Esempio n. 1
    def similar_check(cls, nodeA, nodeB):
        if nodeA.tag != nodeB.tag:
            return False
        #compare distinct nodes
        dnodesA = ElementHelper.get_children(nodeA)
        dnodesB = ElementHelper.get_children(nodeB)

        #dA is node_levels_mapping, rA is level_nodes_mapping
        dA, dB, rA, rB = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for node in dnodesA:
            #ignore <a> tag as distinct tag
            if node.tag == 'a': continue

            dA.setdefault(node.tag, []).append(int(node.get(px)))
            rA.setdefault(int(node.get(px)), []).append(node.tag)
        for node in dnodesB:
            if node.tag == 'a': continue

            dB.setdefault(node.tag, []).append(int(node.get(px)))
            rB.setdefault(int(node.get(px)), []).append(node.tag)

        if abs(len(dA)-len(dB))>1 or abs(len(rA)-len(rB))>1:
            return False

        #check distinct tag is same?
        for tag in dA:
            if tag not in ('em', 'b', 'br','i', 'font') and tag not in dB:
                return False

        sumA = sum([len(StringHelper.unique(rA[A])) for A in rA])
        sumB = sum([len(StringHelper.unique(rB[B])) for B in rB])
        if abs(sumA-sumB)>1:
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 2
    def similar_check(cls, nodeA, nodeB):
        if nodeA.tag != nodeB.tag:
            return False
        #compare distinct nodes
        dnodesA = ElementHelper.get_children(nodeA)
        dnodesB = ElementHelper.get_children(nodeB)

        #dA is node_levels_mapping, rA is level_nodes_mapping
        dA, dB, rA, rB = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for node in dnodesA:
            #ignore <a> tag as distinct tag
            if node.tag == 'a': continue

            dA.setdefault(node.tag, []).append(int(node.get(px)))
            rA.setdefault(int(node.get(px)), []).append(node.tag)
        for node in dnodesB:
            if node.tag == 'a': continue

            dB.setdefault(node.tag, []).append(int(node.get(px)))
            rB.setdefault(int(node.get(px)), []).append(node.tag)

        if abs(len(dA)-len(dB))>1 or abs(len(rA)-len(rB))>1:
            return False

        #check distinct tag is same?
        for tag in dA:
            if tag not in ('em', 'b', 'br','i', 'font') and tag not in dB:
                return False

        sumA = sum([len(StringHelper.unique(rA[A])) for A in rA])
        sumB = sum([len(StringHelper.unique(rB[B])) for B in rB])
        if abs(sumA-sumB)>1:
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 3
def split_words(content):
    content = StringHelper.chinese_segment(content)
    content = content.lower()
    content = content.split()
    import string
    punctuation = [unicode(p) for p in string.punctuation]
    chinese_punctuation = u',?、。“”《》!,:;?><@#$%︿&*+~|[]{}-'
    chinese_punctuation = StringHelper.chinese_segment(chinese_punctuation).split()

    content=[c for c in content if c not in punctuation]
    return content
Esempio n. 4
def split_words(content):
    content = StringHelper.chinese_segment(content)
    content = content.lower()
    content = content.split()
    import string
    punctuation = [unicode(p) for p in string.punctuation]
    chinese_punctuation = u',?、。“”《》!,:;?><@#$%︿&*+~|[]{}-'
    chinese_punctuation = StringHelper.chinese_segment(chinese_punctuation).split()

    content=[c for c in content if c not in punctuation]
    return content
Esempio n. 5
    def find_first_sibling_record_node(cls, element, doctree):
        parent = element.getparent()
        if len(parent)<2:
            return element

        element_xpath = ElementHelper.get_xpath_by_element(element, doctree)
        # print 'xpath: %s' %element_xpath
        element_last_index = StringHelper.get_digits(element_xpath.split('/')[-1])

        if element_last_index < 2:
            return element

        index = element_last_index - 2
        # print 'parent length:%d' %len(parent)
        while index >= 0:
            # print index
            if parent[index].get(kg_record_mark) == '1':
                index -= 1
        return parent[index+1]
Esempio n. 6
    def find_first_sibling_record_node(cls, element, doctree):
        parent = element.getparent()
        if len(parent)<2:
            return element

        element_xpath = ElementHelper.get_xpath_by_element(element, doctree)
        # print 'xpath: %s' %element_xpath
        element_last_index = StringHelper.get_digits(element_xpath.split('/')[-1])

        if element_last_index < 2:
            return element

        index = element_last_index - 2
        # print 'parent length:%d' %len(parent)
        while index >= 0:
            # print index
            if parent[index].get(kg_record_mark) == '1':
                index -= 1
        return parent[index+1]
Esempio n. 7
    def is_node_or_children_record(cls, element):
        children = ElementHelper.get_children(element)

        marks = [child.get(kg_record_mark) for child in children]
        unique_marks = StringHelper.unique(marks)
        if len(unique_marks)==2:
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 8
    def is_node_or_children_record(cls, element):
        children = ElementHelper.get_children(element)

        marks = [child.get(kg_record_mark) for child in children]
        unique_marks = StringHelper.unique(marks)
        if len(unique_marks)==2:
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 9
def is_cluster_contain_user_comments(cluster):
    """ identify whether element or its children contain comment content, only consider <a> tag
    1.each node in cluster, at least has 3 children
    2.there is at least one <a> tag has same text
    # can not identify
    if len(cluster) < 2: return False

    text_number_mapping = {}

    #at least have three children contain text
    for node in cluster:
        children = ElementHelper.get_children(node)
        link_nodes_contain_text = [n for n in children if is_link_node_with_text(n)]
        non_link_nodes_contain_text = [n for n in children if is_none_link_node_with_text(n)]

        if len(link_nodes_contain_text)<3: return False
        if len(non_link_nodes_contain_text)<2: return False

        for n in link_nodes_contain_text:
            text = ElementHelper.element_text_content(n)
            if text in text_number_mapping:
                text_number_mapping[text] += 1
                text_number_mapping[text] = 1
    tmp = copy.deepcopy(text_number_mapping)
    for text in tmp:
        if len(text)==0 or StringHelper.is_digits(text) :
            del text_number_mapping[text]

    text_number = text_number_mapping.values()

    # FOR TEST
    # for text, number in node_text_mapping.items():
    #     print text,':', number

    text_number_counter = collections.Counter(text_number).most_common()

    for number, counter in text_number_counter:
        if number > 1 and number==len(cluster) and counter>=2: #ToDo 2016/03/08  old:counter>=2 --> new:counter>=1
            print 'find comment!'
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 10
def is_cluster_contain_user_comments(cluster):
    """ identify whether element or its children contain comment content, only consider <a> tag
    1.each node in cluster, at least has 3 children
    2.there is at least one <a> tag has same text
    # can not identify
    if len(cluster) < 2: return False

    text_number_mapping = {}

    #at least have three children contain text
    for node in cluster:
        children = ElementHelper.get_children(node)
        link_nodes_contain_text = [n for n in children if is_link_node_with_text(n)]
        non_link_nodes_contain_text = [n for n in children if is_none_link_node_with_text(n)]

        if len(link_nodes_contain_text)<3: return False
        if len(non_link_nodes_contain_text)<2: return False

        for n in link_nodes_contain_text:
            text = ElementHelper.element_text_content(n)
            if text in text_number_mapping:
                text_number_mapping[text] += 1
                text_number_mapping[text] = 1
    tmp = copy.deepcopy(text_number_mapping)
    for text in tmp:
        if len(text)==0 or StringHelper.is_digits(text) :
            del text_number_mapping[text]

    text_number = text_number_mapping.values()

    # FOR TEST
    # for text, number in node_text_mapping.items():
    #     print text,':', number

    text_number_counter = collections.Counter(text_number).most_common()

    for number, counter in text_number_counter:
        if number > 1 and number==len(cluster) and counter>=2: #ToDo 2016/03/08  old:counter>=2 --> new:counter>=1
            print 'find comment!'
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 11
def ComputeDensitySum(element, ratio):
    density_sum, char_num_sum = 0.0, 0
    _from, index, length = 0, 0, 0

    content = ElementHelper.element_text_content(element)
    if ElementHelper.is_element_has_child(element):
        for child in element:
            ComputeDensitySum(child, ratio)
        for child in element:
            density_sum += float(child.attrib.get(kg_text_density))
            char_num_sum += long(child.attrib.get(kg_char_num))

            #text before tag
            child_content = ElementHelper.element_text_content(child)
            index = -1
            if child_content != '':
                index = StringHelper.index_of(content, child_content, _from)

            if index > -1:
                length = index - _from
                if length > 0:
                        tmp = length * qLn(1.0 * length) / qLn(
                            qLn(ratio * length + qExp(1.0)))  #此处的计算结果都为0
                        density_sum += tmp
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                _from = index + len(child_content)

        #text after tag
        length = len(ElementHelper.element_text_content(element)) - _from
        if length > 0:
                density_sum += length * qLn(1.0 * length) / qLn(
                    qLn(ratio * length + qExp(1.0)))
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        density_sum = float(element.attrib.get(kg_text_density))

    d2s_density_sum = str(density_sum)
    element.set(kg_density_sum, d2s_density_sum)
Esempio n. 12
    def find_first_sibling_record_node(cls, element, doctree):
        parent = element.getparent()
        if len(parent)<2:
            return element

        element_xpath = ElementHelper.get_xpath_by_element(element, doctree)
        # print 'xpath: %s' %element_xpath
        element_last_index = StringHelper.get_digits(element_xpath.split('/')[-1])

        if element_last_index < 2:
            return element

        index = element_last_index - 2
        # print 'parent length:%d' %len(parent)
        while index >= 0:
            # print index
            if parent[index].get(kg_record_mark) == '1':
                index -= 1
        return parent[index+1]
Esempio n. 13
def ComputeDensitySum(element, ratio):
    density_sum, char_num_sum  = 0.0, 0
    _from, index, length = 0, 0, 0

    content = ElementHelper.element_text_content(element)
    if ElementHelper.is_element_has_child(element):
        for child in element:
            ComputeDensitySum(child, ratio)
        for child in element:
            density_sum += float(child.attrib.get(kg_text_density))
            char_num_sum += long(child.attrib.get(kg_char_num))

            #text before tag
            child_content = ElementHelper.element_text_content(child)
            index = -1
            if child_content != '':
                index = StringHelper.index_of(content, child_content, _from)

            if index > -1:
                length = index - _from
                if length > 0:
                        tmp = length * qLn(1.0 * length) / qLn(qLn(ratio * length + qExp(1.0))) #此处的计算结果都为0
                        density_sum += tmp
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                _from = index + len(child_content)

        #text after tag
        length = len(ElementHelper.element_text_content(element)) - _from
        if length>0:
                density_sum += length * qLn(1.0 * length) / qLn(qLn(ratio * length + qExp(1.0)))
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        density_sum = float(element.attrib.get(kg_text_density))

    d2s_density_sum  = str(density_sum)
    element.set(kg_density_sum, d2s_density_sum)
Esempio n. 14
def replaceAll(pattern, src, tar):
    return StringHelper.replaceAll(pattern, src, tar)
Esempio n. 15
def normalize_word(content):
    return StringHelper.normalize_word(content)
Esempio n. 16
def replaceAll(pattern, src, tar):
    return StringHelper.replaceAll(pattern, src, tar)
Esempio n. 17
def normalize_word(content):
    return StringHelper.normalize_word(content)