Esempio n. 1
    def ot_bob(socket, b):
        """Oblivious transfer, Bob's side.

        Keyword arguments:
        socket -- socket for exchanges between A and B
        b      -- Bob's input bit used to select one of Alice's messages

        msg -- the message selected by Bob
        # Receive the prime group from Alice
        G = socket.receive()

        # OT protocol based on
        # Nigel Smart’s "Cryptography Made Simple" implementation
        c = socket.receive()
        x = G.rand_int()
        h_b = G.gen_pow(x)
        h_notb = G.mul(c, G.inv(h_b))

        if b:
            c1, e0, e1 = socket.send_wait(h_notb)
            mb = util.xor_bytes(e1, util.ot_hash(G.pow(c1, x), len(e1)))
            c1, e0, e1 = socket.send_wait(h_b)
            mb = util.xor_bytes(e0, util.ot_hash(G.pow(c1, x), len(e0)))

        return mb
def send_bob_values(bob_index, all_bob_values, socket):
    #Send all values in circuit
    for index in bob_index:
        #Extract values of 0 and 1 respectively
        values = all_bob_values[index]

        #Begin OT
        c = util.prime_group.rand_int()

        h0 = socket.send_wait([c,util.prime_group])
        h1 = util.prime_group.mul(c, util.prime_group.inv(h0))

        k = util.prime_group.rand_int()
        c1 = util.prime_group.gen_pow(k)

        e = [0,0]
        value = pickle.dumps(values[0])
        hash0 = util.ot_hash(util.prime_group.pow(h0, k), len(value))
        e[0] = util.xor_bytes(value, bytes(hash0))

        value = pickle.dumps(values[1])
        hash1 = util.ot_hash(util.prime_group.pow(h1, k), len(value))
        e[1] = util.xor_bytes(value, bytes(hash1))

        socket.send_wait([c1, e])
Esempio n. 3
 def bob_decode(self, c1, e0, e1):
     if self.b == 0:
         H = util.ot_hash(self.G.pow(c1, self.x), len(e0))
         mb = util.xor_bytes(e0, H)
         H = util.ot_hash(self.G.pow(c1, self.x), len(e1))
         mb = util.xor_bytes(e1, H)
     return mb
def receive_bob_values(bob_index, chosen_values, socket):
    result = [0] * len(bob_index)
    for index in range(len(bob_index)):
        chosen_value = chosen_values[index]

        #Begin OT
        encoded_value = socket.receive()
        c = encoded_value[0]
        prime_group = encoded_value[1]
        x = prime_group.rand_int()

        h = [0,0]
        h[chosen_value] = prime_group.gen_pow(x)
        h[1-chosen_value] = prime_group.mul(c, prime_group.inv(h[chosen_value]))


        encoded_value = socket.receive()
        c1 = encoded_value[0]
        e = encoded_value[1]

        hash = util.ot_hash(prime_group.pow(c1, x), len(e[chosen_value]))
        result_pr = util.xor_bytes(e[chosen_value], bytes(hash))
        result[index] = pickle.loads(result_pr)
    return result
Esempio n. 5
 def sendMessage(self, h0):
     # h0 (h_1b) is send to sender
     h_0 = h0
     h_1 = self.G_sender.mul(self.c, self.G_sender.inv(h_0))
     k = self.G_sender.primeM1
     # g is a generator of cyclic finite abelian group G of prime order q.
     # c_1 = g**k
     c_1 = self.G_sender.gen_pow(k)
     # msg1 = self.msg1.encode()  ## this should be your input message
     # msg2 = self.msg2.encode()
     msg1 = self.msg1
     msg2 = self.msg2
     msg_length = len(self.msg1)
     # encrypt the message
     e_0 = util.xor_bytes(msg1, util.ot_hash(self.G_sender.pow(h_0, k), msg_length))
     e_1 = util.xor_bytes(msg2, util.ot_hash(self.G_sender.pow(h_1, k), msg_length))
     # send encrypted message e0 e1 and c1 to the receiver
     return c_1, [e_0, e_1],msg_length
Esempio n. 6
    def ot_alice(socket, msgs):
        """Oblivious transfer, Alice's side.

        Keyword arguments:
        socket -- socket for exchanges between A and B
        msgs   -- a pair (msg1, msg2) to suggest to Bob
        # Create the prime group and send it to Bob
        G = util.PrimeGroup()

        # OT protocol based on
        # Nigel Smart’s "Cryptography Made Simple" implementation
        c = G.gen_pow(G.rand_int())
        h0 = socket.send_wait(c)
        h1 = G.mul(c, G.inv(h0))
        k = G.rand_int()
        c1 = G.gen_pow(k)
        e0 = util.xor_bytes(msgs[0], util.ot_hash(G.pow(h0, k), len(msgs[0])))
        e1 = util.xor_bytes(msgs[1], util.ot_hash(G.pow(h1, k), len(msgs[1])))
        socket.send((c1, e0, e1))
Esempio n. 7
    def alice_sende(self, h0):

        # print("received h0:" + str(type(h0)))
        h1 = self.G.mul(self.G.inv(h0), self.c)

        k = self.G.primeM1
        c1 = self.G.gen_pow(k)

        # m0 = bytes(str(self.M[0]), 'utf-8')
        # m1 = bytes(str(self.M[1]), 'utf-8')
        m0 = self.M[0]
        m1 = self.M[1]
        h0k = self.G.pow(h0, k)
        H0 = util.ot_hash(h0k, len(str(m0)))
        e0 = util.xor_bytes(m0, H0)
        h1k = self.G.pow(h1, k)
        H1 = util.ot_hash(h1k, len(str(m1)))
        e1 = util.xor_bytes(m1, H1)
        j = {"c1": c1, "e0": e0, "e1": e1}
        # print("c1:"+str(type(c1))+"e0:"+str(type(e0))+"e1:"+str(type(e1)))
        return c1, e0, e1
Esempio n. 8
 def getMessage(self, c_1, encryMsg, msg_length):
     #get the encrypted message and decrypt it
     trueMessage = util.xor_bytes(encryMsg[self.choice], util.ot_hash(pow(c_1, self.x, 2), msg_length))
     return trueMessage