def main(scene_idx=0, point_a=0):

	#scene_idx = 1

	## necessary constants
	mapper_scene2points = get_mapper_scene2points()
	num_episodes = 200000
	batch_size = 64
	lambda_action = 0.25
	action_table = buildActionMapper(flag_fewer_actions=True)
	seq_len = 50

	Train_Scenes, Test_Scenes = get_train_test_scenes()

	if mode == 'Test':
		scene_name = Test_Scenes[scene_idx]
	elif mode == 'Train':
		scene_name = Train_Scenes[scene_idx]

	num_startPoints = len(mapper_scene2points[scene_name])
	model_weights_save_path = '{}/{}'.format('/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/vs_controller/trained_dqn', approach)
	action_space = action_table.shape[0]

	## rrt functions
	## first figure out how to sample points from rrt graph
	rrt_directory = '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/gibson/assets/dataset/{}_for_rrt'.format(scene_name)
	path_finder = rrt.PathFinder(rrt_directory)
	num_nodes = len(path_finder.nodes_x)
	free = cv2.imread('/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/gibson/assets/dataset/{}_for_rrt/free.png'.format(scene_name), 0)

	## setup environment
	import gym, logging
	from mpi4py import MPI
	from gibson.envs.husky_env import HuskyNavigateEnv
	from baselines import logger
	from transforms3d.euler import euler2quat
	config_file = os.path.join('/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/CVPR_workshop', 'env_yamls', '{}_navigate.yaml'.format(scene_name))
	env = HuskyNavigateEnv(config=config_file, gpu_count = 1)
	obs = env.reset() ## this line is important otherwise there will be an error like 'AttributeError: 'HuskyNavigateEnv' object has no attribute 'potential''
	mapper_scene2z = get_mapper()

	def get_obs(current_pose):
		pos, orn = func_pose2posAndorn(current_pose, mapper_scene2z[scene_name])
		env.robot.reset_new_pose(pos, orn)
		obs, _, _, _ = env.step(4)
		obs_rgb = obs['rgb_filled']
		obs_depth = obs['depth']
		#obs_normal = obs['normal']
		return obs_rgb, obs_depth#, obs_normal

	def close_to_goal(pose1, pose2, thresh=0.20):
		L2_dist = math.sqrt((pose1[0] - pose2[0])**2 + (pose1[1] - pose2[1])**2)
		thresh_L2_dist = thresh
		theta_change = abs(pose1[2] - pose2[2])/math.pi * 180
		return (L2_dist <= thresh_L2_dist) #and (theta_change <= 30)

	if mode == 'Test':
		base_folder = '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/visual_servoing/sample_image_pairs_{}'.format('test')
	elif mode == 'Train':
		base_folder = '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/visual_servoing/sample_image_pairs_{}'.format('train')

	import torch
	import torch.nn as nn
	import torch.nn.functional as F

	device = torch.device('cuda:0')     ## Default CUDA device
	num_epochs = 200000 ## same as # of trajs sampled
	num_actions = action_table.shape[0]
	if input_type == 'both':
		perception = Perception_overlap(4).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'siamese':
		perception = Perception_siamese(4).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow':
		perception = Perception_overlap(2).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth':
		perception = Perception_overlap(3).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_normalized':
		perception = Perception_overlap(3).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_unnormalized_mask':
		perception = Perception_overlap(3).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_siamese':
		perception = Perception_siamese_fusion_new(3).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_memory':
		perception = Preception_overlap_resnet(4).to(device)
		perception = Perception_overlap(2).to(device)
	if input_type == 'siamese':
		model = DQN_OVERLAP_Controller(perception, num_actions, input_size=512).to(device)
	elif input_type == 'optical_flow_memory':
		model = DQN_OVERLAP_RESNET_Controller(perception, num_actions, input_size=512).to(device)
		model = DQN_OVERLAP_Controller(perception, num_actions, input_size=256).to(device)
	model.load_state_dict(torch.load('{}/dqn_epoch_{}'.format(model_weights_save_path, num_epochs)))

	list_succ = []
	list_collision = []
	## go through each point folder
	if mode == 'Test':
		a, b = 0, 1
	elif mode == 'Train':
		a, b = 7, 8
		#a, b = 0, 1
	#for point_idx in range(0, num_startPoints):
	#for point_idx in range(a, b):
	for point_idx in range(point_a, point_a+1):
		print('point_idx = {}'.format(point_idx))

		task_folder = '{}/{}/point_{}'.format('/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/vs_controller/for_video', scene_name, point_idx)

		## read in start img and start pose
		point_image_folder = '{}/{}/point_{}'.format(base_folder, scene_name, point_idx)
		point_pose_npy_file = np.load('{}/{}/point_{}_poses.npy'.format(base_folder, scene_name, point_idx))

		#start_img = cv2.imread('{}/{}.png'.format(point_image_folder, point_pose_npy_file[0]['img_name']))[:, :, ::-1]
		start_pose = point_pose_npy_file[0]['pose']
		start_img, start_depth = get_obs(start_pose)
		start_depth = start_depth.copy()

		count_succ = 0
		count_collision = 0
		count_short_runs = 0
		count_short_runs_collision = 0
		count_short_runs_succ = 0
		## index 0 is the left image, so right_img_idx starts from index 1
		#for right_img_idx in range(1, len(point_pose_npy_file)):
		for right_img_idx in range(1, 101):
			print('right_img_idx = {}'.format(right_img_idx))

			run_folder = '{}/run_{}'.format(task_folder, right_img_idx)

			current_pose = start_pose
			right_img_name = point_pose_npy_file[right_img_idx]['img_name']
			goal_pose = point_pose_npy_file[right_img_idx]['pose']
			#goal_img = cv2.imread('{}/{}.png'.format(point_image_folder, right_img_name), 1)[:,:,::-1]
			goal_img, goal_depth = get_obs(goal_pose)
			goal_depth = goal_depth.copy()

			current_depth = start_depth.copy()

			episode_reward = 0

			flag_succ = False

			poses_list = []

			for i_step in range(seq_len):
				if input_type == 'both' or input_type == 'siamese':
					overlapArea_currentView = genOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					overlapArea_goalView = genOverlapAreaOnGoalView(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					overlapArea = np.concatenate((overlapArea_currentView, overlapArea_goalView), axis=2)
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow':
					overlapArea = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMap(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					overlapArea = removeCorrespondenceRandomly(overlapArea, keep_prob=1.0)
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth':
					opticalFlow = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMap(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					overlapArea = np.concatenate((opticalFlow, current_depth), axis=2)
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_normalized':
					opticalFlow = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMap(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					normalized_opticalFlow = normalize_opticalFlow(opticalFlow)
					normalized_depth = normalize_depth(current_depth)
					#normalized_depth = np.ones((256, 256, 1), np.float32)
					overlapArea = np.concatenate((normalized_opticalFlow, normalized_depth), axis=2)
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_unnormalized_mask':
					opticalFlow, mask_flow = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMapAndMask(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)
					opticalFlow = opticalFlow[:, :, :2]
					normalized_depth = current_depth * mask_flow
					#normalized_opticalFlow = normalize_opticalFlow(opticalFlow)
					normalized_depth = normalize_depth(normalized_depth)
					overlapArea = np.concatenate((opticalFlow, normalized_depth), axis=2)	
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow_depth_siamese':
					opticalFlow = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMap(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					normalized_depth = normalize_depth(current_depth)
					#normalized_depth = np.ones((256, 256, 1), np.float32)
					overlapArea = np.concatenate((opticalFlow, normalized_depth), axis=2)
					#print('overlapArea.shape = {}'.format(overlapArea.shape))
				elif input_type == 'optical_flow_memory':
					opticalFlow = genGtDenseCorrespondenseFlowMap(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
					if i_step == 0:
						overlapArea = np.concatenate((opticalFlow, opticalFlow), axis=2)
						overlapArea = np.concatenate((old_opticalFlow, opticalFlow), axis=2)
					overlapArea = genOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(current_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]

				tensor_left = torch.tensor(overlapArea, dtype=torch.float32).to(device).unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
				Qvalue_table = model(tensor_left)
				pred = Qvalue_table.max(1)[1].view(1, 1).detach().cpu().numpy().item() ## batch_size x 3
				#print('Qvalue_table: {}'.format(Qvalue_table))
				#print('pred = {}'.format(pred))
				## update current_pose
				vz, omegay = action_table[pred]
				#print('vz = {:.2f}, omegay = {:.2f}'.format(vz, omegay))
				vx = 0.0
				vx = vx * lambda_action
				vz = vz * lambda_action
				omegay = omegay * pi * lambda_action
				#print('actual velocity = {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}'.format(vx, vz, omegay))
				previous_pose = current_pose
				current_pose = update_current_pose(current_pose, vx, vz, omegay)

				flag_broken = False
				left_pixel = path_finder.point_to_pixel((previous_pose[0], previous_pose[1]))
				right_pixel = path_finder.point_to_pixel((current_pose[0], current_pose[1]))
				## rrt.line_check returns True when there is no obstacle
				if not rrt.line_check(left_pixel, right_pixel, free):
					print('run into something')
					flag_broken = True

				if close_to_goal(current_pose, goal_pose):
					print('success run')
					flag_succ = True

				## compute new_state
				current_img, current_depth = get_obs(current_pose)
				current_depth = current_depth.copy()
				#old_opticalFlow = opticalFlow.copy()'{}/{}_waypoint_pose_list.npy'.format(run_folder, right_img_name[10:]), poses_list)
			#assert 1==2

			if flag_succ:
				count_succ += 1
				if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
					count_short_runs_succ += 1
			if flag_broken:
				count_collision += 1
				if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
					count_short_runs_collision += 1
			if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
				count_short_runs += 1

			print('count_succ = {}'.format(count_succ))
			print('count_collision = {}'.format(count_collision))
			print('count_short_runs_succ = {}'.format(count_short_runs_succ))
			print('count_short_runs_collision = {}'.format(count_short_runs_collision))

		print('num_succ = {}, num_run = {}, count_short_runs_succ = {}, count_short_runs = {}'.format(count_succ, len(point_pose_npy_file), count_short_runs_succ, count_short_runs))
                flag_broken = True

            if close_to_goal(current_pose, goal_pose):
                print('success run')
                flag_succ = True

            ## compute new_state
            current_img, current_depth = get_obs(current_pose)
            current_depth = current_depth.copy()

        if flag_succ:
            count_succ += 1
            if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
                count_short_runs_succ += 1
        if flag_broken:
            count_collision += 1
            if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
                count_short_runs_collision += 1
        if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
            count_short_runs += 1

        print('count_succ = {}'.format(count_succ))
        print('count_collision = {}'.format(count_collision))
        print('count_short_runs_succ = {}'.format(count_short_runs_succ))
        print('count_short_runs_collision = {}'.format(
Esempio n. 3
def main(scene_idx=0, actual_episodes=1):

    #scene_idx = 0

    Train_Scenes, Test_Scenes = get_train_test_scenes()
    scene_name = Train_Scenes[scene_idx]
    num_startPoints = len(mapper_scene2points[scene_name])
    model_weights_save_path = '{}'.format(
    action_space = action_table.shape[0]

    ## rrt functions
    ## first figure out how to sample points from rrt graph
    rrt_directory = '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/gibson/assets/dataset/{}_for_rrt'.format(
    path_finder = rrt.PathFinder(rrt_directory)
    num_nodes = len(path_finder.nodes_x)
    free = cv2.imread(
        .format(scene_name), 0)

    ## setup environment
    import gym, logging
    from mpi4py import MPI
    from gibson.envs.husky_env import HuskyNavigateEnv
    from baselines import logger
    from transforms3d.euler import euler2quat
    config_file = os.path.join(
        '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/CVPR_workshop', 'env_yamls',
    env = HuskyNavigateEnv(config=config_file, gpu_count=1)
    obs = env.reset(
    )  ## this line is important otherwise there will be an error like 'AttributeError: 'HuskyNavigateEnv' object has no attribute 'potential''
    mapper_scene2z = get_mapper()

    def get_obs(current_pose):
        pos, orn = func_pose2posAndorn(current_pose,
        env.robot.reset_new_pose(pos, orn)
        obs, _, _, _ = env.step(4)
        obs_rgb = obs['rgb_filled']
        obs_depth = obs['depth']
        #obs_normal = obs['normal']
        return obs_rgb, obs_depth  #, obs_normal

    def close_to_goal(pose1, pose2, thresh=0.15):
        L2_dist = math.sqrt((pose1[0] - pose2[0])**2 +
                            (pose1[1] - pose2[1])**2)
        thresh_L2_dist = thresh
        theta_change = abs(pose1[2] - pose2[2]) / math.pi * 180
        return (L2_dist < thresh_L2_dist) and (theta_change <= 30)

    def compute_distance(left_pose, right_pose, lamb=0.5):
        x1, y1 = left_pose[0], left_pose[1]
        a1, b1 = cos(left_pose[2]), sin(left_pose[2])
        x2, y2 = right_pose[0], right_pose[1]
        a2, b2 = cos(right_pose[2]), sin(right_pose[2])
        x_y_dist = math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
        theta_dist = math.sqrt((a1 - a2)**2 + (b1 - b2)**2)
        return x_y_dist + lamb * theta_dist

    def decide_reward_and_done(previous_pose, current_pose, goal_pose,
        ## check if the new step is on free space or not
        reward = 0.0
        done = 0

        ## check if current_pose is closer to goal_pose than previous_pose
		L2_dist_current = math.sqrt((current_pose[0] - goal_pose[0])**2 + (current_pose[1] - goal_pose[1])**2)
		L2_dist_previous = math.sqrt((previous_pose[0] - goal_pose[0])**2 + (previous_pose[1] - goal_pose[1])**2)
		if L2_dist_current < L2_dist_previous:
			reward += 0.25
		print('L2_dist_current = {:.2f}, L2_dist_previous = {:.2f}, reward = {}'.format(L2_dist_current, L2_dist_previous, reward))

        ## following Fereshteh's DiVIs paper
        dist_init = compute_distance(start_pose, goal_pose, lamb=0.3)
        dist_current = compute_distance(current_pose, goal_pose, lamb=0.3)
        reward = max(0,
                     1 - min(dist_init, dist_current) / (dist_init + 0.0001))
        print('dist_init = {:.2f}, dist_current = {:.2f}, reward = {:.2f}'.
              format(dist_init, dist_current, reward))

        ## check if current_pose is close to goal
        ## goal reward should be larger than all the previously accumulated reward
        flag_close_to_goal = close_to_goal(current_pose, goal_pose)
        if flag_close_to_goal:
            reward = 50.0
            done = 1
            'current_pose = {}, goal_pose = {}, flag_close_to_goal = {}, reward = {}'
            .format(current_pose, goal_pose, flag_close_to_goal, reward))

        #collision_done = 0
        ## if there is a collision, reward is -1 and the episode is done
        left_pixel = path_finder.point_to_pixel(
            (previous_pose[0], previous_pose[1]))
        right_pixel = path_finder.point_to_pixel(
            (current_pose[0], current_pose[1]))
        ## rrt.line_check returns True when there is no obstacle
        if not rrt.line_check(left_pixel, right_pixel, free):
            print('bumped into obstacle ....')
            reward = 0.0
            #collision_done = 1
            done = 1
        print('final reward = {}'.format(reward))

        return reward, done, 0  #, collision_done

    base_folder = '/home/reza/Datasets/GibsonEnv/my_code/visual_servoing/sample_image_pairs_{}'.format(

    #agent = DQN_vs_overlap(trained_model_path=None, num_actions=action_space, input_channels=2)
    agent = DQN_vs_overlap(trained_model_path=model_weights_save_path,

    rewards = []
    avg_rewards = []

    for i_epoch in range(actual_episodes):
        ## go through each point folder
        for point_idx in range(0, num_startPoints):
            #for point_idx in range(0, 1):
            print('point_idx = {}'.format(point_idx))

            ## read in start img and start pose
            point_image_folder = '{}/{}/point_{}'.format(
                base_folder, scene_name, point_idx)
            point_pose_npy_file = np.load('{}/{}/point_{}_poses.npy'.format(
                base_folder, scene_name, point_idx))

            #start_img = cv2.imread('{}/{}.png'.format(point_image_folder, point_pose_npy_file[0]['img_name']))[:, :, ::-1]
            start_pose = point_pose_npy_file[0]['pose']
            start_img, start_depth = get_obs(start_pose)
            start_depth = start_depth.copy()

            count_right_img = 0

            ## index 0 is the left image, so right_img_idx starts from index 1
            for right_img_idx in range(1, len(point_pose_npy_file)):
                #for right_img_idx in range(3, 4):
                #print('right_img_idx = {}'.format(right_img_idx))

                current_pose = start_pose

                right_img_name = point_pose_npy_file[right_img_idx]['img_name']
                if findShortRangeImageName(right_img_name):
                    count_right_img += 1

                    goal_pose = point_pose_npy_file[right_img_idx]['pose']
                    #goal_img = cv2.imread('{}/{}.png'.format(point_image_folder, right_img_name), 1)[:,:,::-1]
                    goal_img, goal_depth = get_obs(goal_pose)
                    goal_img, goal_depth = goal_img.copy(), goal_depth.copy()

                    #overlapArea = genErrorOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(start_depth, goal_depth, start_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
                    overlapArea = genOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(
                        start_depth, goal_depth, start_pose,
                        goal_pose)[:, :, :2]
                    state = [overlapArea]

                    episode_reward = 0

                    for i_step in range(seq_len):
                        action = agent.select_action(state)
                        print('action = {}'.format(action))

                        ## update current_pose
                        vz, omegay = action_table[action]
                        print('vz = {:.2f}, omegay = {:.2f}'.format(
                            vz, omegay))
                        vx = 0.0
                        vx = vx * lambda_action
                        vz = vz * lambda_action
                        omegay = omegay * pi * lambda_action
                            'actual velocity = {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}'.format(
                                vx, vz, omegay))
                        previous_pose = current_pose
                        current_pose = update_current_pose(
                            current_pose, vx, vz, omegay)
                        ## compute new_state
                        current_img, current_depth = get_obs(current_pose)
                        next_left_img, next_left_depth = current_img.copy(
                        ), current_depth.copy()

                        #new_overlapArea = genErrorOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(next_left_depth, goal_depth, current_pose, goal_pose)[:,:,:2]
                        new_overlapArea = genOverlapAreaOnCurrentView(
                            next_left_depth, goal_depth, current_pose,
                            goal_pose)[:, :, :2]
                        new_state = [new_overlapArea]

                        ## visualize the state
						fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
						r, c, = 2, 2
						ax = fig.add_subplot(r, c, 1)
						ax = fig.add_subplot(r, c, 2)
						ax = fig.add_subplot(r, c, 3)
						start_mask = np.concatenate((new_overlapArea, np.zeros((256, 256, 1), dtype=np.uint8)), axis=2)
                        ## collision done only stops continuing the sequence, but won't affect reward computing
                        reward, done, collision_done = decide_reward_and_done(
                            previous_pose, current_pose, goal_pose, start_pose)
                        print('done = {}, collision_done = {}'.format(
                            done, collision_done))
                        if i_step == seq_len - 1:
                            print('used up all the steps ...')
                            done = 1

                        agent.memory.push(state, action, reward, new_state,

                        if len(agent.memory) > batch_size:

                        state = new_state
                        episode_reward += reward
                            '---------------- end of a action ------------------ '

                        if done or collision_done:

                        '---------------- end of a sequence ------------------ '

                        "------------------------------------epoch = {}, point = {}, traj = {}, reward: {}, average_reward: {} #_steps: {}\n"
                        .format(i_epoch, point_idx, right_img_idx,
                                np.round(episode_reward, decimals=2),
                                np.round(avg_rewards[-1], decimals=2), i_step))

                    if count_right_img % 10 == 0:

                        ## plot the running_loss
                        plt.plot(rewards, label='reward')
                        plt.plot(avg_rewards, label='avg_reward')
                        plt.legend(loc='upper right')
                        plt.title('change of reward and avg_reward')
                            model_weights_save_path, num_episodes, scene_name),

                                model_weights_save_path, scene_name))
                    print('skip right_img {}...'.format(right_img_name))