def _decrypt(self, cipher): """Decrypts a cipher string using self.key as the key and the first 16 byte of the cipher as the IV""" if not crypto_installed: sys.exit("Error: PyCrypto is not installed.") if not cipher: return "" crypto =, AES.MODE_CBC, cipher[:16]) try: plain = crypto.decrypt(cipher[16:]) except ValueError: util.prompt( "ERROR: Your journal file seems to be corrupted. You do have a backup, don't you?" ) sys.exit(1) padding_length = util.byte2int(plain[-1]) if padding_length > AES.block_size and padding_length != 32: # 32 is the space character and is kept for backwards compatibility return None elif padding_length == 32: plain = plain.strip() elif plain[-padding_length:] != util.int2byte( padding_length) * padding_length: # Invalid padding! return None else: plain = plain[:-padding_length] return plain.decode("utf-8")
def do_prompts(): context = {} context['namespace'] = prompt( 'Enter a kubernetes namespace for the elasticsearch cluster', '^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,19}$', 'default') context['cluster_name'] = prompt( 'Enter a name for the elasticsearch cluster', '^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,19}$', 'my-es-cluster') print('Select the node size: ') for i, key in enumerate(data_node_configs): print(f'{i+1}: {key}') config_count = len(data_node_configs) # Will break regex if > 9 configs node_size_choice = int( prompt(f'[1-{config_count}]: ', f'^[1-{config_count}]$', '2')) context['data_node'] = data_node_configs[list( data_node_configs.keys())[node_size_choice - 1]] if node_size_choice != 1: context['data_node']['replicas'] = int( prompt('Enter the number of nodes (2-9)', '^[2-9]$', '2')) context['data_node']['volume_size'] = prompt( 'Enter the data volume size in GB [10-9999]', '^[1-9][0-9]{1,3}$', '250') prompt_for_logstash_certs( context, os.path.join(clusters_dir, context['namespace'], "logstash-ssl-keys")) prompt_for_oauth_config(context) return context
def check_table_schema(tablename, force=False, backupname="_backup"): """Compare existing table schema with that specified in schema above and make corrections as needed. This checks for new tables, new fields, new (foreign key) constraints, and altered field specificaitons. For schema changes beyond just adding fields, it renames the old table to a "backup" table, and then copies its content into a freshly built new version of the table. For really complex schema changs, move the old database aside and either build from scratch or manually alter it. """ table_fields = schema[tablename] with getCur() as cur: cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('{0}')".format(tablename)) actual_fields = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("PRAGMA foreign_key_list('{0}')".format(tablename)) actual_fkeys = cur.fetchall() if len(actual_fields) == 0: cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0} ({1});".format( tablename, ", ".join(table_fields))) else: fields_to_add = missing_fields(table_fields, actual_fields) fkeys_to_add = missing_constraints(table_fields, actual_fkeys) altered = altered_fields(table_fields, actual_fields) deleted = deleted_fields(table_fields, actual_fields) if (len(fields_to_add) > 0 and len(fkeys_to_add) == 0 and len(altered) == 0): # Only new fields to add if force or util.prompt( "SCHEMA CHANGE: Add {0} to table {1}".format( ", ".join(fields_to_add), tablename)): for field_spec in fields_to_add: cur.execute("ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN {1};".format( tablename, field_spec)) elif len(fkeys_to_add) > 0 or len(altered) > 0: # Fields have changed significantly; try copying old into new if force or util.prompt( ("SCHEMA CHANGE: Backup and recreate table {0} " "to add {1}, impose {2}, correct {3}, and delete {4}))").format( tablename, fields_to_add, fkeys_to_add, altered, deleted)): make_backup() backup = tablename + backupname sql = "ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME TO {1};".format( tablename, backup) cur.execute(sql) sql = "CREATE TABLE {0} ({1});".format( tablename, ", ".join(table_fields)) cur.execute(sql) # Copy all actual fields that have a corresponding field # in the new schema common_fields = [ f[1] for f in actual_fields if find_field_spec_for_pragma(table_fields, f)] sql = "INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) SELECT {1} FROM {2};".format( tablename, ", ".join(common_fields), backup) cur.execute(sql) sql = "DROP TABLE {0};".format(backup) cur.execute(sql)
def getType(commd): t = _getType(commd[0:2]) if t: return t t = _getType(car(commd)) if t: return t else: prompt("error type analysis in %s"%commd) raise TypeError
def encrypt(journal, filename=None): """ Encrypt into new file. If filename is not set, we encrypt the journal file itself. """ password = util.getpass("Enter new password: "******"Do you want to store the password in your keychain?", default=True): util.set_keychain(, password) util.prompt("Journal encrypted to {0}.".format(filename or journal.config['journal']))
def get_text_from_editor(config): tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "jrnl")['editor'].split() + [tmpfile]) if os.path.exists(tmpfile): with open(tmpfile) as f: raw = os.remove(tmpfile) else: util.prompt('[Nothing saved to file]') raw = '' return raw
def cleanup_obsolete(self, game, sha): htdocs = self.args.htdocs if not htdocs: return c = self.db.cursor() c.execute('SELECT file FROM file WHERE game_sha = ?', (sha, )) exclude = self.settings['obsolete_exclude'].split(',') obsolete = list() for (fname, ) in c: contentless = re.sub('^content/', '', fname) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(htdocs, contentless)) rel = os.path.relpath(path, htdocs) if os.path.isfile(path): if any([fnmatch.fnmatch(rel, rule) for rule in exclude]): print('Obsolete (excluded):', rel) continue obsolete.append(path) print('Obsolete:', rel) if len(obsolete) < int(self.settings['obsolete_threshold']): message = f'only {len(obsolete)}' if obsolete else 'no' pcolor( 'yellow', f'Warning: An htdocs path was provided but {message} files were found. Possibly a bad conversion?' ) if not obsolete: sys.exit(0) if util.prompt(f'Delete {len(obsolete)} files?'): delete_paths(htdocs, obsolete)
def _decrypt(self, cipher): """Decrypts a cipher string using self.key as the key and the first 16 byte of the cipher as the IV""" if not crypto_installed: sys.exit("Error: PyCrypto is not installed.") if not cipher: return "" crypto =, AES.MODE_CBC, cipher[:16]) try: plain = crypto.decrypt(cipher[16:]) except ValueError: util.prompt("ERROR: Your journal file seems to be corrupted. You do have a backup, don't you?") sys.exit(1) padding = " ".encode("utf-8") if not plain.endswith(padding): # Journals are always padded return None else: return plain.decode("utf-8")
def prompt_for_logstash_certs(context, cert_dir): if check_cert_presence(cert_dir): print(f"Using keys and certs for Logstash found in {cert_dir}.") context['skip_logstash'] = False else: do_logstash = prompt("Would you like to set up Logstash (with SSL beats input)? (Y/n)", "^[yYnN]?$" ) if do_logstash and do_logstash.lower() != 'y': context['skip_logstash'] = True return else: context['skip_logstash'] = False print("Provide the following information to generate self-signed certificates: ") ca_name = prompt("Certificate Authority Name", default='Logstash CA') url = prompt("CN - Common Name for Logstash", regex='^[a-zA-Z.-0-9]+$', default='' ) country = prompt("C - Country Code", regex='[A-Z]{1,4}', default='US' ) state = prompt("ST - State", regex='[A-Z]{1,4}', default='CA' ) loc = prompt("L - Location", regex='[A-Za-z 0-9-_.]+', default='San Francisco' ) org = prompt("O - Org", regex='[A-Za-z 0-9-_.]+', default='Acme' ) org_unit = prompt("OU - Org Unit", regex='[A-Za-z 0-9-_.]+', default='Computers' ) ensure_dir(os.path.join(cert_dir,'afile'))[ os.path.join(dirname, 'templates', '6_logstash', ''), ca_name, url, country, state, loc, org, org_unit, cert_dir ], check=True) if not check_cert_presence(cert_dir): raise RuntimeError('certs failed to generate') try: shutil.rmtree(template_secrets_dir) except: pass shutil.copytree(cert_dir, template_secrets_dir) context['logstash_beats_port'] = '8751'
def commandParse(commd,std=stdPrint): commd = replaceAlias(commd) rest = commd.strip() lop, rop = [[]], [[]] exps = lop iotype = None while rest: etp, frt, rest = getEle(rest) if etp.startswith('IO'): if iotype is not None: prompt('invalid syntax: two IO operationes in command') raise SyntaxError iotype = etp exps = rop elif etp is 'PIPE': exps.append([]) else: exps[-1].append((etp,frt)) if iotype == None: val = pipeEval(lop) if std: std(val) elif iotype == 'IO RASSIGN': var, val = eleVal(caar(rop)), pipeEval(lop) assign(var, val) elif iotype == 'IO LASSIGN': var, val = eleVal(caar(lop)), pipeEval(rop) assign(var, val) elif iotype == "IO APPEND": var, val = pipeEval(rop), pipeEval(lop) ioredirect(var,val, mode = 'a') elif iotype == "IO WRITE": var, val = pipeEval(rop), pipeEval(lop) ioredirect(var,val, mode = 'w') else: prompt('undefined syntax') return val
def commandShell(): while True: prompt() commd = raw_input().strip() addToHistory(commd) if commd == 'quit': prompt('good bye!') return try: commandParse(commd) except Exception,e: exstr = traceback.format_exc() prompt(exstr)
def prompt_for_oauth_config(context): do_oauth = prompt("Would you like to configure oauth2_proxy to authorize a GitHub team? (y/N)", "^[yYnN]?$" ) if not do_oauth or do_oauth.lower() != 'y': context['skip_oauth'] = True return else: context['skip_oauth'] = False context['github_org'] = prompt('Enter the GitHub org', '^[a-z0-9-_]+$') context['github_team'] = prompt('Enter the GitHub team (optional)', '^[a-z0-9-_]*$') context['oauth_client_id'] = prompt('Enter the OAuth Client ID', '^[a-z0-9-]+$') context['oauth_client_secret'] = prompt('Enter the OAuth Client Secret', '^[a-z0-9-]+$') context['oauth_cookie_name'] = '_ghoauth' context['oauth_cookie_secret'] = random_token() context['ssl_crt'] = prompt('Enter the path to the SSL certificate', readFile=True) context['ssl_key'] = prompt('Enter the path to the SSL private key', readFile=True)
def rollback(db, session): c = db.cursor() c.execute( "SELECT id, time FROM session WHERE operation != 'ROLLBACK' AND rollback IS NULL ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1" ) data = c.fetchone() if not data: print('Nothing to rollback.') return prev_session, tstamp = data date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tstamp) print(f'Rolling back database to {date}') if not util.prompt('Proceed?'): sys.exit(0) db.execute( 'DELETE FROM file WHERE game_sha IN (SELECT sha256 FROM game WHERE session = ?)', (prev_session, )) db.execute('DELETE FROM game WHERE session = ?', (prev_session, )) db.execute('UPDATE session SET rollback = ? WHERE id = ?', (session, prev_session)) db.commit()
def lexerErrorAna(etype, rtype): if etype is not 'ALL' and etype is not rtype: prompt('invalid syntax: after $ need function; given %s:'%ltype) raise TypeError
import core, races, classes, enemies, moves, util import random unlocked = dict(gladiator=False, sage=False, saint=False, joker=False, master=False) name = input('Name: ').capitalize() race = util.prompt('Race: ', races.races) class_ = util.prompt('Class: ', classes.classes) player = type('Player', (core.Player, race, class_), {})(race, class_, name) for i in player.moves: print(i.desc()) #p(x.__dict__) while True: enemy_choices, dl = [], 2 while len(enemy_choices) == 0: enemy_choices = [ x for x in enemies.enemies if abs(player.level - x.level) < dl ] dl += 1 enemy = random.choice(enemy_choices)() print('A {} has spotted you!'.format(str(enemy).lower())) ps, es = (x * random.random() / 4 + 0.875 for x in (player.stats['speed'], enemy.stats['speed'])) attacker, attacked = (player, enemy) if ps > es else (enemy, player) while True: attacker.every_round() move = attacker.choose_move()
def decrypt(journal, filename=None): """ Decrypts into new file. If filename is not set, we encrypt the journal file itself. """ journal.config['encrypt'] = False journal.config['password'] = "" journal.write(filename) util.prompt("Journal decrypted to {0}.".format(filename or journal.config['journal']))
def stdPrint(s): prompt() print str(s)
def run(manual_args=None): args = parse_args(manual_args) configure_logger(args.debug) args.text = [p.decode('utf-8') if util.PY2 and not isinstance(p, unicode) else p for p in args.text] if args.version: version_str = "{0} version {1}".format(jrnl.__title__, jrnl.__version__) print(util.py2encode(version_str)) sys.exit(0) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): log.debug('Configuration file not found, installing jrnl...') config = install.install_jrnl(CONFIG_PATH) else: log.debug('Reading configuration from file %s', CONFIG_PATH) config = util.load_and_fix_json(CONFIG_PATH) install.upgrade_config(config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) if print(util.py2encode(list_journals(config))) sys.exit(0) log.debug('Using configuration "%s"', config) original_config = config.copy() # check if the configuration is supported by available modules if config['encrypt'] and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("According to your jrnl_conf, your journal is encrypted, however PyCrypto was not found. To open your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") sys.exit(1) # If the first textual argument points to a journal file, # use this! journal_name = args.text[0] if (args.text and args.text[0] in config['journals']) else 'default' if journal_name is not 'default': args.text = args.text[1:] # If the first remaining argument looks like e.g. '-3', interpret that as a limiter if not args.limit and args.text and args.text[0].startswith("-"): try: args.limit = int(args.text[0].lstrip("-")) args.text = args.text[1:] except: pass log.debug('Using journal "%s"', journal_name) journal_conf = config['journals'].get(journal_name) if type(journal_conf) is dict: # We can override the default config on a by-journal basis log.debug('Updating configuration with specific jourlnal overrides %s', journal_conf) config.update(journal_conf) else: # But also just give them a string to point to the journal file config['journal'] = journal_conf if config['journal'] is None: util.prompt("You have not specified a journal. Either provide a default journal in your config file, or specify one of your journals on the command line.") sys.exit(1) config['journal'] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(config['journal'])) touch_journal(config['journal']) log.debug('Using journal path %(journal)s', config) mode_compose, mode_export = guess_mode(args, config) # open journal file or folder if os.path.isdir(config['journal']): if config['journal'].strip("/").endswith(".dayone") or \ "entries" in os.listdir(config['journal']): journal = DayOneJournal.DayOne(**config) else: util.prompt("[Error: {0} is a directory, but doesn't seem to be a DayOne journal either.".format(config['journal'])) sys.exit(1) else: journal = Journal.Journal(journal_name, **config) # How to quit writing? if "win32" in sys.platform: _exit_multiline_code = "on a blank line, press Ctrl+Z and then Enter" else: _exit_multiline_code = "press Ctrl+D" if mode_compose and not args.text: if not sys.stdin.isatty(): # Piping data into jrnl raw = util.py23_read() elif config['editor']: raw = util.get_text_from_editor(config) else: try: raw = util.py23_read("[Compose Entry; " + _exit_multiline_code + " to finish writing]\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: util.prompt("[Entry NOT saved to journal.]") sys.exit(0) if raw: args.text = [raw] else: mode_compose = False # Writing mode if mode_compose: raw = " ".join(args.text).strip() if util.PY2 and type(raw) is not unicode: raw = raw.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) log.debug('Appending raw line "%s" to journal "%s"', raw, journal_name) journal.new_entry(raw) util.prompt("[Entry added to {0} journal]".format(journal_name)) journal.write() else: old_entries = journal.entries if args.on_date: args.start_date = args.end_date = args.on_date journal.filter(tags=args.text, start_date=args.start_date, end_date=args.end_date, strict=args.strict, short=args.short, starred=args.starred) journal.limit(args.limit) # Reading mode if not mode_compose and not mode_export: print(util.py2encode(journal.pprint())) # Various export modes elif args.short: print(util.py2encode(journal.pprint(short=True))) elif args.tags: print(util.py2encode(exporters.to_tag_list(journal))) elif args.export is not False: print(util.py2encode(exporters.export(journal, args.export, args.output))) elif (args.encrypt is not False or args.decrypt is not False) and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("PyCrypto not found. To encrypt or decrypt your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") elif args.encrypt is not False: encrypt(journal, filename=args.encrypt) # Not encrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.encrypt or args.encrypt == config['journal']: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": True}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.decrypt is not False: decrypt(journal, filename=args.decrypt) # Not decrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.decrypt or args.decrypt == config['journal']: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": False}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.edit: if not config['editor']: util.prompt("[You need to specify an editor in {0} to use the --edit function.]".format(CONFIG_PATH)) sys.exit(1) other_entries = [e for e in old_entries if e not in journal.entries] # Edit old_num_entries = len(journal) edited = util.get_text_from_editor(config, journal.editable_str()) journal.parse_editable_str(edited) num_deleted = old_num_entries - len(journal) num_edited = len([e for e in journal.entries if e.modified]) prompts = [] if num_deleted: prompts.append("{0} {1} deleted".format(num_deleted, "entry" if num_deleted == 1 else "entries")) if num_edited: prompts.append("{0} {1} modified".format(num_edited, "entry" if num_edited == 1 else "entries")) if prompts: util.prompt("[{0}]".format(", ".join(prompts).capitalize())) journal.entries += other_entries journal.sort() journal.write()
def decrypt(journal, filename=None): """ Decrypts into new file. If filename is not set, we decrypt the journal file itself. """ journal.config['encrypt'] = False journal.config['password'] = "" journal.write(filename) util.prompt("Journal decrypted to {0}.".format(filename or journal.config['journal']))
def choose_move(self): return util.prompt('What move do you want to use? ', {k: v for k, v in moves.moves.items() if v in self.moves})
def cli(manual_args=None): if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): config = install.install_jrnl(CONFIG_PATH) else: with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f: try: config = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: util.prompt("[There seems to be something wrong with your jrnl config at {0}: {1}]".format(CONFIG_PATH, e.message)) util.prompt("[Entry was NOT added to your journal]") sys.exit(1) install.upgrade_config(config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) original_config = config.copy() # check if the configuration is supported by available modules if config['encrypt'] and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("According to your jrnl_conf, your journal is encrypted, however PyCrypto was not found. To open your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") sys.exit(1) args = parse_args(manual_args) # If the first textual argument points to a journal file, # use this! journal_name = args.text[0] if (args.text and args.text[0] in config['journals']) else 'default' if journal_name is not 'default': args.text = args.text[1:] journal_conf = config['journals'].get(journal_name) if type(journal_conf) is dict: # We can override the default config on a by-journal basis config.update(journal_conf) else: # But also just give them a string to point to the journal file config['journal'] = journal_conf config['journal'] = os.path.expanduser(config['journal']) touch_journal(config['journal']) mode_compose, mode_export = guess_mode(args, config) # open journal file or folder if os.path.isdir(config['journal']): if config['journal'].strip("/").endswith(".dayone") or \ "entries" in os.listdir(config['journal']): journal = Journal.DayOne(**config) else: util.prompt("[Error: {0} is a directory, but doesn't seem to be a DayOne journal either.".format(config['journal'])) sys.exit(1) else: journal = Journal.Journal(journal_name, **config) if mode_compose and not args.text: if config['editor']: raw = get_text_from_editor(config) else: raw = util.py23_input("[Compose Entry] ") if raw: args.text = [raw] else: mode_compose = False # Writing mode if mode_compose: raw = " ".join(args.text).strip() if util.PY2 and type(raw) is not unicode: raw = raw.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) entry = journal.new_entry(raw, entry.starred = util.prompt("[Entry added to {0} journal]".format(journal_name)) journal.write() else: journal.filter(tags=args.text, start_date=args.start_date, end_date=args.end_date, strict=args.strict, short=args.short) journal.limit(args.limit) # Reading mode if not mode_compose and not mode_export: print(journal.pprint()) # Various export modes elif args.tags: print(exporters.to_tag_list(journal)) elif args.export is not False: print(exporters.export(journal, args.export, args.output)) elif (args.encrypt is not False or args.decrypt is not False) and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("PyCrypto not found. To encrypt or decrypt your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") elif args.encrypt is not False: encrypt(journal, filename=args.encrypt) # Not encrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.encrypt: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": True}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.decrypt is not False: decrypt(journal, filename=args.decrypt) # Not decrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.decrypt: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": False}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.delete_last: last_entry = journal.entries.pop() util.prompt("[Deleted Entry:]") print(last_entry.pprint()) journal.write()
if move == -1 : trace_char = '/' elif move == 1 : trace_char = '\\' board[i-1][curr_col] = trace_char curr_col = max(0,min(curr_col+move,game_width)) board[i][curr_col] = 'o' print '\n'.join(''.join(_) for _ in board) print '\n'.join(bins) time.sleep(0.2) final_bin = curr_col/6 payout = [10,2,0,2,10][final_bin] if payout == 10 : print("\"Brilliant! The maximum payout indeed! Here are your hard earned lucky coins \n" "good sir. Spend them all but naught in the same place! Adieu!\"") elif payout == 2 : print("\"Not bad, not bad. As they say, two winks are as good as a nod to a blind bat. \n" "Spend them all but naught in the same place! Adieu!\"") elif payout == 0 : print("\"Alas poor victim of cruel vagary, you won naught but a sense of loss and regret. \n" "Hone your skills, polish your mind, and return again!\"") gamestate.inventory()['monies'] += -skill['bet_amount']+payout*skill['bet_amount'] if __name__ == '__main__' : while True : resp = prompt("Care to play a game of chahnce?",'yn') if resp == 'y' : game_of_chance() else : break
def pipeEval(exps): if not exps: prompt('empty expression') else: vals = map(funcEval, exps) return reduce(pipetransfer,vals)
def main(): global DIST_DIR parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-c', '--convert', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='PATH') parser.add_argument('--htdocs', metavar='PATH') parser.add_argument('--hooks', choices=['add', 'remove']) parser.add_argument('--rollback', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--dat', metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--set', nargs='?', metavar='KEY=VALUE', const=[]) parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-color', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.no_color: TermColor.ENABLE = False elif == 'nt': os.system('color') db = sqlite3.connect('bluezip.db') db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS setting (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)' ) db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS session (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, user TEXT, operation TEXT, time INTEGER, rollback TEXT)' ) db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file (game_sha BLOB, file TEXT, size INTEGER, crc INTEGER, md5 BLOB, sha1 BLOB)' ) db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS game (id TEXT, revision INTEGER, sha256 BLOB UNIQUE, title TEXT, platform TEXT, session TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id, revision))' ) session = os.urandom(6).hex() user = '******' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) settings = Settings(db) settings.setdefault('version', DATABASE_VERSION) settings.setdefault('set_altapps', '1') settings.setdefault('archive_extensions', 'zip,7z') settings.setdefault('obsolete_threshold', '1') settings.setdefault('obsolete_exclude', '') if settings['version'] > DATABASE_VERSION: pcolor( 'yellow', 'The database was created in a newer version of bluezip. Bluezip might not work correctly and could cause data loss.' ) if not util.prompt('Proceed?'): sys.exit(0) def log_session(operation): db.execute( 'INSERT INTO session (id, user, operation, time) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (session, user, operation, int(time.time()))) db.commit() if args.output: DIST_DIR = args.output try: os.mkdir(DIST_DIR) except FileExistsError: pass bluezip = Bluezip(db, settings, session, args) if args.path: if args.batch: log_session('BUILD') bluezip.process_all(args.path) else: log_session('BUILD') try: bluezip.process_auto(args.path, args.convert) except ValueError as e: pcolor('red', f'\nError: {e}') sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if args.dat: bluezip_dat.export_dat(db, args.dat) elif args.hooks:, args.hooks) elif args.rollback: log_session('ROLLBACK') rollback(db, session) elif args.set != None: pcolor( 'yellow', 'This command allows modification of internal database attributes. Be careful!' ) if args.set: if '=' not in args.set: parser.error('use KEY=VALUE') sys.exit(1) key, value = args.set.split('=') append = False if key.endswith('+'): append = True key = key[:-1] if key not in settings: parser.error(f'unknown attribute: {key}') sys.exit(1) old = settings[key] if append: settings[key] += value else: settings[key] = value print(f'Set {key}: "{old}" -> "{settings[key]}"') else: for key, value in settings: print(f'{key}={value}') else: parser.error('no flags specified')
def choose_move(self): return util.prompt( 'What move do you want to use? ', {k: v for k, v in moves.moves.items() if v in self.moves})
def touch_journal(filename): """If filename does not exist, touch the file""" if not os.path.exists(filename): util.prompt("[Journal created at {0}]".format(filename)) open(filename, 'a').close()
def calibrate(ball_stats): print('Calibrating Analysis') if os.path.exists('settings.json'): with open('settings.json', 'r') as inf: settings = json.load(inf) else: settings = {} settings['num_balls_per_draw'] = num_balls_per_draw = settings.get('num_balls_per_draw', max([len(x) for x in ball_stats])) draw_balls_list = [x for x in ball_stats if len(x) == num_balls_per_draw] print('Analysis based on %s draws' % len(draw_balls_list)) print('Number of balls per draw: %s' % settings['num_balls_per_draw']) print('\nOdd Ratios') odd_ratios = {} for draw_balls_item in draw_balls_list: odd, even = odd_even_ratio(draw_balls_item) ratio = odd_ratios.get(odd, 0) + 1 odd_ratios[odd] = ratio print(odd_ratios) default = ','.join([str(x) for x in settings.get('allowed_odd_ratios', [])]) prompt('Allowed Odd Ratios', default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default values = [int(x) for x in value_str.split(',')] settings['allowed_odd_ratios'] = values print('\nHigh Ratios') high_ratios = {} for draw_balls_item in draw_balls_list: high, low = high_low_ratio(draw_balls_item) high_ratios[high] = high_ratios.get(high, 0) + 1 print(high_ratios) default = ','.join([str(x) for x in settings.get('allowed_high_ratios', [])]) prompt('Allowed High Ratios', default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default values = [int(x) for x in value_str.split(',')] settings['allowed_high_ratios'] = values print('\nAllowed Draw Sums') default = settings.get('sum_percentile', None) prompt('Allowed Percentile', default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default settings['sum_percentile'] = value_str value = float(int(value_str) / 100) draw_sums = [] for draw_balls_item in draw_balls_list: draw_sums.append(draw_sum(draw_balls_item)) mean = statistics.mean(draw_sums) standard_dev = statistics.stdev(draw_sums) low_z = norm.ppf(0.5 - (value / 2)) high_z = norm.ppf(0.5 + (value / 2)) min_value = low_z * standard_dev + mean max_value = high_z * standard_dev + mean settings['max_sum'] = math.ceil(max_value) settings['min_sum'] = math.floor(min_value) print('Max Sum: %s Min Sum: %s' % (settings['max_sum'], settings['min_sum'])) print('\nHot Ratios') hot_ratios = {} for draw_balls_item in draw_balls_list: ratio = hot_ratio(draw_balls_item, ball_stats) hot_ratios[ratio] = hot_ratios.get(ratio, 0) + 1 print(hot_ratios) default = ','.join([str(x) for x in settings.get('allowed_hot_ratios', [])]) prompt('Allowed Hot Ratios', default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default print('Value Str: %s' % value_str) if len(value_str) == 0: values = [] else: values = [int(x) for x in value_str.split(',')] settings['allowed_hot_ratios'] = values sequences_dict = {} for ball_item in ball_stats: diff = is_number_sequence(ball_item) if diff is not None: sequence_count = sequences_dict.setdefault(len(ball_item), {}) sequence_count[diff] = sequence_count.get(diff, 0) + 1 print('\nNumber Sequences') settings.setdefault('allowed_sequences', {}) for sequence_value, sequence_item in sequences_dict.items(): print(sequence_value, str(sequence_item)) default = ','.join([str(x) for x in settings['allowed_sequences'].get(str(sequence_value), [])]) prompt('Allowed Sequences for Set Len (%d)' % sequence_value, default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default if len(value_str) > 0: settings['allowed_sequences'][str(sequence_value)] = [int(x) for x in value_str.split(',')] total_draws_dict = {} for stat_key, stat_value in ball_stats.items(): if len(stat_key) == 1: continue total_draws = stat_value.total_draws total_draw_count = total_draws_dict.setdefault(len(stat_key), {}) total_draw_count[total_draws] = total_draw_count.get(total_draws, 0) + 1 print('\nTotal Draws') settings.setdefault('allowed_total_draws', {}) for total_draws_key, total_draws_value in total_draws_dict.items(): print(total_draws_key, str(total_draws_value)) default = ','.join([str(x) for x in settings['allowed_total_draws'].get(str(total_draws_key), [])]) prompt('Total Draws (min,max) for Set Len (%d)' % total_draws_key, default) value_str = input() if len(value_str) == 0: value_str = default settings['allowed_total_draws'][str(total_draws_key)] = [int(x) for x in value_str.split(',')] with open('settings.json', 'w') as outf: json.dump(settings, outf)
def touch_journal(filename): """If filename does not exist, touch the file""" if not os.path.exists(filename): log.debug('Creating journal file %s', filename) util.prompt("[Journal created at {0}]".format(filename)) open(filename, 'a').close()
def run(manual_args=None): if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): config = install.install_jrnl(CONFIG_PATH) else: config = util.load_and_fix_json(CONFIG_PATH) install.upgrade_config(config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) original_config = config.copy() # check if the configuration is supported by available modules if config['encrypt'] and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("According to your jrnl_conf, your journal is encrypted, however PyCrypto was not found. To open your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") sys.exit(1) args = parse_args(manual_args) if args.version: print("{0} version {1}".format(jrnl.__title__, jrnl.__version__)) sys.exit(0) # If the first textual argument points to a journal file, # use this! journal_name = args.text[0] if (args.text and args.text[0] in config['journals']) else 'default' if journal_name is not 'default': args.text = args.text[1:] journal_conf = config['journals'].get(journal_name) if type(journal_conf) is dict: # We can override the default config on a by-journal basis config.update(journal_conf) else: # But also just give them a string to point to the journal file config['journal'] = journal_conf config['journal'] = os.path.expanduser(config['journal']) touch_journal(config['journal']) mode_compose, mode_export = guess_mode(args, config) # open journal file or folder if os.path.isdir(config['journal']): if config['journal'].strip("/").endswith(".dayone") or \ "entries" in os.listdir(config['journal']): journal = Journal.DayOne(**config) else: util.prompt("[Error: {0} is a directory, but doesn't seem to be a DayOne journal either.".format(config['journal'])) sys.exit(1) else: journal = Journal.Journal(journal_name, **config) if "win32" in sys.platform: # for Windows systems _exit_multiline_code = "on a blank line, press Ctrl+Z and then Enter" else: # for *nix systems (and others?) _exit_multiline_code = "press Ctrl+D" if mode_compose and not args.text: if not sys.stdin.isatty(): # Piping data into jrnl raw = util.py23_read() elif config['editor']: raw = get_text_from_editor(config) else: raw = util.py23_read("[Compose Entry; " + _exit_multiline_code + " to finish writing]\n") if raw: args.text = [raw] else: mode_compose = False # Writing mode if mode_compose: raw = " ".join(args.text).strip() if util.PY2 and type(raw) is not unicode: raw = raw.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) entry = journal.new_entry(raw) util.prompt("[Entry added to {0} journal]".format(journal_name)) journal.write() else: journal.filter(tags=args.text, start_date=args.start_date, end_date=args.end_date, strict=args.strict, short=args.short, starred=args.starred) journal.limit(args.limit) # Reading mode if not mode_compose and not mode_export: print(journal.pprint()) # Various export modes elif args.short: print(journal.pprint(short=True)) elif args.tags: print(exporters.to_tag_list(journal)) elif args.export is not False: print(exporters.export(journal, args.export, args.output)) elif (args.encrypt is not False or args.decrypt is not False) and not PYCRYPTO: util.prompt("PyCrypto not found. To encrypt or decrypt your journal, install the PyCrypto package from") elif args.encrypt is not False: encrypt(journal, filename=args.encrypt) # Not encrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.encrypt: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": True}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.decrypt is not False: decrypt(journal, filename=args.decrypt) # Not decrypting to a separate file: update config! if not args.decrypt: update_config(original_config, {"encrypt": False}, journal_name, force_local=True) install.save_config(original_config, config_path=CONFIG_PATH) elif args.delete_last: last_entry = journal.entries.pop() util.prompt("[Deleted Entry:]") print(last_entry.pprint()) journal.write()
import core, races, classes, enemies, moves, util import random unlocked = dict(gladiator=False, sage=False, saint=False, joker=False, master=False) name = input('Name: ').capitalize() race = util.prompt('Race: ', races.races) class_ = util.prompt('Class: ', classes.classes) player = type('Player', (core.Player, race, class_), {})(race, class_, name) for i in player.moves: print(i.desc()) #p(x.__dict__) while True: enemy_choices, dl = [], 2 while len(enemy_choices) == 0: enemy_choices = [x for x in enemies.enemies if abs(player.level - x.level) < dl] dl += 1 enemy = random.choice(enemy_choices)() print('A {} has spotted you!'.format(str(enemy).lower())) ps, es = (x*random.random()/4+0.875 for x in (player.stats['speed'], enemy.stats['speed'])) attacker, attacked = (player, enemy) if ps > es else (enemy, player) while True: attacker.every_round() move = attacker.choose_move() attacker.attack(attacked, move) if attacked.dead or attacker.dead: print() break attacker, attacked = attacked, attacker
def assign(var,val): assert(val is not None) if not isPreDefined(var): _assign(var,val) else: prompt('can not cover predefined functions')