Esempio n. 1
    def _assemble_cmd(self):
        Assembles a shell command used in running tests under gdb or valgrind.


            sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults, DocTestController
            sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(timeout=123), [""])
            sage: print DC._assemble_cmd()
            python "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-runtests" --serial --timeout=123
        cmd = '''python "%s" --serial ''' % (os.path.join(
            "$SAGE_LOCAL", "bin", "sage-runtests"))
        opt = dict_difference(self.options.__dict__,
        for o in ("all", "sagenb"):
            if o in opt:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You cannot run gdb/valgrind on the whole sage%s library" %
                    ("" if o == "all" else "nb"))
        for o in ("all", "sagenb", "long", "force_lib", "verbose", "failed",
            if o in opt:
                cmd += "--%s " % o
        for o in ("timeout", "randorder", "stats_path"):
            if o in opt:
                cmd += "--%s=%s " % (o, opt[o])
        if "optional" in opt:
            cmd += "--optional={} ".format(self._optional_tags_string())
        return cmd + " ".join(self.files)
Esempio n. 2
    def _assemble_cmd(self):
        Assembles a shell command used in running tests under gdb or valgrind.


            sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults, DocTestController
            sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(timeout=123), [""])
            sage: print DC._assemble_cmd()
            python "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-runtests" --serial --timeout=123
        cmd = '''python "%s" --serial '''%(os.path.join("$SAGE_LOCAL","bin","sage-runtests"))
        opt = dict_difference(self.options.__dict__, DocTestDefaults().__dict__)
        for o in ("all", "sagenb"):
            if o in opt:
                raise ValueError("You cannot run gdb/valgrind on the whole sage%s library"%("" if o == "all" else "nb"))
        for o in ("all", "sagenb", "long", "force_lib", "verbose", "failed", "new"):
            if o in opt:
                cmd += "--%s "%o
        for o in ("timeout", "randorder", "stats_path"):
            if o in opt:
                cmd += "--%s=%s "%(o, opt[o])
        if "optional" in opt:
            cmd += "--optional={} ".format(self._optional_tags_string())
        return cmd + " ".join(self.files)
Esempio n. 3
    def _repr_(self):
        Return the print representation.


            sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults
            sage: DocTestDefaults(timeout=100, foobar="hello")
            DocTestDefaults(foobar='hello', timeout=100)
        s = "DocTestDefaults("
        for k in sorted(dict_difference(self.__dict__, DocTestDefaults().__dict__).keys()):
            if s[-1] != "(":
                s += ", "
            s += str(k) + "=" + repr(getattr(self,k))
        s += ")"
        return s