Esempio n. 1
    def fill(self, byte):
        fill: byte -> None

        Adds the given raw byte to this APIFrame. If this APIFrame is marked
        as escaped and this byte is an escape byte, the next byte in a call
        to fill() will be unescaped.

        if self._unescape_next_byte:
            byte = intToByte(byteToInt(byte) ^ 0x20)
            self._unescape_next_byte = False
        elif self.escaped and byte == Frame.ESCAPE_BYTE:
            self._unescape_next_byte = True
        self.raw_data += intToByte(byteToInt(byte))
Esempio n. 2
    def fill(self, byte):
        fill: byte -> None

        Adds the given raw byte to this APIFrame. If this APIFrame is marked
        as escaped and this byte is an escape byte, the next byte in a call
        to fill() will be unescaped.

        if self._unescape_next_byte:
            byte = intToByte(byteToInt(byte) ^ 0x20)
            self._unescape_next_byte = False
        elif self.escaped and byte == Frame.ESCAPE_BYTE:
            self._unescape_next_byte = True
        self.raw_data += intToByte(byteToInt(byte))
Esempio n. 3
    def escape(data):
        escape: byte string -> byte string

        When a 'special' byte is encountered in the given data string,
        it is preceded by an escape byte and XORed with 0x20.

        escaped_data = b""
        for byte in data:
            if intToByte(byteToInt(byte)) in Frame.ESCAPE_BYTES:
                escaped_data += Frame.ESCAPE_BYTE
                escaped_data += intToByte(0x20 ^ byteToInt(byte))
                escaped_data += intToByte(byteToInt(byte))

        return escaped_data
Esempio n. 4
    def escape(data):
        escape: byte string -> byte string

        When a 'special' byte is encountered in the given data string,
        it is preceded by an escape byte and XORed with 0x20.

        escaped_data = b""
        for byte in data:
            if intToByte(byteToInt(byte)) in Frame.ESCAPE_BYTES:
                escaped_data += Frame.ESCAPE_BYTE
                escaped_data += intToByte(0x20 ^ byteToInt(byte))
                escaped_data += intToByte(byteToInt(byte))

        return escaped_data
Esempio n. 5
    def _parse_samples_header(self, io_bytes):
        _parse_samples_header: binary data in XBee IO data format ->
                        (int, [int ...], [int ...], int, int)
        _parse_samples_header will read the first three bytes of the
        binary data given and will return the number of samples which
        follow, a list of enabled digital inputs, a list of enabled
        analog inputs, the dio_mask, and the size of the header in bytes
        header_size = 4

        # number of samples (always 1?) is the first byte
        sample_count = byteToInt(io_bytes[0])

        # part of byte 1 and byte 2 are the DIO mask ( 9 bits )
        dio_mask = (
            byteToInt(io_bytes[1]) << 8 | byteToInt(io_bytes[2])) & 0x01FF

        # upper 7 bits of byte 1 is the AIO mask
        aio_mask = byteToInt(io_bytes[3]) & 0xFE >> 1
#         print(byteToInt(io_bytes[3]) & 0xFE >> 1)
#         print(aio_mask)

        # sorted lists of enabled channels; value is position of bit in mask
        dio_chans = []
        aio_chans = []

        for i in range(0, 9):
            if dio_mask & (1 << i):


        for i in range(0, 7):
            if aio_mask & (1 << i):


        return (sample_count, dio_chans, aio_chans, dio_mask, header_size)
Esempio n. 6
    def _parse_samples(self, io_bytes):
        _parse_samples: binary data in XBee IO data format ->
                        [ {"dio-0":True,
                           "adc-0":100"}, ...]
        _parse_samples reads binary data from an XBee device in the IO
        data format specified by the API. It will then return a
        dictionary indicating the status of each enabled IO port.

        sample_count, dio_chans, aio_chans, dio_mask, header_size = \

        samples = []

        # split the sample data into a list, so it can be pop()'d
#         self.log.debug('%r' % io_bytes)
        sample_bytes = [byteToInt(c) for c in io_bytes[header_size:]]
#         self.log.debug('%r' % sample_bytes)
#         self.log.debug('%r' % aio_chans)

        # repeat for every sample provided
        for sample_ind in range(0, sample_count):  # @UnusedVariable
            tmp_samples = {}

            if dio_chans:
                # we have digital data
                digital_data_set = (
                    sample_bytes.pop(0) << 8 | sample_bytes.pop(0))
                digital_values = dio_mask & digital_data_set

                for i in dio_chans:
                    tmp_samples['dio-{0}'.format(i)] = True if (
                        digital_values >> i) & 1 else False

            for i in aio_chans:
                analog_sample = (
                    sample_bytes.pop(0) << 8 | sample_bytes.pop(0))
                tmp_samples['adc-{0}'.format(i)] = int(
                    (analog_sample * 1200.0) / 1023.0)


        return samples
Esempio n. 7
    def checksum(self):
        checksum: None -> single checksum byte

        checksum adds all bytes of the binary, unescaped data in the
        frame, saves the last byte of the result, and subtracts it from
        0xFF. The final result is the checksum
        total = 0

        # Add together all bytes
        for byte in
            total += byteToInt(byte)

        # Only keep the last byte
        total = total & 0xFF

        return intToByte(0xFF - total)
Esempio n. 8
    def checksum(self):
        checksum: None -> single checksum byte

        checksum adds all bytes of the binary, unescaped data in the
        frame, saves the last byte of the result, and subtracts it from
        0xFF. The final result is the checksum
        total = 0

        # Add together all bytes
        for byte in
            total += byteToInt(byte)

        # Only keep the last byte
        total = total & 0xFF

        return intToByte(0xFF - total)
Esempio n. 9
    def verify(self):
        verify: 1 byte -> boolean

        verify checksums the frame, adds the expected checksum, and
        determines whether the result is correct. The result should
        be 0xFF.
        total = 0
        # Add together all bytes
        for byte in
            total += byteToInt(byte)

        #  total += byteToInt([-1])

        # Only keep low bits
        total &= 0xFF

        # Check result
        return total == 0xFF
Esempio n. 10
    def verify(self):
        verify: 1 byte -> boolean

        verify checksums the frame, adds the expected checksum, and
        determines whether the result is correct. The result should
        be 0xFF.
        total = 0
        # Add together all bytes
        for byte in
            total += byteToInt(byte)

        #  total += byteToInt([-1])

        # Only keep low bits
        total &= 0xFF

        # Check result
        return total == 0xFF