Esempio n. 1
 def getBody(self) :
     if self.static :
         if util.inherits(self.subfield.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
             return "{ " + "return {0}(staticData().{1}.{2});".format(util.getPublicTypeName(self.subfield.data_type, out_of_ns = False), self.field_name, self.subfield_name) + " }"
         return "{ return staticData()." + self.field_name + "." + self.subfield_name + "; }"
     if util.inherits(self.subfield.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         return "{ return " + "{0}(getInstance().{1}.{2});".format(util.getPublicTypeName(self.subfield.data_type, out_of_ns = False), self.field_name, self.subfield_name) + " }"
     return "{ return " + "getInstance()." + self.field_name + "." + self.subfield_name + "; }"
Esempio n. 2
def getClasses() :
    result = ""
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            result += "\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"
            result += gen_defs.getDBClass(the_class)
    return result
Esempio n. 3
 def getUnionSetters(self, name) :
     result = []
     for subfield_name in self.data_type.__dict__.keys() :
         subfield = self.data_type.__dict__[subfield_name]
         if util.inherits(subfield, Field) :
             result.append(UnionSetter(self, name, subfield, subfield_name, public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD or self.privacy == READONLY_FIELD)))
     return result
Esempio n. 4
 def getMethods(self, name, memory_type) :
     result = []
     if not self.array :
         result.append(SimpleFieldGetter(self, name, public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD or self.privacy == READONLY_FIELD)))
         result.append(SimpleFieldSetter(self, name, public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD)))
         if util.inherits(self.data_type, dbtypes.UnionType) :
             result += self.getUnionGetters(name)
             result += self.getUnionSetters(name)
     else :
         if self.array_size != 0 :
             result.append(FArrayLenMethod(self, name,
                                           public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD or self.privacy == READONLY_FIELD)))
             result.append(FArrayPtrMethod(self, name))
         else :
             result.append(VArrayIsExistsMethod(self, name))
             result.append(VArrayReallocDataMethod(self, name, memory_type))
             result.append(VArrayPtrMethod(self, name, memory_type))
             result.append(VArrayAvailableMethod(self, name))
             result.append(VArrayResizeMethod(self, name, memory_type))
             result.append(VArrayClearMethod(self, name))
         result.append(ArrayGetiMethod(self, name,
                                       public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD or self.privacy == READONLY_FIELD)))
         result.append(ArraySetiMethod(self, name,
                                       public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD)))
         result.append(ArrayReadMethod(self, name,
                                       public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD or self.privacy == READONLY_FIELD)))
         result.append(ArrayWriteMethod(self, name,
                                        public = (self.privacy == PUBLIC_FIELD)))
     return result
Esempio n. 5
def getPredefs() :
    result = ""
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            result += "class " + the_class.__name__ + ";\n"
    result += "\n"
    return result
Esempio n. 6
 def getParentDestroyCode(self) :
     result = ""
     ## Дополнительный код удаления родителя имеет смысл возвращать только для каскадных отношений
     ## и если дочерние объекты не являются базовым типом
     if self.cascade and not util.inherits(self.child, dbtypes.BaseType) :
         return "    cascadeRemove{0}{1}();\n".format(, self.child_name)
     return result
Esempio n. 7
 def getChildDestroyCode(self) :
     if self.child_only or not util.inherits(self.child, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         return ""
     if self.static :
         return "    {0}::remove{1}{2}(*this);\n".format(self.parent_name,, self.child_name)
     else :
         return "    if ( get{1}{0}().isValid() )\n        get{1}{0}().remove{1}{2}(*this);\n".format(self.parent_name,, self.child_name)
Esempio n. 8
def prepareClassUserMethods(the_class) :
    method_names = sorted([key for key in the_class.__dict__.keys() if util.inherits(the_class.__dict__[key], methods.Method)])
    for method_name in method_names :
        method = the_class.__dict__[method_name] = method_name
        method.user = True
        method.inline = False
Esempio n. 9
 def getBody(self) :
     result = "{\n"
     result += "    for(StdUInt i = 0; i < count; i++)\n"
     if util.inherits(self.field.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         result += "        dest[i] = {0}(geti{1}(i));\n".format(util.getPublicTypeName(self.field.data_type), self.field_name)
     else :
         result += "        dest[i] = geti{1}(i);\n".format(self.field.data_type.__name__, self.field_name)
     result += "}\n"
     return result
Esempio n. 10
 def getResetRoutine(self, name) :
     if self.static or self.array or util.inherits(self.data_type, dbtypes.UnionType) :
         return ""
     result = ""
     if self.initial_value == None :
         result += "    set" + name + "({0});\n".format(util.getDefaultValue(self.data_type))
     else :
         result += "    set" + name + "({0});\n".format(self.initial_value)
     return result
Esempio n. 11
def registerType(_type):
    if not util.inherits(_type, dbtypes.DataType):
        print "unable to register unknown type"
        return False
    for tp in dbtypes.HSDB.types:
        if tp.__name__ == _type.__name__:
            print "Type '{0}' already registered".format(_type.__name__)
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 12
 def getBody(self) :
     result = "{\n"
     result += self.getLogArrayRecordRoutine("index", "1")
     if util.inherits(self.field.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         result += "    get{0}Ptr()[index] =;\n".format(self.field_name)
     else :
         result += "    get{0}Ptr()[index] = value;\n".format(self.field_name)
     result += self.getLogArrayRecordRoutine("index", "1")
     result += "}\n"
     return result
Esempio n. 13
 def getBody(self) :
     result = "{\n"
     result += self.getLogArrayRecordRoutine("0", "count")
     result += "    for (StdUInt i = 0; i < count; i++)\n"
     if util.inherits(self.field.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         result += "        get{0}Ptr()[i] = source[i].id();\n".format(self.field_name)
     else :
         result += "        get{0}Ptr()[i] = source[i];\n".format(self.field_name)
     result += self.getLogArrayRecordRoutine("0", "count")
     result += "}\n"
     return result
Esempio n. 14
def generateUserFile(header_name, filename) :
    f = open(filename, "w")
    if f == None :
        print "Unable to open file " + filename
    code = header_block
    code += "#include <{0}.h>\n\n".format(header_name)
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            code += "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"
            code += gen_defs.getUserMethodsBodies(the_class)
    code += "Void {0}::onDatabaseStart()".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix) + " { /** @todo Put Your code here */ }\n"
Esempio n. 15
 def getBody(self) :
     result = "{\n"
     result += self.getLogRecordRoutine()
     if self.static :
         result += "    staticData().{0}.{1} = ".format(self.field_name, self.subfield_name)
     else :
         result += "    getInstance().{0}.{1} = ".format(self.field_name, self.subfield_name)
     if util.inherits(self.subfield.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         result += ";\n"
     else :
         result += "value;\n"
     result += self.getLogRecordRoutine()
     result += "}\n"
     return result
Esempio n. 16
def getSaveDatabaseFunction() :
    result = "\ninline Bool saveDatabase(yamm::HSDBFile * file)\n{\n"
    ## Сохранение системных данных
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        result += "    if (!metadata::saveDatabase(file)) return false;\n"
    elif dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        result += "    if(!yamm::saveDatabase(file)) return false;\n"
    ## Сохранение классов
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) and the_class.save_data :
            result += "    if (!{0}::save(file)) return false;\n".format(the_class.__name__)
    result += "    if(!symManager.serialize(file)) return false;\n"
    result += "    return true;\n"
    result += "}\n"
    return result
Esempio n. 17
 def getArgs(self) :
     if isinstance(self.args, str) :
         return self.args
     result = ""
     arg_names = sorted(self.args.keys())
     for arg_name in arg_names :
         arg_type = self.args[arg_name]
         if isinstance(arg_type, str) :
             result += "{0} {1}, ".format(arg_type, arg_name)
         elif util.inherits(arg_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
             if arg_name[0] == '*' :
                 result += "{0} {1}, ".format(util.getPublicTypeName(arg_type, out_of_ns = False), arg_name)
             else :
                 result += "const {0} & {1}, ".format(util.getPublicTypeName(arg_type, out_of_ns = False), arg_name)
         else :
             result += "{0} {1}, ".format(util.getPublicTypeName(arg_type, out_of_ns = False), arg_name)
     if len(result) != 0 and result[-2] == ',' :
         result = result[:-2]
     return result
Esempio n. 18
def generateCommonSourceFile(header_name, filename) :
    f = open(filename, "w")
    if f == None :
        print "Unable to open file " + filename
    code = header_block
    code += "#include <{0}.h>\n\n".format(header_name)
    if dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        code += "yamm::SymManager<yamm::DSKVector> {0}::symManager;\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
    else :
        code += "yamm::SymManager<yamm::RAMVector> {0}::symManager;\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        code += "metadata::Module {0}::Module;\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)

    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            code += "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"
            code += generateClassSourceFileCode(the_class)
Esempio n. 19
def getLoadDatabaseFunction() :
    result = "\ninline Bool loadDatabase(yamm::HSDBFile * file)\n{\n"
    ## Загрузка системных данных
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        result += "    if (!metadata::loadDatabase(file)) return false;\n"
        #result += "    file_pos += file->read(reinterpret_cast<Char*>(&Module), sizeof(metadata::Module));\n"
    elif dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        result += "    if (!yamm::loadDatabase(file)) return false;\n"
    ## Загрузка классов
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            if the_class.save_data :
                result += "    if (!{0}::load(file)) return false;\n".format(the_class.__name__)
            else :
                result += "    {0}::init();\n".format(the_class.__name__)
            if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
                result += "    {0}::registerClass();\n".format(the_class.__name__)
    result += "    if(!symManager.deserialize(file)) return false;\n"
    result += "    return true;\n"
    result += "}\n"
    return result
Esempio n. 20
def generateCommonHeaderFile(filename) :
    f = open(filename, "w")
    if f == None :
        print "Unable to open file " + filename
    code = header_block
    code += "#ifndef {0}_h\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
    code += "#define {0}_h\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
    code += "#include <yamutils.h>\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        code += "#include <yampointer.h>\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        code += "#include <metasystem.h>\n"
    code += "\nnamespace " + dbtypes.HSDB.prefix
    code += "{\n\n"
    code += "const StdUInt DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 15541;\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        code += "extern metadata::Module Module;\n"
    code += getTypedefs()
    code += getPredefs()
    code += getEnums()
    code += getUnions()
    code += getStructures()
    code += getClasses()
    code += getSymManager()
    code += getStartDatabaseFunction()
    code += getSaveDatabaseFunction()
    code += getLoadDatabaseFunction()
    #code += getStopDatabaseFunction()
    code += "\n}\n\n"
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            code += gen_defs.getHeaderFileMethodsBodies(the_class)
    code += "#endif // {0}_h\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
Esempio n. 21
def getStartDatabaseFunction() :
    result = "Void onDatabaseStart();\n\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        result += "inline Void startDatabase(StdUInt max_memory, char * const filename)\n{\n"
    else :
        result += "inline Void startDatabase()\n{\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        result += "    metadata::initMetasystem(max_memory, filename);\n"
        result += "    {0}::Module = metadata::registerModule(\"{0}\");\n".format(dbtypes.HSDB.prefix)
    elif dbtypes.HSDB.use_disk :
        result += "    yamm::startDatabase(max_memory, filename);\n"
    ## Инициализация и регистрация классов
    for the_class in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(the_class, dbtypes.ClassType) :
            result += "    {0}::init();\n".format(the_class.__name__)
            if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
                result += "    {0}::registerClass();\n".format(the_class.__name__)
    ## Инициализация символьного менеджера
    result += "    symManager.Init();\n"
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
        result += "    metadata::enableLog();\n"
    result += "    onDatabaseStart();\n"
    result += "}\n\n"
    return result
Esempio n. 22
def getTypedefs() :
    result = ""
    for typedef in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(typedef, dbtypes.TypedefType) :
            result += gen_defs.getTypedefDefinition(typedef)
    return result
Esempio n. 23
def getUnions() :
    result = ""
    for union in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(union, dbtypes.UnionType) :
            result += gen_defs.getUnionDefinition(union)
    return result
Esempio n. 24
def getStructures() :
    result = ""
    for struct in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(struct, dbtypes.StructType) :
            result += gen_defs.getStructDefinition(struct)
    return result
Esempio n. 25
def prepareClass(the_class) :
    ## Создание пустого списка для методов класса
    the_class.methods = []
    if dbtypes.HSDB.logger_enabled :
    if the_class.save_data :
    ## Создание системных полей для несинглтон класса (создается счетчик выделенных объектов Used и флаг существования объекта Exists)
    if not the_class.singleton :
        rel_stack.createStack(the_class, the_class, "Free", False, True, False, True)
        the_class.__dict__["Used"] = fields.Field(field_type = dbtypes.StdUInt, 
                                                  static = True, 
                                                  privacy = fields.PRIVATE_FIELD, 
                                                  initial_value = 0,
                                                  comment = "The number of instances that was already been created at least one")
        the_class.__dict__["Exists"] = fields.Field(field_type = dbtypes.Bool, privacy = fields.PRIVATE_FIELD, initial_value = "true",
                                                    comment = "Flag indicating object is exists now (was created but not destroyed yet)")

    the_class.__field_names__ = [name for name in sorted(the_class.__dict__.keys()) if util.inherits(the_class.__dict__[name], fields.Field)]
    ## Cоздание дополнительных полей для динамических массивов
    for name in the_class.__field_names__ :
        field = the_class.__dict__[name]
        privacy_val = fields.READONLY_FIELD
        if field.privacy == fields.PRIVATE_FIELD :
            privacy_val = fields.PRIVATE_FIELD
        if field.array and field.array_size == 0 :
            the_class.__dict__[name + "Len"] = fields.Field(field_type = dbtypes.StdUInt, privacy = privacy_val, initial_value = 0,
                                                            comment = "The length of '{0}' array field of a given class instance".format(name))
            if not the_class.singleton :
                the_class.__dict__[name + "Used"] = fields.Field(field_type = dbtypes.StdUInt, 
                                                                 static = True, 
                                                                 privacy = fields.PRIVATE_FIELD, 
                                                                 initial_value = 0,
                                                                 comment = "The number of buffer elements that is already in use by class objects")
                the_class.__dict__[name + "Index"] = fields.Field(field_type = dbtypes.StdUInt, privacy = fields.PRIVATE_FIELD, initial_value = "Null",
                                                                  comment = "Index of the first array field element in array buffer of given class instance")
                rel_list.createList(the_class, the_class, "__" + name + "Block" + "__", static = True, public = False)

    the_class.__field_names__ = [name for name in sorted(the_class.__dict__.keys()) if util.inherits(the_class.__dict__[name], fields.Field)]
    ## Создание методов для несинглтон классов
    if not the_class.singleton :

    if the_class.singleton :
        for name in the_class.__field_names__ :
            the_class.__dict__[name].static = True
    ## Экстракция пользовательских методов, объявленных в описании БД
    for name in the_class.__field_names__ :
        the_class.methods = the_class.methods + the_class.__dict__[name].getMethods(name, the_class.memory_type)
    ## Экстракция методов из отношений класса
    for rel in dbtypes.HSDB.relationships :
        if rel.parent == the_class :
            the_class.methods = the_class.methods + rel.getParentMethods()
        if rel.child == the_class :
            the_class.methods = the_class.methods + rel.getChildMethods()

    for method in the_class.methods :
        method.parent = the_class
        if the_class.singleton :
            method.static = True
Esempio n. 26
def getEnums() :
    result = ""
    for enum in dbtypes.HSDB.types :
        if util.inherits(enum, dbtypes.EnumType) :
            result += gen_defs.getEnumDefinition(enum)
    return result
Esempio n. 27
 def getBody(self) :
     if util.inherits(self.field.data_type, dbtypes.ClassType) :
         return "{ return " + "{0}(get{1}Ptr()[index]);".format(util.getPublicTypeName(self.field.data_type), self.field_name) + " }"
     return "{ return " + "get{0}Ptr()[index];".format(self.field_name) + " }"
Esempio n. 28
def createVector(parent, child, name = "", cascade = False, child_only = False, public = True, static = False) :
    if not util.inherits(child, dbtypes.ClassType) :
        print "Unable to create rel_base whith child that is not a Class"
    dbtypes.HSDB.relationships.append(VectorRelationship(parent, child, name, cascade, child_only, public, static))