Esempio n. 1
def dendrite_time_stepper(time_vec, I_drive, L3, tau_di):

    with open('../master_rate_matrix.soen', 'rb') as data_file:
        data_array_imported = pickle.load(data_file)

    I_di_list__imported = data_array_imported['I_di_list']
    I_drive_vec__imported = data_array_imported['I_drive_vec']
    master_rate_matrix__imported = data_array_imported['master_rate_matrix']

    p = physical_constants()
    Phi0 = p['Phi0']
    I_fq = Phi0 / L3

    I_di_vec = np.zeros([len(time_vec), 1])
    for ii in range(len(time_vec) - 1):
        dt = time_vec[ii + 1] - time_vec[ii]

        if I_drive[ii] > 18.6e-6:
            ind1 = (np.abs(np.asarray(I_drive_vec__imported) -
            ind2 = (
                np.abs(np.asarray(I_di_list__imported[ind1]) -
            rate = master_rate_matrix__imported[ind1, ind2]
            # linear interpolation
            # rate = np.interp(I_drive[ii],I_drive_vec__imported,master_rate_matrix__imported[:,ind2])
            rate = 0

        I_di_vec[ii + 1] = rate * I_fq * dt + (1 - dt / tau_di) * I_di_vec[ii]

    return I_di_vec
Esempio n. 2
def inter_fluxon_interval__fit(I, mu1, mu2, V0):

    Ic = 40e-6
    R = 4.125

    V_fq_vec = (Ic * R) * ((I / Ic)**mu1 - 1)**(mu2) + V0
    p = physical_constants()
    ifi_vec = p['Phi0'] / V_fq_vec

    return ifi_vec
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

# from soen_sim import input_signal, synapse, dendrite, neuron
from _plotting import plot_dend_rate_array, plot_dend_time_traces
from _functions import cv, save_session_data, read_wr_data
from util import physical_constants

import pickle

p = physical_constants()


#%% set case

num_jjs = 2  # 2 or 4

#%% inputs

# DR loop inductances (in all cases, left side has additional 10pH through which flux is coupled (M = k*sqrt(L1*L2); in this case k = 1, L1 = 200pH, L2 = 10pH))
dL = 1  # pH
L_left_list = np.arange(7, 13 + dL, dL)  # pH
L_right_list = np.flip(np.arange(17, 23 + dL, dL))  # pH
num_L = len(L_right_list)

# dendritic firing junction bias current
dI = 2  # uA
Esempio n. 4
def t_fq(I, Ic, R, mu1, mu2):

    p = physical_constants()
    t_fq_vec = (p['Phi0'] / (Ic * R)) * ((I / Ic)**mu1 - 1)**(-mu2)

    return t_fq_vec
Esempio n. 5
def dendritic_time_stepper(time_vec, R, I_drive, I_b, Ic, M_direct, Lm2, Ldr1,
                           Ldr2, L1, L2, L3, tau_di, mu_1, mu_2):

    p = physical_constants()
    Phi0 = p['Phi0']
    prefactor = Ic * R / Phi0
    I_fq = Phi0 / L3

    #initial approximations
    Lj0 = Ljj(Ic, 0)
    Iflux = 0
    Idr2_prev = ((Lm2 + Ldr1 + Lj0) * I_b[0] +
                 M_direct * Iflux) / (Lm2 + Ldr1 + Ldr2 + 2 * Lj0 +
                                      (Lm2 + Ldr1 + Lj0) * (Ldr2 + Lj0) / L1)
    Idr1_prev = I_b[0] - (1 + (Ldr2 + Lj0) / L1) * Idr2_prev
    Ij2_prev = I_b[1]
    Ij3_prev = I_b[2]

    I_di_vec = np.zeros([len(time_vec), 1])
    # Idr1_next, Idr2_next, Ij2_next, Ij3_next, I1, I2, I3 = dendrite_current_splitting(Ic,0,I_b[0],I_b[1],I_b[2],M_direct,Lm2,Ldr1,Ldr2,L1,L2,L3,Idr1_prev,Idr2_prev,Ij2_prev,Ij3_prev)
    # print('Idr1 = {}uA, Idr2 = {}uA, Ij2 = {}uA, Ij3 = {}uA'.format(Idr1_next*1e6,Idr2_next*1e6,Ij2_next*1e6,Ij3_next*1e6))
    for ii in range(len(time_vec) - 1):
        dt = time_vec[ii + 1] - time_vec[ii]

        #dendrite_current_splitting(Ic,  Iflux,        Ib1,   Ib2,   Ib3,   M,       Lm2,Ldr1,Ldr2,L1,L2,L3,Idr1_prev,Idr2_prev,Ij2_prev,Ij3_prev)
        Idr1_next, Idr2_next, Ij2_next, Ij3_next, I1, I2, I3 = dendrite_current_splitting(
            Ic, I_drive[ii + 1], I_b, M_direct, Lm2, Ldr1, Ldr2, L1, L2, L3,
            Idr1_prev, Idr2_prev, Ij2_prev, Ij3_prev)
        # I_di_sat = I_di_sat_of_I_dr_2(Idr2_next)

        Ljdr2 = Ljj(Ic, Idr2_next)
        Lj2 = Ljj(Ic, Ij2_next)
        Lj3 = Ljj(Ic, Ij3_next)
        # Ljdr2 = Ljj(Ic,0)
        # Lj2 = Ljj(Ic,0)
        # Lj3 = Ljj(Ic,0)

        Idr1_prev = Idr1_next
        Idr2_prev = Idr2_next
        Ij2_prev = Ij2_next  #(Lj3/(L2+Lj2))*I_di_vec[ii]
        Ij3_prev = Ij3_next

        # I_j_df_fluxon_soen = Phi0/(L1+Ldr2+Ljdr2+Lj2)
        # I_j_2_fluxon_soen = Phi0/(Lj2+L_pp)
        # I_j_3_fluxon_soen = Phi0/(L3+Lj3)

        I_loop2_from_di = (Lj3 / (L2 + Lj2)) * I_di_vec[ii]
        I_loop1_from_loop2 = (Lj2 / (L1 + Ljdr2 + Ldr2)) * I_loop2_from_di
        # print('I_loop2_from_di = {}uA, I_loop1_from_loop2 = {}uA'.format(I_loop2_from_di*1e6,I_loop1_from_loop2*1e6))

        Idr2_next -= I_loop1_from_loop2
        Ij2_next -= I_loop2_from_di
        Ij3_next -= I_di_vec[ii] - I_loop2_from_di

        L_ppp = Lj3 * L3 / (Lj3 + L3)
        L_pp = L2 + L_ppp
        L_p = Lj2 * L_pp / (Lj2 + L_pp)
        # print('L_p = {}pH, L_pp = {}pH, L_ppp = {}pH'.format(L_p*1e12,L_pp*1e12,L_ppp*1e12))

        large_number = 1e9

        I_flux_1 = 6e-6
        I_flux_2 = 20e-6

        Ij2_next += I_flux_1  # (Phi0/(L1+L_p))*(L_pp)/(Lj2+L_pp)#(Lj3/(L2+Lj2))*I_di_vec[ii]
        # print('Ij2_next += {}uA'.format(1e6*(Phi0/(L1+L_p))*(L_pp)/(Lj2+L_pp)))
        # Ij3_next += (Phi0/L_pp)*(L3/(L3+Lj3)) + (Phi0/(L1+L_p))*L3/(Lj3+L3) - I_di_vec[ii]
        Ij3_next += I_flux_2  # (Phi0/L_pp)*(L3/(L3+Lj3))
        # print('Ij3_next += {}uA'.format(1e6*(Phi0/L_pp)*(L3/(L3+Lj3))))
        # print('term_1 = {}; term_2 = {}'.format( (Phi0/L_pp)*(L3/(L3+Lj3)) , (Phi0/(L1+L_p))*L3/(Lj3+L3) ) )
        if Idr2_next > Ic:
            factor_1 = inter_fluxon_interval(
                Idr2_next)  # ( (Idr2_next/Ic)**mu_1 - 1 )**(-mu_2)
            factor_1 = large_number
        if Ij2_next > Ic:
            factor_2 = inter_fluxon_interval(
                Ij2_next)  # ( (Ij2_next/Ic)**mu_1 - 1 )**(-mu_2)
            factor_2 = large_number
        if Ij3_next > Ic:
            factor_3 = inter_fluxon_interval(
                Ij3_next)  # ( (Ij3_next/Ic)**mu_1 - 1 )**(-mu_2)
            factor_3 = large_number

        # print('factor_1 = {}, factor_2 = {}, factor_3 = {}'.format(factor_1,factor_2,factor_3))
        r_tot = (factor_1 + factor_2 + factor_3)**(-1)
        I_di_vec[ii + 1] = r_tot * I_fq * dt + (1 - dt / tau_di) * I_di_vec[ii]

    return I_di_vec
Esempio n. 6
    def run_sim(self):

        sim_params = self.synapse_model_params
        tf = sim_params['tf']
        dt = sim_params['dt']
        time_vec = np.arange(0, tf + dt, dt)
        p = physical_constants()
        # input_spike_times = self.input_spike_times

        #setup input signal
        if hasattr(self, 'input_signal'):
            self.input_spike_times = self.input_signal.spike_times
            self.input_spike_times = []

        #here currents are in uA. they are converted to A before passing back
        I_sy = self.synaptic_bias_current * 1e6

        #these values obtained by fitting to spice simulations
        #see matlab scripts in a4/calculations/nC/phenomenological_modeling...
        if 'gamma1' in sim_params:
            gamma1 = sim_params['gamma1']
            gamma1 = 0.9
        if 'gamma2' in sim_params:
            gamma2 = sim_params['gamma2']
            gamma2 = 0.158
        if 'gamma3' in sim_params:
            gamma3 = sim_params['gamma3']
            gamma3 = 3 / 4

        #these fits were obtained by comparing to spice simulations
        #see matlab scripts in a4/calculations/nC/phenomenological_modeling...

        # tau_rise = (1.294*I_sy-43.01)*1e-9
        tau_rise = (0.038359 * I_sy**2 - 0.778850 * I_sy - 0.441682) * 1e-9
        self.integration_loop_total_inductance = self.integration_loop_self_inductance + self.integration_loop_output_inductance
        _reference_inductance = 775e-9  #inductance at which I_0 fit was performed
        _scale_factor = _reference_inductance / self.integration_loop_total_inductance
        #I_0 = (0.06989*I_sy**2-3.948*I_sy+53.73)*_scale_factor #from earlier model assuming 10uA spd

        # I_0 = (0.006024*I_sy**2-0.202821*I_sy+1.555543)*_scale_factor # in terms of currents
        I_0 = 1e6 * (2.257804 * I_sy**2 - 76.01606 * I_sy + 583.005805) * p[
            'Phi0'] / self.integration_loop_total_inductance  # in terms of n_fq

        #I_si_sat is actually a function of I_b (loop_current_bias). The fit I_si_sat(I_b) has not yet been performed (20200319)
        I_si_sat = 19.7

        tau_fall = self.integration_loop_time_constant

        # I_si_vec = synaptic_response_function(time_vec,input_spike_times,I_0,I_si_sat,gamma1,gamma2,gamma3,tau_rise,tau_fall)
        I_si_vec = np.zeros([len(time_vec), 1])
        for ii in range(len(time_vec)):
            I_si_vec[ii] = synapse_time_stepper(time_vec, ii,
                                                self.input_spike_times, I_0,
                                                I_si_sat, gamma1, gamma2,
                                                gamma3, tau_rise, tau_fall)

        self.I_si = I_si_vec * 1e-6
        self.time_vec = time_vec

        return self