def launch(t): lt = time.localtime(t) hour, min, sec = ('{:02}'.format(i) for i in [lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min, lt.tm_sec]) # os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0.0' # have to set this explicitly if # invoked by cron. util.playsound() pingpath = os.path.join(settings.path, '') cmd = settings.get_xt_cmd( 'TagTime {hour}:{min}:{sec}'.format(hour=hour, min=min, sec=sec), pingpath, str(t)) util.callcmd(cmd)
print("TagTime is watching you! Last ping would've been", tdelta, "ago.", file=sys.stderr) start = time.time() i = 1 while True: # sleep till next ping but check again in at most a few seconds in # case computer was off (should be event-based and check upon wake). # Use the pause library to get better precision pause.until(nextping) # time.sleep(util.clip(nextping - time.time(), 0, 2)) now = time.time() if nextping <= now: if settings.catchup or nextping > now - settings.retrothresh: util.playsound() # invokes popup for this ping plus additional popups if there were more # pings while answering this one: cmd = [os.path.join(settings.path, ""), "quiet", "&"] util.callcmd(cmd) s = "{i: 4}: PING! gap {gap} avg {avg} tot {tot}".format( i=i, gap=datetime.timedelta(seconds=nextping - lastping), avg=datetime.timedelta(seconds=(0.0 + time.time() - start) / i), tot=datetime.timedelta(seconds=(0.0 + time.time() - start)), ) print(util.annotime(s, nextping, 72), file=sys.stderr) lastping = nextping nextping = rand.nextping(nextping)