def cross_validate(self, learner, x, labels): if not has_func(learner, "fit") or not has_func(learner, "predict"): raise ValueError("Learner doesn't have fit(x) or predict(x) functions implemented") train_agg = {"accuracy": 0.0, "precision": 0.0, "recall": 0.0, "f-1": 0.0} val_agg = {"accuracy": 0.0, "precision": 0.0, "recall": 0.0, "f-1": 0.0} train_scores, val_scores = [], [] for fold in range(self.k): training, val = self._partition(x, fold) training_labels, val_labels = self._partition(labels, fold) training_predicted = learner.predict(training) val_predicted = learner.predict(val) # print("Training: {}\nVal: {}\nTLabels: {}\nVlabels: {}".format(training, val, training_labels, val_labels)) # print("Training predicted", len(training_predicted), training_predicted) # print("Validation predicted", len(val_predicted), val_predicted) acc, (p, r, f1) = accuracy(training_labels, training_predicted), get_metrics(training_labels, training_predicted, class_label=1) scores = {"accuracy": acc, "precision": p, "recall": r, "f-1": f1} train_scores.append(scores) self._update_scores(scores, train_agg) acc, (p, r, f1) = accuracy(val_labels, val_predicted), get_metrics(val_labels, val_predicted, class_label=1) scores = {"accuracy": acc, "precision": p, "recall": r, "f-1": f1} val_scores.append(scores) self._update_scores(scores, val_agg) return self._aggregate_scores(train_agg, self.k), self._aggregate_scores(val_agg, self.k), train_scores, val_scores
def compile_model(model, optimizer='adam', loss='bce-dice', threshold=0.5, dice=False, weight_decay=0.0, exclude_bn=True, deep_supervised=False): if loss == 'bce': _loss = weighted_binary_crossentropy elif loss == 'bce-dice': _loss = weighted_bce_dice_loss elif loss == 'lovasz': _loss = weighted_lovasz_hinge elif loss == 'lovasz-dice': _loss = weighted_lovasz_dice_loss elif loss == 'lovasz-inv': _loss = weighted_lovasz_hinge_inversed elif loss == 'lovasz-double': _loss = weighted_lovasz_hinge_double if weight_decay != 0.0: _l2_loss = l2_loss(weight_decay, exclude_bn) loss = lambda true, pred: _loss(true, pred) + _l2_loss else: loss = _loss if optimizer == ('msgd'): optimizer = optimizers.SGD(momentum=0.9) if not deep_supervised: model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=get_metrics(threshold)) else: loss_pixel = loss_noempty(loss) losses = { 'output_final': loss, 'output_pixel': loss_pixel, 'output_image': bce_with_logits } loss_weights = { 'output_final': 1.0, 'output_pixel': 0.5, 'output_image': 0.1 } metrics = { 'output_final': get_metrics(threshold), 'output_pixel': get_metrics(threshold), 'output_image': accuracy_with_logits } model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=losses, loss_weights=loss_weights, metrics=metrics) return model
def train_al_and_report(model_name, kernel, warp, ard): dataset_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, DATASET) try: os.makedirs(dataset_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" for fold in xrange(1): fold_dir = os.path.join(SPLIT_DIR, DATASET, str(fold)) train_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'train')) test_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'test')) params_file = None output_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, str(fold)) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" if ard: iso_dir = output_dir.replace('True', 'False') params_file = os.path.join(iso_dir, 'params') # Split train into train and pool pool_data = train_data[50:] train_data = train_data[:50] metrics_list = [] while True: # Train gp gp = util.train_gp_model(train_data, kernel, warp, ard, params_file) # Get metrics on test metrics = util.get_metrics(gp, test_data) metrics_list.append([metrics[0], metrics[1], metrics[2][0], metrics[2][1], metrics[3]]) # Predict pool and select instance in pool with higher variance new_instance, new_i = util.query(gp, pool_data) # Update train and pool train_data = np.append(train_data, [new_instance], axis=0) pool_data = np.delete(pool_data, (new_i), axis=0) #if pool_data.shape[0] == 0: # break if train_data.shape[0] == 500: break print pool_data.shape gc.collect(2) # Final metrics on full train set (sanity check) gp = util.train_gp_model(train_data, kernel, warp, ard, params_file) metrics = util.get_metrics(gp, test_data) metrics_list.append([metrics[0], metrics[1], metrics[2][0], metrics[2][1], metrics[3]]) util.save_metrics_list(metrics_list, os.path.join(output_dir, 'metrics'))
def main(): args = setup_argparser().parse_args() filename = args.file max_depth = args.max_depth min_size = args.min_size validate = args.validate x, labels = import_file(filename) dt = DecisionTree(max_depth=max_depth, min_size=min_size) tree = TreeNode.show_tree(tree) predicted_labels = dt.predict(x) p, r, f1 = get_metrics(labels, predicted_labels, class_label=1) acc = accuracy(labels, predicted_labels) print("Naive results") print("Accuracy: {}, Precision: {}, Recall: {}, F-1: {}".format( acc, p, r, f1)) if validate: ten_cv = CrossValidation(k=10) dt = DecisionTree(max_depth=max_depth, min_size=min_size) train_scores, val_scores, *_ = ten_cv.cross_validate(dt, x, labels) print("10-fold cross validation") print("Training scores: {0}\nValidation scores: {1}".format( train_scores, val_scores)) return
def train_and_report(model_name, kernel, warp, ard): dataset_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, DATASET) try: os.makedirs(dataset_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" for fold in xrange(10): fold_dir = os.path.join(SPLIT_DIR, DATASET, str(fold)) train_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'train')) test_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'test')) params_file = None output_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, str(fold)) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" if ard: iso_dir = output_dir.replace('True', 'False') params_file = os.path.join(iso_dir, 'params') gp = util.train_gp_model(train_data, kernel, warp, ard, params_file) util.save_parameters(gp, os.path.join(output_dir, 'params')) util.save_gradients(gp, os.path.join(output_dir, 'grads')) metrics = util.get_metrics(gp, test_data) util.save_metrics(metrics, os.path.join(output_dir, 'metrics')) util.save_cautious_curves(gp, test_data, os.path.join(output_dir, 'curves')) util.save_predictions(gp, test_data, os.path.join(output_dir, 'preds')) asym_metrics = util.get_asym_metrics(gp, test_data) util.save_asym_metrics(asym_metrics, os.path.join(output_dir, 'asym_metrics')) gc.collect(2) # buggy GPy has allocation cycles...
def train_and_report(model_name, kernel, warp, ard, likelihood='gaussian'): dataset_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, DATASET) try: os.makedirs(dataset_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" for fold in xrange(10): fold_dir = os.path.join(SPLIT_DIR, DATASET, str(fold)) train_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'train')) test_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(fold_dir, 'test')) output_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, str(fold)) params_file = None if ard: iso_dir = output_dir.replace('True', 'False') params_file = os.path.join(iso_dir, 'params') gp = util.train_gp_model(train_data, kernel, warp, ard, params_file, likelihood=likelihood) metrics = util.get_metrics(gp, test_data) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError: print "skipping output folder" util.save_parameters(gp, os.path.join(output_dir, 'params')) util.save_metrics(metrics, os.path.join(output_dir, 'metrics')) #util.save_gradients(gp, os.path.join(output_dir, 'grads')) util.save_cautious_curves(gp, test_data, os.path.join(output_dir, 'curves')) util.save_predictions(gp, test_data, os.path.join(output_dir, 'preds'))
def test(epoch, valtest_loader, tag):'time:%m.%d_%H:%M', time.localtime(time.time())))#写在cache下的log文件里 adaptive.eval() prediction = [] for batch_idx, (image, img_id) in enumerate(valtest_loader, 1): # print((image)) #list #torch.FloatTensor # print((image[0])) #None #3x224x224 if type(image) == tuple: #list continue start_time = time.time() # image=[1, 3, 224, 224] <class 'torch.FloatTensor'> source = Variable(image) # torch.LongTensor(image))#transform(image).unsqueeze(0)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): src = source.cuda() pred = adaptive.sampler(opt, src) # print(pred.size()) [1, 20] # pred = adaptive.beam(opt, src) # print(pred.size()) [1, 20] pred_dict = dict() # print(len(vocab)) 9956 pred = [' '.join(map(lambda x: vocab.idx2word[x], p)) for p in pred] pred_dict['image_id'] = img_id[0] pred_dict['caption'] = pred[0] prediction.append(pred_dict) elapsed = time.time() - start_time if batch_idx % 1000 == 0:#opt.log_interval print(tag + ' Epoch: [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\ts/batch: {:.2f}'.format( batch_idx, len(valtest_loader), 100. * batch_idx / len(valtest_loader), elapsed) ) name = ('epoch_%d_%s' % (epoch, tag)) + base_name # test/val生成的文件,放在generation下 predictfile = '%s%s'%(, name) json.dump(prediction, open(predictfile+'.json', 'w')) metrics = get_metrics(tag, predictfile)"%s epoch %s metrics %s" %(tag, str(epoch), str(metrics))) print("%s epoch %s metrics %s" %(tag, str(epoch), str(metrics)))
def main(): result_path, today = create_result_directory() run_id = get_next_index(result_path + today + 'InfraRender_metrics') mixtures = MixedSpectra(ascii_spectra="input/test/mtes_kimmurray_rocks_full_tab.txt", meta_csv="input/test/mtes_kimmurray_rocks_full_meta.csv") spectra = torch.from_numpy(mixtures.spectra[104:, :].T).type(dtype).to(device) abundances = torch.from_numpy(mixtures.abundances).type(dtype).to(device) wavenumbers = torch.from_numpy(mixtures.bands[104:]).type(dtype).to(device) model = load_model(model_params=param_path, dispersion_params=dispersion_params, wavenumbers=wavenumbers) metrics = [] squared_error = 0 j, count = 0, 0 for cur_spectra, cur_abundances in zip(spectra, abundances): if isValidMixture(mixtures.category[j]): pred_spectra, pred_abundances = model.forward(cur_spectra.unsqueeze(0)) pred_abundances = consolidate_feely(pred_abundances[0]) metrics.append(get_metrics(modelSpectra=pred_spectra, trueSpectra=cur_spectra, modelAbundances=pred_abundances, trueAbundances=cur_abundances)) squared_error += ((pred_abundances - cur_abundances) ** 2).sum().item() count += 1 j += 1 print('average error', squared_error/count) save_list_of_dicts(metrics, "InfraRender_metrics", result_path, today, run_id)
def main(): args = setup_argparser().parse_args() filename = args.file num_trees = args.num_trees sampling_ratio = args.sampling_ratio max_depth = args.max_depth min_size = args.min_size features_ratio = args.features_ratio x, labels = import_file(filename) rf = RandomForest(num_trees=num_trees, sampling_ratio=sampling_ratio, max_depth=max_depth, min_size=min_size, features_ratio=features_ratio) predictions = rf.predict(x) p, r, f1 = get_metrics(labels, predictions, class_label=1) acc = accuracy(labels, predictions) print("Naive results") print("Accuracy: {}, Precision: {}, Recall: {}, F-1: {}".format( acc, p, r, f1)) ten_cv = CrossValidation(k=10) rf = RandomForest(num_trees=num_trees, sampling_ratio=sampling_ratio, max_depth=max_depth, min_size=min_size, features_ratio=features_ratio) train_scores, val_scores, *_ = ten_cv.cross_validate(rf, x, labels) print("10-fold cross validation") print("Training scores: {0}\nValidation scores: {1}".format( train_scores, val_scores)) return
def run_test( dataset, clf_type, epochs, true_rh1, downsample_ratio, ordered_models_keys, list_of_images=range(10), suppress_error=False, verbose=False, pi1=0.0, one_vs_rest=True, cv_n_folds=3, early_stopping=True, pulearning=None, ): # Cast types to ensure consistency for 1 and 1.0, 0 and 0.0 true_rh1 = float(true_rh1) downsample_ratio = float(downsample_ratio) pi1 = float(pi1) # Load MNIST or CIFAR data (X_train_original, y_train_original), (X_test_original, y_test_original) = get_dataset(dataset=dataset) X_train_original, y_train_original = downsample(X_train_original, y_train_original, downsample_ratio) # Initialize models and result storage metrics = {key: [] for key in ordered_models_keys} data_all = {"metrics": metrics, "calculated": {}, "errors": {}} start_time = # Run through the ten images class of 0, 1, ..., 9 for image in list_of_images: if one_vs_rest: # X_train and X_test will not be modified. All data will be used. Adjust pointers. X_train = X_train_original X_test = X_test_original # Relabel the image data. Make label 1 only for given image. y_train = np.array(y_train_original == image, dtype=int) y_test = np.array(y_test_original == image, dtype=int) else: # one_vs_other # Reducing the dataset to just contain our image and image = 4 other_image = 4 if image != 4 else 7 X_train = X_train_original[(y_train_original == image) | (y_train_original == other_image)] y_train = y_train_original[(y_train_original == image) | (y_train_original == other_image)] X_test = X_test_original[(y_test_original == image) | (y_test_original == other_image)] y_test = y_test_original[(y_test_original == image) | (y_test_original == other_image)] # Relabel the data. Make label 1 only for given image. y_train = np.array(y_train == image, dtype=int) y_test = np.array(y_test == image, dtype=int) print() print("Evaluating image:", image) print("Number of positives in y:", sum(y_train)) print() sys.stdout.flush() s = y_train * (np.cumsum(y_train) < (1 - true_rh1) * sum(y_train)) # In the presence of mislabeled negative (negative incorrectly labeled positive): # pi1 is the fraction of mislabeled negative in the labeled set: num_mislabeled = int(sum(y_train) * (1 - true_rh1) * pi1 / (1 - pi1)) if num_mislabeled > 0: negative_set = s[y_train == 0] mislabeled = np.random.choice(len(negative_set), num_mislabeled, replace=False) negative_set[mislabeled] = 1 s[y_train == 0] = negative_set print("image = {0}".format(image)) print( "Training set: total = {0}, positives = {1}, negatives = {2}, P_noisy = {3}, N_noisy = {4}" .format(len(X_train), sum(y_train), len(y_train) - sum(y_train), sum(s), len(s) - sum(s))) print("Testing set: total = {0}, positives = {1}, negatives = {2}". format(len(X_test), sum(y_test), len(y_test) - sum(y_test))) # Fit different models for PU learning for key in ordered_models_keys: fit_start_time = print("\n\nFitting {0} classifier. Default classifier is {1}.". format(key, clf_type)) if clf_type == "logreg": clf = LogisticRegression() elif clf_type == "cnn": from classifier_cnn import CNN from keras import backend as K K.clear_session() clf = CNN( dataset_name=dataset, num_category=2, epochs=epochs, early_stopping=early_stopping, verbose=1, ) else: raise ValueError( "clf_type must be either logreg or cnn for this testing file." ) ps1 = sum(s) / float(len(s)) py1 = sum(y_train) / float(len(y_train)) true_rh0 = pi1 * ps1 / float(1 - py1) model = get_model( key=key, rh1=true_rh1, rh0=true_rh0, clf=clf, ) try: if key == "True Classifier":, y_train) elif key in [ "Rank Pruning", "Rank Pruning (noise rates given)", "Liu16 (noise rates given)" ]:, s, pulearning=pulearning, cv_n_folds=cv_n_folds) elif key in ["Nat13 (noise rates given)"]:, s, pulearning=pulearning) else: # Elk08, Baseline, s) pred = model.predict(X_test) # Produces only P(y=1|x) for pulearning models because they are binary pred_prob = model.predict_proba(X_test) pred_prob = pred_prob[:, 1] if key == "True Classifier" else pred_prob # Compute metrics metrics_dict = get_metrics(pred, pred_prob, y_test) elapsed = ( - fit_start_time).total_seconds() if verbose: print( "\n{0} Model Performance at image {1}:\n=================\n" .format(key, image)) print("Time Required", elapsed) print("AUC:", metrics_dict["AUC"]) print("Error:", metrics_dict["Error"]) print("Precision:", metrics_dict["Precision"]) print("Recall:", metrics_dict["Recall"]) print("F1 score:", metrics_dict["F1 score"]) print("rh1:", model.rh1 if hasattr(model, 'rh1') else None) print("rh0:", model.rh0 if hasattr(model, 'rh0') else None) print() metrics_dict["image"] = image metrics_dict["time_seconds"] = elapsed metrics_dict["rh1"] = model.rh1 if hasattr(model, 'rh1') else None metrics_dict["rh0"] = model.rh0 if hasattr(model, 'rh0') else None # Append dictionary of error and loss metrics if key not in data_all["metrics"]: data_all["metrics"][key] = [metrics_dict] else: data_all["metrics"][key].append(metrics_dict) data_all["calculated"][(key, image)] = True except Exception as e: msg = "Error in {0}, image {1}, rh1 {2}, m {3}: {4}\n".format( key, image, true_rh1, pi1, e) print(msg) make_sure_path_exists("failed_models/") with open("failed_models/" + key + ".txt", "ab") as f: f.write(msg) if suppress_error: continue else: raise return data_all
for trueSpectra, trueAbundances in zip(spectra, mixtures.abundances): if mixtures.category[j] == 'invalid': pass else: trueSpectra = torch.from_numpy(trueSpectra).type(dtype).to(device) trueAbundances = torch.from_numpy(trueAbundances).type(dtype).to(device) model = AnalysisBySynthesis(paramFile=model_file, p=p, lam=p_lambda, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, dtype=dtype, device=device) for name, endmember in model.endmemberModels.items(): endmember.set_constraint_tolerance(freq_tolerance=freq_tol, gamma_tolerance=gamma_tol, epsilon_tolerance=eps_tol, rho_tolerance=rho_tol, mode_weight_tolerance=mode_weight_tol), epochs=epochs, learningRate=lr, betas=betas) modelAbundances = consolidate_feely(model.abundances) metrics.append(get_metrics(modelSpectra=model.predictedSpectra, trueSpectra=trueSpectra, thresh=min_endmemb, modelAbundances=modelAbundances, trueAbundances=trueAbundances)) model.write_results(experiment_path + today + '_labmix_results%d.hdf' % run_id, group_name=str(j)) j += 1 # save metrics as a csv file save_list_of_dicts(metrics, "labmix", experiment_path, today, run_id) # convert metrics to a pandas dataframe and display average results metrics = pd.DataFrame(metrics) print('squared error:') print(metrics["squared_error"].mean()) print('\n')
# Step 3: perform the evaluation # By now if a problem occur save the computed metrics atexit.register(signal_handler) current_writing_file = None # Deal with cacheing things for d, r, c, m in tqdm(entries, disable=not args.verbose): documents_name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(d).split('.')[:-2]) reference_name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(r).split('.')[1:-1]) model_name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(c).split('.')[1:-1]) + reference_name + model_name) try: metrics = get_metrics(d, r, c, needed_metrics=m) except: continue for m_name, m_val in metrics: # TODO: Remove old entry if existing output = output.append( { 'model': model_name, 'dataset': documents_name, 'reference': reference_name, 'metric': m_name, 'value': round(m_val, 4), 'time': int(time.time()) }, ignore_index=True)
def experiment(model_dir='.', # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value imagenet_subset_dir=None, dataset='cifar10', batch_size=256, eval_batch_size=1024, num_epochs=200, learning_rate=0.1, aug_imagenet_apply_colour_jitter=False, aug_imagenet_greyscale_prob=0.0, sgd_momentum=0.9, sgd_nesterov=True, lr_schedule='stepped', lr_sched_steps=[[60, 0.2], [120, 0.04], [160, 0.008]], lr_sched_halfcoslength=400.0, lr_sched_warmup=5.0, l2_reg=0.0005, weight_decay=0.0, architecture='wrn22_10', n_val=5000, n_sup=1000, teacher_alpha=0.999, anneal_teacher_alpha=False, unsupervised_regularizer='none', cons_weight=1.0, conf_thresh=0.97, conf_avg=False, cut_backg_noise=1.0, cut_prob=1.0, box_reg_scale_mode='fixed', box_reg_scale=0.25, box_reg_random_aspect_ratio=False, cow_sigma_range=(4.0, 8.0), cow_prop_range=(0.25, 1.0), mix_regularizer='none', mix_aug_separately=False, mix_logits=True, mix_weight=1.0, mix_conf_thresh=0.97, mix_conf_avg=True, mix_conf_mode='mix_prob', ict_alpha=0.1, mix_box_reg_scale_mode='fixed', mix_box_reg_scale=0.25, mix_box_reg_random_aspect_ratio=False, mix_cow_sigma_range=(4.0, 8.0), mix_cow_prop_range=(0.0, 1.0), subset_seed=12345, val_seed=131, run_seed=None, log_fn=print, checkpoints='on', debug=False): """Run experiment.""" if checkpoints not in {'none', 'on', 'retain'}: raise ValueError('checkpoints should be one of (none|on|retain)') if checkpoints != 'none': checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'checkpoint.pkl') checkpoint_new_path = os.path.join(model_dir, '') else: checkpoint_path = None checkpoint_new_path = None if dataset not in {'svhn', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'imagenet'}: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset \'{}\''.format(dataset)) if architecture not in {'wrn20_10', 'wrn26_10', 'wrn26_2', 'wrn20_6_shakeshake', 'wrn26_6_shakeshake', 'wrn26_2_shakeshake', 'pyramid', 'resnet50', 'resnet101', 'resnet152', 'resnet50x2', 'resnet101x2', 'resnet152x2', 'resnet50x4', 'resnet101x4', 'resnet152x4', 'resnext50_32x4d', 'resnext101_32x8d', 'resnext152_32x4d'}: raise ValueError('Unknown architecture \'{}\''.format(architecture)) if lr_schedule not in {'constant', 'stepped', 'cosine'}: raise ValueError('Unknown LR schedule \'{}\''.format(lr_schedule)) if mix_conf_mode not in {'mix_prob', 'mix_conf'}: raise ValueError('Unknown mix_conf_mode \'{}\''.format(mix_conf_mode)) if jax.host_id() == 0: summary_writer = tensorboard.SummaryWriter(model_dir) else: summary_writer = None unsup_reg, augment_twice = build_pert_reg( unsupervised_regularizer, cut_backg_noise=cut_backg_noise, cut_prob=cut_prob, box_reg_scale_mode=box_reg_scale_mode, box_reg_scale=box_reg_scale, box_reg_random_aspect_ratio=box_reg_random_aspect_ratio, cow_sigma_range=cow_sigma_range, cow_prop_range=cow_prop_range) mix_reg = build_mix_reg( mix_regularizer, ict_alpha=ict_alpha, box_reg_scale_mode=mix_box_reg_scale_mode, box_reg_scale=mix_box_reg_scale, box_reg_random_aspect_ratio=mix_box_reg_random_aspect_ratio, cow_sigma_range=mix_cow_sigma_range, cow_prop_range=mix_cow_prop_range) if run_seed is None: run_seed = subset_seed << 32 | n_val train_rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(run_seed) init_rng, train_rng = jax.random.split(train_rng) if batch_size % jax.device_count() > 0: raise ValueError('Train batch size must be divisible by the number of ' 'devices') if eval_batch_size % jax.device_count() > 0: raise ValueError('Eval batch size must be divisible by the number of ' 'devices') local_batch_size = batch_size // jax.host_count() local_eval_batch_size = eval_batch_size // jax.host_count() device_batch_size = batch_size // jax.device_count() if dataset == 'svhn': image_size = 32 top5_err_required = False data_source = small_image_data_source.SVHNDataSource( n_val=n_val, n_sup=n_sup, train_batch_size=local_batch_size, eval_batch_size=local_eval_batch_size, augment_twice=augment_twice, subset_seed=subset_seed, val_seed=val_seed) elif dataset == 'cifar10': image_size = 32 top5_err_required = False data_source = small_image_data_source.CIFAR10DataSource( n_val=n_val, n_sup=n_sup, train_batch_size=local_batch_size, eval_batch_size=local_eval_batch_size, augment_twice=augment_twice, subset_seed=subset_seed, val_seed=val_seed) elif dataset == 'cifar100': image_size = 32 top5_err_required = False data_source = small_image_data_source.CIFAR100DataSource( n_val=n_val, n_sup=n_sup, train_batch_size=local_batch_size, eval_batch_size=local_eval_batch_size, augment_twice=augment_twice, subset_seed=subset_seed, val_seed=val_seed) elif dataset == 'imagenet': image_size = 224 top5_err_required = True if imagenet_subset_dir is None: raise ValueError('Please provide a directory to the imagenet_subset_dir ' 'command line arg to specify where the ImageNet ' 'subsets are stored') data_source = imagenet_data_source.ImageNetDataSource( imagenet_subset_dir, n_val, n_sup, local_batch_size, local_eval_batch_size, augment_twice, apply_colour_jitter=aug_imagenet_apply_colour_jitter, greyscale_prob=aug_imagenet_greyscale_prob, load_test_set=(n_val == 0), image_size=image_size, subset_seed=subset_seed, val_seed=val_seed) else: raise RuntimeError n_train = data_source.n_train train_ds = data_source.train_semisup_ds if n_val == 0: eval_ds = data_source.test_ds n_eval = data_source.n_test else: eval_ds = data_source.val_ds n_eval = data_source.n_val log_fn('DATA: |train|={}, |sup|={}, |eval|={}, (|val|={}, |test|={})'.format( data_source.n_train, data_source.n_sup, n_eval, data_source.n_val, data_source.n_test)) log_fn('Loaded dataset') steps_per_epoch = n_train // batch_size steps_per_eval = n_eval // eval_batch_size if n_eval % eval_batch_size > 0: steps_per_eval += 1 num_steps = steps_per_epoch * num_epochs # Create model model_stu, state_stu = create_model( init_rng, architecture, device_batch_size, image_size, data_source.n_classes) state_stu = jax_utils.replicate(state_stu) log_fn('Built model') # Create optimizer optimizer_def = optim.Momentum(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta=sgd_momentum, nesterov=sgd_nesterov) optimizer_stu = optimizer_def.create(model_stu) optimizer_stu = optimizer_stu.replicate() del model_stu # don't keep a copy of the initial model # Create learning rate function base_learning_rate = learning_rate * batch_size / 256. if lr_schedule == 'constant': learning_rate_fn = create_constant_learning_rate_fn(base_learning_rate) elif lr_schedule == 'stepped': learning_rate_fn = create_stepped_learning_rate_fn( base_learning_rate, steps_per_epoch, lr_sched_steps=lr_sched_steps, warmup_length=lr_sched_warmup) elif lr_schedule == 'cosine': learning_rate_fn = create_cosine_learning_rate_fn( base_learning_rate, steps_per_epoch, halfcoslength_epochs=lr_sched_halfcoslength, warmup_length=lr_sched_warmup) else: raise RuntimeError if anneal_teacher_alpha: if lr_schedule == 'constant': one_minus_alpha_fn = create_constant_learning_rate_fn(1.0 - teacher_alpha) elif lr_schedule == 'stepped': one_minus_alpha_fn = create_stepped_learning_rate_fn( 1.0 - teacher_alpha, steps_per_epoch, lr_sched_steps=lr_sched_steps) elif lr_schedule == 'cosine': one_minus_alpha_fn = create_cosine_learning_rate_fn( 1.0 - teacher_alpha, steps_per_epoch, halfcoslength_epochs=lr_sched_halfcoslength) else: raise RuntimeError teacher_alpha_fn = lambda step: 1.0 - one_minus_alpha_fn(step) else: teacher_alpha_fn = lambda step: teacher_alpha log_fn('Built optimizer') # Teacher model is just the student as we duplicate it when we modify it model_tea = # Replicate batch stats state_tea = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x, state_stu) # Set up epoch and step counter # Load existing checkpoint if available epoch = 1 step = 0 if checkpoints != 'none': if with, 'rb') as f_in: check = pickle.load(f_in) # Student optimizer and batch stats optimizer_stu = util.restore_state_list( optimizer_stu, check['optimizer_stu']) state_stu = util.restore_state_list( state_stu, check['state_stu']) # Teacher model and batch stats model_tea = util.restore_state_list( model_tea, check['model_tea']) state_tea = util.restore_state_list( state_tea, check['state_tea']) epoch = check['epoch'] step = check['step'] log_fn('Loaded checkpoint from {}'.format(checkpoint_path)) # # Training and evaluation step functions # p_train_step = jax.pmap( functools.partial(train_step, learning_rate_fn=learning_rate_fn, l2_reg=l2_reg, weight_decay=weight_decay, teacher_alpha_fn=teacher_alpha_fn, unsup_reg=unsup_reg, cons_weight=cons_weight, conf_thresh=conf_thresh, conf_avg=conf_avg, mix_reg=mix_reg, mix_aug_separately=mix_aug_separately, mix_logits=mix_logits, mix_weight=mix_weight, mix_conf_thresh=mix_conf_thresh, mix_conf_avg=mix_conf_avg, mix_conf_mode=mix_conf_mode), axis_name='batch') p_eval_step = jax.pmap( functools.partial(eval_step, eval_top_5=top5_err_required), axis_name='batch') # Create dataset batch iterators train_iter = iter(train_ds) eval_iter = iter(eval_ds) # # Training loop # log_fn('Training...') epoch_metrics_stu = [] t1 = time.time() while step < num_steps: train_rng, iter_rng = jax.random.split(train_rng) batch = next(train_iter) batch = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x._numpy(), batch) # pylint: disable=protected-access batch = shard(batch, iter_rng) optimizer_stu, state_stu, metrics_stu, model_tea, state_tea = p_train_step( optimizer_stu, state_stu, model_tea, state_tea, batch) if debug: log_fn('Step {} time {}'.format(step, time.time()-t1)) epoch_metrics_stu.append(metrics_stu) if (step + 1) % steps_per_epoch == 0: epoch_metrics_stu = util.get_metrics(epoch_metrics_stu) train_epoch_metrics = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), epoch_metrics_stu) if summary_writer is not None: for key, vals in epoch_metrics_stu.items(): tag = 'train_%s' % key for i, val in enumerate(vals): summary_writer.scalar(tag, val, step - len(vals) + i + 1) epoch_metrics_stu = [] eval_stu_metrics = [] eval_tea_metrics = [] for _ in range(steps_per_eval): eval_batch = next(eval_iter) # TF to NumPy eval_batch = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x._numpy(), eval_batch) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Pad short batches eval_batch = util.pad_classification_batch( eval_batch, local_eval_batch_size) # Shard across local devices eval_batch = shard(eval_batch) metrics_stu = p_eval_step(, state_stu, eval_batch) metrics_tea = p_eval_step(model_tea, state_tea, eval_batch) eval_stu_metrics.append(metrics_stu) eval_tea_metrics.append(metrics_tea) eval_stu_metrics = util.get_metrics(eval_stu_metrics) eval_tea_metrics = util.get_metrics(eval_tea_metrics) eval_stu_epoch_metrics = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sum(), eval_stu_metrics) eval_tea_epoch_metrics = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sum(), eval_tea_metrics) eval_stu_epoch_metrics = avg_eval_metrics(eval_stu_epoch_metrics) eval_tea_epoch_metrics = avg_eval_metrics(eval_tea_epoch_metrics) t2 = time.time() if top5_err_required: log_fn('EPOCH {} (took {:.3f}s): Train loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}, ' 'cons loss={:.6f}, conf rate={:.3%}, mix loss={:.6f}, ' 'mix conf rate={:.3%}; STU Eval loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}, ' 'top-5-err={:.3%}, TEA Eval loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}, ' 'top-5-err={:.3%}'.format( epoch, t2 - t1, train_epoch_metrics['loss'], train_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], train_epoch_metrics['cons_loss'], train_epoch_metrics['conf_rate'], train_epoch_metrics['mix_loss'], train_epoch_metrics['mix_conf_rate'], eval_stu_epoch_metrics['loss'], eval_stu_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], eval_stu_epoch_metrics['top5_error_rate'], eval_tea_epoch_metrics['loss'], eval_tea_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], eval_tea_epoch_metrics['top5_error_rate'],)) else: log_fn('EPOCH {} (took {:.3f}s): Train loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}, ' 'cons loss={:.6f}, conf rate={:.3%}, mix loss={:.6f}, ' 'mix conf rate={:.3%}; STU Eval loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}, ' 'TEA Eval loss={:.6f}, err={:.3%}'.format( epoch, t2 - t1, train_epoch_metrics['loss'], train_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], train_epoch_metrics['cons_loss'], train_epoch_metrics['conf_rate'], train_epoch_metrics['mix_loss'], train_epoch_metrics['mix_conf_rate'], eval_stu_epoch_metrics['loss'], eval_stu_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], eval_tea_epoch_metrics['loss'], eval_tea_epoch_metrics['error_rate'],)) t1 = t2 if summary_writer is not None: summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_stu_loss', eval_stu_epoch_metrics['loss'], epoch) summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_stu_error_rate', eval_stu_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], epoch) summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_tea_loss', eval_tea_epoch_metrics['loss'], epoch) summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_tea_error_rate', eval_tea_epoch_metrics['error_rate'], epoch) if top5_err_required: summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_stu_top5_error_rate', eval_stu_epoch_metrics['top5_error_rate'], epoch) summary_writer.scalar( 'eval_tea_top5_error_rate', eval_tea_epoch_metrics['top5_error_rate'], epoch) summary_writer.flush() epoch += 1 if checkpoints != 'none': if jax.host_id() == 0: # Write to new checkpoint file so that we don't immediately # overwrite the old one with, 'wb') as f_out: check = dict( optimizer_stu=util.to_state_list(optimizer_stu), state_stu=util.to_state_list(state_stu), model_tea=util.to_state_list(model_tea), state_tea=util.to_state_list(state_tea), epoch=epoch, step=step + 1, ) pickle.dump(check, f_out) del check # Remove old checkpoint and rename if, checkpoint_path) step += 1 if checkpoints == 'on': if jax.host_id() == 0: if