Esempio n. 1
def shortest_path(source, target):
    Returns the shortest list of (movie_id, person_id) pairs
    that connect the source to the target.

    If no possible path, returns None.
    global num_explored
    # Initialize starting node and frontier
    start = Node(state=source, parent=None, action=None)
    frontier = QueueFrontier()
    # initialize set for explored nodes
    explored = set()

    # Loop until solution found
    while True:
        # If nothing left in frontier, then there is no connection
        if frontier.empty():
            return None

        # Take the node from the frontier
        node = frontier.remove()
        num_explored += 1

        # Mark node as explored

        # Add neighbors to the frontier
        for action, state in neighbors_for_person(node.get_state()):
            if not frontier.contains_state(state) and state not in explored:
                child = Node(state, node, action)
                # If the node is the target, then there is connection
                if child.get_state() == target:
                    connections = []
                    while child.get_parent() is not None:
                        connections.append((child.get_action(), child.get_state()))
                        child = child.get_parent()
                    return connections