Esempio n. 1
def myBreadthFirstSearch(problem):
    visited = {}
    frontier = util.Queue()

    frontier.push((problem.getStartState(), None))

    while not frontier.isEmpty():
        state, prev_state = frontier.pop()

        if problem.isGoalState(state):
            solution = [state]
            while prev_state != None:
                prev_state = visited[prev_state]
            return solution[::-1]

        if state not in visited:
            visited[state] = prev_state

            for next_state, step_cost in problem.getChildren(state):
                frontier.push((next_state, state))

    return []
Esempio n. 2
def iterativeDeepeningSearch(problem):
    Perform DFS with increasingly larger depth.

    Begin with a depth of 1 and increment depth by 1 at every step.
    resultado = 0
    estado = problem.getStartState()
    caminho = util.Queue()

    limite = 1
    # fronteira =[]
    # fronteira= set()

    visitados = util.Fronteira()
    while True:
        resultado = busca_profundidade(problem,limite ,estado,caminho,visitados,1)
        if resultado == 1:
        limite += 1

    return caminho.list
Esempio n. 3
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    queue = util.Queue()

    pushed = util.Counter()

    queue.push((problem.getStartState(), []))
    pushed[problem.getStartState()] = 1

    while not queue.isEmpty():
        node, solution = queue.pop()
        if problem.isGoalState(node):
            return solution

        for neighbor in problem.getSuccessors(node):
            newSolution = solution + [neighbor[1]]

            if pushed[neighbor[0]] == 0:
                pushed[neighbor[0]] = 1
                queue.push((neighbor[0], newSolution))

    return []
Esempio n. 4
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    queue = util.Queue()
    list_action = []
    visited = []

    start = (problem.getStartState() , list_action)

    while not queue.isEmpty():
        state , list_action = queue.pop()
        if problem.isGoalState(state):
            return list_action
        if state not in visited:
            successors = problem.getSuccessors(state)
            for child_state, action, cost in successors:
                new_list_action = list_action[:]
                orther_queue = (child_state, new_list_action)
Esempio n. 5
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    queue = util.Queue()
    start = problem.getStartState()
    visited = []
    for sucessor in problem.getSuccessors(start):
        queue.push((sucessor[0], [sucessor[1]]))

    while queue is not None:
        (node, path) = queue.pop()
        if problem.isGoalState(node):
            return path

        if node not in visited:
            for sucessor in problem.getSuccessors(node):
                if sucessor not in visited:
                    queue.push((sucessor[0], path + [sucessor[1]]))
Esempio n. 6
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.
    DICA: Utilizar util.PriorityQueue
    *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
    fringe = util.Queue()
    visitedList = []

    fringe.push((problem.getStartState(), [], 0))
    (state, toDirection, toCost) = fringe.pop()
    #add to visited points list

    while not problem.isGoalState(state):  #while n we search the path
        successors = problem.getSuccessors(state)  #get next points
        for son in successors:
            if not son[0] in visitedList:
                fringe.push((son[0], toDirection + [son[1]], toCost + son[2]))
                visitedList.append(son[0])  # add to visited points
        (state, toDirection, toCost) = fringe.pop()

    return toDirection
Esempio n. 7
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    """ Ý tưởng là sử dụng queue, khởi tạo nó bằng hàm getStartedState() đã được cài đặt sản trong trong đó trả về node, actions và cost hiện tại.
        nếu mở rộng tìm kiếm cho đến khi isGoalState() == true
    bfsQueue = util.Queue()
    bfsQueue.push((problem.getStartState(), [], []))

    # print("-------",bfsQueue)

    exploredNode = []

    while not bfsQueue.isEmpty():
        node, actions, curCost = bfsQueue.pop()
        if (not node in exploredNode):
            if problem.isGoalState(node):
                return actions
            for child, direction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(node):
                bfsQueue.push((child, actions + [direction], curCost + [cost]))
    return []
Esempio n. 8
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    root = problem.getStartState(
    )  #Holds the root of the tree.  The empty list is a spot holder to mimic the return value of the getSuccessors() method
    visited = []  #Holds all nodes that have been examined
    frontier = util.Queue()  #Holds the nodes currently being examined
        (root, [])
    )  #Creates a priority queue to hold the states; empty list holds the actions used to get to the examined state
    while (not frontier.isEmpty()):
        v, actions = frontier.pop()  #The state(node) being examined
        if (problem.isGoalState(v)):  #End BFS if goal state is found
            return actions
        if (v not in visited):  #Activate if state has not been examined yet
            for coordinates, action, cost in problem.getSuccessors(
                    v):  #Examines each successor(child) of the examined state
                newActions = actions + [
                ]  #Calculates the cost of moving to this state
                frontier.push((coordinates, newActions))
    notFound()  #Returns an 'error' if a goal state was not found
Esempio n. 9
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    from game import Directions

    fringe = util.Queue()
    visitedList = []

    fringe.push((problem.getStartState(), [], 0))

    (state, toDirection, toCost) = fringe.pop()


    while not problem.isGoalState(state):
        successors = problem.getSuccessors(state)
        for son in successors:
            if not son[0] in visitedList:
                fringe.push((son[0], toDirection + [son[1]], toCost + son[2]))
        (state, toDirection, toCost) = fringe.pop()

    return toDirection
Esempio n. 10
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    open_data = util.Queue()
    startState = (problem.getStartState(), None, 0)
    visited_list = {startState[0]: 0}

    while not open_data.isEmpty():
        node = open_data.pop()
        (end_state, _, _) = node[-1]
        actions = [action for (_, action, _) in node[1:]]
        if (problem.isGoalState(end_state)):
            return actions
        for succ in problem.getSuccessors(end_state):
            new_node = node + [succ]
            new_cost = sum([cost for (_, _, cost) in new_node])
            state = succ[0]
            if (not state
                    in visited_list):  #or (new_cost < visited_list[state]):
                visited_list[state] = new_cost
    return []
Esempio n. 11
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""

    # initialize the search tree using the initial state of problem
    queue = util.Queue()
    queue.push((problem.getStartState(), []))
    visited = []

    while not queue.isEmpty():
        # choose a leaf node for expansion
        state, actions = queue.pop()

        # if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution
        if problem.isGoalState(state):
            return actions

        # expand the node and add the resulting nodes to the search tree
        if state not in visited:
            for successor, action, stepCost in problem.getSuccessors(state):
                if successor not in visited:
                    queue.push((successor, actions + [action]))
    return False
Esempio n. 12
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    fringe = util.Queue()   
    discovered = set()   
    fringe.push((problem.getStartState(), []))   
    while True:
        elem_pop = fringe.pop()
        curr_node, path_curr_node = elem_pop[0], elem_pop[1]
        if problem.isGoalState(curr_node):   
            if curr_node not in discovered:  
                successors = problem.getSuccessors(curr_node)
                for successor in successors:
                    new_node, new_path = successor[0], successor[1]
                    fin_path = path_curr_node + [new_path]    
                    fringe.push((new_node, fin_path))   
    final_path = path_curr_node

    return final_path
Esempio n. 13
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    fringeCalculated = util.Queue()     # Using Queue as we are implementing breadth first Search
    finalPath = []                      # List of actions to be returned by this function
    visited = []                        # List to keep track of the visited states
    fringeCalculated.push([(problem.getStartState() , None, 0)])   # Pushing the start state along with action and cost as a tuple into the Queue
    while not fringeCalculated.isEmpty():            # We will run the algorithm until the queue is empty or we will return the path we find Goal State
        consideredPath = fringeCalculated.pop()      # Pop the list of states from the queue
        state = consideredPath[len(consideredPath)-1]   # Get the last tuple in the state list
        if problem.isGoalState(state[0]):  # Checking whether the state is a goal state and sending the final path if it is a goal state
            for path in consideredPath[1:]:
                finalPath.append(path[1]) # adding only directions
            return finalPath
        """Check whether the state is visited or not. Added in order to prevent infinite search. If not make we will now mark it as visited and we will get 
        succeessors of the present node and we will append new paths upto these successors into the fringe."""
        if state[0] not in visited:
            visited.append(state[0])  # If not make the state as visited
            for child in problem.getSuccessors(state[0]):  # Get the successors of the current state
                path = consideredPath[:]
                path.append(child)                  # Append the child tuple into the state list popped
                fringeCalculated.push(path)         # Appening the path list which we will check in next loops
    return finalPath
Esempio n. 14
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    startState = problem.getStartState()
    visited = set()
    fringe = util.Queue()
    fringe.push((startState, ()))

    while not fringe.isEmpty():
        currNode = fringe.pop()
        currState = currNode[0]
        currPlan = currNode[1]
        if problem.isGoalState(currState):
            return list(currPlan)
        if not currState in visited:
            paths = problem.getSuccessors(currState)
            for path in paths:
                newPlan = list(currPlan)
                nextNode = (path[0], tuple(newPlan))
                if not path[0] in visited:
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    fringe = util.Queue()
    currentState = problem.getStartState()
    # push starting position to fringe. Fringe contains current node/directions
    fringe.push((currentState, []))
    visited = []

    # added starting node to visited nodes list since the code below does not append starting node to visited list
    while not fringe.isEmpty():
        (node, directions) = fringe.pop()

        if problem.isGoalState(node):
            return directions

        for successor, actions, cost in problem.getSuccessors(node):
            if not successor in visited:
                fringe.push((successor, directions + [actions]))
Esempio n. 16
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
	#same implementation as before, data structure = queue for bfs.

    frontier = util.Queue()
    explored_set = []
    frontier.push((problem.getStartState(), [], 0))

    while not frontier.isEmpty():
        current = frontier.pop()
        if problem.isGoalState(current[0]):
            return current[1]
        if current[0] not in explored_set:
            for successor in problem.getSuccessors(current[0]):
                if successor[0] not in explored_set:
                    new_path = current[1]+[successor[1]]
                    #if problem.isGoalState(successor[0]):
                        #return new_path
                    frontier.push((successor[0], new_path, 0))
    if frontier.isEmpty():
        return []
Esempio n. 17
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.
    startNode = SearchNode(problem, problem.getStartState())
    open = util.Queue()
    closed = []
    while (not open.isEmpty()):
        current = open.pop()
        if (problem.isGoalState(current.state)):
        for successor in problem.getSuccessors(current.state):
            new = SearchNode(problem, successor[0], successor[1], current)
            if (new.state not in closed):

    if (problem.isGoalState(current.state)):
        return current.path
        return []
Esempio n. 18
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    fringe = util.Queue()
    node = {"state":problem.getStartState(), "path":[], "cost":0}
    explored = set()
    while (not fringe.isEmpty()):
        node = fringe.pop()
        if problem.isGoalState(node["state"]):
            return node["path"]
            if node["state"] not in explored:
                for nextnode in problem.getSuccessors(node["state"]):
                    if nextnode[0] not in explored:
                        nextnode = {"state":nextnode[0],
        return []
Esempio n. 19
def breadthFirstSearchPath(problem):
    Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.
    instead of giving the list of actions it returns the position of the closest one.
    frontier = util.Queue()
    visited = []
    startNode = (problem.getStartState(), None, [])
    while not frontier.isEmpty():
        curr = frontier.pop()
        currLoc = curr[0]
        currDir = curr[1]
        currPath = curr[2]
        if (currLoc not in visited):
            if (problem.isGoalState(currLoc)):
                return currLoc
            successors = problem.getSuccessors(currLoc)
            successorsList = list(successors)
            for i in successorsList:
                if i[0] not in visited:
                    frontier.push((i[0], i[1], currPath + [i[1]]))
Esempio n. 20
def generalSearch(problem, fn):
    dataStructure = {'bfs': util.Queue(), 'dfs': util.Stack()}
    root = problem.getStartState()

        visited = set()
        fringe = dataStructure[fn]
        fringe.push((root, [], 0))
        while not fringe.isEmpty():
            location, path, cost = fringe.pop()
            if problem.isGoalState(location):
                # print path
                return path
            if location not in visited:
                for x, y, z in problem.getSuccessors(location):
                    if x not in visited:
                        fringe.push((x, path + [y], z))
        return []

    except Exception as e:
        print e
    return []
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    state_queue = util.Queue()
    set_states = set()
    state_queue.push((problem.getStartState(), []))

    while not state_queue.isEmpty():

        popped_state, popped_moves = state_queue.pop()
        if (popped_state in set_states):
        elif problem.isGoalState(popped_state):
            return popped_moves


        for state, direction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(popped_state):
            if (state in set_states):
            state_queue.push((state, popped_moves + [direction]))

    return []
Esempio n. 22
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    # "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    startState = problem.getStartState()
    goalState = None

    # new stack
    Q = util.Queue()
    prevs = {}

    # initialize with startState
    prevs[str(startState)] = (None, 0)

    # breadth-first search rest of nodes
    while not Q.isEmpty():
        state = Q.pop()
        # at goal?
        if problem.isGoalState(state):
            goalState = state
        # check successors
        for (nextState, direction, cost) in problem.getSuccessors(state):
            if not str(nextState) in prevs:
                prevs[str(nextState)] = (state, direction)

    # recover path from `prevs` record
    path = []
    state = goalState
    while state != startState:
        prevState, direction = prevs[str(state)]
        path.insert(0, direction)
        state = prevState

    return path
Esempio n. 23
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # Return None if the start state is also the goal state
    # Don't need to move at all
    if problem.isGoalState(problem.getStartState()):
        return None

    explored = set()
    frontier = util.Queue()
    frontier_set = set()
    for action in problem.getSuccessors(problem.getStartState()):
    # while not frontier.isEmpty():
    #     print(frontier.pop())
    # [((4, 5), 'West', 1)]
    # [((5, 4), 'South', 1)]

    while True:
        if frontier.isEmpty():
            return False
        path = frontier.pop()
        state = path[-1][0]
        if problem.isGoalState(state):
            actions = [x[1] for x in path]
            return actions

        for action in problem.getSuccessors(state):
            result_state = action[0]
            if result_state not in explored.union(frontier_set):
                new_path = list(path)
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # currentPath stores the current Path taken to arrive at this node, visited checks if the node is already expanded before
    currentPath, visited = [], []
    # Queue datastructure used to store all the successor nodes
    successorsQueue = util.Queue()
    # Direction taken to reach this node from the previous node
    direction = "None"
    successorsQueue.push((problem.getStartState(), direction, []))

    # For each successor node, check if it is the goal, else find its successors
    while successorsQueue.isEmpty() == False:
        # getting node details from the queue
        node = successorsQueue.pop()
        currentState = node[0]
        direction = node[1]
        currentPath = node[2]

        # If node is already expanded, go to next node
        if currentState in visited:

        # Mark this current node as expanded as we will expand it now if it is not goal state
        # If goal state, return back with the current Path
        if problem.isGoalState(currentState):
            print "Total Path cost", problem.getCostOfActions(currentPath)
            return currentPath

        # Get successors of current node and append it to the queue if it is not visited before
        successorsList = problem.getSuccessors(currentState)
        for x in successorsList:
            if x[0] not in visited:
                tempPath = list(currentPath)
                successorsQueue.push((x[0], x[1], tempPath))
Esempio n. 25
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    queue = util.Queue() #Instantiate the queue
    path = [] #Collection of the path from start to finish
    visited = set() #Collection of the visited nodes
    startNode = [problem.getStartState(), []] #Starting node of the pacman

    util.Queue.push(queue, startNode) #Add starting node to queue to begin looping from
    is_goal = False #Set goal to false

    #Main loop, run while goal is not found
    while not is_goal:
        #Check if Queue is empty
        if not util.Queue.isEmpty(queue):
            (node, path) = util.Queue.pop(queue) #Extract node and path from the next node in queue

        #Check if the current node is the goal node, if it is, break out of the loop
        is_goal = problem.isGoalState(node)
        if is_goal:

        #Check if the current node is already visited
        if node not in visited:
            visited.add(node) #Add the current node to visited nodes list
            successors = problem.getSuccessors(node) #Get successors of the current node

            #Iterate through the child nodes of the current node
            for successor in successors:
                #Ignore successors that are already visited
                if successor[0] not in visited:
                    new_node_path = path + [successor[1]] #Create a new path and add the current successor's action to it
                    new_node = (successor[0], new_node_path) #Create new node with the path information
                    util.Queue.push(queue, new_node) #Add the new node with the path information to queue

    #Return the guide to the goal (e.g. ["West", "West", "South", ...])
    return path
Esempio n. 26
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
  Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.
  [2nd Edition: p 73, 3rd Edition: p 82]

  def is_goal(x):
    Determine whether or not x is a goal state
    return problem.isGoalState(x)

  # Define the starting state
  start = problem.getStartState()
  # Setup the Queue data stack
  queue = util.Queue()
  queue.push((start, []))
  # Initialise explored as an empty set
  explored = set()

  # Loop through while there's still more moves in the queue
  while not queue.isEmpty():
      # Pop off the shallowest node in the frontier
      (node, path) = queue.pop()
      # If the node is a goal node, return the solution
      if is_goal(node):
          return path
      # Define successors for the leaf node
      successors = problem.getSuccessors(node)
      for state, action, cost in successors:
          # If state not already explored, add it to the list
          if state not in explored:
              # Add the tree node to the explored list
              # Push the state, path and action onto the queue
              queue.push((state, path + [action]))
Esempio n. 27
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #Set up of direction
    from game import Directions
    s = Directions.SOUTH
    w = Directions.WEST
    n = Directions.NORTH
    e = Directions.EAST
    #basic set up element for BFS
    #current state
    curr_state = problem.getStartState()
    #the next possible movement
    next_state_movement = util.Queue()
    #The dictionary for visited
    visited = {}
    #The list for visited in current state
    visited[curr_state] = []
    #search goal state until hit the goal state
    while True:
        #look the every possible movement from getSuccessors
        for every_movement in problem.getSuccessors(curr_state):
            #only choose the un-visited state for next possible movement
            if every_movement[0] not in visited:
                #build up the stack tree for un-visited state information
                path = list(visited[curr_state])
                next_state_movement.push((every_movement[0], path))
                visited[every_movement[0]] = []
        #after getting the next state movement then pop it out
        next_state = next_state_movement.pop()
        #update the new information to the information's record
        visited[next_state[0]] = next_state[1]
        curr_state = next_state[0]
        #if hit the goal state then return the result
        if problem.isGoalState(curr_state):
            return visited[curr_state]
Esempio n. 28
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    visited = {}
    solution = []
    queue = util.Queue()
    route = {}
    flag = False

    start = problem.getStartState()
    if problem.isGoalState(start):
        return solution
    queue.push((start, 'None', 0))
    visited[start] = 'None'

    while not (queue.isEmpty() or flag):
        vertex = queue.pop()
        visited[vertex[0]] = vertex[1]
        if problem.isGoalState(vertex[0]):
            child = vertex[0]
            flag = True

        for i in problem.getSuccessors(vertex[0]):
            if i[0] not in visited.keys() and i[0] not in route.keys():
                route[i[0]] = vertex[0]

    while (child in route.keys()):
        parent = route[child]
        solution.insert(0, visited[child])
        child = parent

    return solution
    if problem.isGoalState(start):
        return solution
Esempio n. 29
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
    possible_states = util.Queue()
    visited_states = []
    possible_route = []
    backtrace = []
    current_state = problem.getStartState()

        (current_state, backtrace)
    )  #Just because we need to start the loop with atleast one point so we can generalize.
    while problem.isGoalState(current_state) != True:
        info = possible_states.pop()
        #del backtrace[:]
        current_state = info[0]
        backtrace = info[1]

        #print backtrace
        #debug statement to see the form of our list
        # print(current_state)
        if current_state not in visited_states:
            #First step is to add the state to visiterd state
            #Find its successors
            possible_successors = problem.getSuccessors(current_state)
            for i in range(0, len(possible_successors)):
                #path = backtrace + [possible_successors[i][1]]
                action = backtrace + [possible_successors[i][1]]
                possible_states.push((possible_successors[i][0], action))

    #print backtrace

# print visited_states
    return backtrace
Esempio n. 30
def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
    Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first
    The comments are mostly be the same with the DFS method; I will just
    mention the necessary parts of the code.
    explored_set = {}
    #Using Queue instead of Stack in this uninformed search method.
    queue = util.Queue()
    successor = {}
    queue.push( (problem.getStartState(), []) )
    while True:
        if queue.isEmpty():
        node = queue.pop()
        explored_set[node[0]] = node[1]
        if problem.isGoalState(node[0]):
            solution_item = node[0]
        for succ in problem.getSuccessors(node[0]):
            #We are going to check the parents and the expanded nodes at the same time.
            #This is the difference of BFS comparing to DFS.
            if succ[0] not in explored_set.keys():
            #Checking the explored set, otherwise that can continue forever.
                if succ[0] not in successor.keys():
                    successor[succ[0]] = node[0]
    solution = []
    while(solution_item in successor.keys()):
        solution.insert(0, explored_set[solution_item])
        solution_item = successor[solution_item]
    return solution