def single_event_2_criteria(list_of_path, list_of_energy, box_dim): """ this function takes the data of single event, i.e. the configurational data and the energy data to check if this event satisfy the stage 1 two criteria return True if satisfied, False otherwise criteria 1: the saddle state energy should be larger than the energy of both initial and final state exclude the searches E(sad-init) <0 or E(sad - fin) <0 criteria 2: If both the energy difference AND distance between the final state and initial state are small, then the final state is identical to the initial state, should be eliminated in details, this happens if dE < 0.02 (eV) AND distance < 1 """ init_config = Configuration(list_of_path[0], box_dim) fin_config = Configuration(list_of_path[2], box_dim) # criteria 1 if list_of_energy[1] - list_of_energy[0] < 0 or list_of_energy[ 1] - list_of_energy[2] < 0: return False #criteria 2 distance = Configuration.distance_pbc(init_config, fin_config) if distance < 1 and abs(list_of_energy[2] - list_of_energy[0]) < 0.02: return False else: return True
def main(): globalConfig = Configuration() globalConfig.setItem('mode.verbose', False) globalConfig.setItem('project.filename', DEFAULT_FILENAME) globalConfig.setItem('make.phase', 'build') remainingArguments = processArguments(globalConfig) if len(remainingArguments) > 0: globalConfig.setItem('make.phase', remainingArguments[0]) remainingArguments = remainingArguments[1:] kake(globalConfig, remainingArguments)
def paintEvent(self, event): p1 = 10 p2 = 20 if self.single_line: self.lyric.setGeometry(p1, p2, self.width() - 2 * p1, self.height() - p1 - p2) self.lyric.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.lyric2.hide() else: w = self.width() - 2 * p1 h = (self.height() - p1 - p2) / 2 self.lyric.setGeometry(p1, p2, w, h) self.lyric.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.lyric2.setGeometry(p1, p2 + h, w, h) self.lyric2.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(self.lyric.height() * 0.8) self.lyric.setFont(font) self.lyric2.setFont(font) if not self.lock: if self.enter: self.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor) painter = QPainter(self) path = QPainterPath() rect = QRectF(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) path.addRoundedRect(rect, 10, 10) painter.fillPath(path, QColor(0, 0, 0, 55)) pen = QPen() pen.setWidth(2) pen.setColor(QColor(255, 255, 255, 180)) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawRoundedRect(self.rect(), 10, 10) painter.drawRoundedRect(3, 3, self.width() - 6, self.height() - 6, 8, 8) sgw = self.size_grip.width() sgh = self.size_grip.height() sw = self.width() sh = self.height() self.size_grip.setGeometry(sw - sgw - 6, sh - sgh - 6, sgw, sgh) Configuration.config['ui']['lyric']['x'] = self.pos().x() Configuration.config['ui']['lyric']['y'] = self.pos().y() Configuration.config['ui']['lyric']['w'] = self.width() Configuration.config['ui']['lyric']['h'] = self.height() Configuration.config['ui']['lyric']['single'] = self.single_line Configuration.save_config()
def kake(globalConfig, remainingArguments): makePhase = globalConfig.getItem('make.phase') if not isStandardPhase(makePhase): reportWrongPhase() moduleManager = ModuleManager() if isPhaseWithConfig(makePhase): projectFilename = globalConfig.getItem('project.filename') if existProjectFile(projectFilename) == False: reportNoProjectFile() projectFile = open(projectFilename) projectFileContent = projectFile.close() projectConfig = yaml.load(projectFileContent) projectConfig['global'] = globalConfig.toDictionary() projectConfig['global']['args'] = remainingArguments module = moduleManager.getModule(projectConfig['project']['type']) moduleAction = moduleManager.getModuleAction(module, makePhase) moduleAction(Configuration.fromDictionary(projectConfig)) elif isPhaseWithoutConfig(makePhase): module = moduleManager.getModule(remainingArguments[0]) moduleAction = moduleManager.getModuleAction(module, makePhase) moduleAction()
def main(): #url = 'http://localhost/projects/pyGoose/target.html' url = '' #url = '' config = Configuration() #parsing config as param to crawlcandidate maynot be config.contentextractor = StandardContentExtractor #config.contentextractor = ContentExtractor #config.formatter = LengthbsdFormatter config.texthandler = LengthbsdTextHandler crawlcandidate = CrawlCandidate(config, url) crawler = Crawler(config) article = crawler.crawl(crawlcandidate) logging.debug(getinnertext(article.topnode, True)) #logging.debug(getouterhtml(article.topnode)) print(article.title)
def main(): #url = 'http://localhost/projects/pyGoose/target.html' url = '' #url = '' config = Configuration() #parsing config as param to crawlcandidate maynot be config.contentextractor = StandardContentExtractor #config.contentextractor = ContentExtractor #config.formatter = LengthbsdFormatter config.texthandler = LengthbsdTextHandler crawlcandidate = CrawlCandidate(config,url) crawler = Crawler(config) article = crawler.crawl(crawlcandidate) logging.debug(getinnertext(article.topnode, True)) #logging.debug(getouterhtml(article.topnode)) print (article.title)
def basin_config_distance_activation_energy(path_to_test_dir, event_state): """ each test is corresponding to the triggering of a single atom, which search the potential energy trajectory around that basin of that atom located event_state is a list of ordered states (corresponding to their appearance order), each event state contains the strings of all states, init_state, sad_state, fin_state, with intermediate states that can be obtained from ART output Input: event_state: a list a list of strs with each str being an state, e,g min1000 Returns: config_distance: a list a list of distances from current state to the initial state eng_barrier: a list a list of energy barriers from current state to the initial state """ i=0 config_distance, eng_barrier = [] for state in event_state: if i == 0: init = state path_to_init_file = path_to_test_dir + '/' + init + ".dump" init_config = Configuration(path_to_init_file) config_distance.append(0) eng_barrier.append(0) else: path_to_state_file = path_to_test_dir + '/' + state + ".dump" state_config = Configuration(path_to_state_file) state_act_eng = state_energy_barrier(path_to_test_dir, init, state) state_distance = Configuration.distance_pbc(state_config, init_config) config_distance.append(state_distance) eng_barrier.append(state_act_eng) return (config_distance, eng_barrier)
def init(self): Configuration.load_config() configuration = Configuration.config x = Configuration.get(100, 'ui', 'lyric', 'x') y = Configuration.get(800, 'ui', 'lyric', 'y') w = Configuration.get(400, 'ui', 'lyric', 'w') h = Configuration.get(80, 'ui', 'lyric', 'h') self.single_line = Configuration.get(False, 'ui', 'lyric', 'single') self.setGeometry(x, y, w, h) self.setObjectName('lyric_bar') self.setWindowFlags(Qt.SubWindow | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.lyric.setObjectName('lyric') self.lyric2.setObjectName('lyric2') self.lyric2.hide()
def build(self, projectConfig): for project in self.projects: projectFilename = globalConfig.getItem('project.filename') if existProjectFile(projectFilename) == False: reportNoProjectFile() projectFile = open(projectFilename) projectFileContent = projectFile.close() projectConfig = yaml.load(projectFileContent) projectConfig['global'] = globalConfig.toDictionary() projectConfig['global']['args'] = remainingArguments module = moduleManager.getModule(projectConfig['project']['type']) moduleAction = moduleManager.getModuleAction(module, makePhase) moduleAction(Configuration.fromDictionary(projectConfig)) returnValue = 0 if returnValue == 0: return True else: return False
def pushOne(configurator: util.Configuration, config: dict, arguments: argparse.Namespace, configure_all: bool): """ Fonction pour Thread. Elle permet de pousser via Telnet un configuration sur un routeur cisco. Cette configuration se fait à l'aide d'un fichier json. :param configurator: Objet Configuration du fichier :param config: Dictionnaire du fichier de configuration json :param arguments: Liste d'arguments de argparse :param configure_all: Boolean pour la configuration de multiple protocole ou pour "l'effacement" de la configuration :return: None """ # Erase running configuration if arguments.erase: configurator.eraseRunningConfiguration() return # Enter in router configurator.globalConfigMode() # Change hostname configurator.changeHostname() # Activated IPv6 configurator.activeIPv6() # VRF if "VRF" in config: if arguments.vrf or configure_all: for vrf in config["VRF"]: configurator.setVRF(vrf["name"], vrf["rd"], vrf["rt_import"], vrf["rt_export"]) configurator.setVRFonOSPF(vrf["name"], vrf["ospf_prosses"], vrf["network"], vrf["ospf_area"], config["BGP"]["AS"]) configurator.activateVRFonBGP(config["BGP"]["AS"], vrf["name"], vrf["ospf_prosses"]) for interface in config["interfaces"]: if "VRF" in interface: configurator.activateVRFonInterface(interface["interfaceName"], interface["VRF"]) # Interface for interface in config["interfaces"]: if arguments.interface and arguments.interface != "all": if interface["interfaceName"] != arguments.interface: continue if "IPv4" in interface: configurator.setUpIPv4(interface["interfaceName"], interface["IPv4"]) if "IPv6" in interface: configurator.setUpIPv6(interface["interfaceName"], interface["IPv6"]) if "description" in interface: configurator.setIntDescription(interface["interfaceName"], interface["description"]) # OSPF if arguments.ospf or configure_all: # Set OSPF if "OSPF_id" in config: configurator.setOSPFv2(config["OSPF_id"]) configurator.setOSPFv3(config["OSPF_id"]) # Set OSPF neighbour if "OSPF_neighbour" in config: configurator.setNeighbourOSPFv2(config["OSPF_neighbour"]) for interface in config["interfaces"]: if "OSPF_area" in interface and interface["OSPF_area"]: configurator.activeOSPFv3Interface(interface["interfaceName"], interface["OSPF_area"]) # BGP if "BGP" in config: BGP_conf = config["BGP"] configurator.setMPBGPneighborIPv4(BGP_conf["AS"], BGP_conf["neighbor"]) configurator.activateVPNonBGP(BGP_conf["AS"], BGP_conf["neighbor"]) # MPLS if arguments.mpls or configure_all: # Activated MPLS if "ipcef" in config: configurator.activeIPcef() for interface in config["interfaces"]: if "MPLS" in interface: if interface["MPLS"]: configurator.activeMPLSonInterface(interface["interfaceName"])
import os import sys import logging sys.path.append( os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath("%s/../" % os.path.dirname(__file__)))) from util import call, RunCommandError, Configuration from size_helper import size_parser, size_human_readable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) config = Configuration('dum.cfg') class DirHunter(object): """ Hunting those large directories, whose size over the specified """ def __init__(self, mount_point): self._mount = mount_point self._maxsize = self._get_maxsize() def _get_maxsize(self): try: return size_parser(config.common.maxsize) except ValueError as err: logger.error("Parse size error: %s" % err) ### give a default size: 1G return 1024 * 1024 * 1024 def gen_summary(self): summary = 'Summary of %s:\n' % self._mount
import json, math, uuid from flask import * from service.ProductService import * from util.Configuration import * product = Blueprint('product', __name__) pageSize = Configuration().get("PageSize") # 产品列表 @product.route("index", methods=["get"]) def index(): productService = ProductService() currentIndex = request.args.get("page") if currentIndex is None: return ("forbidden", 403) lastIndex = math.ceil(productService.count() / float(pageSize)) products = productService.list(int(currentIndex) - 1, pageSize) result = [] for product in products: result.append(product.dicted()) result = json.dumps({ "currentIndex": currentIndex, "lastIndex": lastIndex, "products": result
def getConnection(): return sqlite3.connect(Configuration().get("DatabaseCWD"))