Esempio n. 1
def _get_wrapped_cells(cells, cell, grid_size, scale=1.0):
        Cells which are the wrapped counterpart of the given `cell`.
    >>> g = grid((4,4))
    >>> g = wrap(g, (4,4), 4)
    >>> cells = voronoi_polygons(g)
    >>> len(_get_wrapped_cells(cells, cells[6], (4,4)))
    wrapped_cells = []
    epsilon = 0.1
    cc =
    for test_cell in cells:
        tc =
        same = abs(tc - cc)
        plus_gridsize = abs(tc - (cc + (Point2d(*grid_size) * scale)))
        minus_gridsize = abs(tc - (cc - (Point2d(*grid_size) * scale)))
        if ((plus_gridsize.x < epsilon and same.y < epsilon)
                or (minus_gridsize.x < epsilon and same.y < epsilon)
                or (plus_gridsize.y < epsilon and same.x < epsilon)
                or (minus_gridsize.y < epsilon and same.x < epsilon)
                or (plus_gridsize.x < epsilon and plus_gridsize.y < epsilon)
                or (plus_gridsize.x < epsilon and minus_gridsize.y < epsilon)
                or (minus_gridsize.x < epsilon and plus_gridsize.y < epsilon)
            (minus_gridsize.x < epsilon and minus_gridsize.y < epsilon)):
    return wrapped_cells
Esempio n. 2
def generate_cracks(texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, crack_length, crack_width, number_of_cracks):
    Generate a given number of cracks.

        texture_img (PIL.Image.Image): The texture of the street
        defects_img (PIL.Image.Image): A black-or-white image marking the
            extent and shape of defects
        depth_img (PIL.Image.Image): Depth_Img contains the depth of the
            defects as RGB format
        crack_length (float): Size of the crack relative to image width
        crack_width (int) : Crack width
        number_of_cracks (int): Maximal number of the cracks in a Image

    img_width = texture_img.size[0]
    img_height = texture_img.size[1]
    max_steps = round(5 * crack_length * img_width / crack_width)
    for j in range(number_of_cracks):
        direction = random.randint(0, 7)
        # Set starting point of the crack in the opposite direction
        p = Point2d(
            random.randint(0, img_width//2)  - DIR_V[direction][0] * (img_width//2),
            random.randint(0, img_height//2) - DIR_V[direction][1] * (img_height//2),
        crack_points = draw_crack(p, direction, max_steps, crack_width, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img)
        for k in range(random.randint(1,5)):
            position = random.choice(crack_points)
            side_direction = (direction + random.choice([-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]) + 8) % 8
            draw_crack(position, side_direction, round(max_steps * (random.random() * 0.5 + 0.1)), 3, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img)
Esempio n. 3
def draw_crack(p, direction, max_steps, crack_width, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img):
    Draw a crack in the given images. The width of the crack is relative to
    the picture width.

        p (Point2d): Starting point
        direction (int): The crack direction in one of eight cardinal
        max_steps (int): Crack length in steps
        crack_width (int) : Crack width relative to the image width.
        texture_img (PIL.Image.Image): The texture for our ground(Street).
        defects_img (PIL.Image.Image): Defect_img contains the exact defects
        depth_img (PIL.Image.Image): Depth_Img contains the depth of the
            defects as RGB format
        (List of Points): Each Point contains the x,y coordinates of the cracks
    start_direction = direction
    step_size = round(crack_width * 0.2)
    crack_points = []
    for i in range(max_steps):
        if not (0 <= direction <= 8):
            raise ValueError("Unknown direction: {}".format(direction))
        p += Point2d(*DIR_V[direction]) * step_size
        if not (0 <= p.x <= texture_img.size[0]):
            p.x = p.x - texture_img.size[0]*(-1 if p.x < 0 else 1)
        if not (0 <= p.y <= texture_img.size[1]):
            p.y = p.y - texture_img.size[1]*(-1 if p.y < 0 else 1)
        dynamic_width_crack(p, crack_width, max_steps, i, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img)
        new_dir = random.randint(-1,1)
        direction = (start_direction + new_dir + 8) % 8
    return crack_points
Esempio n. 4
def point_randrange(p, min_max, direction=(1,1)):
        Return a point with a random offset within range of `min_max` in
            min_max ((float, float) | ((float, float), (float, float))):
                Minimum and maximum for both directions at once, or for each
                direction separately.
            r_offset = Point2d(
                random.uniform(min_max[0][0], min_max[1][0]),
                random.uniform(min_max[0][1], min_max[1][1]),
        except TypeError:
            r_offset = Point2d(
                random.uniform(min_max[0], min_max[1]),
                random.uniform(min_max[0], min_max[1]),
        return p + r_offset * direction
Esempio n. 5
def random_2d(size, scale=1.0, seed=None):
    Generates a size[0]*size[1]-length array with [-.5 - 0.5) valued tuples.
    >>> random_2d((2,2), 1.5, seed=0)
    [Point2d(0.5166327772875722, 0.3869316044104537), Point2d(-0.1191426287537325, -0.361624874560555), Point2d(0.01691208205291278, -0.14259879382437857), Point2d(0.42569788355215893, -0.2950309108816088)]
    points = []
    for p in range(int(size[0] * size[1])):
            Point2d((random.random() - 0.5) * scale,
                    (random.random() - 0.5) * scale))
    return points
Esempio n. 6
def pothole_generater(p, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, min_max, radius): 
    Draws a pothole into the given images

     p (Point2d): x,y coordinates of a point
        texture_img (PIL.Image.Image): The texture for our ground(Street)s
        defects_img (PIL.Image.Image): Defect_img contains the exact defects
        depth_img (PIL.Image.Image): Depth_Img contains the depth of the
            defects as RGB format
        min_max ([int, int]): Min, Max width  of the quad
        radius (int): Max radius of the pothole starting at the given point p
    tempP = p
    for d in range(len(DIR_V)):
        p = tempP
        n = round(random.uniform(3, radius))
        for r in range(n):
            draw_quad(p, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, min_max)
            p = p+Point2d(*DIR_V[d])
Esempio n. 7
def slant_polygon(polygon, center, direction, slant, z_displace):
    Slant a single polygon relative to its center in the direction given. Note
    that this is a shearing operation, not a rotation. If the z-coordinate
    becomes negative (i.e. *higher* than 0) the whole polygon will be offset
    in positive z-direction to compensate.
        polygon (list[(float, float, float)]): A float polygon in 3D.
        center ((float, float, float)): Center point around which to shear.
        direction (float): Angle in radians, counter-clockwise from the
            positive x-axis, with the vertices along the direction receiving
            the greatest positive offset, the ones opposite the direction
            receiving the greatest negative offset and vertices at 90° from it
            not changing in z-direction at all.
        slant (float): The shearing amount.
        z_displace (float): An additional z-offset to add to all points in the
    slanted = []
    min_z = Point3d(0, 0, 1e9)  # larger than any sensible z-location
    for point in polygon:
        distance = point.xy - center.xy
        slant_dir = Point2d(m.cos(direction), m.sin(direction)) * slant
        slant_offset = distance.x * slant_dir.x + distance.y * slant_dir.y
        slanted_point = point + Point3d(z=round(slant_offset))
        if min_z.z > slanted_point.z:
            min_z = slanted_point
    slant_compensation = -min_z.z if min_z.z < 0 else 0
    displaced = []
    for point in slanted:
        displaced_point = point + Point3d(z=round(z_displace +
    return displaced
Esempio n. 8
def generate_asphalt(resolution, asphalt_type, img_destination, img_defects_destination, img_depth_destination, crack_length, number_of_cracks, crack_width):
    Generate 3 kinds of images: texture image, defects image and depth image,
    and save them to files.

        resolution ([int, int]): Resolution contains the image width and
        asphalt_type (int): Type of the asphalt
            .. TODO:: Testen
        img_destination (str): Asphalt texture path
        img_defects_destination (str): Path of the image containing the
        img_depth_destination (str): Path of the image containing the depth
        crack_length (float): Size of the crack relative to image width
        number_of_cracks (int): Maximal number of the cracks in a image
        crack_width (int) : Crack width
    width, height = resolution
    texture_img ='RGB', resolution, 'white')
    depth_img ='RGB', resolution, 'white')
    defects_img ='RGB', resolution, 'black')
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(texture_img)
    for x in range (texture_img.size[0]):
        for y in range(texture_img.size[1]):
            if asphalt_type == 1:
                rgb_color= random.choice(COLOR_LIST[30:len(COLOR_LIST)])
            elif asphalt_type == 2:
                rgb_color = random.choice(COLOR_LIST[3:45])
                rgb_color = random.choice([BLACK, WHITE])
    #draw asphalt shapes
    shape_number = 6000
    for z in range(shape_number):
        #generate random center point coordinates for the shapes
        min_max = 1, 3
        p = Point2d(
            random.randint(min_max[1], texture_img.size[0]-min_max[1]),
            random.randint(min_max[1], texture_img.size[1]-min_max[1]),
        inlay_darkening = random.randint(0, 80)
        shape_colors = [(
            v + random.randint(-10, 10),
            v + random.randint(-15, 10),
            v + random.randint(-20, 10),
        ) for v in _int_ramp(169 - inlay_darkening, 220 - inlay_darkening, 4)]
        draw_asphalt_shape(p, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, shape_colors, min_max)
    ################### generates potholes################################
    #min_max = 9,21
    #for n in range(number_of_cracks):
        #px = random.randint(0,width)
        #py = random.randint(0,height)
        #p = Point2d(px, py)
        #pothole_generater(p, texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, min_max, 30)
    generate_cracks(texture_img, defects_img, depth_img, crack_length, crack_width, number_of_cracks)