def singleTrain(): # Single trainings with final single testing set filename = ['individual1_pred', 'individual2_pred'] data2, data7, index2, index7 = util.loadSingleTrainData() Xt2, Xt7 = util.loadSingleTestData() X2, X7, Y2, Y7 = util.singleTransform(data2, data7, index2, index7) X2, Y2 = util.sampling(X2, Y2) X7, Y7 = util.sampling(X7, Y7) pcaX2, pcaXt2 = util.pca(X2, Xt2) stdX2, stdXt2 = util.scaler(pcaX2, pcaXt2) pcaX7, pcaXt7 = util.pca(X7, Xt7) stdX7, stdXt7 = util.scaler(pcaX7, pcaXt7) training(stdX2, Y2, stdXt2, filename[0]) training(stdX7, Y7, stdXt7, filename[1])
def fit_plane(pts): # A = ut.homog(pts.T).T # b = mvg.solve_0_system(A) # b /= np.linalg.norm(b[:3]) # return b axes, _, mean_pt = ut.pca(pts) w = axes[2] b =, mean_pt) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(w), 1) return np.array([w[0], w[1], w[2], b], 'd')
def main(track_id): # tracks = [2,5,10,140,141,148,182,190,193,200] # check_difference([2]) # print("Track ID: %s"%track_id) model = get_model() print("Track ID: %s" % track_id) filepath = get_audio_path(DATA_AUDIO_DIR, track_id) x, sr = librosa.load(filepath, sr=None, mono=True) features = compute_features(track_id, x, sr) features = pca(features) pred = model.predict(features) cat = np.argmax(pred) print(CATEGORIES[cat]) return
def generalTrain(): # General training with final final testing set filename = "general_pred" data, indexes = util.loadGeneralTrainData() Xt = util.loadGeneralTestData() Xs, Ys = util.generalTransform(data, indexes) f = lambda a, b: np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0) X = reduce(f, Xs) Y = reduce(f, Ys) X, Y = util.sampling(X, Y) pcaX, pcaXt = util.pca(X, Xt) stdX, stdXt = util.scaler(pcaX, pcaXt) training(stdX, Y, stdXt, filename)
def generalCVTrain(): # General Training with cross validation data, indexes = util.loadGeneralTrainData() Xs, Ys = util.generalTransform(data, indexes) subjectIndexes = [1, 4, 6, 9] print("\n--> General Training Data Set Shape") for i in range(4): # used to output ground truth files #util.saveGroundTruth(Ys[i], "groundTruth{0}.csv".format(subjectIndexes[i])) print("Subject {0}. X: {1}, Y: {2}, # of 1: {3}".format(\ subjectIndexes[i], Xs[i].shape, Ys[i].shape, Ys[i].tolist().count(1))) for i in range(4): print("\n=========== Subject {0} As Validation Set ===========".format(subjectIndexes[i])) X, Y, Xt, Yt = util.splitTrainTest(Xs, Ys, i) X, Y = util.sampling(X, Y) pcaX, pcaXt = util.pca(X, Xt) stdX, stdXt = util.scaler(pcaX, pcaXt) sampleTraining(stdX, Y, stdXt, Yt)
def compute(self, X, y): [D, self.W,] = pca(asRowMatrix(X), y, self.num_components) self.y = y for xi in X: self.projections.append(project(self.W, xi.reshape(1, -1),
labels = np.concatenate([np.zeros(ppop1.shape[-2]), np.ones(ppop2.shape[-2])]) n_pp = ppop.shape[1] #%% vv = [] uv = [] vu = [] uu = [] null = [] for pp in range(len(ppop)): p1 = ppop[pp, :, labels == 0, t].T p2 = ppop[pp, :, labels == 1, t].T U, l1 = util.pca(p1) V, l2 = util.pca(p2) uu.append(np.cumsum(l1) / np.sum(l1)) vv.append(np.cumsum(l2) / np.sum(l2)) uv.append( np.array([(V[:, :k].T @ p1).var(1).sum(0) / p1.var(1).sum(0) for k in range(np.min(V.shape))])) vu.append( np.array([(U[:, :k].T @ p2).var(1).sum(0) / p2.var(1).sum(0) for k in range(np.min(U.shape))])) # la.qr( np.random.randn(n_pp,n_pp).T)[0] null.append(np.array([[(la.qr( np.random.randn(n_pp,n_pp).T)[0][:,:k].T@p2).var(1).sum(0)/p2.var(1).sum(0) \ for k in range(np.min(U.shape))] for _ in range(15)]))
up_uncue_circ = np.array([ z_retro[1][:, (upcol == c) & (cue < 0), :].detach().numpy().mean(1) for c in cbins ]) down_unue_circ = np.array([ z_retro[1][:, (downcol == c) & (cue > 0), :].detach().numpy().mean(1) for c in cbins ]) cue_circs = np.concatenate([up_cue_circ, down_cue_circ], axis=0) up_circs = np.concatenate([up_cue_circ, up_uncue_circ], axis=0) plot_circs = cue_circs # plot_circs = up_circs U, S = util.pca(plot_circs[:, task.T_inp2:task.T_resp, :].reshape( (-1, N)).T) # U = dec.weight.detach().numpy()[[0,1,4],:].T # U = wa['estimator'][0].coef_ proj_z = plot_circs @ U[:, :3] # proj_z = util.pca_reduce(wa['estimator'][0].coef_@plot_circs.reshape((-1,100)).T, num_comp=3) # proj_z = proj_z.reshape((128, 35, 3)) ani.ScatterAnime3D(proj_z[..., 0], proj_z[..., 1], proj_z[..., 2], c=np.tile(cbins, 2), cmap='hsv', rotation_period=100, after_period=50, view_period=20).save(SAVE_DIR + 'temp.mp4', fps=10)
basis = la.qr(np.random.randn(nneur, nneur).T)[0][:8, :] #%% parallel circles mu_u = basis[:2, :].T @ circ1 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_d_l = 0.6 * basis[2:4, :].T @ circ2 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_l = basis[:2, :].T @ circ2 + basis[[5], :].T + np.random.randn( nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_d_u = 0.6 * basis[2:4, :].T @ circ1 + basis[[6], :].T + np.random.randn( nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 T1_par = mu_u + mu_d_l # upper cued torus T2_par = mu_l + mu_d_u # lower cued torus U, mwa = util.pca(T1_par) V, _ = util.pca(T2_par) plt.plot([(U[:, :k].T @ T2_par).var(1).sum(0) / T2_par.var(1).sum(0) for k in range(nneur)]) plt.plot([(V[:, :k].T @ T1_par).var(1).sum(0) / T1_par.var(1).sum(0) for k in range(nneur)]) #%% mu_u = basis[:2, :].T @ circ1 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_d_l = 0.6 * basis[2:4, :].T @ circ2 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_l = basis[4:6, :].T @ circ2 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 mu_d_u = 0.6 * basis[6:, :].T @ circ1 + np.random.randn(nneur, ndat**2) * 0.1 T1_orth = mu_u + mu_d_l # upper cued torus
channels=1, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNKSIZE) model = get_model(MODEL_VERSION) print("* Start Recording for %d seconds" % RECORD_SECONDS) stream.start_stream() frames = [] for i in tqdm(range(0, int(RATE / CHUNKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS))): data =, exception_on_overflow=False) frames.append(np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.float32)) print("* End Recording") stream.stop_stream() stream.close() pa.terminate() audio_data = np.hstack(frames) features = compute_features('test', audio_data, RATE) if MODEL_VERSION == "cat6": features = pca(features) elif MODEL_VERSION in ["cat8", "cat6_nopca"]: features = np.expand_dims(features.transpose(), axis=0) pred = model.predict(features) cat = np.argmax(pred) pred = pred.tolist()[0] for i in range(len(pred)): print('{}: {:04f}'.format(categories(MODEL_VERSION)[i], pred[i])) print('* Final Prediction: {}'.format(categories(MODEL_VERSION)[cat]))