Esempio n. 1
def makeNode(className, lvl, context):
	Given a string className, a tree-depth level, and a context
	stack, creates and returns a full AST node generated using
	the PCFG. All fields and children of this AST node are 
	recursively populated as necessary.

	 className: string class name of the node that should be
	 			created, e.g. "Module" or "FunctionDef"
	 lvl: current depth in the AST. The initial call to this 
	 	  function should have lvl=0. This is mainly used for
	 	  help printing out logs of the tree creation, but can
	 	  certainly be used in the future to do smarter generation
	 	  in a context-sensitive way.
	 context: a list, representing a stack, of ancestors in 
	 		  this AST call-chain. Each element of the stack
	 		  is of the form (className, fieldName), e.g.
	 		  ("FunctionDef", "args") meaning that this current 
	 		  node is a child of FunctionDef under its "args" field.
	# copy object since `objects` just stores representative
	#  object types
	node = copy.copy(objects[className])
	# Get possible rules and draw a random rule from those given
	#  the probabilities of each rule in the PCFG
	possible_rules = heads[className]
	probabilities = [pcfg[rule] for rule in possible_rules]
	sRule = util.random_draw(possible_rules, probabilities)

	(head, constituent) = util.sRule2tRule(sRule)
	log("rule: {}".format(sRule),lvl)
	if constituent != "<NULL>":
		# For each RHS element in the rule, populate the element
		#  appropriately and set the attribute.
		for attrPair in constituent:
			newContext = context + [(className, attrPair[0])]
			populatedField = populateField(field=attrPair[1], lvl=lvl+1, context=newContext)
			setattr(node, attrPair[0], populatedField)

	return node
Esempio n. 2
def make_primitive(primitive_className, context):
	Given the class name of a primitive, as well as the context stack,
	returns a randomly chosen primitive of the correct type following
	certain restrictions if applicable.

	 primitive_className: the classname of the primitive. Should be one 
	 					  of the seven class names given in
	 context: context stack
	# Recall primitives dict is of the form:
	#  primitives[pcn]["normal"|"special"]["vals"|"freqs"]
	style = "special" if is_namelike(primitive_className, context) else "normal"

	# Randomly draw one primitive 
	vals = primitives[primitive_className][style]["vals"]
	frequencies = primitives[primitive_className][style]["freqs"]

	return util.random_draw(vals, frequencies)