Esempio n. 1
	def validate(self, validX, validY):
		# Input 
		# validX : Validation Input Data
		# validY : Validation Labels
		# Returns the validation accuracy evaluated over the current neural network model
		valActivations = self.feedforward(validX)
		pred = np.argmax(valActivations[-1], axis=1)
		validPred = oneHotEncodeY(pred, self.outputSize)
		validAcc = self.computeAccuracy(validY, validPred)
		return pred, validAcc
Esempio n. 2
	def train(self, trainX, trainY, printTrainStats=True, saveModel=False, modelName=None):
		for epoch in range(self.epochs):
			if printTrainStats:
				print("Epoch: ", epoch)

			X = np.asarray(trainX)
			Y = np.asarray(trainY)
			perm = np.arange(X.shape[0])
			X = X[perm]
			Y = Y[perm]

			trainLoss = 0

			numBatches = int(np.ceil(float(X.shape[0]) / self.batchSize))
			for batchNum in range(numBatches):
				XBatch = np.asarray(X[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])
				YBatch = np.asarray(Y[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])

				activations = self.feedforward(XBatch)	

				loss = self.computeLoss(YBatch, activations)
				trainLoss += loss
				predLabels = oneHotEncodeY(np.argmax(activations[-1], axis=1), self.out_nodes)

				acc = self.computeAccuracy(YBatch, predLabels)
				trainAcc += acc
				self.backpropagate(activations, YBatch)

			trainAcc /= numBatches
			if printTrainStats:
				print("Epoch ", epoch, " Training Loss=", loss, " Training Accuracy=", trainAcc)
			if saveModel:
				model = []
				for l in self.layers:
					if type(l).__name__ != "FlattenLayer": 
						model.append(l.biases), model)
				print("Model Saved... ")
Esempio n. 3
	def train(self, trainX, trainY, validX=None, validY=None, printTrainStats=True, printValStats=True):
		# Method for training the Neural Network
		# Input
		# trainX - A list of training input data to the neural network
		# trainY - Corresponding list of training data labels
		# validX - A list of validation input data to the neural network
		# validY - Corresponding list of validation data labels
		# printTrainStats - Print training loss and accuracy for each epoch
		# printValStats - Prints validation set accuracy after each epoch of training
		# The methods trains the weights and baises using the training data(trainX, trainY)
		# and evaluates the validation set accuracy after each epoch of training
		for epoch in range(self.epochs):
			# A Training Epoch
			if printTrainStats or printValStats:
				print("Epoch: ", epoch)

			# Shuffle the training data for the current epoch
			X = np.asarray(trainX)
			Y = np.asarray(trainY)
			perm = np.arange(X.shape[0])
			X = X[perm]
			Y = Y[perm]

			# Initializing training loss and accuracy
			trainLoss = 0
			trainAcc = 0

			# Divide the training data into mini-batches
			numBatches = int(np.ceil(float(X.shape[0]) / self.batchSize))
			for batchNum in range(numBatches):
				XBatch = np.asarray(X[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])
				YBatch = np.asarray(Y[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])

				# Calculate the activations after the feedforward pass
				activations = self.feedforward(XBatch)	

				# Compute the loss	
				loss = self.computeLoss(YBatch, activations)
				trainLoss += loss
				# Estimate the one-hot encoded predicted labels after the feedword pass
				predLabels = oneHotEncodeY(np.argmax(activations[-1], axis=1), self.outputSize)

				# Calculate the training accuracy for the current batch
				acc = self.computeAccuracy(YBatch, predLabels)
				trainAcc += acc

				# Backpropagation Pass to adjust weights and biases of the neural network
				self.backpropagate(activations, YBatch)

			# Print Training loss and accuracy statistics
			trainAcc /= numBatches
			if printTrainStats:
				print("Epoch ", epoch, " Training Loss=", loss, " Training Accuracy=", trainAcc)
			# Estimate the prediction accuracy over validation data set
			if validX is not None and validY is not None and printValStats:
				_, validAcc = self.validate(validX, validY)
				print("Validation Set Accuracy: ", validAcc, "%")
Esempio n. 4
	def train(self, trainX, trainY, validX=None, validY=None, printTrainStats=True, printValStats=True, saveModel=False, loadModel=False, modelName=None):
		# Method for training the Neural Network
		# Input
		# trainX - A list of training input data to the neural network
		# trainY - Corresponding list of training data labels
		# validX - A list of validation input data to the neural network
		# validY - Corresponding list of validation data labels
		# printTrainStats - Print training loss and accuracy for each epoch
		# printValStats - Prints validation set accuracy after each epoch of training
		# saveModel - True -> Saves model in "modelName" file after each epoch of training
		# loadModel - True -> Loads model from "modelName" file before training
		# modelName - Name of the model from which the funtion loads and/or saves the neural net
		# The methods trains the weights and baises using the training data(trainX, trainY)
		# and evaluates the validation set accuracy after each epoch of training
		if loadModel:
			model = np.load(modelName)
			k,i = 0,0
			for l in self.layers:
				if type(l).__name__ != "AvgPoolingLayer" and type(l).__name__ != "FlattenLayer": 
					self.layers[i].weights = model[k]
					self.layers[i].biases = model[k+1]
			print("Model Loaded... ")

		for epoch in range(self.epochs):
			# A Training Epoch
			if printTrainStats or printValStats:
				print("Epoch: ", epoch)

			# Shuffle the training data for the current epoch
			X = np.asarray(trainX)
			Y = np.asarray(trainY)
			perm = np.arange(X.shape[0])
			X = X[perm]
			Y = Y[perm]

			# Initializing training loss and accuracy
			trainLoss = 0
			trainAcc = 0

			# Divide the training data into mini-batches
			numBatches = int(np.ceil(float(X.shape[0]) / self.batchSize))
			for batchNum in range(numBatches):
				# print(batchNum,"/",numBatches) # UNCOMMENT if model is taking too long to train
				XBatch = np.asarray(X[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])
				YBatch = np.asarray(Y[batchNum*self.batchSize: (batchNum+1)*self.batchSize])

				# Calculate the activations after the feedforward pass
				activations = self.feedforward(XBatch)	

				# Compute the loss	
				loss = self.computeLoss(YBatch, activations)
				trainLoss += loss
				# Estimate the one-hot encoded predicted labels after the feedword pass
				predLabels = oneHotEncodeY(np.argmax(activations[-1], axis=1), self.out_nodes)

				# Calculate the training accuracy for the current batch
				acc = self.computeAccuracy(YBatch, predLabels)
				trainAcc += acc
				# Backpropagation Pass to adjust weights and biases of the neural network
				self.backpropagate(activations, YBatch)

			# Print Training loss and accuracy statistics
			trainAcc /= numBatches
			if printTrainStats:
				print("Epoch ", epoch, " Training Loss=", loss, " Training Accuracy=", trainAcc)
			if saveModel:
				model = []
				for l in self.layers:
					if type(l).__name__ != "AvgPoolingLayer" and type(l).__name__ != "FlattenLayer": 
						model.append(l.biases), model)
				print("Model Saved... ")

			# Estimate the prediction accuracy over validation data set
			if validX is not None and validY is not None and printValStats:
				_, validAcc = self.validate(validX, validY)
				print("Validation Set Accuracy: ", validAcc, "%")
Esempio n. 5
	def test(self, testX, testY):
		testActivations = self.feedforward(testX)
		pred = np.argmax(testActivations[-1], axis=1)
		testPred = oneHotEncodeY(pred, self.out_nodes)
		testAcc = self.computeAccuracy(testY, testPred)
		return testAcc