def init(SCREEN=0): global i2c, addrs, led, cy i2c = machine.I2C(-1, machine.Pin(cfg.SDA_PIN), machine.Pin(cfg.SDL_PIN)) addrs = i2c.scan() if not len(addrs): return led = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(m_x, m_y, i2c, addrs[SCREEN]) clear(1) led.invert(1) utime.sleep_ms(100) clear(0) now = date() oprint('%s %s' % ( cfg.package, cfg.version )) oprint('Host: %s' % ( cfg.hostname ), 0, CH) oprint('Date: %s' % now[:10], 0, CH*2) oprint('%s' % now[12:], 2, CH*3) oprint('Uptime: %s' % uptime(), 0, CH*4) cy = CH * 5 led.invert(0)
def show(self): img ='1', (epd2in7.EPD_WIDTH, epd2in7.EPD_HEIGHT), 255) # 255: clear the frame draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) font12 = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf', 12) Y0 = 60 line_height = 12 margin = 5 for k in range(len(self.lines)): draw.text((margin, Y0 + k * line_height), self.lines[k], font=font12, fill=0) bigY = epd2in7.EPD_HEIGHT - 46 draw.line((0, bigY, epd2in7.EPD_WIDTH, bigY), fill=0) draw.text((10, bigY + 5),, font=font12, fill=0) draw.text((10, bigY + 17), 'connecté au réseau ' + util.get_essid(), font=font12, fill=0) draw.text((10, bigY + 29), 'adresse IP : ' + util.get_ip_address(), font=font12, fill=0) bmp ='/home/pi/Miniban/src/lib/display/explorer-logo.bmp') img.paste(bmp, (0, 0)) self.epd.display(self.epd.getbuffer(img)) self.clear()
def welcome(): pre = '|\t ' print('\n' * 2) print(' ', end='') print('.-v-' * 19) print('/' + pre) print('\\' + pre, end='') print('Welcome to %s %s @ %s.%s' % (cfg.package, cfg.version, cfg.hostname, cfg.domainname)) print('/' + pre) print('\\' + pre) print('{' + pre, end='') print('MicroPython %s (Python %s) on the %s platform' % \ ('.'.join(map(str,sys.implementation.version)), sys.version, sys.platform)) print('/' + pre, end='') print(' (%s)' % uos.uname().version) print('\\' + pre) print('/' + pre, end='') try: print('Local time is %s, enjoy.' % date()) except: pass print('\\' + pre) print('/' + pre, end='') print(' ' * 53, '~~`') print('\\' + pre) print('/' + pre, end='') print(' ... there is but only one way to death - through life.') print('\\' + pre) print('+', ',..,,' * 15) print('') print('') print('Loaded modules: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(list(sys.modules.keys()))))
def __summarize(self) -> str: self.data_handler.update() data = self.data_handler.newest_data_line update_info = self.data_handler.update_info out: str = strings['descriptor-date'].format(["vaccinationsLastUpdated"])) for summarize_id, desc, convert in summarize_ids: out += desc.format(convert(data[summarize_id])) return out
def cmdtime(topic, msg): from cfg import ESPConfig cfg = ESPConfig() from util import date from utime import mktime from ure import compile, match src = topic[1] try: newdate = msg[0:-6] assert compile(r"^[0-9,'() ]+$").match(newdate) newdate = eval(newdate) tz = msg[-5:] newdate = mktime(newdate) except Exception as e: print('Incorrect time msg from %s: "%s" -- %s' % (src, msg, e)) return print("Net date: %s Our date: %s" % (date(newdate), date())) if src in cfg.timelords: # check timezones... if (newdate < time()) and (time() - newdate > cfg.MAX_TS_DRIFT): print('%s has incorrect time by %s seconds!' % (time() - newdate)) return elif time() < newdate and (newdate - time() > cfg.MAX_TS_DRIFT): print('Clock is off by more than a minute, updating time') cfg.timezone = tz from machine import RTC print('OLD: %s' % date()) RTC.datetime((now)) print('NEW: %s' % date()) del RTC else: print("Net date: %s Our date: %s" % (date(newdate), date())) del mktime, compile, match
NODE_KEY = "a88b92531ba974f68bc1fd5938fc77" NODE_DEBUG = 0 SERVER = "http://w/uauc/playweb/" util.msg("PlayWeb Node 1.0") util.msg("Server:%s Key:%s Debug:%d" % (SERVER, NODE_KEY, NODE_DEBUG)) util.msg("Listening server project...") while 1: r = util.http_get(SERVER + "/index.php?m=node&a=get_task") if r['data'] != " ": O = eval(util.decode_str(r['data'], NODE_KEY)) break time.sleep(1) O['debug'] = NODE_DEBUG util.msg( "[Project] Target:%s Time:%s Module:%s Thread:%s" % (O['target'],['start_time']), O['module'], O['thread']), 1) O['target'] = "w" O['key'] = NODE_KEY #O['depth'] = 5 # notice O['server_url'] = SERVER + "?m=node&a=" O['web-ports'] = util.csv2array(O['web-ports']) O['app-ports'] = util.csv2array(O['app-ports']) O['file-ext'] = util.csv2array(O['file-ext']) O['module'] = util.csv2array(O['module']) g.config(O) # print g.O info = scanner() urls = [] if info['web']: target = Url("http://" + O['target']) crawler = Crawler(target)
def publication_date(doi): return['records'][0]['publicationDate'])
O = {} NODE_KEY = "a88b92531ba974f68bc1fd5938fc77" NODE_DEBUG = 0 SERVER = "http://w/uauc/playweb/" util.msg("PlayWeb Node 1.0") util.msg("Server:%s Key:%s Debug:%d" % (SERVER, NODE_KEY, NODE_DEBUG)) util.msg("Listening server project...") while 1: r = util.http_get(SERVER + "/index.php?m=node&a=get_task") if r['data'] != " " : O = eval(util.decode_str(r['data'], NODE_KEY)) break time.sleep(1) O['debug'] = NODE_DEBUG util.msg("[Project] Target:%s Time:%s Module:%s Thread:%s" % (O['target'],['start_time']), O['module'], O['thread']), 1) O['target'] = "w" O['key'] = NODE_KEY #O['depth'] = 5 # notice O['server_url'] = SERVER + "?m=node&a=" O['web-ports'] = util.csv2array(O['web-ports']) O['app-ports'] = util.csv2array(O['app-ports']) O['file-ext'] = util.csv2array(O['file-ext']) O['module'] = util.csv2array(O['module']) g.config(O) # print g.O info = scanner() urls = [] if info['web']: target = Url("http://" + O['target']) crawler = Crawler(target)