Esempio n. 1
def makeTransform(file):
  xsl = util.makeXsl(file)
  def t(xml, files, **params):
    xml = xsl(xml, **params)
    errors = extractLog(xsl.error_log)
    return xml, {}, errors
  return t
Esempio n. 2
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import collection2dbk
import util

DEBUG = 'DEBUG' in os.environ

BASE_PATH = os.getcwd()

# XSL files
DOCBOOK2XHTML_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk2epub.xsl')
DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole.xsl')

def convert(dbk1, files):
    """ Converts a Docbook Element and a dictionary of files into a PDF. """
    def transform(xslDoc, xmlDoc):
        """ Performs an XSLT transform and parses the <xsl:message /> text """
        ret = xslDoc(
        )  # , **({'cnx.tempdir.path':"'%s'" % tempdir}))    Don't set the tempdir. We don't need it
        for entry in xslDoc.error_log:
            # TODO: Log the errors (and convert JSON to python) instead of just printing
            print >> sys.stderr, entry.message.encode('utf-8')
        return ret
Esempio n. 3
import os
import Image
from StringIO import StringIO
from tempfile import mkstemp
#	import json
#except KeyError:
#	import simplejson as json

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import util

COLLXML_PARAMS = util.makeXsl('collxml-params-json.xsl')
COLLXML2DOCBOOK_XSL = util.makeXsl('collxml2dbk.xsl')

DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole.xsl')
DOCBOOK_NORMALIZE_PATHS_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk2epub-normalize-paths.xsl')
DOCBOOK_NORMALIZE_GLOSSARY_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole-remove-duplicate-glossentry.xsl')

XINCLUDE_XPATH = etree.XPath('//xi:include', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
# etree.XSLT does not allow returning just a text node so the XSLT wraps it in a <root/>
PARAMS_XPATH = etree.XPath('/root[1]/text()[1]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

def transform(xslDoc, xmlDoc):
  """ Performs an XSLT transform and parses the <xsl:message /> text """
  ret = xslDoc(xmlDoc)
  for entry in xslDoc.error_log:
Esempio n. 4
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import collection2dbk
import util

DEBUG = "DEBUG" in os.environ

BASE_PATH = os.getcwd()

# XSL files
DOCBOOK2XHTML_XSL = util.makeXsl("dbk2epub.xsl")
DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl("dbk-clean-whole.xsl")

def convert(dbk1, files):
    """ Converts a Docbook Element and a dictionary of files into a PDF. """

    def transform(xslDoc, xmlDoc):
        """ Performs an XSLT transform and parses the <xsl:message /> text """
        ret = xslDoc(xmlDoc)  # , **({'cnx.tempdir.path':"'%s'" % tempdir}))    Don't set the tempdir. We don't need it
        for entry in xslDoc.error_log:
            # TODO: Log the errors (and convert JSON to python) instead of just printing
            print >> sys.stderr, entry.message.encode("utf-8")
        return ret

    # Step 0 (Sprinkle in some index hints whenever terms are used)
Esempio n. 5
import os
  import Image
  from PIL import Image
from StringIO import StringIO
import subprocess

from lxml import etree
import urllib2
import util

SAXON_PATH = util.resource_filename('lib', 'saxon9he.jar')
MATH2SVG_PATH = util.resource_filename('xslt2', 'math2svg-in-docbook.xsl')

DOCBOOK_BOOK_XSL = util.makeXsl('moduledbk2book.xsl')

MATH_XPATH = etree.XPath('//mml:math', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
DOCBOOK_SVG_IMAGE_XPATH = etree.XPath('//db:imagedata[svg:svg]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
DOCBOOK_SVG_XPATH = etree.XPath('svg:svg', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
DOCBOOK_IMAGE_XPATH = etree.XPath('//db:imagedata[@fileref]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

# -----------------------------
# Transform Structure:
# Every transform takes in 3 arguments:
# - xml doc
# - dictionary of files (string name, string bytes)
# - optional dictionary of parameters (string, string)
# Every transform returns:
Esempio n. 6
  from PIL import Image
from StringIO import StringIO
from tempfile import mkstemp
#	import json
#except KeyError:
#	import simplejson as json

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import util

COLLXML_PARAMS = util.makeXsl('collxml-params-json.xsl')
COLLXML2DOCBOOK_XSL = util.makeXsl('collxml2dbk.xsl')

DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole.xsl')
DOCBOOK_NORMALIZE_PATHS_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk2epub-normalize-paths.xsl')
DOCBOOK_NORMALIZE_GLOSSARY_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole-remove-duplicate-glossentry.xsl')

XINCLUDE_XPATH = etree.XPath('//xi:include', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
# etree.XSLT does not allow returning just a text node so the XSLT wraps it in a <root/>
PARAMS_XPATH = etree.XPath('/root[1]/text()[1]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

def transform(xslDoc, xmlDoc):
  """ Performs an XSLT transform and parses the <xsl:message /> text """
  ret = xslDoc(xmlDoc)
  for entry in xslDoc.error_log:
Esempio n. 7
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import collection2dbk
import util

DEBUG= 'DEBUG' in os.environ

BASE_PATH = os.getcwd()

# XSL files
DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole.xsl')

MODULES_XPATH = etree.XPath('//col:module/@document', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
IMAGES_XPATH = etree.XPath('//c:*/@src[not(starts-with(.,"http:"))]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

def __doStuff(dir):
  collxml = etree.parse(os.path.join(dir, 'collection.xml'))

  moduleIds = MODULES_XPATH(collxml)

  modules = {} # {'m1000': (etree.Element, {'file.jpg':'23947239874'})}
  allFiles = {}
  for moduleId in moduleIds:
    print >> sys.stderr, "LOG: Starting on %s" % (moduleId)
Esempio n. 8
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess
import shutil

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import collection2dbk
import util

BASE_PATH = os.getcwd()

# XSL files
DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl('dbk-clean-whole.xsl')
DOCBOOK2OPF = util.makeXsl('dbk2mobiopf.xsl')

MODULES_XPATH = etree.XPath('//col:module/@document', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
IMAGES_XPATH = etree.XPath('//c:*/@src[not(starts-with(.,"http:"))]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

def collection2xhtml(collection_dir, output_xhtml, reduce_quality=False):

  p = util.Progress()

  collxml = etree.parse(os.path.join(collection_dir, 'collection.xml'))
  moduleIds = MODULES_XPATH(collxml)
  modules = {} # {'m1000': (etree.Element, {'file.jpg':'23947239874'})}
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess
import shutil

from lxml import etree
import urllib2

import module2dbk
import collection2dbk
import util

BASE_PATH = os.getcwd()
DEBUG = True

# XSL files
DOCBOOK2XHTML_XSL = util.makeXsl("dbk2xhtml.xsl")
DOCBOOK_CLEANUP_XSL = util.makeXsl("dbk-clean-whole.xsl")
DOCBOOK2OPF = util.makeXsl("dbk2mobiopf.xsl")

MODULES_XPATH = etree.XPath("//col:module/@document", namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)
IMAGES_XPATH = etree.XPath('//c:*/@src[not(starts-with(.,"http:"))]', namespaces=util.NAMESPACES)

def collection2xhtml(collection_dir, output_xhtml, reduce_quality=False):

    p = util.Progress()

    collxml = etree.parse(os.path.join(collection_dir, "collection.xml"))

    moduleIds = MODULES_XPATH(collxml)