def GetDownloadLocation(self): """Returns the path that the file will be downloaded to. Currently will either return the users Desktop path or the users home directory in the case that there is no deskop directory @return: path to download file """ dl_loc = wx.GetHomeDir() + util.GetPathChar() if os.path.exists(dl_loc + u"Desktop"): dl_loc = dl_loc + u"Desktop" + util.GetPathChar() return dl_loc
def GetLoader(): """Finds the loader to use""" user_home = wx.GetHomeDir() + util.GetPathChar() rel_prof_path = ("." + PROG_NAME + util.GetPathChar() + "profiles" + util.GetPathChar() + ".loader2") if os.path.exists(user_home + rel_prof_path): loader = user_home + rel_prof_path else: loader = CONFIG['PROFILE_DIR'] + ".loader2" return loader
def GetPaths(self): """Gets a list of abs paths of the selected items""" treeIds = self._tree.GetSelections() root = self._tree.GetRootItem() ret_val = list() for id in treeIds: start = id atoms = [id] while self._tree.GetItemParent(start) != root: atoms.append(self._tree.GetItemParent(start)) start = atoms[-1] atoms.reverse() path = list() for atom in atoms: path.append(self._tree.GetItemText(atom)) if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': r_txt = u'' else: if path[0] != "/": path.pop(0) r_txt = os.path.sep ret_val.append(r_txt + util.GetPathChar().join(path)) return ret_val
def __GetArtPath(self, client, mime=False): """Gets the path of the resource directory to get the bitmaps from. @return: path of art resource @rtype: string """ clients = {wx.ART_MENU: u"menu", wx.ART_TOOLBAR: u"toolbar"} if ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] == u'': theme = util.ResolvConfigDir(os.path.join("pixmaps", "theme")) ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] = theme if mime: path = ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] + util.GetPathChar() + \ Profile_Get('ICONS') + util.GetPathChar() + \ u'mime' + util.GetPathChar() else: path = ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] + util.GetPathChar() + \ Profile_Get('ICONS') + util.GetPathChar() + \ clients.get(client, u"menu") + util.GetPathChar() if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return None
def DownloadUpdates(self, dl_loc=wx.EmptyString): """Downloads available updates and configures the bar. Returns True if the update was successfull or False if it was not. The updates will be downloaded to the specified location or to the Users Desktop or Home Folder if no location is specified. @keyword dl_loc: location to download file to """ self.LOG("[updateprog][evt] Attempting to download updates...") if dl_loc == wx.EmptyString: dl_loc = wx.GetHomeDir() + util.GetPathChar() if os.path.exists(dl_loc + u"Desktop"): dl_loc = dl_loc + u"Desktop" + util.GetPathChar() self._mode = self.ID_DOWNLOADING self.SetValue(0) self.Start(50) #XXX Try this for starters self._downloading = True # Mark the work status as busy delayedresult.startWorker(self._ResultNotifier, self._DownloadThread, wargs=dl_loc, jobID=self.ID_DOWNLOADING)
def __init__(self, parent, id_num): """Initialize a notebook with a blank text control in it @param parent: parent window of the notebook @param id_num: this notebooks id """ FNB.FlatNotebook.__init__( self, parent, id_num, style=FNB.FNB_FF2 | FNB.FNB_X_ON_TAB | FNB.FNB_SMART_TABS | FNB.FNB_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT | FNB.FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST | FNB.FNB_ALLOW_FOREIGN_DND) # Notebook attributes self.LOG = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self.FindService = ed_search.TextFinder(self, self.GetCurrentCtrl) self.DocMgr = doctools.DocPositionMgr(ed_glob.CONFIG['CACHE_DIR'] + \ util.GetPathChar() + u'positions') self.pg_num = -1 # Track new pages (aka untitled docs) self.control = None self.frame = self.GetTopLevelParent() # MainWindow self._index = dict() # image list index # Set Additional Style Parameters self.SetNonActiveTabTextColour(wx.Colour(102, 102, 102)) ed_icon = ed_glob.CONFIG['SYSPIX_DIR'] + u"editra.png" self.SetNavigatorIcon(wx.Bitmap(ed_icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # Setup the ImageList and the default image imgl = wx.ImageList(16, 16) txtbmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(synglob.ID_LANG_TXT), wx.ART_MENU) self._index[synglob.ID_LANG_TXT] = imgl.Add(txtbmp) self.SetImageList(imgl) # Notebook Events self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging) self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnPageChanged) self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.OnPageClosing) self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED, self.OnPageClosed) self.Bind(, self.OnUpdatePageText) self._pages.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) # Add a blank page self.NewPage()