stales: %i%%' % ( int(100 * med + .5), ) conf = 0.95 if shares: this_str += u' Own: %i±%i%%' % tuple( int(100 * x + .5) for x in math.interval_to_center_radius( math.binomial_conf_interval( stale_shares, shares, conf))) if med < .99: this_str += u' Own efficiency: %i±%i%%' % tuple( int(100 * x + .5) for x in math.interval_to_center_radius( (1 - y) / (1 - med) for y in math.binomial_conf_interval( stale_shares, shares, conf)[::-1])) if this_str != last_str or time.time( ) > last_time + 15: print this_str last_str = this_str last_time = time.time() except: log.err()