Esempio n. 1
 def testResultsTable(self):
     An example of getting data from the results table using
         Table class
     NOTE: this is only for example purposes. Not a real test
     driver = self.driver
     form = self.form
     form.enter_value('jnumid', '121946')
     results_table = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
     table = Table(results_table)
     header_cells = table.get_header_cells()
     print iterate.getTextAsList(header_cells)
     # print row 1
     cells = table.get_row_cells(1)
     print iterate.getTextAsList(cells)
     # single cell
     cell = table.get_cell("RNA-WM", "10.5")
     print cell.text
     # empty cell
     cell = table.get_cell("prot-sxn", "A")
Esempio n. 2
 def testSearchIndex(self):
     @Status tests that an index record(s) can be searched
     driver = self.driver
     form = self.form
     #find the Index grid
     table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
     table = Table(table_element)
     #puts an X in the Prot-wm by age 7 box
     cell = table.get_cell("prot-wm", "7")
     #puts an X in the Prot-wm by age 8 box
     cell = table.get_cell("prot-wm", "8")
     form.click_search()#click the search button
     #find the search results table
     results_table = driver.find_element_by_id("resultsTable")
     table = Table(results_table)
     #Iterate and print the search results headers
     header_cells = table.get_header_cells()
     print iterate.getTextAsList(header_cells)
     # print row 1
     cells = table.get_row_cells(1)
     print iterate.getTextAsList(cells)
     #print column 1
     symbols_cells = table.get_column_cells('Marker')
     symbols = iterate.getTextAsList(symbols_cells)
     self.assertEqual(symbols, ['Marker','Adgre1', 'Cdh5', 'Cdx4', 'Eng', 'Fgf8', 'Foxa2', 'Gata6', 'Itga2b', 'Kdr', 'Kdr', 'Kdr', 'Kdr', 'Lrp2', 'Nanog', 'Pdgfra', 'Pecam1', 'Pou3f1', 'Ptprc', 'T', 'T', 'Tal1', 'Tek'])
 def testDeleteIndex(self):
     @Status tests that an index record can be deleted
     driver = self.driver
     form = self.form
     form.enter_value('jnumid', '225216')
     # click the Tab key
     #finds the citation field
     citation = form.get_value('citation')
     print citation
     self.assertEqual(citation, 'Alvarez-Saavedra M, Nat Commun 2014;5():4181')
     #finds the marker field
     form.enter_value('marker_symbol', 'Bmp2')
     marker_symbol = form.get_value('marker_symbol')
     print marker_symbol
     self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, 'Bmp2')
     #find the table field to check
     table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
     table = Table(table_element)
     #puts an X in the Prot-sxn by age 7.5 box
     cell = table.get_cell("prot-sxn", "7.5")
     self.assertEqual(cell.text, 'X', "the cell is not checked")
     form.click_delete()#click the delete button
Esempio n. 4
    def testClearFields(self):
        @Status tests that when an index record is cleared the correct fields get cleared
        driver = self.driver
        form = self.form

        form.enter_value("jnumid", "74162")
        # click the Tab key
        # finds the citation field
        citation = form.get_value("citation")
        print citation
        self.assertEqual(citation, "Abdelwahid E, Cell Tissue Res 2001 Jul;305(1):67-78")
        # finds the marker field
        form.enter_value("marker_symbol", "Bmp2")
        marker_symbol = form.get_value("marker_symbol")
        print marker_symbol
        self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, "Bmp2")

        # finds the coded? field
        is_coded = form.get_value("is_coded")

        print is_coded
        self.assertEqual(is_coded, "false")

        # finds the priority field
        priority = form.get_selected_text("_priority_key")

        print priority
        self.assertEqual(priority, "High")

        # finds the conditional mutants field
        conditional = form.get_selected_text("_conditionalmutants_key")

        print conditional
        self.assertEqual(conditional, "Not Specified")

        # finds the created by field
        created_user = form.get_value("createdby_login")

        print created_user
        self.assertEqual(created_user, "MGI_2.97")

        # finds the modified by field
        modified_user = form.get_value("modifiedby_login")  # .find_element_by_css_selector('td')

        print modified_user
        self.assertEqual(modified_user, "MGI_2.97")

        # finds the created by date field
        created_date = form.get_value("creation_date")

        print created_date
        self.assertEqual(created_date, "04/23/2002")

        # finds the created by date field
        modified_date = form.get_value("modification_date")

        print modified_date
        self.assertEqual(modified_date, "04/23/2002")

        # find the table field to check
        table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
        table = Table(table_element)
        # puts an X in the Prot-sxn by age 7.5 box
        cell = table.get_cell("RT-PCR", "A")
        self.assertEqual(cell.text, "X", "the cell is not checked")

        form.click_clear()  # press the clear button
        # finds the citation field
        citation = form.get_value("citation")
        print citation
        self.assertEqual(citation, "")
        # finds the marker field
        marker_symbol = form.get_value("marker_symbol")
        print marker_symbol
        self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, "")
        # finds the coded? field
        is_coded = form.get_value("is_coded")
        print is_coded
        self.assertEqual(is_coded, "")

        # finds the priority field
        priority = form.get_selected_text("_priority_key")

        print priority
        self.assertEqual(priority, "Search All")

        # finds the conditional mutants field
        conditional = form.get_selected_text("_conditionalmutants_key")

        print conditional
        self.assertEqual(conditional, "Search All")

        # finds the created by field
        created_user = form.get_value("createdby_login")

        print created_user
        self.assertEqual(created_user, "")

        # finds the modified by field
        modified_user = form.get_value("modifiedby_login")  # .find_element_by_css_selector('td')

        print modified_user
        self.assertEqual(modified_user, "")

        # finds the created by date field
        created_date = form.get_value("creation_date")

        print created_date
        self.assertEqual(created_date, "")

        # finds the created by date field
        modified_date = form.get_value("modification_date")

        print modified_date
        self.assertEqual(modified_date, "")

        # find the table field to check
        table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
        table = Table(table_element)
        # puts an X in the Prot-sxn by age 7.5 box
        cell = table.get_cell("RT-PCR", "A")
        self.assertNotEqual(cell.text, "X", "the cell is not checked")
 def testCtrlAltc(self):
     @Status tests that when an index record is cleared using Ctrl+Alt+c the correct fields are cleared
     driver = self.driver
     form = self.form
     action = ActionChains(self.driver)
     form.enter_value('jnumid', '74162')
     # click the Tab key
     #finds the citation field
     citation = form.get_value('citation')
     print citation
         self.assertEqual(citation, 'Abdelwahid E, Cell Tissue Res 2001 Jul;305(1):67-78')"gxdIdx1-0", "testctrrlaltc", "citation text displays", "correct citation text displays", citation, "Pass", "")
     except Exception:"gxdIdx1-0", "testctrrlaltc", "citation text displays", "correct citation text displays", citation, "Fail", "")
     #finds the marker field
     form.enter_value('marker_symbol', 'Bmp2')
     marker_symbol = form.get_value('marker_symbol')
     print marker_symbol
         self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, 'Bmp2')"gxdIdx1-1", "testctrrlaltc", "marker symbol displays", "correct marker symbol displays", "symbol is ", "Pass", "")
     except Exception:"gxdIdx1-1", "testctrrlaltc", "marker symbol displays", "correct marker symbol displays", "symbol is ", "Fail", "")
     #finds the citation field
     citation = form.get_value('citation')
     print citation
     self.assertEqual(citation, '')
     #finds the marker field
     marker_symbol = form.get_value('marker_symbol')
     print marker_symbol
     self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, '')
     #finds the coded? field
     is_coded = form.get_value('is_coded')
     print is_coded
     self.assertEqual(is_coded, '')
     #finds the priority field
     priority = form.get_selected_text('_priority_key') 
     print priority
     self.assertEqual(priority, 'Search All')
     #finds the conditional mutants field
     conditional = form.get_selected_text('_conditionalmutants_key')
     print conditional
     self.assertEqual(conditional, 'Search All')
     #finds the created by field
     created_user = form.get_value('createdby_login')
     print created_user
     self.assertEqual(created_user, '')
     #finds the modified by field
     modified_user = form.get_value('modifiedby_login')#.find_element_by_css_selector('td')
     print modified_user
     self.assertEqual(modified_user, '')
     #finds the created by date field
     created_date = form.get_value('creation_date')
     print created_date
     self.assertEqual(created_date, '')
     #finds the created by date field
     modified_date = form.get_value('modification_date')
     print modified_date
     self.assertEqual(modified_date, '')
     #find the table field to check
     table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
     table = Table(table_element)
     #verifies there is no X in the RNA-sxn by age 10.5 box
     cell = table.get_cell(2, 21)
     self.assertEqual(cell.text, '', "the cell is checked")
 def testCtrlAlts(self):
     @Status tests that when a reference is entered then Ctrl+Alt+s is pressed the correct results are returned
     driver = self.driver
     form = self.form
     actions = ActionChains(self.driver)
     form.enter_value('jnumid', '124809')
     # click the Tab key
     #finds the citation field
     citation = form.get_value('citation')
     print citation
         self.assertEqual(citation, 'Cheong N, J Biol Chem 2007 Aug 17;282(33):23811-7')"gxdIdx1-2", "testctrrlalts", "Citation is displayed", "correct citation displays", "citation is ", "Pass", "")
     except Exception:"gxdIdx1-2", "testctrrlalts", "Citation is displayed", "correct citation displays", "citation is ", "Fail", "")
     #finds the citation field
     citation = form.get_value('citation')
     print citation
     self.assertEqual(citation, 'Cheong N, J Biol Chem 2007 Aug 17;282(33):23811-7')
     #finds the marker field
     marker_symbol = form.get_value('marker_symbol')
     print marker_symbol
     self.assertEqual(marker_symbol, 'Abca3')
     #finds the coded? field
     is_coded = form.get_value('is_coded')
     print is_coded
     self.assertEqual(is_coded, 'false')
     #finds the priority field
     priority = form.get_selected_text('_priority_key') 
     print priority
     self.assertEqual(priority, 'Medium')
     #finds the conditional mutants field
     conditional = form.get_selected_text('_conditionalmutants_key')
     print conditional
     self.assertEqual(conditional, 'Not Specified')
     #finds the created by field
     created_user = form.get_value('createdby_login')
     print created_user
     self.assertEqual(created_user, 'terryh')
     #finds the modified by field
     modified_user = form.get_value('modifiedby_login')#.find_element_by_css_selector('td')
     print modified_user
     self.assertEqual(modified_user, 'terryh')
     #finds the created by date field
     created_date = form.get_value('creation_date')
     print created_date
     self.assertEqual(created_date, '10/01/2007')
     #finds the created by date field
     modified_date = form.get_value('modification_date')
     print modified_date
     self.assertEqual(modified_date, '10/01/2007')
     #find the table field to check
     table_element = driver.find_element_by_id("indexGrid")
     table = Table(table_element)
     #verifies there is an X in the Prot-sxn by age 18.5 box
     cell = table.get_cell(1, 37)
     self.assertEqual(cell.text, 'X', "the cell is checked")