def format(data): """Takes a list of MetricResults.""" # Distinct values in data for forest plot variables: forestcombinations = util.combinations([util.unique(x, data) for x in config.fgraphs]) forestcombinations = [dict(zip(config.fgraphs, x)) for x in forestcombinations] forestcombinations = filter(lambda x: x["benchmark"] in config.forests, forestcombinations) # Distinct values in data for bar chart variables: barcombinations = util.combinations([util.unique(x, data) for x in config.graphs]) barcombinations = [dict(zip(config.graphs, x)) for x in barcombinations] barcombinations = filter(lambda x: not x["benchmark"] in config.forests, barcombinations) # Filter out omitted configurations. allcombinations = forestcombinations + barcombinations for omit in config.omit: sieve = lambda x: not util.all([x[y] == omit[y] for y in omit.keys() if x.has_key(y)]) allcombinations = filter(sieve, allcombinations) # Create the graph objects. figures = [] for configuration in allcombinations: if configuration in forestcombinations: graphtype = ForestPlot else: graphtype = BarChart sorteddata = graphtype.sortdata(data, configuration) if sorteddata: graph = graphtype(sorteddata) else: continue graph.create() figures.append(graph) return figures
def format(data): """Takes a list of MetricResults.""" # Distinct values in data for forest plot variables: forestcombinations = util.combinations( [util.unique(x, data) for x in config.fgraphs]) forestcombinations = [ dict(zip(config.fgraphs, x)) for x in forestcombinations ] forestcombinations = filter(lambda x: x["benchmark"] in config.forests, forestcombinations) # Distinct values in data for bar chart variables: barcombinations = util.combinations( [util.unique(x, data) for x in config.graphs]) barcombinations = [dict(zip(config.graphs, x)) for x in barcombinations] barcombinations = filter(lambda x: not x["benchmark"] in config.forests, barcombinations) # Filter out omitted configurations. allcombinations = forestcombinations + barcombinations for omit in config.omit: sieve = lambda x: not util.all( [x[y] == omit[y] for y in omit.keys() if x.has_key(y)]) allcombinations = filter(sieve, allcombinations) # Create the graph objects. figures = [] for configuration in allcombinations: if configuration in forestcombinations: graphtype = ForestPlot else: graphtype = BarChart sorteddata = graphtype.sortdata(data, configuration) if sorteddata: graph = graphtype(sorteddata) else: continue graph.create() figures.append(graph) return figures
def generate_track_name_possibilities(file, fileid, possible_releases): """Return all track ids matching the tracks. Args: fname: The file containing the track in question. track: A list of tracks to match against. possible_releases: Dictionary containing releases under consideration. Yields: All releated track_ids. Looks at all track names in the releases under consideration and case insensitively compares the tracks, returning any matches. """ ftrackname = file.getMDTrackTitle() for (rid, v) in possible_releases.items(): release = lookups.get_release_by_releaseid(rid) for trackind in range(len(release.tracks)): rtrackname = release.tracks[trackind].title # Don't bother if we've already found this track! if trackind + 1 in v: continue if any(util.combinations(util.comp_name, rtrackname, ftrackname)): print "Using text based comparison for track", trackind + 1, ` rtrackname `, "(", repr( ftrackname), ")" yield lookups.get_track_by_id(release.tracks[trackind].id)
def generate_from_metadata(file, num_tracks): """Return track id's by looking up the name on music brainz Args: fname: The file containing the track in question. Yields: A set of track_id, by querying based on id3 tags """ album = file.getMDAlbumTitle() title = file.getMDTrackTitle() artist = file.getMDTrackArtist() if album is None or title is None or artist is None: return # Can't get metadata util.update_progress("Searching albums by text lookup: "+`album`+" "+`artist`) for i in flatten(util.combinations(lookups.get_releases_by_cdtext,album, artist, num_tracks)): release = lookups.get_release_by_releaseid( util.update_progress("Trying "+release.title+" by text lookup") for trackind in range(len(release.tracks)): rtrackname = release.tracks[trackind].title if type(title) != type([]): title=[title] for t in title: if util.comp_name(rtrackname,t): print "Using album based text comparison for",artist.strip(),album.strip(),"'s track",trackind+1,`rtrackname` yield lookups.get_track_by_id(release.tracks[trackind].id) else: print "Failed text lookup for %s" % t
def generate_from_metadata(file, num_tracks): """Return track id's by looking up the name on music brainz Args: fname: The file containing the track in question. Yields: A set of track_id, by querying based on id3 tags """ album = file.getMDAlbumTitle() title = file.getMDTrackTitle() artist = file.getMDTrackArtist() if album is None or title is None or artist is None: return # Can't get metadata util.update_progress("Searching albums by text lookup: " + ` album ` + " " + ` artist `) for i in flatten( util.combinations(lookups.get_releases_by_cdtext, album, artist, num_tracks)): release = lookups.get_release_by_releaseid( util.update_progress("Trying " + release.title + " by text lookup") for trackind in range(len(release.tracks)): rtrackname = release.tracks[trackind].title if type(title) != type([]): title = [title] for t in title: if util.comp_name(rtrackname, t): print "Using album based text comparison for", artist.strip( ), album.strip(), "'s track", trackind + 1, ` rtrackname ` yield lookups.get_track_by_id(release.tracks[trackind].id) else: print "Failed text lookup for %s" % t
def generate_track_name_possibilities(file, fileid, possible_releases): """Return all track ids matching the tracks. Args: fname: The file containing the track in question. track: A list of tracks to match against. possible_releases: Dictionary containing releases under consideration. Yields: All releated track_ids. Looks at all track names in the releases under consideration and case insensitively compares the tracks, returning any matches. """ ftrackname = file.getMDTrackTitle() for (rid,v) in possible_releases.items(): release = lookups.get_release_by_releaseid(rid) for trackind in range(len(release.tracks)): rtrackname = release.tracks[trackind].title # Don't bother if we've already found this track! if trackind+1 in v: continue if any(util.combinations(util.comp_name, rtrackname, ftrackname)): print "Using text based comparison for track",trackind+1,`rtrackname`,"(",repr(ftrackname),")" yield lookups.get_track_by_id(release.tracks[trackind].id)
def keyword_combinations(): keywords = parse_keywords(request.args["k"]) combos = [list(combinations(keywords, i)) for i in xrange(len(keywords), 1, -1)] ret = to_json([item for sublist in combos for item in sublist]) return Response(response=ret, status=200, mimetype="application/json")
def get_command(self, description): """Return a command to execute given the current description.""" # Return any queued commands if self.command_queue: command, inventory = self.command_queue.popleft() if inventory is not None: for item in inventory: if item not in self.inv: self.command_queue.appendleft((command, inventory)) self.inv.add(item) return f"take {item}" for item in self.inv: if item not in inventory: self.command_queue.appendleft((command, inventory)) self.inv.remove(item) return f"drop {item}" if isinstance(command, str): return command command(description) return self.get_command(description) # Get to the penultimate room if not self.at_end: explore_commands = list(self.explorer.get_commands(description)) if explore_commands: self.queue_commands(explore_commands) return self.get_command(description) assert self.explorer.route is not None, "Could not find the exit" self.queue_commands(self.explorer.route) self.at_end = True return self.get_command(description) # Figure out which items are light if not self.light_items: for item in self.inv: self.queue_command(self.explorer.exit, inventory=[item]) def check_was_light(description, item=item): if "heavier" in description: self.light_items.add(item) self.queue_command(check_was_light) return self.get_command(description) # Try all big enough combinations of light items for combination in sorted(combinations(self.light_items, min_size=2), key=len, reverse=True): self.queue_command(self.explorer.exit, inventory=combination) return self.get_command(description)
import util from config import logger if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = 'E.xlsx' table = datatools.get_data(filename) nrows = len(table) ncols = 0 if nrows: ncols = len(table[0]) if ncols:'Stats: rows: %s, columns: %s' % (nrows, ncols)) comb_list = util.combinations(ncols) # # xl_workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) # xl_sheet = xl_workbook.sheet_by_index(0) # print('Open Excel workbook %s, sheetname: %s' % (file_name, # # ncols = xl_sheet.ncols # Number of columns # nrows = xl_sheet.nrows # # print('Stats: \n\t rows: %s, columns: %s' % (nrows, ncols)) # #util.printsheet(xl_sheet) # comb_list = util.getallcomb(ncols) # # logic.q_inf(xl_sheet, 0, 0)