Esempio n. 1
def test_ttl_expiration_hash_wrong_type(dynamodb):
    duration = 900 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 3
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }]) as table:
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'p', 'Enabled': True}
        # p1 is in the past, but it's a string, not the required numeric type,
        # so the item should never expire.
        p1 = str(int(time.time()) - 60)
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p1})
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p1}):
                print("p1 alive")
            time.sleep(duration / 15)
        # After the delay, p2 should be alive, p1 should not
        assert 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p1})
Esempio n. 2
def test_ttl_expiration_long(dynamodb):
    # Write 100*N items to the table, 1/100th of them are expired. The test
    # completes when all of them are expired (or on timeout).
    # To compilicate matter for the paging that we're trying to test,
    # have N partitions with 100 items in each, so potentially the paging
    # might stop in the middle of a partition.
    # We need to pick a relatively big N to cause the 100*N items to exceed
    # the size of a single page (I tested this by stopping the scanner after
    # the first page and checking which N starts to generate incorrect results)
    N = 400
    max_duration = 1200 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 15
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'KeyType': 'HASH'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'AttributeType': 'N'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'AttributeType': 'N'
                        }]) as table:
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'expiration', 'Enabled': True}
        response = table.meta.client.update_time_to_live(
  , TimeToLiveSpecification=ttl_spec)
        with table.batch_writer() as batch:
            for p in range(N):
                for c in range(100):
                    # Only the first item (c==0) in each partition will expire
                    expiration = int(time.time()) - 60 if c == 0 else int(
                        time.time()) + 3600
                        'p': p,
                        'c': c,
                        'expiration': expiration
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + max_duration:
            # We could have used Select=COUNT here, but Alternator doesn't
            # implement it yet (issue #5058).
            count = 0
            response = table.scan(ConsistentRead=True)
            if 'Count' in response:
                count += response['Count']
            while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response:
                response = table.scan(
                if 'Count' in response:
                    count += response['Count']
            if count == 99 * N:
            time.sleep(max_duration / 15.0)
        assert count == 99 * N
Esempio n. 3
def test_ttl_expiration_with_rangekey(dynamodb):
    # Note that unlike test_ttl_expiration, this test doesn't have a fixed
    # duration - it finishes as soon as the item we expect to be expired
    # is expired.
    max_duration = 1200 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'KeyType': 'HASH'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }]) as table:
        # Enable TTL, using the attribute "expiration":
        client = table.meta.client
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'expiration', 'Enabled': True}
        response = client.update_time_to_live(,
        assert response['TimeToLiveSpecification'] == ttl_spec
        # This item should never expire, it is missing the "expiration"
        # attribute:
        p1 = random_string()
        c1 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p1, 'c': c1})
        # This item should expire ASAP, as its "expiration" has already
        # passed, one minute ago:
        p2 = random_string()
        c2 = random_string()
            'p': p2,
            'c': c2,
            'expiration': int(time.time()) - 60
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + max_duration:
            if ('Item' in table.get_item(Key={
                    'p': p1,
                    'c': c1
            })) and not ('Item' in table.get_item(Key={
                    'p': p2,
                    'c': c2
                # p2 expired, p1 didn't. We're done
            time.sleep(max_duration / 15.0)
        assert 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p1, 'c': c1})
        assert not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p2, 'c': c2})
Esempio n. 4
def check_pre_raft(dynamodb):
    from util import is_aws
    # If not running on Scylla, return false.
    if is_aws(dynamodb):
        return false
    # In Scylla, we check Raft mode by inspecting the configuration via a
    # system table (which is also visible in Alternator)
    config_table = dynamodb.Table('.scylla.alternator.system.config')
    experimental_features = config_table.query(
        ExpressionAttributeNames={'#key': 'name'},
        ExpressionAttributeValues={':val': 'experimental_features'
    return not '"raft"' in experimental_features
Esempio n. 5
def test_ttl_expiration_range(dynamodb):
    duration = 1200 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'KeyType': 'HASH'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': 'c',
                            'AttributeType': 'N'
                        }]) as table:
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'c', 'Enabled': True}
        # c1 is in the past, and should be expired. c2 is in the distant
        # future and should not be expired.
        p = random_string()
        c1 = int(time.time()) - 60
        c2 = int(time.time()) + 3600
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'c': c1})
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'c': c2})
        start_time = time.time()

        def check_expired():
            return not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={
                'p': p,
                'c': c1
            }) and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={
                'p': p,
                'c': c2

        while time.time() < start_time + duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p, 'c': c1}):
                print("c1 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p, 'c': c2}):
                print("c2 alive")
            if check_expired():
            time.sleep(duration / 15)
        # After the delay, c2 should be alive, c1 should not
        assert check_expired()
Esempio n. 6
def rest_api(dynamodb):
    if is_aws(dynamodb):
        pytest.skip('Scylla-only REST API not supported by AWS')
    url =
    # The REST API is on port 10000, and always http, not https.
    url = re.sub(r':[0-9]+(/|$)', ':10000', url)
    url = re.sub(r'^https:', 'http:', url)
    # Scylla's REST API does not have an official "ping" command,
    # so we just list the keyspaces as a (usually) short operation
        pytest.skip('Cannot connect to Scylla REST API')
    return url
Esempio n. 7
def scylla_only(dynamodb):
    if is_aws(dynamodb):
        pytest.skip('Scylla-only feature not supported by AWS')
Esempio n. 8
def test_ttl_expiration_streams(dynamodb, dynamodbstreams):
    # In my experiments, a 30-minute (1800 seconds) is the typical
    # expiration delay in this test. If the test doesn't finish within
    # max_duration, we report a failure.
    max_duration = 3600 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                            'StreamEnabled': True,
                            'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES'
                        }) as table:
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'expiration', 'Enabled': True}

        # Before writing to the table, wait for the stream to become active
        # so we can be sure that the expiration - even if it miraculously
        # happens in a second (it usually takes 30 minutes) - is guaranteed
        # to reach the stream.
        stream_enabled = False
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + 120:
            desc = table.meta.client.describe_table(
            if 'LatestStreamArn' in desc:
                arn = desc['LatestStreamArn']
                desc = dynamodbstreams.describe_stream(StreamArn=arn)
                if desc['StreamDescription']['StreamStatus'] == 'ENABLED':
                    stream_enabled = True
        assert stream_enabled

        # Write a single expiring item. Set its expiration one minute in the
        # past, so the item should expire ASAP.
        p = random_string()
        c = random_string()
        expiration = int(time.time()) - 60
            'p': p,
            'c': c,
            'animal': 'dog',
            'expiration': expiration

        # Wait (up to max_duration) for the item to expire, and for the
        # expiration event to reach the stream:
        start_time = time.time()
        event_found = False
        while time.time() < start_time + max_duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            item_expired = not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p, 'c': c})
            for record in read_entire_stream(dynamodbstreams, table):
                # An expired item has a specific userIdentity as follows:
                if record.get('userIdentity') == {
                        'Type': 'Service',
                        'PrincipalId': ''
                    # The expired item should be a REMOVE, and because we
                    # asked for old images and both the key and the full
                    # content.
                    assert record['eventName'] == 'REMOVE'
                    assert record['dynamodb']['Keys'] == {
                        'p': {
                            'S': p
                        'c': {
                            'S': c
                    assert record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] == {
                        'p': {
                            'S': p
                        'c': {
                            'S': c
                        'animal': {
                            'S': 'dog'
                        'expiration': {
                            'N': str(expiration)
                    event_found = True
            print(f"item expired {item_expired} event {event_found}")
            if item_expired and event_found:
            time.sleep(max_duration / 15)'item did not expire or event did not reach stream')
Esempio n. 9
def test_ttl_expiration_lsi_key(dynamodb):
    # In my experiments, a 30-minute (1800 seconds) is the typical delay
    # for expiration in this test for DynamoDB
    max_duration = 3600 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'KeySchema': [
                                        'AttributeName': 'p',
                                        'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                        'AttributeName': 'l',
                                        'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'Projection': {
                                    'ProjectionType': 'ALL'
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'l',
                                'AttributeType': 'N'
                        ]) as table:
        # The expiration-time attribute is the LSI key "l":
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'l', 'Enabled': True}
        response = table.meta.client.update_time_to_live(
  , TimeToLiveSpecification=ttl_spec)
        assert 'TimeToLiveSpecification' in response
        assert response['TimeToLiveSpecification'] == ttl_spec
        p = random_string()
        c = random_string()
        l = random_string()
        # expiration one minute in the past, so item should expire ASAP.
        expiration = int(time.time()) - 60
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'c': c, 'l': expiration})
        start_time = time.time()
        gsi_was_alive = False
        while time.time() < start_time + max_duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p, 'c': c}):
                print("base alive")
                # test is done - and successful:
            time.sleep(max_duration / 15)'base not expired')
Esempio n. 10
def test_ttl_expiration_gsi_lsi(dynamodb):
    # In our experiments we noticed that when a table has secondary indexes,
    # items are expired with significant delay. Whereas a 10 minute delay
    # for regular tables was typical, in the table we have here we saw
    # a typical delay of 30 minutes before items expired.
    max_duration = 3600 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'KeySchema': [
                                        'AttributeName': 'p',
                                        'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                        'AttributeName': 'l',
                                        'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'Projection': {
                                    'ProjectionType': 'ALL'
                                'KeySchema': [
                                        'AttributeName': 'g',
                                        'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                'Projection': {
                                    'ProjectionType': 'ALL'
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'c',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'g',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                                'AttributeName': 'l',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                        ]) as table:
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'expiration', 'Enabled': True}
        response = table.meta.client.update_time_to_live(
  , TimeToLiveSpecification=ttl_spec)
        assert 'TimeToLiveSpecification' in response
        assert response['TimeToLiveSpecification'] == ttl_spec
        p = random_string()
        c = random_string()
        g = random_string()
        l = random_string()
        # expiration one minute in the past, so item should expire ASAP.
        expiration = int(time.time()) - 60
            'p': p,
            'c': c,
            'g': g,
            'l': l,
            'expiration': expiration
        start_time = time.time()
        gsi_was_alive = False
        while time.time() < start_time + max_duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            base_alive = 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p, 'c': c})
            gsi_alive = bool(
                           ExpressionAttributeValues={':g': g}))
            lsi_alive = bool(
                           KeyConditionExpression="p=:p and l=:l",
                               ':p': p,
                               ':l': l
            if base_alive:
                print("base alive")
            if gsi_alive:
                print("gsi alive")
                # gsi takes time to go up, so make sure it did
                gsi_was_alive = True
            if lsi_alive:
                print("lsi alive")
            # If the base item, gsi item and lsi item have all expired, the
            # test is done - and successful:
            if not base_alive and not gsi_alive and gsi_was_alive and not lsi_alive:
            time.sleep(max_duration / 15)'base, gsi, or lsi not expired')
Esempio n. 11
def test_ttl_expiration(dynamodb):
    duration = 1200 if is_aws(dynamodb) else 10
    # delta is a quarter of the test duration, but no less than one second,
    # and we use it to schedule some expirations a bit after the test starts,
    # not immediately.
    delta = math.ceil(duration / 4)
    assert delta >= 1
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': 'p',
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                            'AttributeName': 'p',
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }]) as table:
        # Insert one expiring item *before* enabling the TTL, to verify that
        # items that already exist when TTL is configured also get handled.
        p0 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p0, 'expiration': int(time.time()) - 60})
        # Enable TTL, using the attribute "expiration":
        client = table.meta.client
        ttl_spec = {'AttributeName': 'expiration', 'Enabled': True}
        response = client.update_time_to_live(,
        assert response['TimeToLiveSpecification'] == ttl_spec
        # This item should never expire, it is missing the "expiration"
        # attribute:
        p1 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p1})
        # This item should expire ASAP, as its "expiration" has already
        # passed, one minute ago:
        p2 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p2, 'expiration': int(time.time()) - 60})
        # This item has an expiration more than 5 years in the past (it is my
        # birth date...), so according to the DynamoDB documentation it should
        # be ignored and p3 should never expire:
        p3 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p3, 'expiration': 162777600})
        # This item has as its expiration delta into the future, which is a
        # small part of the test duration, so should expire by the time the
        # test ends:
        p4 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p4, 'expiration': int(time.time()) + delta})
        # This item starts with expiration time delta into the future,
        # but before it expires we will move it again, so it will never expire:
        p5 = random_string()
        table.put_item(Item={'p': p5, 'expiration': int(time.time()) + delta})
        # This item has an expiration time two durations into the future, so it
        # will not expire by the time the test ends:
        p6 = random_string()
            'p': p6,
            'expiration': int(time.time() + duration * 2)
        # Like p4, this item has an expiration time delta into the future,
        # here the expiration time is wrongly encoded as a string, not a
        # number, so the item should never expire:
        p7 = random_string()
            'p': p7,
            'expiration': str(int(time.time()) + delta)
        # Like p2, p8 and p9 also have an already-passed expiration time,
        # and should expire ASAP. However, whereas p2 had a straighforward
        # integer like 12345678 as the expiration time, p8 and p9 have
        # slightly more elaborate numbers: p8 has 1234567e1 and p9 has
        # 12345678.1234. Those formats should be fine, and this test verifies
        # the TTL code's number parsing doesn't get confused (in our original
        # implementation, it did).
        p8 = random_string()
        with client_no_transform(table.meta.client) as client:
                                'p': {
                                    'S': p8
                                'expiration': {
                                    'N': str(
                                        (int(time.time()) - 60) // 10) + "e1"
        # Similarly, floating point expiration time like 12345678.1 should
        # also be fine (note that Python's time.time() returns floating point).
        # This item should also be expired ASAP too.
        p9 = random_string()
        print(Decimal(str(time.time() - 60)))
            'p': p9,
            'expiration': Decimal(str(time.time() - 60))

        def check_expired():
            # After the delay, p1,p3,p5,p6,p7 should be alive, p0,p2,p4 should not
            return not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p0}) \
                and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p1}) \
                and not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p2}) \
                and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p3}) \
                and not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p4}) \
                and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p5}) \
                and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p6}) \
                and 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p7}) \
                and not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p8}) \
                and not 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p9})

        # We could have just done time.sleep(duration) here, but in case a
        # user is watching this long test, let's output the status every
        # minute, and it also allows us to test what happens when an item
        # p5's expiration time is continuously pushed back into the future:
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + duration:
            print(f"--- {int(time.time()-start_time)} seconds")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p0}):
                print("p0 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p1}):
                print("p1 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p2}):
                print("p2 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p3}):
                print("p3 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p4}):
                print("p4 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p5}):
                print("p5 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p6}):
                print("p6 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p7}):
                print("p7 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p8}):
                print("p8 alive")
            if 'Item' in table.get_item(Key={'p': p9}):
                print("p9 alive")
            # Always keep p5's expiration delta into the future
            table.update_item(Key={'p': p5},
                                  'expiration': {
                                      'Value': int(time.time()) + delta,
                                      'Action': 'PUT'
            if check_expired():
            time.sleep(duration / 15.0)

        assert check_expired()