def _test_generate_anchors_one_layer(): """ test _generate_anchors_one_layer method by visualizing it in an image. """ import util image_shape = (512, 512) h_I, w_I = image_shape stride = 256 feat_shape = (h_I/stride, w_I / stride) h_l, w_l = feat_shape anchors = _generate_anchors_one_layer(h_I, w_I, h_l, w_l, gamma = 1.5) assert(anchors.shape == (h_l, w_l, 4)) mask = for x in xrange(w_l): for y in xrange(h_l): cx, cy, w, h = anchors[y, x, :] xmin = (cx - w / 2) ymin = (cy - h / 2) xmax = (cx + w / 2) ymax = (cy + h / 2) cxy = (int(cx), int(cy)), cxy, 3, color = 255) util.img.rectangle(mask, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), color = 255) util.sit(mask)
def _test_generate_anchors_one_layer(): """ test _generate_anchors_one_layer method by visualizing it in an image. """ import util image_shape = (512, 512) h_I, w_I = image_shape stride = 256 feat_shape = (h_I / stride, w_I / stride) h_l, w_l = feat_shape anchors = _generate_anchors_one_layer(h_I, w_I, h_l, w_l, gamma=1.5) assert (anchors.shape == (h_l, w_l, 4)) mask = for x in range(int(w_l)): for y in range(int(h_l)): cx, cy, w, h = anchors[y, x, :] xmin = (cx - w / 2) ymin = (cy - h / 2) xmax = (cx + w / 2) ymax = (cy + h / 2) cxy = (int(cx), int(cy)), cxy, 3, color=255) util.img.rectangle(mask, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), color=255) util.sit(mask)
def test(): checkpoint_dir = global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() with tf.name_scope('evaluation_%dx%d' % (FLAGS.eval_image_height, FLAGS.eval_image_width)): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=False): image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None, 3]) image_shape = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[ 3, ]) processed_image, _, _, _, _ = ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image( image, None, None, None, None, out_shape=config.image_shape, data_format=config.data_format, is_training=False) b_image = tf.expand_dims(processed_image, axis=0) # build model and loss net = pixel_link_symbol.PixelLinkNet(b_image, is_training=False) masks = pixel_link.tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch( net.pixel_pos_scores, net.link_pos_scores) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) if FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction < 0: sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True elif FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction > 0: sess_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction # Variables to restore: moving avg. or normal weights. if FLAGS.using_moving_average: variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( FLAGS.moving_average_decay) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore( tf.trainable_variables()) variables_to_restore[] = global_step else: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=variables_to_restore) with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, files = for image_name in files: file_path =, image_name) image_data = util.img.imread(file_path) link_scores, pixel_scores, mask_vals = [net.link_pos_scores, net.pixel_pos_scores, masks], feed_dict={image: image_data}) h, w, _ = image_data.shape def resize(img): return util.img.resize(img, size=(w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) def get_bboxes(mask): return pixel_link.mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_data.shape) def draw_bboxes(img, bboxes, color): for bbox in bboxes: points = np.reshape(bbox, [4, 2]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points) util.img.draw_contours(img, contours=cnts, idx=-1, color=color, border_width=1) image_idx = 0 pixel_score = pixel_scores[image_idx, ...] mask = mask_vals[image_idx, ...] bboxes_det = get_bboxes(mask) mask = resize(mask) pixel_score = resize(pixel_score) draw_bboxes(image_data, bboxes_det, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED) # print util.sit(pixel_score) # print util.sit(mask) print util.sit(image_data)
def test(): checkpoint_dir = global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() with tf.name_scope('evaluation_%dx%d' % (FLAGS.eval_image_height, FLAGS.eval_image_width)): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=False): image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None, 3]) image_shape = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[3, ]) processed_image, _, _, _, _ = ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image(image, None, None, None, None, out_shape=config.image_shape, data_format=config.data_format, is_training=False) b_image = tf.expand_dims(processed_image, axis=0) # build model and loss net = pixel_link_symbol.PixelLinkNet(b_image, is_training=False) masks = pixel_link.tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch( net.pixel_pos_scores, net.link_pos_scores) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) if FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction < 0: sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True elif FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction > 0: sess_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction; # Variables to restore: moving avg. or normal weights. if FLAGS.using_moving_average: variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( FLAGS.moving_average_decay) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore( tf.trainable_variables()) variables_to_restore[] = global_step else: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=variables_to_restore) with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, model_dir = '/Users/ci.chen/src/pixel_link/conv2_2/' # Finally we serialize and dump the output graph to the filesystem files = rows = [["image", "id", "xMin", "xMax", "yMin", "yMax"]] for image_name in files: file_path =, image_name) image_data = util.img.imread(file_path) link_scores, pixel_scores, mask_vals = [net.link_pos_scores, net.pixel_pos_scores, masks], feed_dict={image: image_data}) h, w, _ = image_data.shape def resize(img): return util.img.resize(img, size=(w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) def get_bboxes(mask): return pixel_link.mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_data.shape) def draw_bboxes(img, bboxes, color): for bbox in bboxes: points = np.reshape(bbox, [4, 2]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points) util.img.draw_contours(img, contours=cnts, idx=-1, color=color, border_width=1) def get_box_info(img, bboxes, name): boxes = [] for id, bbox in enumerate(bboxes): points = np.reshape(bbox, [4, 2]) x = [points[0][0], points[1][0], points[2][0], points[3][0]] y = [points[0][1], points[1][1], points[2][1], points[3][1]] boxes.append([name, id + 1, min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)]) return boxes image_idx = 0 pixel_score = pixel_scores[image_idx, ...] mask = mask_vals[image_idx, ...] bboxes_det = get_bboxes(mask) mask = resize(mask) pixel_score = resize(pixel_score) bbox = get_box_info(image_data, bboxes_det, image_name) rows += bbox draw_bboxes(image_data, bboxes_det, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED) # print util.sit(pixel_score) # print util.sit(mask) print(util.sit(image_data)) def writeCSV(boxes): with open('/Users/ci.chen/temp/no-use/images/result.csv', 'w') as File: writer = csv.writer(File) writer.writerows(boxes) writeCSV(rows)
def main(_): if not FLAGS.dataset_dir: raise ValueError( 'You must supply the dataset directory with --dataset_dir') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.DEBUG) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Select the dataset. dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset(FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.dataset_split_name, FLAGS.dataset_dir) util.proc.set_proc_name(FLAGS.model_name + '_' + FLAGS.dataset_name) # =================================================================== # # Create a dataset provider and batches. # =================================================================== # with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope(FLAGS.dataset_name + '_data_provider'): provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, num_readers=FLAGS.num_readers, common_queue_capacity=20 * batch_size, common_queue_min=10 * batch_size, shuffle=True) # Get for SSD network: image, labels, bboxes. [image, shape, gignored, gbboxes, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4] = provider.get([ 'image', 'shape', 'object/ignored', 'object/bbox', 'object/oriented_bbox/x1', 'object/oriented_bbox/x2', 'object/oriented_bbox/x3', 'object/oriented_bbox/x4', 'object/oriented_bbox/y1', 'object/oriented_bbox/y2', 'object/oriented_bbox/y3', 'object/oriented_bbox/y4' ]) gxs = tf.transpose(tf.stack([x1, x2, x3, x4])) # shape = (N, 4) gys = tf.transpose(tf.stack([y1, y2, y3, y4])) image = tf.identity(image, 'input_image') # Pre-processing image, labels and bboxes. image_shape = (FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.train_image_size) image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys = \ ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image(image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys, out_shape=image_shape, is_training=True) gxs = gxs * tf.cast(image_shape[1], gxs.dtype) gys = gys * tf.cast(image_shape[0], gys.dtype) gorbboxes = tfe_seglink.tf_min_area_rect(gxs, gys) image = tf.identity(image, 'processed_image') with tf.Session() as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) i = 0 while i < 2: i += 1 image_data, label_data, bbox_data, xs_data, ys_data, orbboxes = \[image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys, gorbboxes]) image_data = image_data + [123., 117., 104.] image_data = np.asarray(image_data, np.uint8) h, w = image_data.shape[0:-1] bbox_data = bbox_data * [h, w, h, w] I_bbox = image_data.copy() I_xys = image_data.copy() I_orbbox = image_data.copy() for idx in range(bbox_data.shape[0]): def draw_bbox(): y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox_data[idx, :] util.img.rectangle(I_bbox, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color=util.img.COLOR_WHITE) def draw_xys(): points = zip(xs_data[idx, :], ys_data[idx, :]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points) util.img.draw_contours(I_xys, cnts, -1, color=util.img.COLOR_GREEN) def draw_orbbox(): orbox = orbboxes[idx, :] import cv2 rect = ((orbox[0], orbox[1]), (orbox[2], orbox[3]), orbox[4]) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(I_orbbox, [box], 0, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED, 1) draw_bbox() draw_xys() draw_orbbox() print(util.sit(I_bbox)) print(util.sit(I_xys)) print(util.sit(I_orbbox)) print( 'check the images and make sure that bboxes in difference colors are the same.' ) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test(): checkpoint_dir = global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() with tf.name_scope('evaluation_%dx%d'%(FLAGS.eval_image_height, FLAGS.eval_image_width)): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse = False): image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape = [None, None, 3]) image_shape = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.int32, shape = [3, ]) processed_image, _, _, _, _ = ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image(image, None, None, None, None, out_shape = config.image_shape, data_format = config.data_format, is_training = False) b_image = tf.expand_dims(processed_image, axis = 0) # build model and loss net = pixel_link_symbol.PixelLinkNet(b_image, is_training = False) masks = pixel_link.tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch( net.pixel_pos_scores, net.link_pos_scores) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement = False, allow_soft_placement = True) if FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction < 0: sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True elif FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction > 0: sess_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction; # Variables to restore: moving avg. or normal weights. if FLAGS.using_moving_average: variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( FLAGS.moving_average_decay) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore( tf.trainable_variables()) variables_to_restore[] = global_step else: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list = variables_to_restore) with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, files = for image_name in files: file_path =, image_name) image_data = util.img.imread(file_path) link_scores, pixel_scores, mask_vals = [net.link_pos_scores, net.pixel_pos_scores, masks], feed_dict = {image: image_data}) h, w, _ =image_data.shape def resize(img): return util.img.resize(img, size = (w, h), interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST) def get_bboxes(mask): return pixel_link.mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_data.shape) def draw_bboxes(img, bboxes, color): for bbox in bboxes: points = np.reshape(bbox, [4, 2]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points) util.img.draw_contours(img, contours = cnts, idx = -1, color = color, border_width = 1) image_idx = 0 pixel_score = pixel_scores[image_idx, ...] mask = mask_vals[image_idx, ...] bboxes_det = get_bboxes(mask) mask = resize(mask) pixel_score = resize(pixel_score) draw_bboxes(image_data, bboxes_det, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED) # print util.sit(pixel_score) # print util.sit(mask) print util.sit(image_data)
def main(_): if not FLAGS.dataset_dir: raise ValueError('You must supply the dataset directory with --dataset_dir') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.DEBUG) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size; with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Select the dataset. dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.dataset_split_name, FLAGS.dataset_dir) util.proc.set_proc_name(FLAGS.model_name + '_' + FLAGS.dataset_name) # =================================================================== # # Create a dataset provider and batches. # =================================================================== # with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope(FLAGS.dataset_name + '_data_provider'): provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, num_readers=FLAGS.num_readers, common_queue_capacity=20 * batch_size, common_queue_min=10 * batch_size, shuffle=True) # Get for SSD network: image, labels, bboxes. [image, shape, gignored, gbboxes, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4] = provider.get(['image', 'shape', 'object/ignored', 'object/bbox', 'object/oriented_bbox/x1', 'object/oriented_bbox/x2', 'object/oriented_bbox/x3', 'object/oriented_bbox/x4', 'object/oriented_bbox/y1', 'object/oriented_bbox/y2', 'object/oriented_bbox/y3', 'object/oriented_bbox/y4' ]) gxs = tf.transpose(tf.stack([x1, x2, x3, x4])) #shape = (N, 4) gys = tf.transpose(tf.stack([y1, y2, y3, y4])) image = tf.identity(image, 'input_image') # Pre-processing image, labels and bboxes. image_shape = (FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.train_image_size) image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys = \ ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image(image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys, out_shape=image_shape, is_training = True) gxs = gxs * tf.cast(image_shape[1], gxs.dtype) gys = gys * tf.cast(image_shape[0], gys.dtype) gorbboxes = tfe_seglink.tf_min_area_rect(gxs, gys) image = tf.identity(image, 'processed_image') with tf.Session() as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) i = 0 while i < 2: i += 1 image_data, label_data, bbox_data, xs_data, ys_data, orbboxes = \[image, gignored, gbboxes, gxs, gys, gorbboxes]) image_data = image_data + [123., 117., 104.] image_data = np.asarray(image_data, np.uint8) h, w = image_data.shape[0:-1] bbox_data = bbox_data * [h, w, h, w] I_bbox = image_data.copy() I_xys = image_data.copy() I_orbbox = image_data.copy() for idx in range(bbox_data.shape[0]): def draw_bbox(): y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox_data[idx, :] util.img.rectangle(I_bbox, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color = util.img.COLOR_WHITE) def draw_xys(): points = zip(xs_data[idx, :], ys_data[idx, :]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points); util.img.draw_contours(I_xys, cnts, -1, color = util.img.COLOR_GREEN) def draw_orbbox(): orbox = orbboxes[idx, :] import cv2 rect = ((orbox[0], orbox[1]), (orbox[2], orbox[3]), orbox[4]) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(I_orbbox, [box], 0, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED, 1) draw_bbox() draw_xys(); draw_orbbox(); print util.sit(I_bbox) print util.sit(I_xys) print util.sit(I_orbbox) print 'check the images and make sure that bboxes in difference colors are the same.' coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test(): checkpoint_dir = output_dir = FLAGS.output_path global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() with tf.name_scope('evaluation_%dx%d' % (FLAGS.eval_image_height, FLAGS.eval_image_width)): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=False): image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None, 3]) image_shape = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[ 3, ]) processed_image, _, _, _, _ = ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image( image, None, None, None, None, out_shape=config.image_shape, data_format=config.data_format, is_training=False) b_image = tf.expand_dims(processed_image, axis=0) # build model and loss net = pixel_link_symbol.PixelLinkNet(b_image, is_training=False) masks = pixel_link.tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch( net.pixel_pos_scores, net.link_pos_scores) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) if FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction < 0: sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True elif FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction > 0: sess_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction # Variables to restore: moving avg. or normal weights. if FLAGS.using_moving_average: variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( FLAGS.moving_average_decay) variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore( tf.trainable_variables()) variables_to_restore[] = global_step else: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=variables_to_restore) with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, files = for image_name in files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(output_dir, image_name + ".png")): continue file_path =, image_name) image_data = util.img.imread(file_path) image_data, scale = resize_im(image_data, scale=768, max_scale=1280) start_tf_time = time.time() link_scores, pixel_scores, mask_vals = [net.link_pos_scores, net.pixel_pos_scores, masks], feed_dict={image: image_data}) end_tf_time = time.time() f = open(os.path.join('pkl', image_name) + '.pkl', 'wb') cPickle.dump(link_scores, f, protocol=-1) cPickle.dump(pixel_scores, f, protocol=-1) cPickle.dump(mask_vals, f, protocol=-1) f.close() h, w, _ = image_data.shape def resize(img): return util.img.resize(img, size=(w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) def get_bboxes(mask): return pixel_link.mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_data.shape) def draw_bboxes(img, bboxes, color): for bbox in bboxes: points = np.reshape(bbox, [4, 2]) cnts = util.img.points_to_contours(points) util.img.draw_contours(img, contours=cnts, idx=-1, color=color, border_width=4) image_idx = 0 pixel_score = pixel_scores[image_idx, ...] mask = mask_vals[image_idx, ...] start_post_time = time.time() bboxes_det = get_bboxes(mask) end_post_time = time.time() print("Tensorflow inference time:", end_tf_time - start_tf_time) print("Post filtering time:", end_post_time - start_post_time) mask = resize(mask) pixel_score = resize(pixel_score) draw_bboxes(image_data, bboxes_det, util.img.COLOR_RGB_RED) # print util.sit(pixel_score) # print util.sit(mask) # output_dir = os.path.join("test_output",'%.1f'%FLAGS.pixel_conf_threshold+"_"+'%.1f'%FLAGS.pixel_conf_threshold) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) print util.sit(image_data, format='bgr', path=os.path.join(output_dir, image_name + ".png"))