def _run_inference(): """Runs all images through depth model and saves depth maps.""" ckpt_basename = os.path.basename(FLAGS.model_ckpt) ckpt_modelname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.model_ckpt)) output_dir = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video.replace('/', '_') + '_' + ckpt_modelname + '_' + ckpt_basename) if not gfile.exists(output_dir): gfile.makedirs(output_dir) inference_model = model.Model(is_training=False, seq_length=FLAGS.seq_length, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, img_height=FLAGS.img_height, img_width=FLAGS.img_width) vars_to_restore = util.get_vars_to_restore(FLAGS.model_ckpt) saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(vars_to_restore) sv = tf.compat.v1.train.Supervisor(logdir='/tmp/', saver=None) with sv.managed_session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.model_ckpt) if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': im_files = util.read_text_lines( util.get_resource_path('dataset/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt')) im_files = [os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, f) for f in im_files] else: video_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video) im_files = gfile.glob( os.path.join(video_path, 'image_02/data', '*.png')) im_files = [f for f in im_files if 'disp' not in f] im_files = sorted(im_files) for i in range(0, len(im_files), FLAGS.batch_size): if i % 100 == 0:'Generating from %s: %d/%d', ckpt_basename, i, len(im_files)) inputs = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break im = imageio.imread(im_files[idx]) inputs[b] = np.array( Image.fromarray(im).resize( (FLAGS.img_width, FLAGS.img_height))) results = inference_model.inference(inputs, sess, mode='depth') for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%03d.png' % idx) else: depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%04d.png' % idx) depth_map = results['depth'][b] depth_map = np.squeeze(depth_map) colored_map = _normalize_depth_for_display(depth_map, cmap=CMAP) imageio.imsave(depth_path, colored_map)
def _run_inference(): """Runs all images through depth model and saves depth maps.""" ckpt_basename = os.path.basename(FLAGS.model_ckpt) ckpt_modelname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.model_ckpt)) output_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video.replace('/', '_') + '_' + ckpt_modelname + '_' + ckpt_basename) if not gfile.Exists(output_dir): gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) inference_model = model.Model(is_training=False, seq_length=FLAGS.seq_length, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, img_height=FLAGS.img_height, img_width=FLAGS.img_width) vars_to_restore = util.get_vars_to_restore(FLAGS.model_ckpt) saver = tf.train.Saver(vars_to_restore) sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir='/tmp/', saver=None) with sv.managed_session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.model_ckpt) if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': im_files = util.read_text_lines( util.get_resource_path('dataset/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt')) im_files = [os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, f) for f in im_files] else: video_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video) im_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(video_path, 'image_02/data', '*.png')) im_files = [f for f in im_files if 'disp' not in f] im_files = sorted(im_files) for i in range(0, len(im_files), FLAGS.batch_size): if i % 100 == 0:'Generating from %s: %d/%d', ckpt_basename, i, len(im_files)) inputs = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break im = scipy.misc.imread(im_files[idx]) inputs[b] = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width)) results = inference_model.inference(inputs, sess, mode='depth') for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%03d.png' % idx) else: depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%04d.png' % idx) depth_map = results['depth'][b] depth_map = np.squeeze(depth_map) colored_map = _normalize_depth_for_display(depth_map, cmap=CMAP) input_float = inputs[b].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 vertical_stack = np.concatenate((input_float, colored_map), axis=0) scipy.misc.imsave(depth_path, vertical_stack)
def train(train_model, pretrained_ckpt, checkpoint_dir, train_steps, summary_freq): """Train model.""" if pretrained_ckpt is not None: vars_to_restore = util.get_vars_to_restore(pretrained_ckpt) pretrain_restorer = tf.train.Saver(vars_to_restore) vars_to_save = util.get_vars_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(vars_to_save + [train_model.global_step], max_to_keep=MAX_TO_KEEP) sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=checkpoint_dir, save_summaries_secs=0, saver=None) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with sv.managed_session(config=config) as sess: if pretrained_ckpt is not None:'Restoring pretrained weights from %s', pretrained_ckpt) pretrain_restorer.restore(sess, pretrained_ckpt)'Attempting to resume training from %s...', checkpoint_dir) checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)'Last checkpoint found: %s', checkpoint) if checkpoint: saver.restore(sess, checkpoint)'Training...') start_time = time.time() last_summary_time = time.time() steps_per_epoch = train_model.reader.steps_per_epoch step = 1 while step <= train_steps: fetches = { 'train': train_model.train_op, 'global_step': train_model.global_step, 'incr_global_step': train_model.incr_global_step } if step % summary_freq == 0: fetches['loss'] = train_model.total_loss fetches['summary'] = sv.summary_op results = global_step = results['global_step'] if step % summary_freq == 0: sv.summary_writer.add_summary(results['summary'], global_step) train_epoch = math.ceil(global_step / steps_per_epoch) train_step = global_step - (train_epoch - 1) * steps_per_epoch this_cycle = time.time() - last_summary_time last_summary_time += this_cycle 'Epoch: [%2d] [%5d/%5d] time: %4.2fs (%ds total) loss: %.3f', train_epoch, train_step, steps_per_epoch, this_cycle, time.time() - start_time, results['loss']) if step % steps_per_epoch == 0:'[*] Saving checkpoint to %s...', checkpoint_dir), os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'model'), global_step=global_step) # Setting step to global_step allows for training for a total of # train_steps even if the program is restarted during training. step = global_step + 1
def _run_inference(): """Runs all images through depth model and saves depth maps.""" ckpt_basename = os.path.basename(FLAGS.model_ckpt) ckpt_modelname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.model_ckpt)) og_dir = FLAGS.output_dir output_dir = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video.replace('/', '_') + '_' + ckpt_modelname + '_' + ckpt_basename) if not gfile.Exists(output_dir): gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) inference_model = model.Model(is_training=False, seq_length=FLAGS.seq_length, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, img_height=FLAGS.img_height, img_width=FLAGS.img_width) vars_to_restore = util.get_vars_to_restore(FLAGS.model_ckpt) saver = tf.train.Saver(vars_to_restore) sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir='/tmp/', saver=None) with sv.managed_session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.model_ckpt) if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': im_files = util.read_text_lines( util.get_resource_path('dataset/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt')) im_files = [os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, f) for f in im_files] else: video_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.kitti_dir, FLAGS.kitti_video) #edit #im_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(video_path, 'image_02/data', '*.png')) im_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(video_path, '*.png')) #delete #end edit im_files = [f for f in im_files if 'disp' not in f] im_files = sorted(im_files) # regularPictures(im_files, output_dir, inference_model) for i in range(0, len(im_files), FLAGS.batch_size): if i % 100 == 0:'Generating from %s: %d/%d', ckpt_basename, i, len(im_files)) inputs = np.zeros( (FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break im = scipy.misc.imread(im_files[idx], mode='RGB') #added 2nd arg inputs[b] = scipy.misc.imresize( im, (FLAGS.img_height, FLAGS.img_width)) results = inference_model.inference(inputs, sess, mode='depth') for b in range(FLAGS.batch_size): idx = i + b if idx >= len(im_files): break if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%03d.png' % idx) else: depth_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%04d.png' % idx) depth_map = results['depth'][b] depth_map = np.squeeze(depth_map) colored_map = _normalize_depth_for_display(depth_map, cmap=CMAP) input_float = inputs[b].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 vertical_stack = np.concatenate((input_float, colored_map), axis=0) scipy.misc.imsave(depth_path, vertical_stack) #edit if FLAGS.kitti_video == 'test_files_eigen': outPath = os.path.join(og_dir, 'reg_pics', '%03d.png' % idx) else: outPath = os.path.join(og_dir, 'reg_pics', '%04d.png' % idx) tempImg = scipy.misc.imread(im_files[0], mode='RGB') resized_colored_map = scipy.misc.imresize( colored_map, (len(tempImg), len(tempImg[0]))) scipy.misc.imsave(outPath, resized_colored_map)