Esempio n. 1
    def testNewDifficultyMatch(self):
        prevBlockHash = 0x000000000000000005d1e9e192a43a19e2fbd933ffb27df2623187ad5ce10adc
        startBlock = 342720
        self.c.setInitialParent(prevBlockHash, startBlock-1, 1)  # start at 0, for difficultyAdjustment tests otherwise getBlockHash out of bounds

        count = 2016
        with open("test/headers/blockchain_headers") as f:
   * startBlock)
            bhBytes = * count)
            assert self.c.bulkStoreHeader(bhBytes, count) == startBlock-1+count

        assert self.c.getLastBlockHeight() == startBlock-1+count
        assert self.c.getChainWork() == count*44455415962 + 1  # score starts at 1

        # adding a low difficulty block should fail since bits!=newBits
        version = 2
        hashMerkleRoot = 0 # doesn't matter
        time = 1424648937  # same as real block 344736
        nonce = 0
        hashPrevBlock = 0x00000000000000000f9e30784bd647e91f6923263a674c9c5c18084fe79a41f8  # block 344735
        bhBytes = getHeaderBytes(version, hashPrevBlock, hashMerkleRoot, time, bits, nonce)
        blockHash = dblSha256Flip(bhBytes)
        assert blockHash == 0x0016127022e6debe87071eb0091918d2fccbcef0d46a046bcaf71309b0528044
        assert self.c.getBlockchainHead() == hashPrevBlock

        eventArr = []
        self.s.block.log_listeners.append(lambda x: eventArr.append(self.c._translator.listen(x)))

        assert self.c.storeBlockHeader(bhBytes) == 0
        assert eventArr == [{'_event_type': 'StoreHeader',
            'blockHash': blockHash,
            'returnCode': self.ERR_RETARGET

        # add the real block
        version = 2
        hashMerkleRoot = 0x734c8b7ea7767005409c23a4b907d07329dadc4bac573b2c809f642eec4de26b
        time = 1424648937
        bits = 404196666
        nonce = 550403378
        hashPrevBlock = 0x00000000000000000f9e30784bd647e91f6923263a674c9c5c18084fe79a41f8  # block 344735
        bhBytes = getHeaderBytes(version, hashPrevBlock, hashMerkleRoot, time, bits, nonce)
        assert dblSha256Flip(bhBytes) == 0x00000000000000001097f043cca218169e00623c9962b25a0b159eaca2d8ca25
        assert self.c.getBlockchainHead() == hashPrevBlock
        assert self.c.storeBlockHeader(bhBytes) == startBlock-1+count + 1
        assert count + 1 == 2017
Esempio n. 2
    def testDifficultyShouldBeSame(self):
        prevBlockHash = 0x000000000000000005d1e9e192a43a19e2fbd933ffb27df2623187ad5ce10adc
        startBlock = 342720
        self.c.setInitialParent(prevBlockHash, startBlock-1, 1)

        count = 3
        with open("test/headers/blockchain_headers") as f:
   * startBlock)
            bhBytes = * count)
            assert self.c.bulkStoreHeader(bhBytes, count) == startBlock-1+count

        assert self.c.getLastBlockHeight() == startBlock-1+count
        assert self.c.getChainWork() == count*44455415962 + 1  # score starts at 1

        # adding a low difficulty block should fail since bits!=prevBits
        version = 1
        hashMerkleRoot = 0 # doesn't matter
        time = 1423499049  # same as real block 342723
        nonce = 0
        hashPrevBlock = 0x000000000000000004db26747ccd2feb6341c18282a33e2c5d8eb84a1b12d951  # block 342722
        bhBytes = getHeaderBytes(version, hashPrevBlock, hashMerkleRoot, time, bits, nonce)
        blockHash = dblSha256Flip(bhBytes)
        assert blockHash == 0x2afa6cec2435698406ff2138ae6162469857524c7849970e5bb82039e90a099b

        eventArr = []
        self.s.block.log_listeners.append(lambda x: eventArr.append(self.c._translator.listen(x)))

        assert self.c.storeBlockHeader(bhBytes) == 0
        assert eventArr == [{'_event_type': 'StoreHeader',
            'blockHash': blockHash,
            'returnCode': self.ERR_DIFFICULTY
Esempio n. 3
    def testVerifyFailAfterReorg(self):
        block100kPrev = 0x000000000002d01c1fccc21636b607dfd930d31d01c3a62104612a1719011250
        self.c.setInitialParent(block100kPrev, 99999, 1)

        # tx for verification: values are from block 100K
        tx = 0x8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87
        txIndex = 0
        sibling = [None] * 2
        sibling[0] = 0xfff2525b8931402dd09222c50775608f75787bd2b87e56995a7bdd30f79702c4
        sibling[1] = 0x8e30899078ca1813be036a073bbf80b86cdddde1c96e9e9c99e9e3782df4ae49

        # insert (easy) blocks
        # using script/ these are the next 7 blocks
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 11bb7c5555b8eab7801b1c4384efcab0d869230fcf4a8f043abad255c99105f8
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 178930a916fa91dd29b2716387b7e024a6b3b2d2efa86bc45c86be223b07a4e5
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 7b3c348edbb3645b34b30259105a941890e95e0ecc0a1c243ff48260d746e456
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 02c67135bd91986f9aaf3f0818baab439202fe5c34400c2c10bff6cd1336d436
        # nonce: 1 blockhash: 6e60065cc981914c23897143c75f0cde6e456df65f23afd41ddc6e6ce86b2b63
        # nonce: 1 blockhash: 38a052cdf4ef0fddf2de88e687163db7f39cb8de738fa9f5e871a72fc74c57c1
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 2b80a2f4b68e9ebfd4975f5f14a340501d24c3adf041ad9be4cd2576e827328c
        version = 1
        # real merkle of block100k
        hashMerkleRoot = 0xf3e94742aca4b5ef85488dc37c06c3282295ffec960994b2c0d5ac2a25a95766
        time = 1293623863  # from block100k
        nonce = 1
        hashPrevBlock = block100kPrev
        for i in range(7):
            nonce = 1 if (i in [4,5]) else 0
            blockHeaderBytes = getHeaderBytes(version, hashPrevBlock, hashMerkleRoot, time, bits, nonce)
            res = self.c.storeBlockHeader(blockHeaderBytes)
            hashPrevBlock = dblSha256Flip(blockHeaderBytes)
            assert res == i+100000

        # testingonlySetHeaviest is needed because the difficulty from
        # REGTEST_EASIEST_DIFFICULTY becomes 0 and so the score does not
        # increase, meaning that heaviesBlock also does not change

        firstEasyBlock = 0x11bb7c5555b8eab7801b1c4384efcab0d869230fcf4a8f043abad255c99105f8
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, firstEasyBlock)
        assert res == 1

        # reorg: add headers with more PoW (difficulty)
        # add headers one by one and tx should only be verified when the
        # last header is added, ie tx has enough confirmations
        headers = [
        blockHeaderBytes = map(lambda x: x.decode('hex'), headers)
        block100k = 0x000000000003ba27aa200b1cecaad478d2b00432346c3f1f3986da1afd33e506
        for i in range(7):
            res = self.c.storeBlockHeader(blockHeaderBytes[i])
            assert res == i+100000

            # firstEasyBlock should no longer verify since it is no longer on the main chain
            res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, firstEasyBlock)
            assert res == self.ERR_CHAIN

            # block100k should only verify when it has enough confirmations
            res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, block100k)
            exp = 1 if i==6 else self.ERR_CONFIRMATIONS
            assert res == exp
Esempio n. 4
    def testHeadersFrom100K(self):
        block100kPrev = 0x000000000002d01c1fccc21636b607dfd930d31d01c3a62104612a1719011250
        self.c.setInitialParent(block100kPrev, 99999, 1)

        headers = [
        blockHeaderBytes = map(lambda x: x.decode('hex'), headers)
        for i in range(7):
            res = self.c.storeBlockHeader(blockHeaderBytes[i])
            # print('@@@@ real chain score: ' + str(self.c.getChainWork()))
            assert res == i+100000

        chainWork = self.c.getChainWork()

        # block hashes
        b0 = 0x000000000003ba27aa200b1cecaad478d2b00432346c3f1f3986da1afd33e506
        b1 = 0x00000000000080b66c911bd5ba14a74260057311eaeb1982802f7010f1a9f090 # block #100001
        b2 = 0x0000000000013b8ab2cd513b0261a14096412195a72a0c4827d229dcc7e0f7af
        b3 = 0x000000000002a0a74129007b1481d498d0ff29725e9f403837d517683abac5e1
        b4 = 0x000000000000b0b8b4e8105d62300d63c8ec1a1df0af1c2cdbd943b156a8cd79
        b5 = 0x000000000000dab0130bbcc991d3d7ae6b81aa6f50a798888dfe62337458dc45
        b6 = 0x0000000000009b958a82c10804bd667722799cc3b457bc061cd4b7779110cd60

        # values are from block 100K
        tx = 0x8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87
        txIndex = 0
        sibling = [None] * 2
        sibling[0] = 0xfff2525b8931402dd09222c50775608f75787bd2b87e56995a7bdd30f79702c4
        sibling[1] = 0x8e30899078ca1813be036a073bbf80b86cdddde1c96e9e9c99e9e3782df4ae49

        txBlockHash = 0xdead
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, txBlockHash)
        assert res == self.ERR_CHAIN

        # b1 is within6confirms so should NOT verify
        # TODO use proper tx, txIndex, sibling.  Should also test that
        # when another header is added, the tx does verify
        txBlockHash = b1
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, txBlockHash)
        assert res == self.ERR_CONFIRMATIONS

        # verifyTx should only return 1 for b0
        txBlockHash = b0
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, txBlockHash)
        assert res == 1

        assert b6 == self.c.getBlockchainHead()

        # insert (fake) blocks that will not be on main chain
        # using script/ (commit 3908709) these are the next 7 blocks
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 11bb7c5555b8eab7801b1c4384efcab0d869230fcf4a8f043abad255c99105f8
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 178930a916fa91dd29b2716387b7e024a6b3b2d2efa86bc45c86be223b07a4e5
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 7b3c348edbb3645b34b30259105a941890e95e0ecc0a1c243ff48260d746e456
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 02c67135bd91986f9aaf3f0818baab439202fe5c34400c2c10bff6cd1336d436
        # nonce: 1 blockhash: 6e60065cc981914c23897143c75f0cde6e456df65f23afd41ddc6e6ce86b2b63
        # nonce: 1 blockhash: 38a052cdf4ef0fddf2de88e687163db7f39cb8de738fa9f5e871a72fc74c57c1
        # nonce: 0 blockhash: 2b80a2f4b68e9ebfd4975f5f14a340501d24c3adf041ad9be4cd2576e827328c

        # Difficulty 1, the minimum allowed difficulty, is represented on
        # mainnet and the current testnet by the nBits value 0x1d00ffff.
        # Regtest mode uses a different difficulty 1 value of 0x207fffff,
        # the highest possible value below uint32_max which can be encoded;
        # this allows near-instant building of blocks in regtest mode.
        version = 1
        # real merkle of block100k
        hashMerkleRoot = 0xf3e94742aca4b5ef85488dc37c06c3282295ffec960994b2c0d5ac2a25a95766
        time = 1293623863  # from block100k
        nonce = 1
        hashPrevBlock = block100kPrev
        for i in range(7):
            nonce = 1 if (i in [4,5]) else 0
            blockHeaderBytes = getHeaderBytes(version, hashPrevBlock, hashMerkleRoot, time, bits, nonce)
            res = self.c.storeBlockHeader(blockHeaderBytes)
            hashPrevBlock = dblSha256Flip(blockHeaderBytes)

            # print('@@@@ fake chain score: ' + str(self.c.getChainWork()))
            assert res == i+100000  # fake blocks are stored since there is possibility they can become the main chain

        assert self.c.getChainWork() == chainWork  # chainWork should not change
        assert b6 == self.c.getBlockchainHead()

        # forked block should NOT verify
        txBlockHash = 0x11bb7c5555b8eab7801b1c4384efcab0d869230fcf4a8f043abad255c99105f8
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, txBlockHash)
        assert res == self.ERR_CHAIN

        # b0 should still verify
        txBlockHash = b0
        res = self.c.helperVerifyHash__(tx, txIndex, sibling, txBlockHash)
        assert res == 1