def test_laplacian():
    SEM on the plane: laplacian(), f=x^3+2*y^2 on [-1,1]^2
    ngq = 4

    gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(ngq-1) 
    x = gq_pts[:,np.newaxis]
    y = gq_pts[np.newaxis,:]

    scalar = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')
    ret = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')

    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)
    scalar[:] = x*x*x + 2*y*y

    sep.laplacian(scalar, ret)
    aa_equal(ret, 6*x+0*y+4, 13)
def test_vorticity():
    SEM on the plane: vorticity(), F=(2*y^2,x^3) on [-1,1]^2
    ngq = 4

    gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(ngq-1) 
    x = gq_pts[:,np.newaxis]
    y = gq_pts[np.newaxis,:]

    vector = np.zeros((ngq,ngq,2), 'f8')
    ret = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')

    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)
    vector[:,:,0] = 2*y*y
    vector[:,:,1] = x*x*x

    sep.vorticity(vector, ret)
    aa_equal(ret, 3*x*x-4*y, 15)
def test_divergence():
    SEM on the plane: divergence(), F=(x^3,2*y^2) on [-1,1]^2
    ngq = 4

    gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(ngq-1) 
    x = gq_pts[:,np.newaxis]
    y = gq_pts[np.newaxis,:]

    vector = np.zeros((ngq,ngq,2), 'f8')
    ret = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')

    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)
    vector[:,:,0] = x*x*x
    vector[:,:,1] = 2*y*y

    sep.divergence(vector, ret)
    aa_equal(ret, 3*x*x+4*y, 15)
def test_gradient():
    SEM on the plane: gradient(), f=x^2+2*y^2 on [-1,1]^2
    ngq = 4

    gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(ngq-1) 
    x = gq_pts[:,np.newaxis]
    y = gq_pts[np.newaxis,:]

    scalar = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')
    ret = np.zeros((ngq,ngq,2), 'f8')

    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)
    scalar[:] = x*x + 2*y*y

    sep.gradient(scalar, ret)
    aa_equal(ret[:,:,0], 2*x+0*y, 15)
    aa_equal(ret[:,:,1], 0*x+4*y, 15)
    def init_dvv(self):
        ngq = self.ngq
        p_order = ngq-1
        gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(p_order) 
        dvv = self.dvv

        for i in xrange(ngq):
            for j in xrange(ngq):
                if i != j:
                    dvv[i,j] = 1/(gq_pts[i] - gq_pts[j]) * \
                            ( legendre(p_order,gq_pts[i]) / legendre(p_order,gq_pts[j]) )

                    if i == 0:
                        dvv[i,j] = - p_order*(p_order+1)/4

                    elif i == p_order:
                        dvv[i,j] = p_order*(p_order+1)/4

                    elif 0 < i < p_order:
                        dvv[i,j] = 0
    sep.laplacian(scalar, ret)
    aa_equal(ret, 6*x+0*y+4, 13)

def test_zero_identity():
    SEM on the plane: zero identity, vorticity(gradient())=0
    ngq = 4

    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)

    scalar = np.random.rand(ngq,ngq)
    ret1 = np.zeros((ngq,ngq,2), 'f8')
    ret2 = np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8')

    sep.gradient(scalar, ret1)
    sep.vorticity(ret1, ret2)
    aa_equal(ret2, np.zeros((ngq,ngq), 'f8'), 14)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ngq = 4
    gq_pts, gq_wts = gausslobatto(ngq-1) 
    sep = SpectralElementPlane(ngq)
    print 'derivative matrix (dvvT)\n', sep.dvv.T