def spectrogram(stft, window_size, overlap, fs, y='linear', freq_subset: tuple = None, c_bar=None): hop_len = window_size * (1 - overlap) display.specshow(stft, y_axis=y, sr=fs, hop_length=hop_len) if c_bar is str: plt.colorbar(format="%.2f " + "{}".format(c_bar)) if freq_subset: hz_per_bin = (fs / 2) / (1 + window_size / 2) locs, labels = plt.yticks() c = hz_per_bin * math.floor(freq_subset[0] / hz_per_bin) d = hz_per_bin * math.ceil(freq_subset[1] / hz_per_bin) new_labels = [ "%.2f" % map_range(locs[i], locs[0], locs[-1], c, d) for i in range(len(locs)) ] plt.yticks(locs, new_labels) return plt.gca()
def create_images(opt): # preprocess = create_preprocess(opt) net = load_pretrained(opt) if (len(opt.ldr) == 1) and os.path.isdir(opt.ldr[0]): # Treat this as a directory of ldr images opt.ldr = [ os.path.join(opt.ldr[0], f) for f in os.listdir(opt.ldr[0]) if any(f.lower().endswith(x) for x in opt.ldr_extensions) ] for ldr_file in opt.ldr: loaded = cv2.imread( ldr_file, flags=cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH + cv2.IMREAD_COLOR ) if loaded is None: print('Could not load {0}'.format(ldr_file)) continue ldr_input = preprocess(loaded, opt) if opt.resize: out_name = create_name( ldr_file, 'resized', 'jpg', opt.out, opt.tag ) cv2.imwrite(out_name, (ldr_input * 255).astype(int)) t_input = cv2torch(ldr_input) if opt.use_gpu: net.cuda() t_input = t_input.cuda() prediction = map_range( torch2cv(net.predict(t_input, opt.patch_size).cpu()), 0, 1 ) extension = 'exr' if opt.use_exr else 'hdr' out_name = create_name( ldr_file, 'prediction', extension, opt.out, opt.tag ) print(f'Writing {out_name}') cv2.imwrite(out_name, prediction) if opt.tone_map is not None: tmo_img = tone_map( prediction, opt.tone_map, **create_tmo_param_from_args(opt) ) out_name = create_name( ldr_file, 'prediction_{0}'.format(opt.tone_map), 'jpg', opt.out, opt.tag, ) cv2.imwrite(out_name, (tmo_img * 255).astype(int))
def lloyd_mesh(im, cells=10, itter=10): ''' Returns an array of random points coordinates whose shapes are somewhat uniform. This algoritm implements Kmean clustering. Arguments: im: the image to work with. cells: the % of cell count to have one the screen. 100 means .75% of the image, as 100% will be completly full itter: the number of itteration used to cluster regions. ''' assert cells >= 1 and cells <= 100, 'tiles cannot be larger than 100% of the image' assert itter > 0 and itter < 50, 'invalid iteration number (jic someone puts infinity)' # copy the image, to prevent inplace operations img = im.copy() # the max of either width or height will decide the ratio cells = int(map_range(cells, 1, 100, max(*im.shape[:2]), 1)) # get initial random points. Do not include edges as Kmean will disrupt them. points = random_pts(im, edges=False) # create the clusters # Define criteria = ( type, max_iter = 10 by default, epsilon = 1.0 ) criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, itter, 1.0) flags = cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS # Apply KMeans _, labels, centers = cv2.kmeans(np.float32(points), cells, None, criteria, itter, flags) # for i in range(cells): # plt.scatter(points[labels.ravel() == i][:,0],points[labels.ravel() == i][:,1]) # optionally plot it and see how many points are now only grouped into n regions # print('--add done: sent for display---') return add_edges(centers, *im.shape[:2])
def transform(hdr): hdr = slice_gauss(hdr, crop_size=(384, 384), precision=(0.1, 1)) hdr = cv2.resize(hdr, (256, 256)) hdr = map_range(hdr) ldr = random_tone_map(hdr) return cv2torch(ldr), cv2torch(hdr)
def preprocess(x, opt): x = x.astype('float32') if opt.resize: x = resize(x, size=(opt.width, opt.height)) x = map_range(x) return x
def circles(im, s=.6, angle=0, queue=None): ''' Creates circular tiles of the image. inspired by: BUG: The rotation isn't working as intended, on the real image. Arguments: im: the image to work with s: the % of spacing between the tiles. ''' s = s if s > 0 and s < 50 else 2 img = im.copy() # as working only with the grascale value img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # add the lightness to the image to increase contrast img = cv2.equalizeHist(img) # set the maximum radius size in % to keep the proportions height, width = img.shape[:2] s = int(map_range(s, 0, 50, 0, max(width, height))) canvas = 255 * np.ones_like(img) for i in range(0, height, s): for j in range(0, width, s): # go s steps at a time and get the average color in each region. y1, y2, x1, x2 = i, i + s, j, j + s # maybe rotate 45 degree here then calculat the mean at 45 degree? avg = img[y1:y2, x1:x2].mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) # max radius is 20, map the range of the radius using the avg value above. # values closer to white will have small radius radius = int(map_range(avg, 0, 255, s // 2, 2)) # The fill color will not be too black, for asthetic reasons. map it as well # maximum black = 50, maximum white = 240 ( # this changes crops the histogram from [0,255] to [50, 240]) fill_color = int(map_range(avg, 0, 255, 5, 200)) # the center of the circle x, y = (x1 + x2) // 2, (y2 + y1) // 2 # if the mat has to be rotated if angle % 360 != 0: # now rotate the coordinates by this value x, y = rotate(x - s, y, x, y, 135) # draw the circles at this place, (x, y), radius, fill_color, -1) canvas = cv2.addWeighted(canvas, .9, img, .1, 2) blend_used, canvas = gradient_blend(canvas) # if running concurently send the items to the queue if queue: label = 'Circles: ' label += 'Steps: {} '.format(s) label += 'Angle: {} '.format(angle) label += 'Blend: {} '.format( blend_used) if blend_used is not '' else '' queue.put((label, canvas)) else: # return return the image instead. return canvas
def fib_mesh(im, step): ''' Returns an array of points computed with the golden ration. This algoritm uses the fibocacci sequence, it does not recalculate it. it just uses it. Arguments: im: the image to work with. step: used to define the cell size to use. must be > 0 and <= 50. but beware < 10 probably too small for high res. 100% means skip 100% percent of the image at a time. not useful, ain't it?! ''' # check if not backward steps and/or more than 50% assert step > 0 and step <= 50 # copy the image to prevent inplace operations img = im.copy() height, width = img.shape[:2] # enter the gray area if len(img.shape) > 2: img = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # convert the step into percentage to prevent uneven ratios based on resolution s = (step * width) // 100 # init an array of points, dunno why numpy always gives you an element at array init # just override it when I start writting to it damn it!! points = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=int) # using this slightly modified fibonacci sequence. dense areas with opacity ~ 0 # will be assigned to larger index number in the fibonacci_ish array # (creating smaller triangles) whist # brighter points will have lesser points (creating) larger triangles. # more points (max = 144 for 0) compared to the light areas (min = 1 for 255) # I modified this sequence a bit by removing the first 2 digits to have # a more evenly distributed version for my unevely distributed needs. # fibonacci_ish = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144] # Todo: divide the image in CHUNK sizes and send CHUNKS to each of N treads to compute # these points concurently to speed up things. # CHUNK_SIZE = 100 # any image larger than 100 * 100 will be divided into chuncks of 100 * 100 # from threading import Thread # from queue import Queue # from multiprocessing import lock (one thread at a time can append their chunck points) # q = Queue() # def work_a_chunk(w, h, q): # pass # or be lazy: to keep things simple! for i in range(0, height, s): for j in range(0, width, s): # go s steps at a time and get the average color in each region. y1, y2, x1, x2 = i, i + s, j, j + s avg = img[y1:y2, x1:x2].mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) # map this average color to the number of points we need to draw in this region # if the average is too dark, the number will be closer to len(fib-ish) = will # results in many random points being choosen there. as fib numbers go high # depending on the index of the fib number. num_pts = int(map_range(avg, 0, 255, len(fibonacci_ish) - 1, 0)) # now get fib_is[num_points] points from this region. new_points = randrange_pts_2d(x1, x2, y1, y2, fibonacci_ish[num_pts]) # append these points to the array. # REMINDER: this could have been the critical region if used concurently. points = np.append(points, new_points, axis=0) # add the edges to prevent clipping. and we are done! return add_edges(points, *im.shape[:2])
def grade_crime_distance(d): if d < (quarter_mile / 2): d = (quarter_mile / 2) return 0.5 - map_range(d, (quarter_mile / 2), crime_eval_distance, 0, 0.5)
def grade_crime_time(sec): if sec < one_week_seconds: sec = one_week_seconds return map_range(sec, one_week_seconds, crime_eval_period_seconds, 0, 0.5)