Esempio n. 1
    def _getGeoDict(self):

        #extract geo arrays
        fieldDict = {'file': self.file}
        for field in self.GEOLOC_FIELDS:
            vd = self.vs.attach(field)
            #print dir(vd)
            #print vd.fieldinfo()
            data = N.array(vd[:])
            fieldDict[field] = data.reshape(len(data))
            #print fieldDict[field].shape
            #print fieldDict[field]
            if fieldDict[field].shape == (1, ):
                fieldDict[field] = fieldDict[field][0]

            #get Unix timestamps and TAI-UTC leap seconds
            if field == 'TAI_start':
                fieldDict['TAI'] = fieldDict[field] + TAI
                fieldDict['UTC'] = int(fieldDict['TAI']/86400)*86400 + \
                fieldDict['TAI-UTC'] = fieldDict['TAI'] - fieldDict['UTC']
                fieldDict['Profile_UTC'] = fieldDict['Profile_time'] + \

# adjust longitude to (0, 360) range
# do _not_ adjust, leave it as before
	    if field == 'Longitude':
		for i in range(len(fieldDict['Longitude'])):
		    if fieldDict['Longitude'][i] < 0.0:
			fieldDict['Longitude'][i] += 360.0

# Unix Time is TAI+TAI_start+UTC_star+Profile_time, which is fieldDict['Profile_UTC'] here
        fieldDict['Time'] = fieldDict['Profile_UTC']

        if False:
            num_locs = len(fieldDict['Profile_time'])
            print 'TAI: ', TAI
            print 'unix time of CloudSat[0]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
            print 'Profile_UTC of CloudSat[0]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
            print 'unix time of CloudSat[1]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
            print 'Profile_UTC of CloudSat[1]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
            print 'unix time of CloudSat[', num_locs - 2, ']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict['Time'][num_locs - 2])
            print 'Profile_UTC of CloudSat[', num_locs - 2, ']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict['Profile_UTC'][num_locs - 2])
            print 'unix time of CloudSat[', num_locs - 1, ']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict['Time'][num_locs - 1])
            print 'Profile_UTC of CloudSat[', num_locs - 1, ']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict['Profile_UTC'][num_locs - 1])
            print 'Time: ', fieldDict['Time']

        return fieldDict
Esempio n. 2
    def _getGeoDict(self):

        # extract geo arrays
        fieldDict = {"file": self.file}
        for field in self.GEOLOC_FIELDS:
            vd = self.vs.attach(field)
            # print dir(vd)
            # print vd.fieldinfo()
            data = N.array(vd[:])
            fieldDict[field] = data.reshape(len(data))
            # print fieldDict[field].shape
            # print fieldDict[field]
            if fieldDict[field].shape == (1,):
                fieldDict[field] = fieldDict[field][0]

            # get Unix timestamps and TAI-UTC leap seconds
            if field == "TAI_start":
                fieldDict["TAI"] = fieldDict[field] + TAI
                fieldDict["UTC"] = int(fieldDict["TAI"] / 86400) * 86400 + fieldDict["UTC_start"]
                fieldDict["TAI-UTC"] = fieldDict["TAI"] - fieldDict["UTC"]
                fieldDict["Profile_UTC"] = fieldDict["Profile_time"] + fieldDict["UTC"]

            # adjust longitude to (0, 360) range
            # do _not_ adjust, leave it as before
	    if field == 'Longitude':
		for i in range(len(fieldDict['Longitude'])):
		    if fieldDict['Longitude'][i] < 0.0:
			fieldDict['Longitude'][i] += 360.0

        # Unix Time is TAI+TAI_start+UTC_star+Profile_time, which is fieldDict['Profile_UTC'] here
        fieldDict["Time"] = fieldDict["Profile_UTC"]

        if False:
            num_locs = len(fieldDict["Profile_time"])
            print "TAI: ", TAI
            print "unix time of CloudSat[0]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Time"][0])
            print "Profile_UTC of CloudSat[0]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Profile_UTC"][0])
            print "unix time of CloudSat[1]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Time"][1])
            print "Profile_UTC of CloudSat[1]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Profile_UTC"][1])
            print "unix time of CloudSat[", num_locs - 2, "]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Time"][num_locs - 2])
            print "Profile_UTC of CloudSat[", num_locs - 2, "]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict["Profile_UTC"][num_locs - 2]
            print "unix time of CloudSat[", num_locs - 1, "]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(fieldDict["Time"][num_locs - 1])
            print "Profile_UTC of CloudSat[", num_locs - 1, "]: ", UT.unix_time_to_date(
                fieldDict["Profile_UTC"][num_locs - 1]
            print "Time: ", fieldDict["Time"]

        return fieldDict
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, file):
    	self.file = file;
    	self.fieldDict = {'file': self.file}
        self.levels   = {}
        self.dataDict = {}
        ### self.index_data_with_lat_lon = []    
    	num_lons = 1440
    	num_lats = 720
    	num_maps = 6
    	num_pass = 2
    	num_locs = num_lons*num_lats
    	datasize = num_locs*num_maps*num_pass
        # Read data from the binary file into the array variable 'byte_array'
    	if("\.gz",self.file)):         # If file is gzipped
    	    #print "****** Found .gz file"
    	    fileobj    = gzip.GzipFile(self.file, 'rb')  # Read directly the gz file
    	    byte_array =        # Load data from file into array 'byte_array'
    	else:                                  # If file is unzipped
    	    fileobj    = open(self.file, mode='rb')      # Open data file to read in read binary mode
    	    byte_array.fromfile(fileobj, datasize)     # Load data from file into array 'byte_array'
        # Extract the information from byte_array into separate arrays for each variable   #
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting UTC Time in minutes ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the time values for the first pass (day side)
        time_dat = [1.0]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            time_dat[nlat] = [1.0]*num_lons
        # Calculate the offset and call the function to convert from byte to minutes
        lat_offset = 0
        ta1 = N.reshape(N.array(time_dat), (num_locs,))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the time values for the second pass (night side)
        time_dat = [1.0]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            time_dat[nlat] = [1.0]*num_lons

        # Calculate the offset and call the function to convert from byte to minutes
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        ta2 = N.reshape(N.array(time_dat), (num_locs,))

        # concatenate the time arrayes from the two passes 
        ta = N.concatenate((ta1,ta2))
        cnt = 0
        valid = [1]*num_locs*num_pass
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if ta[l] == UT.NAN:   # no valid data at this time
                valid[l] = 0
            else:   # valid time value
                cnt += 1
	### print 'num_locs: ', num_locs, ', cnt: ', cnt

        # copy valid time into array ta1
        ta1 = [6.0]*cnt    # convert to minutes
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                ta1[ll] *= ta[l]
                ll += 1
        # sort data by time
        asat = N.argsort(ta1)

	print 'Time array in original form (in min): ', N.take(ta1, asat)
	for mmm in range(0, 380):
	    print 'Time in original form (in min)[',mmm,']: ', N.take(ta1, asat)[mmm]

	for mmm in range(142880, 142900):
	    print 'Time in original form (in min)[',mmm,']: ', N.take(ta1, asat)[mmm]

        # convert from UTC time to Unix time
        filename = UT.get_file_name_from_full_name(self.file)
        y = int(filename[6:10])
        mon = int(filename[10:12])
        day = int(filename[12:14])
        print 'date of AMSRE file = ', y, mon, day
        # returns Unix time when this granule starts
        diff = calendar.timegm((y, mon, day, 0, 0, 0))
        print "Unix time diff: ", diff
        self.fieldDict['TIME'] = N.take(ta1, asat)*60 + diff   # convert to seconds
        print 'second of AMSR[0]: ', self.fieldDict['TIME'][0]
        print 'second of AMSR[',cnt-1,']: ', self.fieldDict['TIME'][cnt-1]
        print 'date of AMSR[0]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(self.fieldDict['TIME'][0])
        print 'date of AMSR[',cnt-1,']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(self.fieldDict['TIME'][cnt-1])
        # Print out some results of reading the time
        ###print 'Time[0][0:5] =',time_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print time_dat[i][:3],';','Time[',i,'][169:175] =',time_dat[i][169:175],';',time_dat[i][num_lons-3:]
        ###print 'Time[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',time_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the lat lon values
        lat_dat = [1.0]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            lat_dat[nlat] = [1.0]*num_lons
        lon_dat = [1.0]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            lon_dat[nlat] = [1.0]*num_lons
	# Longitude  is 0.25*xdim+0.125   degrees east
	# Latitude   is 0.25*ydim-89.875
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            for nlon in range(num_lons):
                lat_dat[nlat][nlon] = 0.25*nlat-89.875
                lon_dat[nlat][nlon] = 0.25*nlon+0.125
		# convert lon to (-180, 180), consistent with CloudSat
		if lon_dat[nlat][nlon] > 180.0:
		    lon_dat[nlat][nlon] -= 360.0
        tlat = N.reshape(N.array(lat_dat), (num_locs,))
        tlon = N.reshape(N.array(lon_dat), (num_locs,))
        # make a double copy of the lat and lon for two passes
        tlat = N.concatenate((tlat,tlat))
        tlon = N.concatenate((tlon,tlon))
        # copy valid data into array tlat1 and tlon1
        tlat1 = [1.0]*cnt
        tlon1 = [1.0]*cnt
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                tlat1[ll] = tlat[l]
                tlon1[ll] = tlon[l]
                ll += 1
        # reorder array based on time sort
        self.fieldDict['Latitude'] = N.take(tlat1, asat)
        self.fieldDict['Longitude'] = N.take(tlon1, asat)
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Sea Surface Temperature in Celsius ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the sst values
        sst_dat = [0.15]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            sst_dat[nlat] = [0.15]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to Celsius
        lat_offset += num_locs
        sa1 = N.reshape(N.array(sst_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the sst values
        sst_dat = [0.15]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            sst_dat[nlat] = [0.15]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to Celsius
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        sa2 = N.reshape(N.array(sst_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        sa = N.concatenate((sa1,sa2))
        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'SST[0][0:5] =',sst_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print sst_dat[i][:3],';','SST[',i,'][169:175] =',sst_dat[i][169:175],sst_dat[i][num_lons-3:]
        ###print 'SST[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',sst_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Wind Speed in m/sec ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the wind speeds
        wspd_dat = [0.2]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            wspd_dat[nlat] = [0.2]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to wind speeds
        lat_offset += num_locs
        wa1 = N.reshape(N.array(wspd_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the wind speeds
        wspd_dat = [0.2]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            wspd_dat[nlat] = [0.2]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to wind speeds
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        wa2 = N.reshape(N.array(wspd_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        wa = N.concatenate((wa1,wa2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'WSPD[0][0:5] =',wspd_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'WSPD[',i,'][169:175] =',wspd_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'WSPD[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',sst_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Water Vapor column in mm ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Water vapor columns
        vapor_dat = [0.3]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            vapor_dat[nlat] = [0.3]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to WV columns
        lat_offset += num_locs
        va1 = N.reshape(N.array(vapor_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Water vapor columns
        vapor_dat = [0.3]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            vapor_dat[nlat] = [0.3]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to WV columns
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        va2 = N.reshape(N.array(vapor_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        va = N.concatenate((va1,va2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'VAPOR[0][0:5] =',vapor_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'VAPOR[',i,'][169:175] =',vapor_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'VAPOR[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',vapor_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Cloud Liquid Water in mm ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Cloud Liqued Water columns
        cloud_dat = [0.01]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            cloud_dat[nlat] = [0.01]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to CLW
        lat_offset += num_locs
        ca1 = N.reshape(N.array(cloud_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Cloud Liqued Water columns
        cloud_dat = [0.01]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            cloud_dat[nlat] = [0.01]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to CLW
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        ca2 = N.reshape(N.array(cloud_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        ca = N.concatenate((ca1,ca2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'CLOUD[0][0:5] =',cloud_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'CLOUD[',i,'][169:175] =',cloud_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'CLOUD[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',cloud_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]
        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Rain Rate in mm/hr ########### "
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Rain Rates
        rain_dat = [0.1]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            rain_dat[nlat] = [0.1]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to rain rates
        lat_offset += num_locs
        ra1 = N.reshape(N.array(rain_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Rain Rates
        rain_dat = [0.1]*num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            rain_dat[nlat] = [0.1]*num_lons
        # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to rain rates
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs*num_maps
        ra2 = N.reshape(N.array(rain_dat), (num_locs,))
        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        ra = N.concatenate((ra1,ra2))

        # select valid data from the list 
        sa1 = [1.0]*cnt
        wa1 = [1.0]*cnt
        va1 = [1.0]*cnt
        ca1 = [1.0]*cnt
        ra1 = [1.0]*cnt 
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                sa1[ll] = sa[l]
                wa1[ll] = wa[l]
                va1[ll] = va[l]
                ca1[ll] = ca[l]
                ra1[ll] = ra[l]
                ll += 1

        # prepare the attribute dictionary   
        sa_attributes={'units': 'Celsius', 'long_name': 'sea surface temperature', 'missing_value': UT.NAN}
        wa_attributes={'units': 'meter/sec', 'long_name': '10m surface wind', 'missing_value': UT.NAN}
        va_attributes={'units': 'mm', 'long_name': 'columnar water vapor', 'missing_value': UT.NAN}
        ca_attributes={'units': 'mm', 'long_name': 'cloud liquid water', 'missing_value': UT.NAN}
        ra_attributes={'units': 'mm/hr', 'long_name': 'rain rate', 'missing_value': UT.NAN}
        # Here we create the dictionary for the data parameters
        # reorder array based on time sort and put it in the dictionary
        self.dataDict['SST'] = (sa_attributes, N.take(sa1, asat))
        self.dataDict['WSPD'] = (wa_attributes, N.take(wa1, asat))
        self.dataDict['VAPOR'] = (va_attributes, N.take(va1, asat))
        self.dataDict['CLOUD'] = (ca_attributes, N.take(ca1, asat))
        self.dataDict['RAIN'] = (ra_attributes, N.take(ra1, asat))

	# make an array that matches the lat-lon index to the data index
	# the data index should be the time-ordered index
        asa_asat = N.argsort(asat) # need to find the sorted argument for asat
        index_dat = [UT.NAN]*num_locs
        index_dat = N.array(index_dat)
        ll = 0
        for l in range(0, num_locs):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                ll += 1
        self.index_dat_with_lat_lon = N.reshape(index_dat, (num_lats, num_lons))

	# O(n) instead of n*log(n) (sort)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.file = file
        self.fieldDict = {'file': self.file}
        self.levels = {}
        self.dataDict = {}
        ### self.index_data_with_lat_lon = []
        num_lons = 1440
        num_lats = 720
        num_maps = 6
        num_pass = 2
        num_locs = num_lons * num_lats
        datasize = num_locs * num_maps * num_pass

        # Read data from the binary file into the array variable 'byte_array'
        if ("\.gz", self.file)):  # If file is gzipped
            #print "****** Found .gz file"
            fileobj = gzip.GzipFile(self.file,
                                    'rb')  # Read directly the gz file
            byte_array =
                datasize)  # Load data from file into array 'byte_array'
        else:  # If file is unzipped
            fileobj = open(
                mode='rb')  # Open data file to read in read binary mode
                datasize)  # Load data from file into array 'byte_array'


        # Extract the information from byte_array into separate arrays for each variable   #

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting UTC Time in minutes ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the time values for the first pass (day side)
        time_dat = [1.0] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            time_dat[nlat] = [1.0] * num_lons

    # Calculate the offset and call the function to convert from byte to minutes
        lat_offset = 0
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], 0)
        ta1 = N.reshape(N.array(time_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the time values for the second pass (night side)
        time_dat = [1.0] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            time_dat[nlat] = [1.0] * num_lons

    # Calculate the offset and call the function to convert from byte to minutes
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs], 0)
        ta2 = N.reshape(N.array(time_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # concatenate the time arrayes from the two passes
        ta = N.concatenate((ta1, ta2))

        cnt = 0
        valid = [1] * num_locs * num_pass
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if ta[l] == UT.NAN:  # no valid data at this time
                valid[l] = 0
            else:  # valid time value
                cnt += 1

### print 'num_locs: ', num_locs, ', cnt: ', cnt

# copy valid time into array ta1
        ta1 = [6.0] * cnt  # convert to minutes
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                ta1[ll] *= ta[l]
                ll += 1

    # sort data by time
        asat = N.argsort(ta1)
	print 'Time array in original form (in min): ', N.take(ta1, asat)
	for mmm in range(0, 380):
	    print 'Time in original form (in min)[',mmm,']: ', N.take(ta1, asat)[mmm]
	for mmm in range(142880, 142900):
	    print 'Time in original form (in min)[',mmm,']: ', N.take(ta1, asat)[mmm]

        # convert from UTC time to Unix time
        filename = UT.get_file_name_from_full_name(self.file)
        y = int(filename[6:10])
        mon = int(filename[10:12])
        day = int(filename[12:14])
        print 'date of AMSRE file = ', y, mon, day
        # returns Unix time when this granule starts
        diff = calendar.timegm((y, mon, day, 0, 0, 0))
        print "Unix time diff: ", diff
        self.fieldDict['TIME'] = N.take(ta1,
                                        asat) * 60 + diff  # convert to seconds
        print 'second of AMSR[0]: ', self.fieldDict['TIME'][0]
        print 'second of AMSR[', cnt - 1, ']: ', self.fieldDict['TIME'][cnt -
        print 'date of AMSR[0]: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
        print 'date of AMSR[', cnt - 1, ']: ', UT.unix_time_to_date(
            self.fieldDict['TIME'][cnt - 1])

        # Print out some results of reading the time
        ###print 'Time[0][0:5] =',time_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print time_dat[i][:3],';','Time[',i,'][169:175] =',time_dat[i][169:175],';',time_dat[i][num_lons-3:]
        ###print 'Time[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',time_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the lat lon values
        lat_dat = [1.0] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            lat_dat[nlat] = [1.0] * num_lons

        lon_dat = [1.0] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            lon_dat[nlat] = [1.0] * num_lons

# Longitude  is 0.25*xdim+0.125   degrees east
# Latitude   is 0.25*ydim-89.875
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            for nlon in range(num_lons):
                lat_dat[nlat][nlon] = 0.25 * nlat - 89.875
                lon_dat[nlat][nlon] = 0.25 * nlon + 0.125
                # convert lon to (-180, 180), consistent with CloudSat
                if lon_dat[nlat][nlon] > 180.0:
                    lon_dat[nlat][nlon] -= 360.0

        tlat = N.reshape(N.array(lat_dat), (num_locs, ))
        tlon = N.reshape(N.array(lon_dat), (num_locs, ))
        # make a double copy of the lat and lon for two passes
        tlat = N.concatenate((tlat, tlat))
        tlon = N.concatenate((tlon, tlon))

        # copy valid data into array tlat1 and tlon1
        tlat1 = [1.0] * cnt
        tlon1 = [1.0] * cnt
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                tlat1[ll] = tlat[l]
                tlon1[ll] = tlon[l]
                ll += 1

    # reorder array based on time sort
        self.fieldDict['Latitude'] = N.take(tlat1, asat)
        self.fieldDict['Longitude'] = N.take(tlon1, asat)

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Sea Surface Temperature in Celsius ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the sst values
        sst_dat = [0.15] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            sst_dat[nlat] = [0.15] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to Celsius
        lat_offset += num_locs
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], -3.0)
        sa1 = N.reshape(N.array(sst_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the sst values
        sst_dat = [0.15] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            sst_dat[nlat] = [0.15] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to Celsius
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs],
        sa2 = N.reshape(N.array(sst_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        sa = N.concatenate((sa1, sa2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'SST[0][0:5] =',sst_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print sst_dat[i][:3],';','SST[',i,'][169:175] =',sst_dat[i][169:175],sst_dat[i][num_lons-3:]
        ###print 'SST[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',sst_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Wind Speed in m/sec ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the wind speeds
        wspd_dat = [0.2] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            wspd_dat[nlat] = [0.2] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to wind speeds
        lat_offset += num_locs
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], 0)
        wa1 = N.reshape(N.array(wspd_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the wind speeds
        wspd_dat = [0.2] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            wspd_dat[nlat] = [0.2] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to wind speeds
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs], 0)
        wa2 = N.reshape(N.array(wspd_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        wa = N.concatenate((wa1, wa2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'WSPD[0][0:5] =',wspd_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'WSPD[',i,'][169:175] =',wspd_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'WSPD[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',sst_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Water Vapor column in mm ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Water vapor columns
        vapor_dat = [0.3] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            vapor_dat[nlat] = [0.3] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to WV columns
        lat_offset += num_locs
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], 0)
        va1 = N.reshape(N.array(vapor_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Water vapor columns
        vapor_dat = [0.3] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            vapor_dat[nlat] = [0.3] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to WV columns
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs], 0)
        va2 = N.reshape(N.array(vapor_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        va = N.concatenate((va1, va2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'VAPOR[0][0:5] =',vapor_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'VAPOR[',i,'][169:175] =',vapor_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'VAPOR[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',vapor_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Cloud Liquid Water in mm ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Cloud Liqued Water columns
        cloud_dat = [0.01] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            cloud_dat[nlat] = [0.01] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to CLW
        lat_offset += num_locs
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], 0)
        ca1 = N.reshape(N.array(cloud_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Cloud Liqued Water columns
        cloud_dat = [0.01] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            cloud_dat[nlat] = [0.01] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to CLW
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs], 0)
        ca2 = N.reshape(N.array(cloud_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        ca = N.concatenate((ca1, ca2))

        # Print out some results of reading the sst
        ###print 'CLOUD[0][0:5] =',cloud_dat[0][0:5]
        ###for i in range(273,278): print 'CLOUD[',i,'][169:175] =',cloud_dat[i][169:175]
        ###print 'CLOUD[',num_lats-1,'][',num_lons-3,':] =',cloud_dat[num_lats-1][num_lons-3:]

        ###print ""
        ###print "   ########### Extracting the Rain Rate in mm/hr ########### "

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Rain Rates
        rain_dat = [0.1] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            rain_dat[nlat] = [0.1] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to rain rates
        lat_offset += num_locs
                            byte_array[lat_offset:lat_offset + num_locs], 0)
        ra1 = N.reshape(N.array(rain_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Define the list of lists (matrix) to save the Rain Rates
        rain_dat = [0.1] * num_lats
        for nlat in range(num_lats):
            rain_dat[nlat] = [0.1] * num_lons

    # Calculate the new offset and call the function to convert from byte to rain rates
        lat_offset2 = lat_offset + num_locs * num_maps
                            byte_array[lat_offset2:lat_offset2 + num_locs], 0)
        ra2 = N.reshape(N.array(rain_dat), (num_locs, ))

        # Concatenate the two arrays from the two passes
        ra = N.concatenate((ra1, ra2))

        # select valid data from the list
        sa1 = [1.0] * cnt
        wa1 = [1.0] * cnt
        va1 = [1.0] * cnt
        ca1 = [1.0] * cnt
        ra1 = [1.0] * cnt
        ll = 0
        for l in range(len(valid)):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                sa1[ll] = sa[l]
                wa1[ll] = wa[l]
                va1[ll] = va[l]
                ca1[ll] = ca[l]
                ra1[ll] = ra[l]
                ll += 1

    # prepare the attribute dictionary
        sa_attributes = {
            'units': 'Celsius',
            'long_name': 'sea surface temperature',
            'missing_value': UT.NAN
        wa_attributes = {
            'units': 'meter/sec',
            'long_name': '10m surface wind',
            'missing_value': UT.NAN
        va_attributes = {
            'units': 'mm',
            'long_name': 'columnar water vapor',
            'missing_value': UT.NAN
        ca_attributes = {
            'units': 'mm',
            'long_name': 'cloud liquid water',
            'missing_value': UT.NAN
        ra_attributes = {
            'units': 'mm/hr',
            'long_name': 'rain rate',
            'missing_value': UT.NAN

        # Here we create the dictionary for the data parameters
        # reorder array based on time sort and put it in the dictionary
        self.dataDict['SST'] = (sa_attributes, N.take(sa1, asat))
        self.dataDict['WSPD'] = (wa_attributes, N.take(wa1, asat))
        self.dataDict['VAPOR'] = (va_attributes, N.take(va1, asat))
        self.dataDict['CLOUD'] = (ca_attributes, N.take(ca1, asat))
        self.dataDict['RAIN'] = (ra_attributes, N.take(ra1, asat))

        # make an array that matches the lat-lon index to the data index
        # the data index should be the time-ordered index
        asa_asat = N.argsort(asat) # need to find the sorted argument for asat
        index_dat = [UT.NAN]*num_locs
        index_dat = N.array(index_dat)
        ll = 0
        for l in range(0, num_locs):
            if valid[l] == 1:
                ll += 1
        self.index_dat_with_lat_lon = N.reshape(index_dat, (num_lats, num_lons))

        # O(n) instead of n*log(n) (sort)