def getListForStationAndEvent(self, event_id, station_id, request):
        split_station = station_id.split(".")
        if len(split_station) != 2:
            msg = "'station_id' has to be of the form NET.STA"
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)
        network, station = split_station
        print network, station

        session = self.env.db.session(bind=self.env.db.engine)
        stat_id = get_station_id(network, station, session)
        if stat_id is False:
            msg = "Could not find station '%s'" % station_id
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        query = session.query(WaveformChannelObject)\
            .filter(WaveformChannelObject.event_resource_id == event_id)\
            .filter(ChannelObject.station_id == stat_id).all()

        result = []
        for q in query:
            chan =
            stat = chan.station
                "station": stat.station,
                "location": chan.location,
                "filepath_id": q.filepath_id,
                "tag": q.tag,
                "starttime": q.starttime.isoformat(),
                "endtime": q.endtime.isoformat(),
                "sampling_rate": q.sampling_rate,
                "format": q.format,
                "is_synthetic": q.is_synthetic})

        result = formatResults(request, result)
        return result
    def process_GET(self, request):
        Function that will be called upon receiving a GET request for the
        aforementioned URL.
        # Parse the given parameters.
        event_id = request.args0.get("event", None)
        channel_id = request.args0.get("channel_id", None)
        station_id = request.args0.get("station_id", None)
        tag = request.args0.get("tag", "")
        format = request.args0.get("format", None)

        # An event id is obviously needed.
        if event_id is None:
            msg = ("No event parameter passed. Every waveform "
                "is bound to an existing event.")
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        if event_id is not None and not event_exists(event_id, self.env):
            msg = "The given event resource name '%s' " % event_id
            msg += "is not known to SeisHub."
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        # Returns different things based on parameter combinations.
        # Return all waveforms available for a given event.
        if channel_id is None and station_id is None and event_id is not None:
            return self.getListForEvent(event_id, request)
        # Return all waveforms available for a given event and station id.
        elif station_id is not None and event_id is not None:
            return self.getListForStationAndEvent(event_id, station_id,

        # At this step format will mean a waveform output format.
        acceptable_formats = ["mseed", "sac", "gse2", "segy", "raw", "json"]
        if format and format.lower() not in acceptable_formats:
            msg = "'%s' is an unsupported format. Supported formats: %s" % \
                (format, ", ".join(acceptable_formats))
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        if channel_id is None:
            msg = ("To download a waveform, 'channel_id' to be specified.")
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        split_channel = channel_id.split(".")
        if len(split_channel) != 4:
            msg = "Invalid 'channel_id'. Needs to be NET.STA.LOC.CHAN."
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        network, station, location, channel = split_channel

        session = self.env.db.session(bind=self.env.db.engine)
        station_id = get_station_id(network, station, session)
        if station_id is False:
            msg = "Could not find station %s.%s in the database" % \
                (network, station)
            raise InvalidParameterError(msg)

        query = session.query(WaveformChannelObject)\
            .filter(WaveformChannelObject.event_resource_id == event_id)\
            .filter(WaveformChannelObject.tag == tag)\
            .filter(ChannelObject.location == location)\
            .filter( == channel)\
            .filter(ChannelObject.station_id == station_id)

            result =
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
            msg = "No matching data found in the database."
            raise NotFoundError(msg)

        if format and format.lower() == "raw":
            with open(result.filepath.filepath, "rb") as open_file:
                data =
            # Set the corresponding headers.
            request.setHeader("content-type", "application/octet-stream")
            filename = os.path.basename(result.filepath.filepath)\
            request.setHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=%s"
                % filename)
            return data

        chan =
        stat = chan.station
        network =
        station = stat.station
        location = chan.location
        channel =
        starttime = UTCDateTime(result.starttime) if result.starttime else None
        endtime = UTCDateTime(result.endtime) if result.endtime else None
        default_format = result.format

        # Read and filter the file.
        st = read(result.filepath.filepath).select(network=network,
            station=station, location=location, channel=channel)

        # Now attempt to find the correct trace in case of more then one trace.
        # This should enable multicomponent files.
        selected_trace = None
        for tr in st:
            if (starttime and abs(tr.stats.starttime - starttime) > 1) or \
                    (endtime and abs(tr.stats.endtime - endtime) > 1):
            selected_trace = tr

        if selected_trace is None:
            msg = "Could not find the corresponding waveform file."
            raise InternalServerError(msg)

        # Deal with json format conversion.
        if format and format == "json":
            output = {
                "sampling_rate": selected_trace.stats.sampling_rate,
                "npts": selected_trace.stats.npts,
                "data": []
            time = selected_trace.stats.starttime
            delta =
            for value in
                output["data"].append([time.isoformat(), float(value)])
                time += delta
                'application/json; charset=UTF-8')
            return json.dumps(output)

        # XXX: Fix some ObsPy modules to be able to write to memory files.
        tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
        if format:
            default_format = format
        selected_trace.write(, format=default_format)
        with open(, "rb") as open_file:
            data =

        # Set the corresponding headers.
        request.setHeader("content-type", "application/octet-stream")
        filename = "%s.%s" % (, default_format.lower())
        filename = filename.encode("utf-8")
        request.setHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=%s" %
        return data