def estimate_log_z(self, sess): """ Estimate log_z using AIS implemented in QuPA Args: sess: tensorflow session Returns: log_z: the estimate of log partition function """ log_z = Print('Estimated log partition function with QuPA: %0.4f' % log_z) return log_z
def estimate_log_z(self, sess): """ Estimate log Z using AIS implemented in QuPA. Before log Z estimation, it makes sure that _lambda is still greater than the smallest eigenvalue. Args: sess: tensorflow session Returns: log_z: the estimate of log partition function """ _lambda, eigen_values =[self._lambda, self.eigen_value_up]) Print('min/max eigen value = %0.2f/%0.2f, lambda = %0.2f' % (np.amin(eigen_values), np.amax(eigen_values), _lambda)) log_z = RBM.estimate_log_z(self, sess) return log_z
def estimate_log_z(self, sess): """ Estimate log_z using AIS implemented in QuPA Args: sess: tensorflow session Returns: log_z: the estimate of log partition function """ import time s = time.time() log_z = total_time = time.time() - s Print( 'Estimated log partition function with QuPA: %0.4f in %0.2f sec' % (log_z, total_time)) return log_z
def run_training(vae, cont_train, config_train, log_dir): """ The main function that will derive training of a vae. Args: vae: is an object from the class VAE. cont_train: a boolean flag indicating whether train should continue from the checkpoint stored in the log_dir. config_train: a dictionary containing config. training (hyperparameters). log_dir: path to a directory that will used for storing both tensorboard files and checkpoints. Returns: test_neg_ll_value: the value of test log-likelihood. """ use_iw = config_train['use_iw'] Print('Starting training.') batch_size = config_train['batch_size'] # Get the train, val, test sets of on MNIST. data_dir = config_train['data_dir'] eval_batch_size = config_train['eval_batch_size'] data_sets = input_data.read_data_set(data_dir, dataset=config_train['dataset']) # place holder for input. input_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, vae.num_input)) # define training graph. if use_iw: Print('using IW obj. function') iw_loss, neg_elbo, sigmoid_output, wd_loss, _ = \ vae.neg_elbo(input_placeholder, is_training=True, k=config_train['k'], use_iw=use_iw) loss = iw_loss + wd_loss # create scalar summary for training loss. tf.summary.scalar('train/neg_iw_loss', iw_loss) sigmoid_output = tf.slice(sigmoid_output, [0, 0], [batch_size, -1]) else: Print('using VAE obj. function') _, neg_elbo, sigmoid_output, wd_loss, _ = \ vae.neg_elbo(input_placeholder, is_training=True, k=config_train['k'], use_iw=use_iw) loss = neg_elbo + wd_loss # create scalar summary for training loss. tf.summary.scalar('train/neg_elbo', neg_elbo) train_op = # create images for reconstruction. image = create_reconstruction_image(input_placeholder, sigmoid_output[:batch_size], batch_size) tf.summary.image('recon', image, max_outputs=1) # define graph to generate random samples from model. num_samples = 100 random_samples = vae.generate_samples(num_samples) tiled_samples = tile_image_tf(random_samples, n=int(np.sqrt(num_samples)), m=int(np.sqrt(num_samples)), width=28, height=28) tf.summary.image('generated_sample', tiled_samples, max_outputs=1) # merge all summary for training graph train_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # define a parallel graph for evaluation. Enable parameter sharing by setting is_training to False. _, neg_elbo_eval, _, _, log_iw_eval = vae.neg_elbo(input_placeholder, is_training=False) # the following will create summaries that will be used in the evaluation graph. val_neg_elbo, test_neg_elbo = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=()), tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=()) val_neg_ll, test_neg_ll = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=()), tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=()) val_summary = tf.summary.scalar('val/neg_elbo', val_neg_elbo) test_summary = tf.summary.scalar('test/neg_elbo', test_neg_elbo) val_ll_summary = tf.summary.scalar('val/neg_ll', val_neg_ll) test_ll_summary = tf.summary.scalar('test/neg_ll', test_neg_ll) eval_summary_op = tf.summary.merge( [val_summary, test_summary, val_ll_summary, test_ll_summary]) # start checkpoint saver. saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) sess = tf.Session() # Run the Op to initialize the variables. if cont_train: ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(log_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) init_step = int(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('-')[-1]) + 1 Print('Initializing model from %s from step %d' % (log_dir, init_step)) else: raise ('No Checkpoint was fount at %s' % log_dir) else: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() init_step = 0 # Instantiate a SummaryWriter to output summaries and the Graph. # Create train/validation/test summary directories summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir) # And then after everything is built, start the training loop. duration = 0.0 best_val_neg_ll = np.finfo(float).max num_iter = config_train['num_iter'] for step in xrange(init_step, num_iter): start_time = time.time() # perform one iteration of training. feed_dict = fill_feed_dict(data_sets.train, input_placeholder, batch_size) _, neg_elbo_value =[train_op, neg_elbo], feed_dict=feed_dict) duration += time.time() - start_time # Save a checkpoint and evaluate the model periodically. eval_iter = 20000 if num_iter > 1e5 else 10000 if (step + 1) % eval_iter == 0 or (step + 1) == num_iter: # if vae has rbm in its prior we should update its log Z. if vae.should_compute_log_z(): vae.prior.estimate_log_z(sess) # validate on the validation and test set val_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll_value = evaluate( sess, neg_elbo_eval, log_iw_eval, input_placeholder, data_sets.validation, batch_size=eval_batch_size, k_iw=100) test_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_ll_value = evaluate( sess, neg_elbo_eval, log_iw_eval, input_placeholder, data_sets.test, batch_size=eval_batch_size, k_iw=100) summary_str =, feed_dict={ val_neg_elbo: val_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_elbo: test_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll: val_neg_ll_value, test_neg_ll: test_neg_ll_value }) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) Print( 'Step %d: val ELBO = %.2f test ELBO = %.2f, val NLL = %.2f, test NLL = %.2f' % (step, val_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll_value, test_neg_ll_value)) # save model if it is better on validation set: if val_neg_ll_value < best_val_neg_ll: best_val_neg_ll = val_neg_ll_value, log_dir + '/', global_step=step) # Write the summaries and print an overview fairly often. report_iter = 1000 if step % report_iter == 0 and step > 500: # print status to stdout. Print('Step %d, %.3f sec per step' % (step, duration / report_iter)) duration = 0.0 # Update the events file. summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) # in the last iteration, we load the best model based on the validation performance, and evaluate it on test if (step + 1) == num_iter: Print('Final evaluation using the best saved model') # reload the best model this is good when a model overfits. ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(log_dir) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) Print('Done restoring the model at step: %d' % if vae.should_compute_log_z(): vae.prior.estimate_log_z(sess) val_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll_value = evaluate( sess, neg_elbo_eval, log_iw_eval, input_placeholder, data_sets.validation, eval_batch_size, k_iw=100) test_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_ll_value = evaluate( sess, neg_elbo_eval, log_iw_eval, input_placeholder, data_sets.test, eval_batch_size, k_iw=config_train['k_iw']) summary_str =, feed_dict={ val_neg_elbo: val_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_elbo: test_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll: val_neg_ll_value, test_neg_ll: test_neg_ll_value }) Print( 'Step %d: val ELBO = %.2f test ELBO = %.2f, val NLL = %.2f, test NLL = %.2f' % (step, val_neg_elbo_value, test_neg_elbo_value, val_neg_ll_value, test_neg_ll_value)) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step + 1) summary_writer.flush() sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph() return test_neg_ll_value
def __init__(self, num_var1, num_var2, weight_decay, name='RBM', num_samples=100, num_gibbs_iter=40, kld_term=None, use_qupa=False): """ Initialize bias and weight parameters, create sampling operations (gibbs or QuPA). This class implements the KL divergence computation for DVAE and DVAE++. Args: num_var1: number of vars of left side of RBM num_var2: number of vars of right side of RBM weight_decay: regularization for the weight matrix name: name num_samples: number of RBM samples drawn in each iterations (used for computing log Z gradient) num_gibbs_iter: number of gibbs step for pcd or mcmc sweeps for QuPA kld_term: Use 'dvae_spike_exp' for DVAE, 'dvaepp_exp', 'dvaepp_power' for DVAE++, 'guassian_integral', 'marginal_type1' for DVAE#. use_qupa: A boolean flag indicating whether QuPA will be used for sampling. Setting this variable to False will use PCD for sampling """ assert kld_term in {'dvae_spike_exp', 'dvaepp_power', 'dvaepp_exp', 'guassian_integral', 'marginal_type1'}, \ 'kld_term defined by %s in argument is not defined.' % kld_term self.kld_term = kld_term self.num_var1 = num_var1 self.num_var2 = num_var2 self.num_var = num_var1 + num_var2 self.weight_decay = weight_decay = name # bias on the left side self.b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[self.num_var1, 1], dtype=tf.float32), name='bias1') # bias on the right side self.b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[self.num_var2, 1], dtype=tf.float32), name='bias2') # pairwise weight self.w = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[self.num_var1, self.num_var2], dtype=tf.float32), name='pairwise') # sampling options self.num_samples = num_samples self.use_qupa = use_qupa # concat b b = tf.concat(values=[tf.squeeze(self.b1), tf.squeeze(self.b2)], axis=0) if not self.use_qupa: Print('Using PCD') # init pcd class implemented in QuPA self.sampler = PCD(left_size=self.num_var1, right_size=self.num_var2, num_samples=self.num_samples, dtype=tf.float32) else: Print('Using QuPA') # init population annealing class in QuPA self.sampler = qupa.PopulationAnnealer( left_size=self.num_var1, right_size=self.num_var2, num_samples=self.num_samples, dtype=tf.float32) # This returns a scalar tensor with the gradient of log z. Don't trust its value. self.log_z_train = self.sampler.training_log_z( b, self.w, num_mcmc_sweeps=num_gibbs_iter) # This returns the internal log z variable in QuPA sampler. We wil use this variable in evaluation. self.log_z_value = self.sampler.log_z_var # get always the samples after updating train log z with tf.control_dependencies([self.log_z_train]): self.samples = self.sampler.samples() # Define inverse temperatures used for AIS. Increasing the # of betas improves the precision of log z estimates. betas = tf.linspace(tf.constant(0.), tf.constant(1.), num=1000) # Define log_z estimation for evaluation. eval_logz = qupa.ais.evaluation_log_z(b, self.w, init_biases=None, betas=betas, num_samples=1024) # Update QuPA internal log z variable with the eval_logz self.log_z_update = self.log_z_value.assign(eval_logz)
def Src(n=5): return Iter(range(1, (n + 1))) # Print info for each demo def demo(description, ez): print("\n") print(description) print("\n") ez.printLayout() print(ez.graph()) # ez.start().join() demo("Sanity.", EZ(Src(), Print("Serial"))) demo("Generate constant values with Const", EZ(Const(0, 5), Add(1), Print())) demo( "In-Series processing uses [] or Serial() or S().", EZ([Src(), Print("Also Serial")]), ) demo( "Parallel Processing uses () or Parallel() or P().", EZ(Src(), (Print("A"), Print("B"))), ) demo( "Broadcast Processing uses {} or Broadcast() or B().",
def __init__(self, num_input, config, config_recon, config_train): """ This function initializes an instance of the VAE class. Args: num_input: the length of observed random variable (x). config: a dictionary containing config. for the (hierarchical) posterior distribution and prior over z. config_recon: a dictionary containing config. for the reconstruct function in the decoder p(x | z). config_train: a dictionary containing config. training (hyperparameters). """ np.set_printoptions(threshold=10) Print(str(config)) Print(str(config_recon)) Print(str(config_train)) self.num_input = num_input self.config = config # configuration dictionary for approx post and prior on z self.config_recon = config_recon # configuration dictionary for reconstruct function p(x | z) self.config_train = config_train # configuration dictionary for training hyper-parameters # bias term on the visible node self.train_bias = -np.log( 1. / np.clip(self.config_train['mean_x'], 0.001, 0.999) - 1.).astype(np.float32) self.dist_type = config[ 'dist_type'] # flag indicating whether we have rbm prior. tf.summary.scalar('beta', config['beta']) # define DistUtil classes that will be used in posterior and prior. if self.dist_type == "dvae_spike_exp": # DVAE (spike-exp) dist_util = Spike_and_Exp dist_util_param = {'beta': self.config['beta']} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', dist_util_param['beta']) elif self.dist_type == "dvaepp_exp": # DVAE++ (exp) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = Exponential( params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', self.smoothing_dist.beta) elif self.dist_type == "dvaepp_power": # DVAE++ (power) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = PowerLaw( params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/lambda', self.smoothing_dist._lambda) elif self.dist_type == "dvaes_gi": # DVAE# (Gaussian int) MixtureNormal.num_param = 2 # more parameters for dist_util = MixtureNormal dist_util_param = {'isotropic': False, 'delta_mu_scale': 0.5} elif self.dist_type == "dvaes_gauss": # DVAE# (Gaussian) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = Normal(params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/sigma', self.smoothing_dist.sigma) elif self.dist_type == "dvaes_exp": # DVAE# (exp) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = Exponential( params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', self.smoothing_dist.beta) elif self.dist_type == "dvaes_unexp": # DVAE# (uniform+exp) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = ExponentialUniform( params={ 'beta': self.config['beta'], 'eps': 0.05 }) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', self.smoothing_dist.beta) tf.summary.scalar('posterior/eps', self.smoothing_dist.eps) elif self.dist_type == "dvaes_power": # DVAE# (power) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = PowerLaw( params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/lambda', self.smoothing_dist._lambda) else: raise ValueError('self.dist_type=%s is unknown' % self.dist_type) # define p(z) self.prior = self.define_prior() # create encoder for the first level. self.encoder = SimpleEncoder(num_input=num_input, config=config, dist_util=dist_util, dist_util_param=dist_util_param) # create encoder and decoder for lower layers. num_latent_units = self.config['num_latent_units'] * self.config[ 'num_latent_layers'] self.decoder = SimpleDecoder(num_latent_units=num_latent_units, num_output=num_input, config_recon=config_recon)
def __init__(self, num_input, config, config_recon, config_train): """ This function initializes an instance of the VAE class. Args: num_input: the length of observed random variable (x). config: a dictionary containing config. for the (hierarchical) posterior distribution and prior over z. config_recon: a dictionary containing config. for the reconstruct function in the decoder p(x | z). config_train: a dictionary containing config. training (hyperparameters). """ np.set_printoptions(threshold=10) Print(str(config)) Print(str(config_recon)) Print(str(config_train)) self.num_input = num_input self.config = config # configuration dictionary for approx post and prior on z self.config_recon = config_recon # configuration dictionary for reconstruct function p(x | z) self.config_train = config_train # configuration dictionary for training hyper-parameters # bias term on the visible node self.train_bias = -np.log( 1. / np.clip(self.config_train['mean_x'], 0.001, 0.999) - 1.).astype(np.float32) self.entropy_lower_bound = 0.05 self.dist_type = config[ 'dist_type'] # flag indicating whether we have rbm prior. tf.summary.scalar('beta', config['beta']) self.encoder_type = 'hierarchical' self.is_struct_pred = config_train['is_struct_pred'] # define DistUtil classes that will be used in posterior and prior. if self.dist_type == "dvaes_power": # DVAE# (power) dist_util = MixtureGeneric self.smoothing_dist = PowerLaw( params={'beta': self.config['beta']}) dist_util_param = {'smoothing_dist': self.smoothing_dist} tf.summary.scalar('posterior/lambda', self.smoothing_dist._lambda) elif self.dist_type == "pwl_relax": # PWL relaxtion dist_util = RelaxDist dist_util_param = { 'beta': self.config['beta'], 'smoothing_fun': sample_through_pwlinear } tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', dist_util_param['beta']) elif self.dist_type == "gsm_relax": # Gumbel-Softmax relaxtion dist_util = RelaxDist dist_util_param = { 'beta': self.config['beta'], 'smoothing_fun': sample_concrete } tf.summary.scalar('posterior/beta', dist_util_param['beta']) elif self.dist_type == "dvaess_con": self.encoder_type = 'rbm' num_var = self.config['num_latent_units'] // 2 self.posterior = ConcreteRBM( training_size=config_train['training_size'], num_var1=num_var, num_var2=num_var, num_gibbs_iter=10, beta=self.config['beta'], num_eval_k=self.config_train['k_iw'], num_train_k=self.config_train['k']) else: raise ValueError('self.dist_type=%s is unknown' % self.dist_type) # define p(z) self.prior = self.define_prior() if self.encoder_type == 'hierarchical': # create encoder for the first level. num_hidden_pre = [200] * 1 if self.is_struct_pred else [200] * 2 self.pre_process_net = FeedForwardNetwork( num_input, num_hiddens=num_hidden_pre, num_output=None, name='pre_proc', weight_decay_coeff=1e-4, output_split=1, use_batch_norm=True, collections='q_collections') self.encoder = SimpleEncoder(num_input=200, config=config, dist_util=dist_util, dist_util_param=dist_util_param) else: self.pre_process_net = None self.encoder = RBMEncoder(num_input=num_input, config=config, posterior_rbm=self.posterior) # create encoder and decoder for lower layers. num_latent_units = self.config['num_latent_units'] * self.config[ 'num_latent_layers'] self.decoder = SimpleDecoder(num_latent_units=num_latent_units, num_output=num_input, config_recon=config_recon)
def elbo_terms(self, input, posterior, post_samples, log_z, k, is_training, batch_norm_update, post_samples_mf=None): # create features for the likelihood p(x|z) output_activations = self.decoder.reconstruct(post_samples, is_training, batch_norm_update) # add data bias output_activations[0] = output_activations[0] + self.train_bias # form the output dist util. output_dist = FactorialBernoulliUtil(output_activations) # create the final output output = tf.nn.sigmoid(output_dist.logit_mu) output = self.mix_output_with_input(input, output) # concat all the samples post_samples_concat = tf.concat(axis=-1, values=post_samples) # post_samples_concat = post_samples_mf # remove this, it uses MF instead of samples kl, log_q, log_p = 0., 0., 0. if self.config_train['use_iw'] and is_training and k > 1: Print('Using IW Obj.') if self.encoder_type == 'hierarchical': for samples, factorial in zip(post_samples, posterior): log_q += factorial.log_prob(samples, stop_grad=True) log_p = self.prior.log_prob(post_samples_concat, stop_grad=False, is_training=is_training) else: log_q = self.posterior.log_prob(posterior, post_samples_concat, log_z, stop_grad=True) log_p = -self.prior.energy_tf( post_samples_concat) - self.prior.log_z_train if self.is_struct_pred: kl = log_q log_p, log_q = 0., 0. else: Print('Using VAE Obj.') if self.is_struct_pred: # add only the entropy loss to the objective function log_q = 0. if self.encoder_type == 'hierarchical': for samples, factorial in zip(post_samples, posterior): log_q += factorial.log_prob(samples, stop_grad=True, is_training=True) else: log_q = self.posterior.log_prob(posterior, post_samples_concat, log_z, stop_grad=True) kl = log_q else: # compute KL only for VAE case if self.encoder_type == 'hierarchical': kl = self.prior.kl_dist_from(posterior, post_samples, is_training) elif self.encoder_type == 'rbm': kl = self.posterior.kl_from_this(posterior, self.prior, post_samples_mf, log_z, is_training) # expected log prob p(x| z) cost = -output_dist.log_prob_per_var(input, stop_grad=False) cost = self.process_decoder_target(cost) cost = tf.reduce_sum(cost, axis=1) return kl, cost, output, log_p, log_q