Esempio n. 1
def challenge44():
    p = 0x800000000000000089e1855218a0e7dac38136ffafa72eda7859f2171e25e65eac698c1702578b07dc2a1076da241c76c62d374d8389ea5aeffd3226a0530cc565f3bf6b50929139ebeac04f48c3c84afb796d61e5a4f9a8fda812ab59494232c7d2b4deb50aa18ee9e132bfa85ac4374d7f9091abc3d015efc871a584471bb1
    q = 0xf4f47f05794b256174bba6e9b396a7707e563c5b
    g = 0x5958c9d3898b224b12672c0b98e06c60df923cb8bc999d119458fef538b8fa4046c8db53039db620c094c9fa077ef389b5322a559946a71903f990f1f7e0e025e2d7f7cf494aff1a0470f5b64c36b625a097f1651fe775323556fe00b3608c887892878480e99041be601a62166ca6894bdd41a7054ec89f756ba9fc95302291
    y = 0x2d026f4bf30195ede3a088da85e398ef869611d0f68f0713d51c9c1a3a26c95105d915e2d8cdf26d056b86b8a7b85519b1c23cc3ecdc6062650462e3063bd179c2a6581519f674a61f1d89a1fff27171ebc1b93d4dc57bceb7ae2430f98a6a4d83d8279ee65d71c1203d2c96d65ebbf7cce9d32971c3de5084cce04a2e147821
    with open('44.txt') as f:
        lines = [line.strip('\n\r').encode() for line in f.readlines()]
    data = []
    for i in range(0, len(lines), 4):
        msg = lines[i][5:]
        s = int(lines[i + 1][3:])
        r = int(lines[i + 2][3:])
        digest = int(lines[i + 3][3:], 16)
        data.append({'message': msg, 'signature': (s, r), 'digest': digest})
    for item1, item2 in itertools.combinations(data, 2):
        m1 = item1['digest']
        m2 = item2['digest']
        s1, r1 = item1['signature']
        s2, r2 = item2['signature']
        k = (m1 - m2) % q * util.modinv((s1 - s2) % q, q) % q
        x1 = (s1 * k - m1) * util.modinv(r1, q) % q
        x2 = (s2 * k - m2) * util.modinv(r2, q) % q
        if x1 == x2 and y == pow(g, x1, p):
            return x1
    raise RuntimeError('Cannot find solution')
def decrypt(c1, c2, c3, n1, n2, n3):
    Decrypt by executing a Low Public Exponent Attack based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
    For a good explanation:
    t1 = c1 * (n2 * n3) * util.modinv(n2 * n3, n1)
    t2 = c2 * (n1 * n3) * util.modinv(n1 * n3, n2)
    t3 = c3 * (n1 * n2) * util.modinv(n1 * n2, n3)
    cubed = (t1 + t2 + t3) % (n1 * n2 * n3)
    return util.iroot(cubed, 3)
Esempio n. 3
def rsa_keygen(n):
    # choose random primes p,q on the order of n / 2 bits
    p = primegen(n // 2)
    q = primegen(n // 2)

    # compute N as product of p,q
    N = p*q

    # compute phi(n)
    pN = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    # choose public exponent e:
    # must be relatively prime with phi(N)
    e = 3
    while gcd(pN, e) != 1:
        e += 1

    # compute private exponent d:
    # the multiplicative inverse of e, modulo phi(N)
    d = modinv(e, pN)
    while d < 0:   # we want a positive value for d; working modulo phi(N),
        d += pN    # all values d_i = d + k*phi(N) for integer k are equivalent

    # return the components of RSA key
    return (e, d, N)
Esempio n. 4
def factorise(n, e, d, bobe):
    N = e * d - 1
    f = 0
    t = 0
    while N % 2 == 0:
        f = f + 1
        N = N // 2
    while True:
        a = randint(2, n - 1)
        l = 0
        b = pow(a, N, n)
        bb = pow(b, 2, n)
        while bb != 1:
            b = bb
            bb = pow(bb, 2, n)
        if b == -1:
            t = b
            p = gcd(t + 1, n)
            q = gcd(t - 1, n)
            if p == 1 or q == 1:

    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    if bobe != 0:
        bobd = modinv(bobe, phi)
        bobd = 0

    return p, q, bobd
Esempio n. 5
def challenge43():
    def sign(priv, message):
        x, p, q, g = priv
        r = pow(g, k, p) % q
        if r == 0:
            return None
        if isinstance(message, int):
            message = util.from_bytes(message)
        elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
        H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
        s = (util.modinv(k, q) * (H + x * r)) % q
        return r, s

    p = 0x800000000000000089e1855218a0e7dac38136ffafa72eda7859f2171e25e65eac698c1702578b07dc2a1076da241c76c62d374d8389ea5aeffd3226a0530cc565f3bf6b50929139ebeac04f48c3c84afb796d61e5a4f9a8fda812ab59494232c7d2b4deb50aa18ee9e132bfa85ac4374d7f9091abc3d015efc871a584471bb1
    q = 0xf4f47f05794b256174bba6e9b396a7707e563c5b
    g = 0x5958c9d3898b224b12672c0b98e06c60df923cb8bc999d119458fef538b8fa4046c8db53039db620c094c9fa077ef389b5322a559946a71903f990f1f7e0e025e2d7f7cf494aff1a0470f5b64c36b625a097f1651fe775323556fe00b3608c887892878480e99041be601a62166ca6894bdd41a7054ec89f756ba9fc95302291
    y = 0x84ad4719d044495496a3201c8ff484feb45b962e7302e56a392aee4abab3e4bdebf2955b4736012f21a08084056b19bcd7fee56048e004e44984e2f411788efdc837a0d2e5abb7b555039fd243ac01f0fb2ed1dec568280ce678e931868d23eb095fde9d3779191b8c0299d6e07bbb283e6633451e535c45513b2d33c99ea17
    r = 548099063082341131477253921760299949438196259240
    s = 857042759984254168557880549501802188789837994940
    H = 0xd2d0714f014a9784047eaeccf956520045c45265
    message = b'''For those that envy a MC it can be hazardous to your health
So be friendly, a matter of life and death, just like a etch-a-sketch
    assert H == util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
    for k in range(0, 2**16 + 1):
        if util.egcd(k, q)[0] != 1:
        x = (s * k - H) * util.modinv(r, q) % q
        priv = x, p, q, g
        if sign(priv, message) == (r, s):
            return x
    raise RuntimeError('Cannot find x')
Esempio n. 6
def gen_rsa_special_vuln(filename, bits, clientnum):
    n, p, q, d = [], [], [], []
    e = 3

    for _ in range(clientnum):
        while True:
                nn, pp, qq = _getNPQ(bits)
                dd = modinv(e, (pp - 1) * (qq - 1))

    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        file.write(F"e ={e}\n")
    _print_arr(filename, "n", n)
    _print_arr(filename, "d", d)
    _print_arr(filename, "p", p)
    _print_arr(filename, "q", q)
    _print_arr(filename, "sign_n", n)
    _print_arr(filename, "sign_d", d)
def decrypt(c1, c2, e1, e2, n):
    # Compute GCD
    (gcd, x, y) = util.egcd(e1, e2)
    assert(gcd == 1)

    # One of (x, y) will be negative, which makes it difficult to do (c ^ x) % n
    # To solve that problem, we compute the modular inverse d of c such that:
    #   d ^ (-x) === c ^ x (mod n)
    if x < 0:
        c1 = util.modinv(c1, n)
        x = -x
    elif y < 0:
        c2 = util.modinv(c2, n)
        y = -y

    # TODO(Use knowledge of c1, c2, x, y to solve for m)
Esempio n. 8
def MOgetKeys(p):
    while True:
            e = randint(2, p - 1)
            d = modinv(e, p - 1)
    return e, d
Esempio n. 9
def point_double(x, y, p, A):
    if x == 0 and y == 1:
        return 0, 1

    k = ((3 * x**2 + A) * modinv(2 * y, p)) % p
    x3 = (k**2 - 2 * x) % p
    y3 = (k * (x - x3) - y) % p

    return x3, y3
Esempio n. 10
 def sign(priv, message):
     x, p, q, g = priv
     k = random.randint(2, q - 1)
     r = pow(g, k, p) % q
     if isinstance(message, int):
         message = util.from_bytes(message)
     elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
         raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
     H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
     s = (util.modinv(k, q) * (H + x * r)) % q
     return r, s
Esempio n. 11
    def sign(self, msg, generator):
        """Sign with ElGamal signature."""
        r, s = 0, 0

        while s == 0:
            k = randkeyRP(1, Constants.P - 2)
            r = powm(generator, k)
            s = (msg_hash(msg, sha1) - self.pri_key * r) * modinv(
                k, Constants.P - 1)
            s %= Constants.P - 1

        return (r, s)
def decrypt(c1, c2, c3, n1, n2, n3):
    Decrypt by executing a Low Public Exponent Attack based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
    For a good explanation:

    # Here's one step of the recurrence for you...
    t1 = c1 * (n2 * n3) * util.modinv(n2 * n3, n1)

    # Can you finish the rest?
    t2 =
    t3 =
Esempio n. 13
def _prove_simple(sock,
    assert (len(r) == len(s))
    n = len(r)

    # step 1
    t = recv(sock)

    # step 2
    r_hat = [(r[i] - t) % q for i in range(n)]
    s_hat = [(s[i] - gamma * t) % q for i in range(n)]
    theta = [0] + [randkey(0, q - 1) for _ in range(2 * n - 1)]
    Theta = []
    for i in range(2 * n):
        if i < n:
            exp = (theta[i] * r_hat[i]) % q
            exp -= (theta[i + 1] * s_hat[i]) % q
            exp %= q
            Theta.append(powm(g, exp, p))
            exp = (theta[i] * gamma) % q
            exp -= theta[(i + 1) % (2 * n)]
            exp %= q
            Theta.append(powm(g, exp, p))
    send(sock, Theta)

    # step 3
    c = recv(sock)

    # step 4
    alpha = [c]
    tmp = c
    for i in range(2 * n - 1):
        if i < n:
            tmp = (tmp * divide(r_hat[i], s_hat[i], q)) % q
            alpha.append((tmp + theta[i + 1]) % q)
        elif i == n:
            inv = modinv(gamma, q)
            tmp = (c * powm(inv, (2 * n - 1) - i, q)) % q
            alpha.append((tmp + theta[i + 1]) % q)
            tmp = (tmp * gamma) % q
            alpha.append((tmp + theta[i + 1]) % q)
    send(sock, alpha)
Esempio n. 14
def gen_rsa_one_n(filename, bits):
    n, p, q = _getNPQ(bits)
    n = Decimal(n)
    d = randint(int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()),
                int(n - (Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    while True:
            e = modinv(d, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
            d = randint(
                int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()),
                int(n - (Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    dd = randint(int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()),
                 int(n - (Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    while True:
            ee = modinv(dd, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
            dd = randint(
                int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()),
                int(n - (Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    n = int(n)

    with open(filename, "w") as file:
    _print_arr(filename, "e", [e, ee])
    with open(filename, "a") as file:
        file.write(F"n = \"{hex(n)[2:]}\"\n")
    _print_arr(filename, "d", [d, dd])
    with open(filename, "a") as file:
        file.write(F"p = \"{hex(p)[2:]}\"\n")
        file.write(F"q = \"{hex(q)[2:]}\"\n")
Esempio n. 15
 def verify(pub, message, signature):
     y, p, q, g = pub
     r, s = signature
     if not (0 <= r < q and 0 <= s < q):
         raise ValueError('Invalid signature value')
     if isinstance(message, int):
         message = util.from_bytes(message)
     elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
         raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
     H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
     w = util.modinv(s, q)
     u1 = (H * w) % q
     u2 = (r * w) % q
     v = (pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p) % p) % q
     return v == r
Esempio n. 16
def point_add(x1, y1, x2, y2, p, A):
    if x1 == 0 and y1 == 1:
        return x2, y2
    if x2 == 0 and y2 == 1:
        return x1, y1
    if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
        return point_double(x1, y1, p, A)
    if x1 == x2:
        return 0, 1
    k = 1
    k = (((y2 - y1) % p) * modinv(((x2 - x1) % p), p)) % p
    x3 = (k**2 - x1 - x2) % p
    y3 = (k * (x1 - x3) - y1) % p

    return x3, y3
Esempio n. 17
def gen_rsa_wiener_vuln(filename, bits):
    n, p, q = _getNPQ(bits)
    n = Decimal(n)
    d = randint(0x10001,
                int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    while True:
            e = modinv(d, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
            d = randint(
                int((Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)) * Decimal(n).sqrt().sqrt()))
    n = int(n)
    _print_params(filename, e, n, d, p, q, n, d)
Esempio n. 18
def sign(priv, message):
    x, p, q, g = priv
    r = None
    for _ in range(5 * q):
        k = random.randint(2, q-1)
        r = pow(g, k, p) % q
        if r != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot find a valid r')
    if isinstance(message, int):
        message = util.from_bytes(message)
    elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
        raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
    H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
    s = (util.modinv(k, q) * (H + x*r)) % q
    return r, s
Esempio n. 19
def ELGSignAdd(filename, x, a, p, r):
    def gen_k(r):
        k = randint(2, r - 2)
        while gcd(k, r - 1) != 1:
            k = randint(2, r - 2)

        return k

    with open(filename, "rb") as file:
        data =

    m = int(sha256(data).hexdigest(), 16) % r
    k = gen_k(r)
    w = pow(a, k, p)
    s = ((m - (x * w) % r) * modinv(k, r)) % r

    return w, s
Esempio n. 20
  def __init__(self, p, q, msg_bytes):
    self.p = p
    self.q = q

    self.N = self.p * self.q
    self.phiN = (self.p - 1) * (self.q - 1)
    self.e = 3
    self.d = modinv(self.e, self.phiN)

    k = self.N - 1
    self.N_bytes = 0
    while k > 0:
      k >>= 1
      self.N_bytes += 1
    self.N_bytes = (self.N_bytes + 7) // 8

    self.msg_bytes = msg_bytes
    self.padding_bytes = self.N_bytes - self.msg_bytes - 3

    self.oracle_calls = 0
Esempio n. 21
def challenge45():
    def gen_key_pair(L=1024, N=160):
        q = util.gen_prime(N)
        # gen p
        left, right = util.bit_range(L)
        left = (left + q - 1) // q
        right //= q
        p = None
        k = None
        for _ in range(5 * (right - left)):
            k = random.randint(left, right)
            p = k * q + 1
            if util.is_probable_prime(p):
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot find a valid p')
        # gen g
        x = random.randint(1, q - 1)
        y = pow(g, x, p)
        return (y, p, q, g), (x, p, q, g)

    def sign(priv, message):
        x, p, q, g = priv
        k = random.randint(2, q - 1)
        r = pow(g, k, p) % q
        if isinstance(message, int):
            message = util.from_bytes(message)
        elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
        H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
        s = (util.modinv(k, q) * (H + x * r)) % q
        return r, s

    def verify(pub, message, signature):
        y, p, q, g = pub
        r, s = signature
        if not (0 <= r < q and 0 <= s < q):
            raise ValueError('Invalid signature value')
        if isinstance(message, int):
            message = util.from_bytes(message)
        elif not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise ValueError('Message should be int or bytes')
        H = util.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(message).digest())
        w = util.modinv(s, q)
        u1 = (H * w) % q
        u2 = (r * w) % q
        v = (pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p) % p) % q
        return v == r

    g = 0
    pub, priv = gen_key_pair()
    message1 = b'Hello, world'
    message2 = b'Goodbye, world'
    signature = sign(priv, message1)
    assert verify(pub, message2, signature)
    p = 0x800000000000000089e1855218a0e7dac38136ffafa72eda7859f2171e25e65eac698c1702578b07dc2a1076da241c76c62d374d8389ea5aeffd3226a0530cc565f3bf6b50929139ebeac04f48c3c84afb796d61e5a4f9a8fda812ab59494232c7d2b4deb50aa18ee9e132bfa85ac4374d7f9091abc3d015efc871a584471bb1
    q = 0xf4f47f05794b256174bba6e9b396a7707e563c5b
    g = p + 1
    x = random.randint(1, q - 1)
    y = pow(g, x, p)
    z = random.randint(2, 100)
    r = pow(y, z, p) % q
    s = r * util.modinv(z, q) % q
    verify((y, p, q, g), message1, (r, s))
    verify((y, p, q, g), message2, (r, s))
Esempio n. 22
def million_tests():
    for i in range(100):
        p = random_prime(2**256)
        a = randint(1, p)
        assert modinv(a, p) == inverse_mod(a, p)
Esempio n. 23
    T__x, T__y = T_x, T_y
    a__, b__ = a_, b_

    while True:

        # 5.1 -- one step
        j = T_x % L
        T_x, T_y = crv.point_add(T_x, T_y, Rs[j][0], Rs[j][1], p, A)
        a_ = (a_ + a_arr[j]) % q
        b_ = (b_ + b_arr[j]) % q

        # 5.2 -- two steps
        j = T__x % L
        T__x, T__y = crv.point_add(T__x, T__y, Rs[j][0], Rs[j][1], p, A)
        a__ = (a__ + a_arr[j]) % q
        b__ = (b__ + b_arr[j]) % q
        j = T__x % L
        T__x, T__y = crv.point_add(T__x, T__y, Rs[j][0], Rs[j][1], p, A)
        a__ = (a__ + a_arr[j]) % q
        b__ = (b__ + b_arr[j]) % q

        if T_x == T__x and T_y == T__y:

    if a_ == a__ and b_ == b__:
        print("Sorry, try again.")
        d = ((a_-a__) * modinv((b__ - b_)%q, q))%q
Esempio n. 24
    def new_announcement(self, s, msg_args):
        """Handles a request to carry out one step of the announcement phase.

		generator: Generator for this server to use.
		ann_list_pre: Announcement list before the previous server's modifications.
		ann_list_post: Announcement list after the previous server's modifications.
		g_, h_: Verifiable shuffle parameters
		init_id: The id of the server that was the first in the ring.
        generator, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_, init_id = msg_args
        ann_list = ann_list_post

        if init_id != self.server_id:
            if init_id == Constants.INIT_ID:
                init_id = self.server_id
                ann_list = []
                ann_list.append([(self.secret, v)
                                 for v in self.ltp_list.values()])

                # verify shuffle from prev server
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            # update announcement list
            secret_inv = modinv(powm(self.secret, self.pri_key))
            new_ann_list = self.announcement_fwd(ann_list, secret_inv)

            # shuffle announcement list
            n = len(new_ann_list[0])
            pi = shuffle.generate_permutation(n)
            new_ann_list = [shuffle.shuffle(elts, pi) for elts in new_ann_list]

            # update generator and parameters
            new_generator = powm(generator, self.eph_key)
            beta = 1
            g_ = 1
            h_ = secret_inv

            # pass announcement list to next server
            s = socket.socket()
            send(s, [
                Constants.NEW_ANNOUNCEMENT, new_generator, ann_list,
                new_ann_list, g_, h_, init_id

            # prove shuffle to next server (if more than one server)
            if self.addr != self.next_addr:
                shuffle.prove(s, ann_list, new_ann_list, pi, beta, g_, h_)
            # verify shuffle from prev server (if more than one server)
            if self.addr != self.prev_addr:
                if not shuffle.verify(s, ann_list_pre, ann_list_post, g_, h_):
                    eprint(, 'Verifiable shuffle failed.')


            # initialize add announcement
            stp_list = list(zip(ann_list[0],
                                [rep for sec, rep in ann_list[1]]))
            stp_args = [stp_list, generator, Constants.INIT_ID]
def unblind(s, r, n):
    """Unblind signature `s` that was blinded with random factor `r` under modulus `n`."""
    # We need r^{-1}, so we have to solve for modular inverse
    r_prime = util.modinv(r, n)
    return (s * r_prime) % n