Esempio n. 1
pP1.set_vel(E, 0)
pP1.set_vel(B, pP1.pos_from(pO).dt(B))
pP1.v1pt_theory(pO, A, B)
pDs.set_vel(E, 0)
pDs.v2pt_theory(pP1, B, E)
pDs.v2pt_theory(pP1, A, E)

# define generalized speeds and constraints
kde = [u1 - dot(pP1.vel(A), E.x), u2 - dot(pP1.vel(A), E.y), u3 - q3d]
kde_map = solve(kde, qd)
# include second derivatives in kde map
for k, v in kde_map.items():
    kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

vc = [dot(pDs.vel(B), E.y)]
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u3])

# define system of particles
system = [Particle('P1', pP1, m1), Particle('P2', pDs, m2)]

# calculate kinetic energy, generalized inertia forces
K = sum(map(lambda x: x.kinetic_energy(A), system))
Fr_tilde_star = generalized_inertia_forces_K(K, q, [u1, u2], kde_map, vc_map)

for i, f in enumerate(Fr_tilde_star, 1):
    print("F{0}* = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))

Fr_tilde_star_expected = [
    ((m1 + m2) * (omega**2 * q1 * cos(q3) - u1.diff(t)) - m1 * u2**2 / L +
     m2 * L * omega**2 * cos(q3)**2),
    (-m1 * (u2.diff(t) + omega**2 * q1 * sin(q3) - u1 * u2 / L))
Esempio n. 2
kde_map = solve(kde, qd)

## --- Define forces on each point in the system ---
R_C_hat = Px*A.x + Py*A.y + Pz*A.z
R_Cs = -m*g*A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pCs, R_Cs)]

## --- Calculate generalized active forces ---
partials = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u, A, kde_map)
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces)

# Impose the condition that disk C is rolling without slipping
u_indep = u[:3]
u_dep = u[3:]
vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), u_dep)

partials_tilde = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u_indep, A, kde_map, vc_map)
Fr_tilde, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials_tilde, forces)
Fr_tilde = map(expand, Fr_tilde)

# solve for ∂V/∂qs using 5.1.9
V_gamma = m * g * R * cos(q[1])
print(('\nVerify V_γ = {0} is a potential energy '.format(V_gamma) +
       'contribution of γ for C.'))
V_gamma_dot = -sum(fr * ur for fr, ur in
if V_gamma_dot == V_gamma.diff(t).subs(kde_map):
    print('d/dt(V_γ) == -sum(Fr_γ * ur).')
Esempio n. 3
## --- define partial velocities ---
partials = partial_velocities([pD, pS_star, pQ], [u1, u2, u3],
                              F, express_frame=A)

forces = [(pS_star, -M*g*F.x), (pQ, Q1*A.x + Q2*A.y + Q3*A.z)]
torques = []
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)
print("Generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(Fr, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(f)))

F3 = symbols('F3')
fric_Q = Q2*A.y + Q3*A.z
# Q1 is the component of the contact force normal to plane P.
mag_friction_map = {fric_Q.magnitude() : u_prime * Q1}

# friction force points in opposite direction of velocity of Q
vel_Q_F = pQ.vel(F).subs(u3, 0)
eqs = subs([dot(fric_Q.normalize(), A.y) + dot(vel_Q_F.normalize(), A.y),
            dot(fric_Q.normalize(), A.z) + dot(vel_Q_F.normalize(), A.z)],
Qvals = solve(eqs, [Q2, Q3])

# solve for Q1 in terms of F3 and other variables
Q1_val = solve(F3 - Fr[2].subs(Qvals), Q1)[0]
Qvals[Q1] = Q1_val

print("Contact force components:")
for k in sorted(Qvals.keys(), cmp=lambda x, y:
    print("{0} = {1}".format(k, msprint(Qvals[k])))
Esempio n. 4
pB_hat = pB_star.locatenew('B^', -R*A.x)
pC_hat = pC_star.locatenew('C^', -R*A.x)
pB_hat.set_vel(B, 0)
pC_hat.set_vel(C, 0)
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, F, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, F, C)

# kinematic differential equations and velocity constraints
kde = [u1 - dot(A.ang_vel_in(F), A.x),
       u2 - dot(pD.vel(F), A.y),
       u3 - q3d,
       u4 - q4d,
       u5 - q5d]
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d, q3d, q4d, q5d])
vc = [dot(p.vel(F), A.y) for p in [pB_hat, pC_hat]] + [dot(pD.vel(F), A.z)]
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u3, u4, u5])

forces = [(pS_star, -M*g*F.x), (pQ, Q1*A.x)] # no friction at point Q
torques = [(A, -TB*A.z), (A, -TC*A.z), (B, TB*A.z), (C, TC*A.z)]
partials = partial_velocities(zip(*forces + torques)[0], [u1, u2],
                              F, kde_map, vc_map, express_frame=A)
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)

q = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5]
u = [u1, u2]
n = len(q)
p = len(u)
m = n - p

if vc_map is not None:
    u += sorted(vc_map.keys(), cmp=lambda x, y:
Esempio n. 5
R_C_hat = Px * A.x + Py * A.y + Pz * A.z
R_Cs = -m * g * A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pCs, R_Cs)]

## --- Calculate generalized active forces ---
partials = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u, A, kde_map)
F, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces)
print("Generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(F, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))

# Now impose the condition that disk C is rolling without slipping
u_indep = u[:3]
u_dep = u[3:]
vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), u_dep)

partials_tilde = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u_indep, A, kde_map, vc_map)
F_tilde, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials_tilde, forces)
print("Nonholonomic generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(F_tilde, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))

#print("\nUsing KanesMethod...")
#KM = KanesMethod(A, q, u, kde)
#fr, _ = KM.kanes_equations(forces, [])
#print("Generalized active forces:\n{0}".format(simplify(fr)))
#KM_tilde = KanesMethod(A, q, u_indep, kde,
#                       u_dependent=u_dep,
#                       velocity_constraints=vc)
Esempio n. 6
pD_star = pP1.locatenew('D*', L*E.x)

pP1.set_vel(B, pP1.pos_from(pO).dt(B))
pD_star.v2pt_theory(pP1, B, E)

pP1.v1pt_theory(pO, A, B)
pD_star.v2pt_theory(pP1, A, E)

## --- Expressions for generalized speeds u1, u2, u3 ---
kde = [u1 - dot(pP1.vel(A), E.x), u2 - dot(pP1.vel(A), E.y),
       u3 - dot(E.ang_vel_in(B), E.z)]
kde_map = solve(kde, [qd1, qd2, qd3])

## --- Velocity constraints ---
vc = [dot(pD_star.vel(B), E.y)]
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u3])

## --- Define forces on each point in the system ---
K = k*E.x - k/L*dot(pP1.pos_from(pO), E.y)*E.y
gravity = lambda m: -m*g*A.y
forces = [(pP1, K), (pP1, gravity(m1)), (pD_star, gravity(m2))]

## --- Calculate generalized active forces ---
partials = partial_velocities(zip(*forces)[0], [u1, u2], A,
                              kde_map, vc_map)
Fr_tilde, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces)
Fr_tilde = map(expand, map(trigsimp, Fr_tilde))

print('Finding a potential energy function V.')
V = potential_energy(Fr_tilde, [q1, q2, q3], [u1, u2], kde_map, vc_map)
if V is not None:
Esempio n. 7
    (pC_star, -mC * g * E.x),
    (pD_star, -mD * g * E.x),
torques = [(A, T_EA - T_AB), (B, T_AB - T_BC), (C, T_BC)]

# partial velocities
system = [x for b in bodies for x in [b.masscenter, b.frame]]
system += [f[0] for f in forces + torques]
partials = partial_velocities(system, u, E, kde_map)

# generalized active forces
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)
Fr_star, _ = generalized_inertia_forces(partials, bodies, kde_map)

# dynamical equations
dyn_eq = subs([x + y for x, y in zip(Fr, Fr_star)], kde_map)
ud = [x.diff(t) for x in u]

# rewrite in the form:
# summation(X_sr * u'_r, (r, 1, 3)) = Y_s for s = 1, 2, 3
DE = Matrix(dyn_eq)
X_rs = Matrix(map(lambda x: DE.T.diff(x), ud)).T
Y_s = -expand(DE - X_rs * Matrix(ud))

Z1 = u1 * cos(q1)
Z2 = u1 * sin(q1)
Z3 = -Z2 * u2
Z4 = Z1 * u2
Z5 = -LA * u1
Z6 = -(LP + LB * cos(q1))
Z7 = u2 * LB
Esempio n. 8
R_C_hat = Px*A.x + Py*A.y + Pz*A.z
R_Cs = -m*g*A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pCs, R_Cs)]

## --- Calculate generalized active forces ---
partials = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u, A, kde_map)
F, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces)
print("Generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(F, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))

# Now impose the condition that disk C is rolling without slipping
u_indep = u[:3]
u_dep = u[3:]
vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), u_dep)

partials_tilde = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u_indep, A, kde_map, vc_map)
F_tilde, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials_tilde, forces)
print("Nonholonomic generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(F_tilde, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))

#print("\nUsing KanesMethod...")
#KM = KanesMethod(A, q, u, kde)
#fr, _ = KM.kanes_equations(forces, [])
#print("Generalized active forces:\n{0}".format(simplify(fr)))
#KM_tilde = KanesMethod(A, q, u_indep, kde,
#                       u_dependent=u_dep,
#                       velocity_constraints=vc)
Esempio n. 9
                  (y, r*cos(theta)),
                  (z, r*sin(theta))])
J = Matrix([coord_map.values()]).jacobian([x, theta, r])
dJ = trigsimp(J.det())

## --- define contact/distance forces ---
# force for a point on ring R1, R2, R3
n = alpha + beta*cos(theta/2) # contact pressure
t = u_prime*n # kinetic friction
tau = -pQ.vel(C).subs(coord_map).normalize() # direction of friction
v = -P.y # direction of surface
point_force = sum(simplify(dot(n*v + t*tau, b)) * b for b in P)

# want to find gen. active forces for motions where u3 = 0
forces = [(pP_star, E*C.x + M*g*C.y),
          (pQ, subs(point_force, u3, 0),
           lambda i: integrate(i.subs(coord_map) * dJ,
                               (theta, -pi, pi)).subs(r, R))]
# 3 rings so repeat the last element twice more
forces += [forces[-1]] * 2
torques = []

## --- define partial velocities ---
partials = partial_velocities([f[0] for f in forces + torques],
                              [u1, u2, u3], C)

## -- calculate generalized active forces ---
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)
print("Generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(Fr, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))
Esempio n. 10
# three sets of generalized speeds
u_s1 = [dot(pP1.vel(A), A.x), dot(pP1.vel(A), A.y), q3d]
u_s2 = [dot(pP1.vel(A), E.x), dot(pP1.vel(A), E.y), q3d]
u_s3 = [q1d, q2d, q3d]

# f1, f2 are forces the panes of glass exert on P1, P2 respectively
R1 = f1 * B.z + C * E.x - m1 * g * B.y
R2 = f2 * B.z - C * E.x - m2 * g * B.y

ulist = [u1, u2, u3]
for uset in [u_s1, u_s2, u_s3]:
    # solve for u1, u2, u3 in terms of q1d, q2d, q3d and substitute
    kinematic_eqs = [u_i - u_expr for u_i, u_expr in zip(ulist, uset)]
    soln = solve(kinematic_eqs, [q1d, q2d, q3d])
    vlist = subs([pP1.vel(A), pP2.vel(A)], soln)

    v_r_Pi = partial_velocity(vlist, ulist, A)
    F1, F2, F3 = [
                sum(dot(v_Pi[r], R_i) for v_Pi, R_i in zip(v_r_Pi, [R1, R2]))))
        for r in range(3)

    print("\nFor generalized speeds [u1, u2, u3] = {0}".format(msprint(uset)))
    print("v_P1_A = {0}".format(vlist[0]))
    print("v_P2_A = {0}".format(vlist[1]))
    print("v_r_Pi = {0}".format(v_r_Pi))
    print("F1 = {0}".format(msprint(F1)))
    print("F2 = {0}".format(msprint(F2)))
Esempio n. 11
forces = [(pO, K_EA), (pC_star, K_BC), (pB_hat, -K_BC),
          (pA_star, -mA*g*E.x), (pB_star, -mB*g*E.x),
          (pC_star, -mC*g*E.x), (pD_star, -mD*g*E.x)]
torques = [(A, T_EA - T_AB), (B, T_AB - T_BC), (C, T_BC)]

# partial velocities
system = [x for b in bodies for x in [b.masscenter, b.frame]]
system += [f[0] for f in forces + torques]
partials = partial_velocities(system, u, E, kde_map)

# generalized active forces
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)
Fr_star, _ = generalized_inertia_forces(partials, bodies, kde_map)

# dynamical equations
dyn_eq = subs([x + y for x, y in zip(Fr, Fr_star)], kde_map)
ud = [x.diff(t) for x in u]

# rewrite in the form:
# summation(X_sr * u'_r, (r, 1, 3)) = Y_s for s = 1, 2, 3
DE = Matrix(dyn_eq)
X_rs = Matrix(map(lambda x: DE.T.diff(x), ud)).T
Y_s = -expand(DE - X_rs*Matrix(ud))

Z1 = u1 * cos(q1)
Z2 = u1 * sin(q1)
Z3 = -Z2 * u2
Z4 = Z1 * u2
Z5 = -LA * u1
Z6 = -(LP + LB*cos(q1))
Z7 = u2 * LB
Esempio n. 12
pQ.v2pt_theory(pP, N, B)

# Define the distance between points Q, C* as c.
pC_star = pQ.locatenew('C*', c_star * C.z)
pC_star.v2pt_theory(pQ, N, C)

# configuration constraint for q2.
cc = [dot(pC_star.pos_from(pO), N.x)]
cc_map = solve(cc, q2)[1]

# kinematic differential equations
kde = [u1 - q1d, u2 - dot(B.ang_vel_in(N), N.y)]
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d])

# velocity constraints
vc = subs([u3 - dot(pC_star.vel(N), N.z), cc[0].diff(t)], kde_map)
vc_map = solve(vc, [u2, u3])

# verify motion constraint equation match text
u2_expected = -a * cos(q1) / (b * cos(q2)) * u1
u3_expected = -a / cos(q2) * (sin(q1) * cos(q2) + cos(q1) * sin(q2)) * u1
assert trigsimp(vc_map[u2] - u2_expected) == 0
assert trigsimp(vc_map[u3] - u3_expected) == 0

# add the term to get u3 from u1 to kde_map
kde_map[dot(pC_star.vel(N), N.z)] = u3
for k, v in kde_map.items():
    kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

# central inertias, rigid bodies
IA = inertia(A, A1, mA * kA**2, A3)
Esempio n. 13
# calculate velocities in A
pC_star.v2pt_theory(pR, A, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, A, C)

# kinematic differential equations
kde = [
    x - y
    for x, y in zip([dot(C.ang_vel_in(A), basis) for basis in B] + qd[3:], u)
kde_map = solve(kde, qd)
# include second derivatives in kde map
for k, v in kde_map.items():
    kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u4, u5])

# define disc rigidbody
I_C = inertia(C, m * R**2 / 4, m * R**2 / 4, m * R**2 / 2)
rbC = RigidBody('rbC', pC_star, C, m, (I_C, pC_star))

# forces
R_C_hat = Px * A.x + Py * A.y + Pz * A.z
R_C_star = -m * g * A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pC_star, R_C_star)]

# partial velocities
bodies = [rbC]
system = ([i.masscenter
           for i in bodies] + [i.frame
                               for i in bodies] + list(zip(*forces)[0]))
Esempio n. 14
pQ.v2pt_theory(pP, N, B)

# Define the distance between points Q, C* as c.
pC_star = pQ.locatenew('C*', c_star*C.z)
pC_star.v2pt_theory(pQ, N, C)

# configuration constraint for q2.
cc = [dot(pC_star.pos_from(pO), N.x)]
cc_map = solve(cc, q2)[1]

# kinematic differential equations
kde = [u1 - q1d, u2 - dot(B.ang_vel_in(N), N.y)]
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d])

# velocity constraints
vc = subs([u3 - dot(pC_star.vel(N), N.z), cc[0].diff(t)], kde_map)
vc_map = solve(vc, [u2, u3])

# verify motion constraint equation match text
u2_expected = -a*cos(q1)/(b*cos(q2))*u1
u3_expected = -a/cos(q2)*(sin(q1)*cos(q2) + cos(q1)*sin(q2))*u1
assert trigsimp(vc_map[u2] - u2_expected) == 0
assert trigsimp(vc_map[u3] - u3_expected) == 0

# add the term to get u3 from u1 to kde_map
kde_map[dot(pC_star.vel(N), N.z)] = u3
for k, v in kde_map.items():
    kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

# central inertias, rigid bodies
IA = inertia(A, A1, mA*kA**2, A3)
Esempio n. 15
File: Progetto: zizai/pydy
coord_pairs = [(x, x), (y, r * cos(theta)), (z, r * sin(theta))]
coord_map = dict([(x, x), (y, r * cos(theta)), (z, r * sin(theta))])
J = Matrix([coord_map.values()]).jacobian([x, theta, r])
dJ = trigsimp(J.det())

## --- define contact/distance forces ---
# force for a point on ring R1, R2, R3
n = alpha + beta * cos(theta / 2)  # contact pressure
t = u_prime * n  # kinetic friction
tau = -pQ.vel(C).subs(coord_map).normalize()  # direction of friction
v = -P.y  # direction of surface
point_force = sum(simplify(dot(n * v + t * tau, b)) * b for b in P)

# want to find gen. active forces for motions where u3 = 0
forces = [(pP_star, E * C.x + M * g * C.y),
          (pQ, subs(point_force, u3, 0),
           lambda i: integrate(i.subs(coord_map) * dJ,
                               (theta, -pi, pi)).subs(r, R))]
# 3 rings so repeat the last element twice more
forces += [forces[-1]] * 2
torques = []

## --- define partial velocities ---
partials = partial_velocities([f[0] for f in forces + torques], [u1, u2, u3],

## -- calculate generalized active forces ---
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)
print("Generalized active forces:")
for i, f in enumerate(Fr, 1):
    print("F{0} = {1}".format(i, msprint(simplify(f))))
Esempio n. 16
File: Progetto: nouiz/pydy
pC_star.set_vel(C, 0)
pC_star.set_vel(B, 0)

# calculate velocities in A
pC_star.v2pt_theory(pR, A, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, A, C)

# kinematic differential equations
kde = [x - y for x, y in zip([dot(C.ang_vel_in(A), basis) for basis in B] + qd[3:], u)]
kde_map = solve(kde, qd)
# include second derivatives in kde map
for k, v in kde_map.items():
    kde_map[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u4, u5])

# define disc rigidbody
I_C = inertia(C, m * R ** 2 / 4, m * R ** 2 / 4, m * R ** 2 / 2)
rbC = RigidBody("rbC", pC_star, C, m, (I_C, pC_star))

# forces
R_C_hat = Px * A.x + Py * A.y + Pz * A.z
R_C_star = -m * g * A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pC_star, R_C_star)]

# partial velocities
bodies = [rbC]
system = [i.masscenter for i in bodies] + [i.frame for i in bodies] + list(zip(*forces)[0])
partials = partial_velocities(system, [u1, u2, u3], A, kde_map, vc_map)
Esempio n. 17
kde_map = solve(kde, qd)

## --- Define forces on each point in the system ---
R_C_hat = Px * A.x + Py * A.y + Pz * A.z
R_Cs = -m * g * A.z
forces = [(pC_hat, R_C_hat), (pCs, R_Cs)]

## --- Calculate generalized active forces ---
partials = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u, A, kde_map)
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces)

# Impose the condition that disk C is rolling without slipping
u_indep = u[:3]
u_dep = u[3:]
vc = map(lambda x: dot(pC_hat.vel(A), x), [A.x, A.y])
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), u_dep)

partials_tilde = partial_velocities([pC_hat, pCs], u_indep, A, kde_map, vc_map)
Fr_tilde, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials_tilde, forces)
Fr_tilde = map(expand, Fr_tilde)

# solve for ∂V/∂qs using 5.1.9
V_gamma = m * g * R * cos(q[1])
print(('\nVerify V_γ = {0} is a potential energy '.format(V_gamma) +
       'contribution of γ for C.'))
V_gamma_dot = -sum(
    fr * ur
    for fr, ur in zip(*generalized_active_forces(partials_tilde, forces[1:])))
if V_gamma_dot == V_gamma.diff(t).subs(kde_map):
    print('d/dt(V_γ) == -sum(Fr_γ * ur).')
Esempio n. 18
File: Progetto: zizai/pydy
# points of B, C touching the plane P
pB_hat = pB_star.locatenew('B^', -R * A.x)
pC_hat = pC_star.locatenew('C^', -R * A.x)
pB_hat.set_vel(B, 0)
pC_hat.set_vel(C, 0)
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, F, B)
pC_hat.v2pt_theory(pC_star, F, C)

# kinematic differential equations and velocity constraints
kde = [
    u1 - dot(A.ang_vel_in(F), A.x), u2 - dot(pD.vel(F), A.y), u3 - q3d,
    u4 - q4d, u5 - q5d
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d, q3d, q4d, q5d])
vc = [dot(p.vel(F), A.y) for p in [pB_hat, pC_hat]] + [dot(pD.vel(F), A.z)]
vc_map = solve(subs(vc, kde_map), [u3, u4, u5])

forces = [(pS_star, -M * g * F.x), (pQ, Q1 * A.x)]  # no friction at point Q
torques = [(A, -TB * A.z), (A, -TC * A.z), (B, TB * A.z), (C, TC * A.z)]
partials = partial_velocities(zip(*forces + torques)[0], [u1, u2],
Fr, _ = generalized_active_forces(partials, forces + torques)

q = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5]
u = [u1, u2]
n = len(q)
p = len(u)
m = n - p
Esempio n. 19
    pP1.vel(A), pP2.vel(A)))

# three sets of generalized speeds
u_s1 = [dot(pP1.vel(A), A.x), dot(pP1.vel(A), A.y), q3d]
u_s2 = [dot(pP1.vel(A), E.x), dot(pP1.vel(A), E.y), q3d]
u_s3 = [q1d, q2d, q3d]

# f1, f2 are forces the panes of glass exert on P1, P2 respectively
R1 = f1*B.z + C*E.x - m1*g*B.y
R2 = f2*B.z - C*E.x - m2*g*B.y

ulist = [u1, u2, u3]
for uset in [u_s1, u_s2, u_s3]:
    # solve for u1, u2, u3 in terms of q1d, q2d, q3d and substitute
    kinematic_eqs = [u_i - u_expr for u_i, u_expr in zip(ulist, uset)]
    soln = solve(kinematic_eqs, [q1d, q2d, q3d])
    vlist = subs([pP1.vel(A), pP2.vel(A)], soln)

    v_r_Pi = partial_velocity(vlist, ulist, A)
    F1, F2, F3 = [simplify(factor(
        sum(dot(v_Pi[r], R_i) for v_Pi, R_i in zip(v_r_Pi, [R1, R2]))))
        for r in range(3)]

    print("\nFor generalized speeds [u1, u2, u3] = {0}".format(msprint(uset)))
    print("v_P1_A = {0}".format(vlist[0]))
    print("v_P2_A = {0}".format(vlist[1]))
    print("v_r_Pi = {0}".format(v_r_Pi))
    print("F1 = {0}".format(msprint(F1)))
    print("F2 = {0}".format(msprint(F2)))
    print("F3 = {0}".format(msprint(F3)))