Esempio n. 1
def generate(
        active_degree: int,
        passive_degree: int,
        label_count: int,
        actives_all_same: bool,
        passives_all_same: bool,
        flags: ProblemFlags,
        count_limit: int = sys.maxsize,  # TODO: remove the param or use it
        skip_count: int = 0,  # TODO: remove the param or use it
) -> List[P]:
    alphabet = letter_range(label_count)
    # take active_degree labels
    # from a pallete of active_label_count
    if flags.is_directed_or_rooted:
        # rooted/directed: order of configs does not matter,
        # except for the frist label in each config. Thus,
        # we have additional product() call below.
        # e.g. degree = 3, labels = 2, gives us:
        # ['AAA', 'AAB', 'ABB', 'BAA', 'BAB', 'BBB']
        actives = (
            for x in combinations_with_replacement(alphabet, active_degree -
        passives = (
            for x in combinations_with_replacement(alphabet, passive_degree -
        actives = ("".join(x) for x in product(alphabet, actives))
        passives = ("".join(x) for x in product(alphabet, passives))
        # unrooted/undirected: order of configs does not matter
        # e.g. degree 3, labels = 2, gives us
        # ['AAA', 'AAB', 'ABB', 'BBB']
        actives = (
            for x in combinations_with_replacement(alphabet, active_degree))
        passives = (
            for x in combinations_with_replacement(alphabet, passive_degree))

    if actives_all_same:
        actives = (x for x in actives if x[0] * len(x) == x)
    if passives_all_same:
        passives = (x for x in passives if x[0] * len(x) == x)

    active_constraints = (tuple([" ".join(y) for y in x])
                          for x in tqdm(powerset(actives)) if x)
    passive_constraints = (tuple([" ".join(y) for y in x])
                           for x in tqdm(powerset(passives)) if x)

    problem_tuples = (
        (a, b) for (a, b) in product(active_constraints, passive_constraints))
    return problem_from_constraints(problem_tuples, flags)
Esempio n. 2
  def computeIISsBruteForce(self):
    DEPRECATED not an efficient way to compute IISs.

    If all IIS contain at least one free feature, then safe policies exist.

    a brute force way to find all iiss and return their indicies
    can be O(2^|unknown features|)
    unknownConsPowerset = powerset(self.unknownCons)
    feasible = {}
    iiss = []

    for cons in unknownConsPowerset:
      # if any subset is already infeasible, no need to check this set. it's definitely infeasible and not an iis
      if len(cons) > 0 and any(not feasible[subset] for subset in combinations(cons, len(cons) - 1)):
        feasible[cons] = False

      # find if the lp is feasible by posing cons
      sol = self.findConstrainedOptPi(cons)
      feasible[cons] = sol['feasible']

      if len(cons) == 0 and not feasible[cons]:
        # no iiss in this case. problem infeasible
        return []

      # if it is infeasible and all its subsets are feasible (only need to check the subsets with one less element)
      # then it's an iis
      if not feasible[cons] and all(feasible[subset] for subset in combinations(cons, len(cons) - 1)):

    self.iiss = iiss
Esempio n. 3
    def probOfExistanceOfSafePolicies(self, lockedCons, freeCons):
    Compute the probability of existence of at least one safe policies.
    This considers the changeabilities of all unknown features.
    lockedCons, freeCons: The set of locked and free features.
      They might be different from the ones confirmed by querying.
      These are hypothetical ones just to compute the corresponding prob. 
        unknownCons = set(self.consIndices) - set(lockedCons) - set(freeCons)
        # \EE[policy exists]
        expect = 0

        allSubsetsOfUnknownCons = powerset(unknownCons)

        for freeSubset in allSubsetsOfUnknownCons:
            # assume now freeSubset is free and uknownCons \ freeSubset is locked
            # compute the prob. that this happens (given lockedCons and freeCons)
            prob = reduce(mul, map(lambda _: self.consProbs[_], freeSubset), 1) *\
                   reduce(mul, map(lambda _: 1 - self.consProbs[_], unknownCons - set(freeSubset)), 1)

            # an indicator represents if safe policies exist
            safePolicyExist = self.safePolicyExist(freeCons=list(freeCons) +

            expect += safePolicyExist * prob

        return expect
Esempio n. 4
  def computeIISsBruteForce(self):
    DEPRECATED not an efficient way to compute IISs. 

    If all IIS contain at least one free feature, then safe policies exist.

    a brute force way to find all iiss and return their indicies
    can be O(2^|unknown features|)
    unknownConsPowerset = powerset(self.allCons)
    feasible = {}
    iiss = []
    for cons in unknownConsPowerset:
      # if any subset is already infeasible, no need to check this set. it's definitely infeasible and not an iis
      if len(cons) > 0 and any(not feasible[subset] for subset in combinations(cons, len(cons) - 1)):
        feasible[cons] = False

      # find if the lp is feasible by posing cons
      sol = self.findConstrainedOptPi(cons)
      feasible[cons] = sol['feasible']
      if len(cons) == 0 and not feasible[cons]:
        # no iiss in this case. problem infeasible
        return []
      # if it is infeasible and all its subsets are feasible (only need to check the subsets with one less element)
      # then it's an iis
      if not feasible[cons] and all(feasible[subset] for subset in combinations(cons, len(cons) - 1)):

    self.iiss = iiss
Esempio n. 5
 def probOfExistanceOfSafePolicies(self, lockedCons, freeCons):
   Compute the probability of existence of at least one safe policies.
   This considers the changeabilities of all unknown features.
   lockedCons, freeCons: The set of locked and free features.
     They might be different from the ones confirmed by querying.
     These are hypothetical ones just to compute the corresponding prob. 
   unknownCons = set(self.consIndices) - set(lockedCons) - set(freeCons)
   # \EE[policy exists]
   expect = 0
   allSubsetsOfUnknownCons = powerset(unknownCons)
   for freeSubset in allSubsetsOfUnknownCons:
     # assume now freeSubset is free and uknownCons \ freeSubset is locked
     # compute the prob. that this happens (given lockedCons and freeCons)
     prob = reduce(mul, map(lambda _: self.consProbs[_], freeSubset), 1) *\
            reduce(mul, map(lambda _: 1 - self.consProbs[_], unknownCons - set(freeSubset)), 1) 
     # an indicator represents if safe policies exist
     safePolicyExist = self.safePolicyExist(freeCons=list(freeCons) + list(freeSubset))
     expect += safePolicyExist * prob
   return expect
Esempio n. 6
  def getProbOfExistenceOfSafePolicies(self, lockedCons, freeCons):
    Compute the probability that safe policies exist using dominating policies (the best way?)

    lockedCons, freeCons: The set of locked and free features.
      They might be different from the ones confirmed by querying.
      These are hypothetical ones just to compute the corresponding prob.
    result = 0

    def pf(con):
      if con in lockedCons: return 0
      elif con in freeCons: return 1
      else: return self.consProbs[con]

    assert hasattr(self, 'domPiFeats')

    # two ways to compute the probs. either 2^|relFeats| or 2^|domPis|
    # so see which one is smaller
    if len(self.relFeats) < len(self.domPiFeats):
      allSubsetsOfRelFeats = powerset(self.relFeats)
      for freeSubset in allSubsetsOfRelFeats:
        if self.safePolicyExist(freeCons = list(freeSubset) + list(self.knownFreeCons)):
          prob = self.probFeatsBeingFree(freeSubset) * self.probFeatsBeingLocked(set(self.relFeats) - set(freeSubset))
          result += prob
      for k in range(1, len(self.domPiFeats) + 1):
        sign = 1 if k % 2 == 1 else -1
        for domPiFeatsSubset in combinations(self.domPiFeats, k):
          domPiFeatsSubsetLists = map(lambda _: list(_), domPiFeatsSubset)
          unionOfFeats = set(sum(domPiFeatsSubsetLists, []))
          result += sign * reduce(mul, map(pf, unionOfFeats), 1)

    return result
Esempio n. 7
    def findRelevantFeaturesBruteForce(self):
    a method simply to measure the time needed to compute all dominating policies
        allConsPowerset = set(powerset(self.unknownCons))

        for subsetsToConsider in allConsPowerset:
Esempio n. 8
    def _fifteens(self):
        """Compute the score for fifteens"""
        fifteen_score = 0
        pset = powerset(self.all_five)

        for entry in pset:
            if self._sum_cards(entry) == 15:
                fifteen_score += 2

        return fifteen_score
Esempio n. 9
def knapsack(loot, weight_limit):
    all_combo = powerset(loot)
    best_value = None
    for combo in all_combo:
        combo_weight = sum([item.weight for item in combo])
        combo_value = sum([item.value for item in combo])
        if combo_weight <= weight_limit:
            if not best_value or best_value < combo_value:
                best_value = combo_value
    if not best_value:
        print("knapsack couldn't fit any items")
    return best_value
Esempio n. 10
    def _runs(self):
        """Compute the score for a run of three, four, or five cards"""

        # Used for sorting subsets
        def get_card_value(card):
            return card.value

        runs = []
        run_score = 0
        pset = powerset(self.all_five)

        for entry in pset:

            sub_run = False
            if len(entry) < 3:

            sorted_entry = sorted(entry, key=get_card_value)
            current_val = sorted_entry[0].value
            count = 1

            for card in sorted_entry[1:]:
                if card.value == (current_val + 1):
                    count += 1
                    current_val = card.value
                    count = 0

            if count == 0:

            if count >= 3:

        runs_final = []
        for run1 in runs:
            sublist = False
            for run2 in runs:
                if self._sublist(run1, run2):
                    sublist = True
            if not sublist:

        for run in runs_final:
            run_score += len(run)

        return run_score
Esempio n. 11
File: Progetto: jag426/euler
def divisors(n):
    """A set of the proper divisors of n for any positive integer n.

    >>> divisors(1)
    >>> divisors(17.0)
    >>> divisors(4) == {1, 2}
    >>> divisors(49) == {1, 7}
    >>> divisors(120) == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60}
    >>> len(divisors(360))
    >>> len(divisors(2520))
    >>> divisors(0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: n must be positive
    >>> divisors(2**0.5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: n must be an integer

    from functools import reduce
    from math import floor
    from util import powerset, prime_factorization
    if floor(n) != n:
        raise ValueError("n must be an integer")
    n = floor(n)
    if not n >= 1:
        raise ValueError("n must be positive")
    pf = prime_factorization(n)
    factor_sets = powerset(pf)
    product = lambda factors: reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, factors, 1)
    divisors = {product(factors) for factors in factor_sets}
    if n != 1:
    return divisors
Esempio n. 12
    def choice(self, contracts):

        print "choosing from: ",
        for c in contracts:
        print ""

        # Generate power set of possible contracts

        allContractSets = util.powerset(contracts)
        maxU = 0
        maxContractSet = []

        for contractSet in allContractSets:
            u = self.utility(self, contractSet)

            if u > maxU:
                maxU = u
                maxContractSet = contractSet

        return maxContractSet
Esempio n. 13
  def findRelevantFeaturesAndDomPis(self):
    Incrementally add dominating policies to a set
    DomPolicies algorithm in the IJCAI paper
    beta = [] # rules to keep
    dominatingPolicies = {}

    allCons = set()
    allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))
    subsetsConsidered = []

    # iterate until no more dominating policies are found
    while True:
      subsetsToConsider = allConsPowerset.difference(subsetsConsidered)

      if len(subsetsToConsider) == 0: break

      # find the subset with the smallest size
      activeCons = min(subsetsToConsider, key=lambda _: len(_))
      #if config.DEBUG: print 'activeCons', activeCons

      skipThisCons = False
      for enf, relax in beta:
        if enf.issubset(activeCons) and len(relax.intersection(activeCons)) == 0:
          # this subset can be ignored
          skipThisCons = True
      if skipThisCons:

      sol = self.findConstrainedOptPi(activeCons)
      if sol['feasible']:
        x = sol['pi']
        if config.DEBUG:
          print self.computeValue(x)

        dominatingPolicies[activeCons] = x

        # check violated constraints
        violatedCons = self.findViolatedConstraints(x)

        if config.DEBUG: print 'x violates', violatedCons
        # infeasible
        violatedCons = ()
        if config.DEBUG: print 'infeasible'

      # beta records that we would not enforce activeCons and relax occupiedFeats in the future
      beta.append((set(activeCons), set(violatedCons)))


      allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))
    domPis = []
    for pi in dominatingPolicies.values():
      if pi not in domPis: domPis.append(pi)
    if config.DEBUG: print 'rel cons', allCons, 'num of domPis', len(domPis)
    return allCons, domPis
Esempio n. 14
  def findRelevantFeaturesBruteForce(self):
    allConsPowerset = set(powerset(self.allCons))

    for subsetsToConsider in allConsPowerset:
Esempio n. 15
  def computeOptQueries(self):
    f(\phi_l, \phi_f) = 
      0, if safePolicyExist(\phi_f) or self.safePolicyNotExist(\phi_l)
      min_\phi p_f(\phi) f(\phi_l, \phi_f + {\phi}) + (1 - p_f(\phi)) f(\phi_l + {\phi}, \phi_f), o.w.
    Boundaries condition:
      \phi_l is not a superset of any iis, \phi_f is not a superset of rel feats of any dom pi, otherwise 0 for sure
    consPowerset = list(powerset(self.relFeats))

    # free/locked cons that are not supersets of elements on their boundaries
    admissibleFreeCons = []
    admissibleLockedCons = []
    # the set of (lockedCons, freeCons) to evaluate the optimal queries
    # it's the cross product of the two sets above, excluding free and locked cons that share elements
    admissibleCons = []

    for lockedCons in consPowerset:
      if self.safePolicyNotExist(lockedCons=lockedCons):
        if not any(set(lockedCons).issuperset(lockedB) for lockedB in self.lockedBoundary): 
      else: admissibleLockedCons.append(lockedCons)

    for freeCons in consPowerset:
      if self.safePolicyExist(freeCons=freeCons):
        if not any(set(freeCons).issuperset(freeB) for freeB in self.freeBoundary):
      else: admissibleFreeCons.append(freeCons)
    if config.VERBOSE:
      print 'locked', self.lockedBoundary
      print 'free', self.freeBoundary

    for lockedCons in admissibleLockedCons:
      for freeCons in admissibleFreeCons:
        # any cons should not be known to be both free and locked
        if set(lockedCons).isdisjoint(set(freeCons)):
          admissibleCons.append((lockedCons, freeCons))

    readyToEvaluate = lambda l, f: all(self.getQueryAndValue(l, set(f).union({con})) != None \
                                       and self.getQueryAndValue(set(l).union({con}), f) != None \
                                       for con in set(self.relFeats) - set(l) - set(f))

    # keep the sets of cons that are ready to evaluate in the next iteration
    readyToEvalSet = []
    for (lockedCons, freeCons) in admissibleCons:
      if readyToEvaluate(lockedCons, freeCons): readyToEvalSet.append((lockedCons, freeCons))

    # keep fill out the values of optQs within boundary
    # whenever filled out 
    while len(readyToEvalSet) > 0:
      if config.VERBOSE: print len(readyToEvalSet), 'need to be evaluated'

      (lockedCons, freeCons) = readyToEvalSet.pop()

      unknownCons = set(self.relFeats) - set(lockedCons) - set(freeCons)

      minNums = [(con,\
                  self.consProbs[con] * self.getQueryAndValue(lockedCons, set(freeCons).union({con}))[1]\
                  + (1 - self.consProbs[con]) * self.getQueryAndValue(set(lockedCons).union({con}), freeCons)[1]\
                  + 1) # count con in
                 for con in unknownCons]
      # pick the tuple that has the minimum obj value after querying
      self.setQueryAndValue(lockedCons, freeCons, min(minNums, key=lambda _: _[1]))

      # add neighbors that ready to evaluate to readToEvalSet
      readyToEvalSet += filter(lambda (l, f): self.getQueryAndValue(l, f) == None and readyToEvaluate(l, f),\
                               [(set(lockedCons) - {cons}, freeCons) for cons in lockedCons] +\
                               [(lockedCons, set(freeCons) - {cons}) for cons in freeCons])
    def computeOptimalQuery(self, knownLockedCons, knownFreeCons, unknownCons,
    recursively compute the optimal query, return the value after query
        # the key used for optQueryAndValueDict
        # use frozenset here because the order of features doesn't matter
        key = (frozenset(knownLockedCons), frozenset(knownFreeCons),
               frozenset(unknownCons), tuple(psi))

        if key in self.optQueryAndValueDict.keys():
            return self.optQueryAndValueDict[key]

        rewardSupports = self.computeConsistentRewardIndices(psi)
        # compute the current safe policy
        if key in self.currentOptPiValueDict.keys():
            currentSafelyOptValue = self.currentOptPiValueDict[key]
            currentSafelyOptValue = self.findConstrainedOptPi(
                activeCons=list(unknownCons) + list(knownLockedCons),

        # feature queries
        if len(unknownCons) > 0:
            consQueryValues = {
                ('F', con): self.consProbs[con] * self.computeOptimalQuery(
                    knownLockedCons, knownFreeCons + [con],
                    set(unknownCons) - {con}, psi)[1] +
                (1 - self.consProbs[con]) * self.computeOptimalQuery(
                    knownLockedCons + [con], knownFreeCons,
                    set(unknownCons) - {con}, psi)[1] - self.costOfQuery
                for con in unknownCons
            consQueryValues = {}

        # reward queries
        psiOfSet = lambda rSet: sum(psi[_] for _ in rSet)
        if len(rewardSupports) > 1:
            rewardQueryValues = {
                ('R', rSet): psiOfSet(rSet) * self.computeOptimalQuery(
                    knownLockedCons, knownFreeCons, unknownCons,
                    computePosteriorBelief(psi, consistentRewards=rSet))[1] +
                (1 - psiOfSet(rSet)) * self.computeOptimalQuery(
                    knownLockedCons, knownFreeCons, unknownCons,
                    computePosteriorBelief(psi, inconsistentRewards=rSet))[1] -
                for rSet in powerset(
                    rewardSupports, minimum=1, maximum=len(rewardSupports) - 1)
            rewardQueryValues = {}

        queryAndValues = consQueryValues.copy()

        # also, there's an option to not pose a query
        queryAndValues[None] = currentSafelyOptValue

        optQueryAndValue = max(queryAndValues.items(), key=lambda _: _[1])

        self.optQueryAndValueDict[key] = optQueryAndValue

        return optQueryAndValue
    def findDomPi(self):
    (re)compute all dominating policies given reward and safety uncertainty
    and then sample one
    stored in self.dompis = [(dompi, weighted_prob)]
        domPisData = []
        allDomPis = []

        priorPi = self.computeCurrentSafelyOptPi()
        consistentRewardIndices = self.computeConsistentRewardIndices(

        for rIndices in powerset(consistentRewardIndices,
            rewardPositiveMDP = copy.deepcopy(self.mdp)

            sumOfPsi = sum(self.mdp.psi[_] for _ in rIndices)

            rewardPositiveConsAgent = ConsQueryAgent(
            _, domPis = rewardPositiveConsAgent.findRelevantFeaturesAndDomPis()

            for domPi in domPis:
                relFeats = rewardPositiveConsAgent.findViolatedConstraints(

                # we are going to query about rIndices and relFeatures
                # we regard them as batch queries and compute the possible responses
                safeProb =
                    [self.consProbs[feat] for feat in relFeats])
                rPositiveValue = rewardPositiveConsAgent.computeValue(domPi)

                # priorPi is feasible under relFeats since priorPi is safer (before querying)
                priorValue = rewardPositiveConsAgent.computeValue(priorPi)

                # 1 <= len(rIndices) <= sizeOfRewards
                rewardQueryNeeded = (len(rIndices) <

                # at least (relFeats) feature queries and 1 reward-set query are needed
                weightedValue = safeProb * sumOfPsi * (
                    rPositiveValue - priorValue - self.costOfQuery *
                    (len(relFeats) + rewardQueryNeeded))

                if domPi not in allDomPis:

                if weightedValue > 0:
                    # only add dom pi info when it's beneficial to query about this

        if self.domPiNum is None:
            self.domPiNum = len(allDomPis)

        if len(domPisData) > 0:
            self.objectDomPiData = max(domPisData,
                                       key=lambda datum: datum.weightedValue)
            self.objectDomPiData = None

        if config.VERBOSE: print 'chosen dom pi', self.objectDomPiData
Esempio n. 18
    def _satisfactory_placement_generator(self):
        # generates all satisfactory mine placements 

        # note the use of of powerset, a function (not method)
        # defined in this using the recipe from itertools package 
        return filter(self._is_satisfactory_placement, powerset(self.perimiter))
Esempio n. 19
    def findRelevantFeaturesAndDomPis(self):
    Incrementally add dominating policies to a set
    DomPolicies algorithm in the IJCAI paper
        beta = []  # rules to keep
        dominatingPolicies = {}

        allCons = set()
        allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))
        subsetsConsidered = []

        # iterate until no more dominating policies are found
        while True:
            subsetsToConsider = allConsPowerset.difference(subsetsConsidered)

            if len(subsetsToConsider) == 0: break

            # find the subset with the smallest size
            activeCons = min(subsetsToConsider, key=lambda _: len(_))
            #if config.DEBUG: print 'activeCons', activeCons

            skipThisCons = False
            for enf, relax in beta:
                if enf.issubset(activeCons) and len(
                        relax.intersection(activeCons)) == 0:
                    # this subset can be ignored
                    skipThisCons = True
            if skipThisCons:

            sol = self.findConstrainedOptPi(activeCons)
            if sol['feasible']:
                x = sol['pi']
                if config.DEBUG:
                    print self.computeValue(x)

                dominatingPolicies[activeCons] = x

                # check violated constraints
                violatedCons = self.findViolatedConstraints(x)

                if config.DEBUG: print 'x violates', violatedCons
                # infeasible
                violatedCons = ()

                if config.DEBUG: print 'infeasible'

            # beta records that we would not enforce activeCons and relax occupiedFeats in the future
            beta.append((set(activeCons), set(violatedCons)))


            allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))

        domPis = []
        for pi in dominatingPolicies.values():
            if pi not in domPis: domPis.append(pi)

        if config.DEBUG:
            print 'rel cons', allCons, 'num of domPis', len(domPis)
        return allCons, domPis
Esempio n. 20
def best(patterns, extended):
    # Enumberate daytimes
    dts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    all = []
    for p in patterns:
    for p in all:
        for dt in p.getDayTimesRaw():
    # For each daytime, iterate patterns to find termweeks
    dt_tw = {}
    dt_tw_sz = {}
    for (dt, ps) in dts.iteritems():
        tws = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for p in ps:
            for (term, week) in p.getTermWeeks().each():
        dt_tw[dt] = tws
        dt_tw_sz[dt] = reduce(lambda tot, item: tot + len(item),
                              tws.itervalues(), 0)
    # restrict to at most max_trials (longest)
    dt_use = set()
    dt_candidates = dt_tw.keys()
    for i in range(0, max_trials):
        if len(dt_candidates) == 0:
        use = max(dt_candidates, key=lambda k: dt_tw_sz[k])
    # find longest range of each, using 1-8,9-16,17-24 type ranges to allow term overlap
    dt_longest = {}
    for dt in dt_use:
        # build termy week numbers (1-24)
        week_nums = set()
        for (term, weeks) in dt_tw[dt].iteritems():
            for week in filter(lambda x: x > 0 and x < 9, weeks):
                week_nums.add(term * 8 + week)
        ranges = sorted(util.ranges(week_nums),
                        key=lambda x: x[1],
        if len(ranges) == 0:
            dt_longest[dt] = set()
            dt_longest[dt] = set(
                range(ranges[0][0], ranges[0][0] + ranges[0][1]))
    # permute through including and excluding date ranges to see which gives best coverage (EXPONENTIAL!)
    best_score = None
    best = None
    for dts in util.powerset(dt_use):
        if len(dts) == 0:
        all = set(range(1, 25))
        for dt in dts:
            all &= dt_longest[dt]
        score = len(all) * len(dts)
        if best_score == None or score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best = dts
    # Generate pattern
    if best is None:
        logger.error("No common in %s" % all)
        return None
    p = patternatom.PatternAtom(False)
    for b in best:
        p.addDayTimeRange(b[0], b[1][0], b[1][1], b[2][0], b[2][1])
    # Extend to include out-of-term dates, where required
    if extended:
        for q in patterns:
            for qa in q[0].blast():
    return p
Esempio n. 21
def execute(args):
  print 'Starting the artificial neural network'
  if len(args) < 2:

  # Data

  # names     feature labels
  # y         shuffled names
  # x         features that correspond to shuffled names
  names, y, x = parse(args[1])
  x = clean(names, x)
  usePowerset = args[0]

  # Build features to include in test
  features = args[2:]
  if len(features) == 0:
    features = names
  # print 'Selected features:', features

  # Build all subsets of features, if requested
  if usePowerset.lower() == 'true':
    combos = powerset(features)
    combos = [features]

  # map from feature set, to map of correct counts for each person
  feature_performance = {}
  highest_correct = 0
  best_combo = {}
  for c in combos:
    if len(c) == 0:
    print 'Attempting feature set:', c
    x_selected = selectFeatures(copy.copy(names), c, x)

    # Split into testing and traiing data
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_selected, y,

    # Models

    logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=L_REGULARIZATION)
    rbm = BernoulliRBM(random_state=0, verbose=True, learning_rate=N_LEARNING_RATE, n_iter=N_ITER, n_components=N_COMPONENTS)

    # Note: attempted StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, MaxAbsScaler, without strong results
    # Not needed, since data is scaled to the [0-1] range by clean()
    classifier = Pipeline(steps=[('rbm', rbm),('logistic', logistic)])

    # ###############################################################################
    # Training
    print 'Training the classifier...'
    # Training RBM-Logistic Pipeline,y_train)
    correct = 0
    label_counts = defaultdict(int)
    for i in range(len(x_test)):
      test = x_test[i]
      if len(test) == 1:
        test = test.reshape(-1, 1)
        test = [test]
      predicted = classifier.predict(test)

      if predicted == y_test[i]:
        correct += 1
        label_counts[predicted[0]] += 1

    if correct >= highest_correct:
      highest_correct = correct
      best_combo = c
    feature_performance[str(c)] = {'predictions':label_counts,'expected':Counter(y_test)}

    # Evaluation
    # evaluate(classifier, x_test, y_test)

  summary = feature_performance[str(best_combo)]
  print 'Accuracy:\t\t\t', highest_correct, 'correct gives', (highest_correct * 1.0/len(y_test)), 'compared to guessing', (1.0/len(summary['expected']))
  print 'Best feature set:\t\t', best_combo
  print 'Identified %d out of %d labels'%(len(summary['predictions']),len(summary['expected']))
  for p in summary['predictions']:
    pred = summary['predictions'][p]
    tot = summary['expected'][p]
    print '\t %s \t\t %d\t of %d \t (%f)'%(p, pred, tot, pred * 1.0/tot)
Esempio n. 22
def _gcjut_rec(loop, t, conj_existing_states=False):

    # Base case
    if type(t) == Var or type(t) == Const:
        return [Join(loop, t)]

    out = []

    # Recursively call function on subterms
    joins = [_gcjut_rec(loop, st) for st in t.terms]

    for j_comb in product(*joins):

        # For this particular combination of joins, obtain a merged join
        merged_join = merge(loop, t.op, j_comb)
        vprint(P_JOIN_GEN, "Join: merged these joins:")
        for join in j_comb:
            vprint(P_JOIN_GEN, "Join:", join)
        out.append(merged_join)  # Case when merged join is not a new auxillary
        vprint(P_JOIN_GEN, "Join: candidate join (merged) =\n", merged_join)
        if not merged_join.term.state_free("SV"):

        # Find all constants and obtain a mapping to their locations
        const_indv = _get_const_indv(merged_join.term)
        if not const_indv:
            return out

        for const in const_indv.keys():
                "Join: const %s appears in locations %s within %s)" %
                (str(const), str(const_indv[const]), str(merged_join.term)))
            for ind_set in powerset(const_indv[const]):
                if not ind_set:
                rem_set = const_indv[const][:]
                auxjn = Join(merged_join.loop, merged_join.term)
                k = auxjn.loop.get_num_states()

                # Conjecture that this particular choice of indices corresponds
                # to locations of an auxillary state variable
                for ind in ind_set:
                    auxjn.term.set_term_at(ind, Var("RSV", "s", k + 1))
                # Unfold right variables in term to obtain definition for auxillary
                auxterm = auxjn.term.rename("RSV", "SV").apply_subst(

                # For all remaining indices, conjecture that some of them point to
                # existing state variables (if conj_existing_states is True)
                for state_assgn in product(
                        *[list(range(loop.get_num_states() + 1)) for _ in range(len(rem_set))]) \
                        if conj_existing_states else [[0] * len(rem_set)]:
                    auxjn_v = deepcopy(auxjn)
                    auxterm_v = deepcopy(auxterm)
                    for i in range(len(rem_set)):
                        if state_assgn[i] != 0:
                                rem_set[i], Var("SV", "s", state_assgn[i]))

                    # Add the auxillary variable and set the join to be the auxillary
                    # Note: the auxillary variable could already exist among the states,
                    # in which case, r is an index to the existing state
                    r = auxjn_v.loop.add_state(const, auxterm_v, k)
                    auxjn_v.term = Var("RSV", "s", r + 1)

                    vprint(P_JOIN_GEN, "Join: new auxillary variable:")
                        "Join: %s = %s" % (str(auxjn_v.term), str(auxterm_v)))
                           "Join: candidate join (with auxillaries) =\n",
    return out
Esempio n. 23
def execute(args):
    print 'Starting the artificial neural network'
    if len(args) < 2:

    # Data

    # names     feature labels
    # y         shuffled names
    # x         features that correspond to shuffled names
    names, y, x = parse(args[1])
    x = clean(names, x)
    usePowerset = args[0]

    # Build features to include in test
    features = args[2:]
    if len(features) == 0:
        features = names
    # print 'Selected features:', features

    # Build all subsets of features, if requested
    if usePowerset.lower() == 'true':
        combos = powerset(features)
        combos = [features]

    # map from feature set, to map of correct counts for each person
    feature_performance = {}
    highest_correct = 0
    best_combo = {}
    for c in combos:
        if len(c) == 0:
        print 'Attempting feature set:', c
        x_selected = selectFeatures(copy.copy(names), c, x)

        # Split into testing and traiing data
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_selected,

        # Models

        logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=L_REGULARIZATION)
        rbm = BernoulliRBM(random_state=0,

        # Note: attempted StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, MaxAbsScaler, without strong results
        # Not needed, since data is scaled to the [0-1] range by clean()
        classifier = Pipeline(steps=[('rbm', rbm), ('logistic', logistic)])

        # ###############################################################################
        # Training
        print 'Training the classifier...'
        # Training RBM-Logistic Pipeline, y_train)
        correct = 0
        label_counts = defaultdict(int)
        for i in range(len(x_test)):
            test = x_test[i]
            if len(test) == 1:
                test = test.reshape(-1, 1)
                test = [test]
            predicted = classifier.predict(test)

            if predicted == y_test[i]:
                correct += 1
                label_counts[predicted[0]] += 1

        if correct >= highest_correct:
            highest_correct = correct
            best_combo = c
        feature_performance[str(c)] = {
            'predictions': label_counts,
            'expected': Counter(y_test)

        # Evaluation
        # evaluate(classifier, x_test, y_test)

    summary = feature_performance[str(best_combo)]
    print 'Accuracy:\t\t\t', highest_correct, 'correct gives', (
        highest_correct * 1.0 /
        len(y_test)), 'compared to guessing', (1.0 / len(summary['expected']))
    print 'Best feature set:\t\t', best_combo
    print 'Identified %d out of %d labels' % (len(
        summary['predictions']), len(summary['expected']))
    for p in summary['predictions']:
        pred = summary['predictions'][p]
        tot = summary['expected'][p]
        print '\t %s \t\t %d\t of %d \t (%f)' % (p, pred, tot,
                                                 pred * 1.0 / tot)
Esempio n. 24
    def computeOptQueries(self):
    f(\phi_l, \phi_f) =
      0, if safePolicyExist(\phi_f) or self.safePolicyNotExist(\phi_l)
      min_\phi p_f(\phi) f(\phi_l, \phi_f + {\phi}) + (1 - p_f(\phi)) f(\phi_l + {\phi}, \phi_f), o.w.

    Boundaries condition:
      \phi_l is not a superset of any iis, \phi_f is not a superset of rel feats of any dom pi, otherwise 0 for sure
        consPowerset = list(powerset(self.relFeats))

        # free/locked cons that are not supersets of elements on their boundaries
        # that is, we can't determine if safe policy exsits if these elements are known to be locked/free
        admissibleFreeCons = []
        admissibleLockedCons = []
        # the set of (lockedCons, freeCons) to evaluate the optimal queries
        # it's the cross product of the two sets above, excluding free and locked cons that share elements
        admissibleCons = []

        for lockedCons in consPowerset:
            if self.safePolicyNotExist(lockedCons=lockedCons):
                # make sure not elements in boundary is a superset of another element
                if not any(
                        for lockedB in self.lockedBoundary):

        for freeCons in consPowerset:
            if self.safePolicyExist(freeCons=freeCons):
                # similarly
                if not any(
                        for freeB in self.freeBoundary):

        if config.DEBUG:
            print 'locked', self.lockedBoundary
            print 'free', self.freeBoundary

        for lockedCons in admissibleLockedCons:
            for freeCons in admissibleFreeCons:
                # any cons should not be known to be both free and locked
                if set(lockedCons).isdisjoint(set(freeCons)):
                    admissibleCons.append((lockedCons, freeCons))

        # make sure all terms on the RHS (of def of f above) are evaluated
        readyToEvaluate = lambda l, f: all(self.getQueryAndValue(l, set(f).union({con})) != None \
                                           and self.getQueryAndValue(set(l).union({con}), f) != None \
                                           for con in set(self.relFeats) - set(l) - set(f))

        # keep the sets of cons that are ready to evaluate in the next iteration
        readyToEvalSet = []
        for (lockedCons, freeCons) in admissibleCons:
            if readyToEvaluate(lockedCons, freeCons):
                readyToEvalSet.append((lockedCons, freeCons))

        # keep fill out the values of optQs within boundary
        # whenever filled out
        while len(readyToEvalSet) > 0:
            if config.DEBUG: print len(readyToEvalSet), 'need to be evaluated'

            (lockedCons, freeCons) = readyToEvalSet.pop()

            unknownCons = set(self.relFeats) - set(lockedCons) - set(freeCons)

            # evaluate all candidate con and compute their minimum number of queries
            minNums = [(con,
                        self.consProbs[con] * self.getQueryAndValue(lockedCons, set(freeCons).union({con}))[1]\
                        + (1 - self.consProbs[con]) * self.getQueryAndValue(set(lockedCons).union({con}), freeCons)[1]\
                        + 1)
                       for con in unknownCons]

            # pick the tuple that has the minimum obj value after querying
            self.setQueryAndValue(lockedCons, freeCons, minNums)

            # add neighbors that ready to evaluate to readToEvalSet
            readyToEvalSet += filter(lambda (l, f): self.getQueryAndValue(l, f) == None and readyToEvaluate(l, f),
                                     [(set(lockedCons) - {cons}, freeCons) for cons in lockedCons] +\
                                     [(lockedCons, set(freeCons) - {cons}) for cons in freeCons])
Esempio n. 25
    def findRelevantFeaturesBruteForce(self):
        allConsPowerset = set(powerset(self.unknownCons))

        for subsetsToConsider in allConsPowerset:
Esempio n. 26
    def findRelevantFeaturesAndDomPis(self):
    Incrementally add dominating policies to a set
    DomPolicies algorithm in the IJCAI paper

    earlyStop: stop within this time and return whatever dompis found
        beta = []  # rules to keep
        dominatingPolicies = {}

        allCons = set()
        allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))
        subsetsConsidered = []

        if config.earlyStop is None:
            # never stop before finding all dom pis
            terminateCond = lambda: False
            startTime = time.time()
            terminateCond = lambda: time.time() - startTime >= config.earlyStop

        # iterate until no more dominating policies are found
        while not terminateCond():
            subsetsToConsider = allConsPowerset.difference(subsetsConsidered)

            if len(subsetsToConsider) == 0: break

            # find the subset with the smallest size
            activeCons = min(subsetsToConsider, key=lambda _: len(_))
            if config.DEBUG: print 'activeCons', activeCons

            skipThisCons = False
            for enf, relax in beta:
                if enf.issubset(activeCons) and len(
                        relax.intersection(activeCons)) == 0:
                    # this subset can be ignored
                    skipThisCons = True
                    if config.DEBUG: print 'dominated'
            if skipThisCons:

            # it will enforce activeCons and known locked features (inside)
            sol = self.findConstrainedOptPi(activeCons)
            if sol['feasible']:
                x = sol['pi']
                if config.DEBUG:
                    print self.computeValue(x)

                dominatingPolicies[activeCons] = x

                # check violated constraints
                violatedCons = self.findViolatedConstraints(x)

                if config.DEBUG: print 'this policy violates', violatedCons
                # infeasible
                violatedCons = ()

                if config.DEBUG: print 'infeasible'

            # beta records that we would not enforce activeCons and relax occupiedFeats in the future
            beta.append((set(activeCons), set(violatedCons)))


            allConsPowerset = set(powerset(allCons))

        domPis = []
        for pi in dominatingPolicies.values():
            if pi not in domPis: domPis.append(pi)

        # make sure returned values are lists
        allCons = list(allCons)
        if config.DEBUG:
            print 'rel cons', allCons, 'num of domPis', len(domPis)
        return allCons, domPis
Esempio n. 27
    return raii_tmpdir()

def readdir_inode(dir):
    cmd = base_cmdline + [pjoin(basename, 'test', 'readdir_inode'), dir]
    with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                          universal_newlines=True) as proc:
        lines = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines()
    return lines

    (invoke_directly, invoke_mount_fuse, invoke_mount_fuse_drop_privileges))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("options", powerset(options))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ('hello', 'hello_ll'))
def test_hello(tmpdir, name, options, cmdline_builder, output_checker):
    mnt_dir = str(tmpdir)
    mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline_builder(mnt_dir, name, options),
        wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir)
        assert os.listdir(mnt_dir) == ['hello']
        filename = pjoin(mnt_dir, 'hello')
        with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
            assert == 'Hello World!\n'
        with pytest.raises(IOError) as exc_info:
            open(filename, 'r+')
        assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.EACCES
Esempio n. 28
def best(patterns,extended):
    # Enumberate daytimes
    dts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    all = []
    for p in patterns:
    for p in all:
        for dt in p.getDayTimesRaw():
    # For each daytime, iterate patterns to find termweeks
    dt_tw = {}
    dt_tw_sz = {}
    for (dt,ps) in dts.iteritems():
        tws = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for p in ps:
            for (term,week) in p.getTermWeeks().each():
        dt_tw[dt] = tws
        dt_tw_sz[dt] = reduce(lambda tot,item: tot+len(item),tws.itervalues(),0)
    # restrict to at most max_trials (longest)
    dt_use = set()
    dt_candidates = dt_tw.keys()
    for i in range(0,max_trials):
        if len(dt_candidates) == 0:
        use = max(dt_candidates,key = lambda k: dt_tw_sz[k])
    # find longest range of each, using 1-8,9-16,17-24 type ranges to allow term overlap
    dt_longest = {}
    for dt in dt_use:
        # build termy week numbers (1-24)
        week_nums = set()
        for (term,weeks) in dt_tw[dt].iteritems():
            for week in filter(lambda x: x>0 and x<9,weeks):
        ranges = sorted(util.ranges(week_nums),key = lambda x: x[1],reverse = True)
        if len(ranges) == 0:
            dt_longest[dt] = set()
            dt_longest[dt] = set(range(ranges[0][0],ranges[0][0]+ranges[0][1]))
    # permute through including and excluding date ranges to see which gives best coverage (EXPONENTIAL!)
    best_score = None
    best = None
    for dts in util.powerset(dt_use):
        if len(dts) == 0:
        all = set(range(1,25))
        for dt in dts:
            all &= dt_longest[dt]
        score = len(all) * len(dts)
        if best_score == None or score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best = dts
    # Generate pattern
    if best is None:
        logger.error("No common in %s" % all)
        return None
    p = patternatom.PatternAtom(False)
    for b in best:
    # Extend to include out-of-term dates, where required
    if extended:
        for q in patterns:
            for qa in q[0].blast():
    return p