def process_instance(context, xfinst, xform_path):
    inst = util.strip_namespaces(et.fromstring(xfinst))
    return convert_odm(context, util.xmlfile(xfinst), load_source(xform_path=xform_path))

def load_source(xform_path=None, crf_path=None):
    if not xform_path and not crf_path:
        return None

    with open(xform_path or crf_path) as f:
        if xform_path:
            return et.parse(f).getroot()
            return convert_xform(f)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-x", "--xform", dest="xform",
                      help="source xform", metavar="FILE")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--crf", dest="crf",
                      help="source CRF", metavar="FILE")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    inst = (sys.stdin if args[0] == '-' else open(args[0]))
    submission = convert_odm(inst, load_source(options.xform, options.crf))
    print util.dump_xml(submission['odm'], pretty=True)
    del submission['odm']

Esempio n. 2
        'study_events': parsed_info['events'],
        'crfs': list(build_all()),
        'errors': errors,

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-t", "--translations", dest="translations",
                      help="load translations from FILE", metavar="FILE")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dumptext", action="store_true", dest="dumptx", default=False,
                      help="dump english text to csv for translation")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--opts", dest="options", default='{}',
                      help="custom options as json string")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    opts = options.__dict__

    crf = (sys.stdin if args[0] == '-' else open(args[0]))
    print util.dump_xml(convert_xform(crf, opts), pretty=True)

Esempio n. 3
def submit(conn, instnode):
    odm_raw = util.dump_xml(util.strip_namespaces(instnode))

    resp = getattr(conn.service, 'import')(Raw(odm_raw))
    if resp.result.lower() != 'success':
        raise Exception([str(e) for e in resp.error])