Esempio n. 1
parser.add_argument('--source', type=str, default='fgr',
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.dataset is None:
    raise ValueError('Must specify dataset, e.g. redwood or scannet, etc.')
if args.source is None:
    raise ValueError('Must specify input source, e.g. fgr or Super4PCS, etc.')

home = env()
dataset = args.dataset
source = args.source

pathlib.Path('%s/relative_pose/summary/%s/%s' % (home, dataset, source)).mkdir(
    exist_ok=True, parents=True)
reader = Reader()
PATH_SUMMARY = '%s/relative_pose/summary/{}/{}/{}.mat' % home
for sceneid in reader.list_scenes(dataset):
    scanids = reader.get_scanids(dataset, sceneid)
    output_mat = PATH_SUMMARY.format(dataset, source, sceneid)
    if os.path.exists(output_mat):
    n = len(scanids)
    scanid_map = {str(scanid): i for i, scanid in enumerate(scanids)}
    T = np.zeros((n*4, n*4))
    sigma = np.zeros((n, n))
    aerr = np.zeros((n, n)) + 10000000.0
    terr = np.zeros((n, n)) + 10000000.0
    RLlist = reader.list_relative_poses(dataset, source, sceneid)
def preprocess_dataset(dataset_info):
	Preprocess the file information and insert into the database.
	The file type could be csv, txt and xls.
	The file information should hardcord in the config file.
	The function allow a increnmental way adding information to the database.
	@param dataset_info: The preprocess dataset information list. Each item in the list is a dictionary which contain 
						 the dataset name and all the insert task names. The insert task name should define in the config.
	@return: None
    for info in dataset_info:
        dataset_name, insert_tasks = info["dataset"], info["insert_tasks"]

        # get dataset preprocess config and basic information
        config = get_preprocess_config(dataset_name, insert_tasks)
        print("dataset: ", dataset_name)
        dataset = db[dataset_name]

        # delete all the data in the current dataset, may uncomment when developing
        # delete_all_date(dataset)

        # get all the patient id in the current dataset
        all_patient_id = {
            for patient_id in query_field(dataset,
                                              "_id": 0,
                                              "patient_id": 1

        # get the raw data for increnmental adding
        raw_data = {
            result["patient_id"]: {
                field: result[field]
                for field in result if field != "patient_id"
            for result in query_field(dataset)
        data = defaultdict(lambda: dict())

        # for each sub dataset task
        for insert_task in insert_tasks:
            # get sub dataset basic information
            filenames = config[insert_task]["filename"]
            fields = config[insert_task]["select_column"]

            # ASSUMPTION: all the insert task has field patient_id and the meaning is the same.
            #             D1NAMO break the assumption and will adhoc get the patient id from file name.
            patient_idx = sum(
                [i for i in range(len(fields)) if fields[i] == "patient_id"])

            for filename in filenames:
                # get the file real path
                file = os.path.join(
                    os.path.join(config["root_dir"], config["dataset"]),
                print("processing file", file)

                # ASSUMPTION: all the file type in the insert task is the same.
                # get the file reader and line count
                if config[insert_task]["file_type"] == "xls":
                    cnt = line_count_xls(file)
                    readable = Reader(
                # file type is txt or csv
                    cnt, readable = line_count(file), Reader(
                        open(file), config[insert_task]["file_type"])

                # use tqdm to show the process progress
                with tqdm(total=cnt) as bar:
                    for line_cnt in range(cnt):
                        # get file content
                        line = readable.readline()

                        # if the line is not the header
                        if line_cnt != 0:
                            # get patient_id
                            if dataset_name == "D1NAMO":
                                patient_id = int(file.split("/")[-2])
                                patient_id = str(int(float(line[patient_idx])))

                            # if the patient id is not in the dataset, add this patient to the database.
                            if patient_id not in all_patient_id:
                                                {"patient_id": patient_id})

                            # get line timestamp. if there is no timestamp, it will be 0
                            timestamp = 0
                            if "datetime" in fields:
                                timestamp += sum(
                                        line[i], config[insert_task]
                                        ["basedate"], config[insert_task]
                                    for i in range(len(fields))
                                    if fields[i] == "datetime")
                                if "date" in fields:
                                    timestamp += sum(
                                            line[i], config[insert_task]
                                            ["basedate"], config[insert_task]
                                        for i in range(len(fields))
                                        if fields[i] == "date")
                                if "timestamp" in fields:
                                    timestamp += sum(
                                            line[i], config[insert_task]
                                        for i in range(len(fields))
                                        if fields[i] == "timestamp")

                            row_combine_field = dict()
                            for idx in range(len(line)):
                                if idx >= len(line): continue
                                content, field = line[idx], config[

                                # if the field should not append or there is no content in the line, continue
                                if field == '' or len(content) == 0: continue

                                # if the field is patient_id or timestamp related, continue
                                if field in {
                                        "patient_id", "datetime", "date",

                                # if the field is a status, the field content will not store in list style.
                                if field in status_field_set:
                                    # adhoc for field trouble_sleep_inverse
                                    if field == "trouble_sleep_inverse":
                                            "trouble_sleep"] = str(
                                                5 - int(content))
                                    # adhoc for field low_gl
                                    elif field == "low_gl":
                                            "low_gl"] = content.split(" ")[0]
                                        data[patient_id][field] = content
                                # adhoc for field weight_units (weight should in data before)
                                elif field == "weight_units":
                                    if content == "lbs":
                                        data[patient_id]["weight"] = str(
                                            LBS_TO_KG *
                                # if the field is need store with timestamp
                                elif field in timestamp_field_set:
                                    # adhoc for field raw_gl
                                    if field == "raw_gl":
                                        content = str(float(content) * 18)
                                        field = "gl"

                                    # if field not in patient's data, initial from raw data in database
                                    if field not in data[patient_id]:
                                        data[patient_id][field] = \
                                         list() if patient_id not in raw_data or field not in raw_data[patient_id] \
                                             else raw_data[patient_id][field]

                                    # append the content with timestamp
                                        [content, timestamp])
                                # if the field needs to combine to another field
                                elif field in combine_field_set:
                                    combine_field = combine_field_set[field]
                                    if combine_field not in row_combine_field:
                                        row_combine_field[combine_field] = 0
                                    row_combine_field[combine_field] += float(
                                # for the common field, store in list style
                                    # if field not in patient's data, initial from raw data in database
                                    if field not in data[patient_id]:
                                        data[patient_id][field] = \
                                         list() if patient_id not in raw_data or field not in raw_data[patient_id] \
                                             else raw_data[patient_id][field]

                            # ASSUMPTION: the combine field is the common field (not status or store with timestamp)
                            for field in row_combine_field:
                                if field not in data[patient_id]:
                                    data[patient_id][field] = list()

                        # update the progress bar

        # insert the preprocessed data to the database
        print("start to insert data to:", dataset_name)
        start = time.clock()
        for patient_id in data:
            for field in data[patient_id]:
                # update the field in the database
                update_data(dataset, {"patient_id": patient_id},
                            {'$set': {
                                field: data[patient_id][field]
        print("use time to insert:", time.clock() - start)
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, options):
     self.reader = Reader(options.data_dir, options.data_augment)
     self.options = options